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8G GIAO DYC VA DAO TAO KY THI TUYEN SINH LOP 10 THPT CHUYEN HALPHONG ‘Nam hge 2020-2021 DE THI MON: TIENG ANH (Chuyén) Thoi gian lam bai: 150 phat (thing ké thoi gian gigo dé) LUUY: —— - Thi sinh fama bai vio phiéu tré lin. - Dé thi gdm § trang. Tong did: 100 = Thé sinh khéng cuege sie dung bat cig tai lig. PART ONE: PHONOLOGY | Choose the wer whose undetind pati pronounced ret from ta ofthe therein each grou. pts) A. spaced 1 B. feedback C. attendee DLcommittes 2 A caniages B. whistles C. costumes, D. assures 3. A. poultry B. salmon C. shoulder 4. A onich B enlarge C. enlist §. A. crooked B. sacred C. washed, & A. danger B ransom . ancient 7. A bargain B gelatin C. fragile 8A B profess C. proverb 9. A. chauffeur B brochure . parachute 10. A. beardie B.rehearse C. hearsay [Cheng he wort woos msn ‘stress position Is. placed ead rey From tt ofthe others In each group. (5 pts) 1. A destroy involve D. comment 2 A, conquest 8 canteen ¢ be D..campaign 3. A. severe B. diverse C. fertile D. mature 4. A ovethear C. overcoat D.overact & A. CC. construction . substantial 6. A. Intellectual . geocentric D.interfarence 7. A spontaneity C. argumentative. metabolism 8. A domineering C. reconcile D. picturesque: 9. A. inoffensive disheartening, C. uncritical D. implausible 10. A archaeology B. continental ‘C. photosynthesis ——_D_ entrepreneur PART TWO: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR |. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences. (10 pts) 4. There are no problerts with Dan, He seems ____ afer in a proper way, A. a be looking have looked ——_C. to have been looked. to look 2. Imbot and sunny weather, man acciimatizes by eating less, drinking more liquids, and A. skin changes that darken 'B. experiencing a darkening ofthe skin C. his skin may darken 1D. darkening ther skin 3, Trade ___ from bad to worse and staff__ redundant now. A. hawe gone = is made 'B. has gone ~ are being made C. went = have made D. had gone — are made 4. Nany: "Would you mind posting this letter forme on the way fo the shopping mall, Betty?" Bettys “__' ‘A. No problem, Give it to me before | go, B. Yes, | post for you, (C. Nevermind. You don't have to do naw. _D.Itis very kind of you to say so. 5. og mt ee he po he oun Beaut si AD-a B.The-a CB-9 D.The-the 6. Wtisatederaltaw Vaca ble exten he trode A-forchildrenbe ——B. thatchidren wilbe —C. that children be. requires children to be 7, The campers ware asked lo throw all recyclable trash into ‘A the green big plastic bag . the big plastic bag green CC. the green plastic bag . the big green plastic bag 8, There was no one downstairs, so the woman tumed off the lights and decided thal she ____ things. ‘A.must have imagined 8. can't have imagined . should have imagined D. needn't have imagined 9, Of the two fms we watched last night, “The Avengers" is ‘A more interesting B28 interesting, C.thamere interesting D. the most interesting 10. Ifyouneed to__"_the teacher's attention, sip yourrardp. A. pull B. obtain D. attract Page! of $ "1 ultraviolet i — ight can be detected in a number of ways. A Nts being invisible B. Even though it invisible 2 - Despite invisible D. Although invisible . People tend to become less__ to new ideas as they grow older. ‘A. receptive B. available C.atiractive hospitable 13. Jfe sicestos oth ees present oats sn guarded sect ly B. deeply highly . enti 14. Exdensive forests, abundant wife, and spectacular mountan semnng teat of Glacier National Park, A scene _B. scenery C. sights O. views 15, The io smal compares gogo due to eoonomic crisis mix meet C.merge. O. ble 16, My sunbumt skin made me feel rather ort te dys ol thea, A.selfconident B. self-centred C.selfeonscious —D. 17. The git was over the ___ when she won a scholarship to study in the United States. Ashy B. sun C,moon D, planot 18, This speech needs to be set__our country nthe 1970s. A with regard to B. with a view to C. inconsideration of |. inthe 19, Daisy re rhe reese tae cher Stes nolo, Hower, fe eancedT for a better deal A sellout B shop around Cn . 20. fhelumes were soi batste wes —__forbeah names AvbearHto-beart —B. bedy and soul C.flesh and biood =D. skin and bone IL. