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Student Name: Date:

Purpose: To assess the Fundamental Motor Movement of DODGE.

Student Objective: To move quickly through a series of cones each placed 3 metres apart in a zigzag
Task Description: Place cones on a flat surface 3 metres apart and mark lines between the cones. Students
are to dodge as quickly as possible through the course demonstrating the skill of dodge.

Skill Ability
Attempted Needs Confident Exceptional
1. Eyes focused forward in the direction of
travel throughout the dodge
2. Change direction by pushing off outside
3. Body lowered during the change of
4. Change of direction occurs in one step
5. Dodge repeated from left to right, right to
left and so on

By the end of KINDERGARTEN, students should be able to demonstrate skills 1 and 5

_____________________________ can complete skills 1 2 3 4 5

_____________________________ is at Below / At / Above level.

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