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete each of the following sentences. (10 pts) (EXPOSE) fo direct suniight for long periogs of time is dangeroys to our skin . Alack of fertilizer had (POOR) the soil. In critical stuations, they often lose because thay play so (PROFESBIQN). ‘The referee's (PART) in the game was admirable, ‘Qurefforts to persuade her proved (FRUIT) - she accepted to come in the end! ‘Acroud of (STAND) gathered at the scene of the crash, leading ta a hold-up on the motorway. ‘You don't need to rea! the instruction manual since the use of the camera is (EXPLAIN). We (ESTIMATE) how long it would take fo get to the stadium, so we were ten minutes late for the event. }. You can't get burt with these dishes because they are (HOT), 10. Afier taking an IO test, students will be (QUALIFY) separaled into three diferent classes. Il Fil each blank with a suitable preposition or advert particle to complete each of the following sentences. (10 pts) 1. Advances technology will result more leisure time for working people. ‘Alot of young people are seen this new hairstyle, which seams to be catching , They agreed fo the policy _ the understanding that it would be _ thei benefit Peter won't do anything ‘asking his mother frst. She's really got him her thumb, Just look at these old photographs. | carte them when | was clearing ____ an ald bookcase. ‘That conservationist is going to bring__albook suid habitat next month. my point of view, the changes the education system have been to good effect. ‘anne is sorry to let you for nol allending your party tonight. but she's in bed _a cold. He was wounded the shoulder by a bullet fred __The upstairs windew. |. The stores marked ‘the products just before selling them, a discount. IV. The following passage contains 10 mistakes. Identity the mistakes and write the corrections inthe corresponding numbered boxes. Number 0 Is an example, (10 pts) 0. Line f:number—» amount LINE RAIN MAKING When it rains, it doesnt always pour. During a typical storm, a comparatively small number of the lacking uP moisture in each cloud reaches the ground like rain. So the idea that human intervention - a rain dance, perhaps » ‘right encourage the sky to give outa litle addtional water has been around in prehistoric times. More recently, \would-be rain-makers have attempted direct intervention, by lobbing various chemicals out of aeroplanes in bie effor to wring mare rain fram the elouds, a practioe knowing as ‘cloud seeding’ Yet such techniques, which were fist developed in the 1940s, are notoriously dificult to evaluate. It is hard to ascertain, for example, how much rain would have falen anyway. So, though much anecdotal evidence of the advantages of cloud seeding, that has led to ts adoption in more than 40 counires arcund the word, a far as scientsts are concemed, results ara stil inconclusive. That could be about to changing For the past three years, researchers have been canying on tha most extensive and rigorous evaluation of a revoltionarily new technique which will substantially boost the volume of rainall . The preliminary findings of feir expedments indicate that sold evidence ofthe technique’ effectiveness is now within the scientists’ grasp. PON eM ReNo seen raen Page 2 of $ PART THREE: READING |. Read the passage below and choose the correct answer to each of the questions. (10 pis) Federal Express is a company that specializes in rapid overnight delivery of high-priority packages. The first company of its type, Federal Express was founded by the youthful Fred Smith in 1971, when he was only 28 years old. Smith had ‘actually developed the idea for the rapid delivery service in a term paper for an economics class when he was a student at Yale University. The term paper reputedly received a less-than-siellar grade because of the infeasibility af the project that ‘Smith had oufined. The model that Smith proposed had never been ‘ried; it was a madel that was eticient fo operate but at the same tine was very dificut to institute. Smith achieved efficiency in his mode! by designing a system that was separate from the passenger system and could, therefore, focus on how to deliver packages most efficiently, His strategy was to own his own planes so that he cauld create his own schedules and to ship all packages through the hub city of Memphis, a set-up which resembles the spokes on the: ‘wheel of a bicycle. With this combination of his own planes and hub set-up, he could get packages anywhere in the United States ovemight What made Srith’s idea dif cul to institute was the fact that the entire system had to be created before the company could begin operations. He needed a fleet of aircraft fo collect packages from airports every night and deliver them to Memphis, where they were inmediately soried and flown out to their new destinations; he needed a fleet of trucks to deliver packages to and from the various airports; he needed facilties and trained staff alin place to handle the operation. Smith had a $4-milion inheritance from his father, and he managed to raise an additonal $91 millon dollars from venture capitalists to get the company operating, When Federal Express began service in 1973 in 25 cities, the company was not an immediate success, but success ‘did come within @ relaively short period of time. The company lost $29 milion in the frst 26 months of operations. However, ‘the tide was to tum relatively quickly. By late 1976, Federal Express was carrying an average of 19,000 packages per night and had made a proft of $3.6 millon 1. The most appropriate tite for this passage is ‘A. The Capitalization of Federal Express B. The Importance of Business Studies C. The Implementation of a Successful Business , The Problem and Frustrations cf a Business Student 2. Whatis stated in the passage about Smith's term paper? A lis grade was of only average standard. B. It was waiten by a student of Smith's C, Smith submitted it through a delivery service, D, The professor thought it had great potential. 3, Whatwas a key idea of Smith's? A That he should focus on passenger serve. 8, That passenger service had to be efficent, C. Thal packages could be delivered on olher companies’ planes. D. Thal package delivery should be separate from passenger service, 4, A“hub-city" in paragraph 2 is CLOSEST in meaning to ‘Aa large city with small cies as destinations Ba city thats the final destination for many routes C. acity where many bicycle routes begin (D. a centralized city with destinations emanating from it 5, Itcan be infered from the passage that Smith selected Memphis as his hub city because it ‘A.had a large numberof passenger aircrat BB. was near the middle of the country C. alteady had a large package delivery senice D. was 8 favourite passenger eirport 6. Thepronoun ‘they’ in paragraph 3 refers to A. alrcrats B. airports C. packages D. destinations 7. Itis NOT mentioned in the passage that, nowt setup his compan, Sith nowded_. A faculty 8. personnel . trucks . airplanes 8. How long dif it take Federal Express to become profitable? A. One year 8, Two years C, Thee years =. Sixyears 9. Which paragraph explains what made Smith's model etfecive? A.Poragreph 1 8. Paragraph2C. Paragraph’. Last paragraph 10, The tone ofthe passage in describing Smith's accomplishments s__ AA. unfiatiering B.unconvincing ironic D. sincere Pages of 5 Il, Read the passage below and choose the correct answer to each of the questions. (5 pts) Harvard University, today recognized as partot the top echelon ofthe world's universities, came from very inauspicious ‘and humble beginnings. This oldest of American universities was founded in 1636, just sixteen years afer the Pilgrims Janded at Plymouth. ‘Included in the Puritan emigrants to the Massachusetts colony during this period were more than 100 graduates of England's prestigious Oxford and Cambridge universities, and these university graduates in the New World were determined that their ‘sons would have the same educational opportunities that they themselves had had, Because of this support in the colony for ‘an ition of higher learning, the General Court of Massachusetts appropriated 400 pounds for a college in October of 1635 and early the folowing year decided on a parcel of land forthe school this land was. in an area called Newelowne, ‘which was later renamed Cambridge afer its English cousin and is the site of the present-day university, ‘When a young minister named John Harvard, who came from the neighbouring town of Charlestown, died from tuberculosis in 1638, he willed half of his estate af 1,700 paunds to the fledgling college. In spite of the fact that only half of the bequest was actually paid, the General Court named the college afer the minister in appreciation for what he had done, The ‘amount of the bequest may not have been large, particularly by today’s standards, but it was more than the General Court had found it necessary to appropriate in order to open the college, Henry Dunster was appointed the first president of Harvard in 1640, and it should be noted that in addition to serving ‘2s president, he was also the entire faculty, with an entering freshman class of four students. Although the staff did expand somewhat, forthe fist century ofits existence, the entire teaching staff consisted ofthe president and three or four tutors, 4, Themain idea of this passage is that_. |A, Herverd is one of the world's most prestigious universities. B whats today a great university started out small C. John Harvard was key to the development of a great university OD. Harvard University developed under the auspices of the General Court of Massachusetts 2, The passage indicates that Harvard is__, A. the oldest universities in the world B. one of the oldest universities in the workd C. one of the oldest universities in America D. the oldest university in America 3. Itcan be inferred from the passage that the Puritans who travelled to the Massachusetts colony were _. Avrather rich B rather undemocratic ‘C. rather well-educated 'D. rather supportive of the English gavemment 4, Which of the folloning is NOT mentioned about John Harvard? ‘A What he died of 1B. Where he was buried C. Where he came from . How much he bequeathed to Harvard 5. The passage implies that _, ‘A. Henry Dunster was an ineffecive president B. someone else really served as president of Harvard before Henry Dunster Henry Dunster spent mush of his tme as president managing the Harvard faculty D. the positon of president of Harvard was not metely an adrninistrative pasition in the early years IIL. Read the following passage and fill each of the numbered blanks with ONE suitable word. (10 pts) , Adolescence always has been and always will be (1) very difficult time in life. You are lost somewhere 2) childhood and adulthood, but still, this is the time in life when you have to break free fram the conformity of your [ers to find your sel. Some people argue that i's more dificult to be young today than it (3) tobe. Is this true, and in that case, why? In modem society, loenagers are pressured to mature (4) ___ more quickly than one or two hundred Tota, mins Sty Sage hav ke deco rgsngseaio ote eoig woe eee cece ‘the past, children were expected to (5), in the foctsteps of their parents, (6) {is to say, the son was supposed to take up the profession of his father, while the daughter was expeciad to slay at home t take care of (7) domestic feo oni coe Furthermore; today it's much more dificult to find your place in society 23 cities grow, crime bereases, people experience grows a5 (8) Itbecomes more difficult ta find and cultivate your own nite) hand, he sdlecont of day have grasa oppordis than over before. In the past, if your father was a ora farmer, ats, $0 would you be. Today, teenagers have aan ye ‘you jay, teenagers have the possibilty to (10) 'V: Read the passage below and choose tho correct word or phrase te complete each ofthe blanks. (5 pts) mee pee TALKING RUBBISH leduce! Re-use! 'ycle! The message hits Canadian consumers through all the media. As newcomers: from S1i Lanka, we compare the situation here with the one back home, We may not be the most environmentally (1)__cifzens. ‘nie wol compare th his wed tae oni poten ‘many shoppers in Coloriba, my partner Shahid and I used to have & cane basket we took with us to the Sunday mart or pln evry wee, No enumerate couihave amplahed amt You ted goose Peaetabntee Tee se No supermarket carts fo push around. Most tems» rice, four, vegetables, fru, biscuits, epgs - are bought bit by bttor wrapped ©) —_rewsooe (2) —_.wo wx cary oral spry ‘For 6998, we took a reusable plastic tray with us. incame (4) ___ are lw, people need to buy in small quantities. tis quite normal © atk for an envelope, ‘eggs or 100 grams of sugar. The (5) tat fr ost par, urban consumers Sr Lana cao ator ay Of waste, Most people do not buy fore from the grocers than they know they will (6) ‘consume. They reuse (7)__thyy can and are loath to discard bags, jars, tins oF boxes that can be put io other Uses ‘But in recent years, Western-style supermarkets have begun to spring up in Colombo, They (8) __ the evidence ofa Clean, efficient, streamlined service to customers. A (9) ____of imported goods, dressed up in their layers of atiractve, Colourful packs beckons trom the shelves. These are the (10) products that cemand your attention on the TW acverisemerts Along with them, ri Lanka, He so many other developing courres, may have imported a prciem that ence never e 1, A qualified 8. concemed C. worried: D. experienced 2A with B.on Guin Diby 3. A maximum 8. most C. highest 4. Arates 8, amounts C. sites D.levels 5. A. point B. case C. example D. question A. absolutely 8. purposefully C. actually D. completely 7. A.whenever 8. however ‘C. wherever D. whatever 8 A sotout Brule out ‘C. hold out D. try out o Aset B range C. store O. band 10. Avery B. just likely D. similar PART FOUR: WRITING | Finish the second sentence in such a way that its meaning is similar to that of the original one. (10 pts) People think that city ie in the 21" century afers them a lot of advantages. © Cy lie. 2. Itwasn't necessary for you to go to sa much trouble on my behalf. > You needn't 3. She's very patient and loyal. That's why she hasn't left her company. Sift. 4. The workers started jumping for joy the moment the announcement of a pay rise was made. 5. His condition improved so rapidly that he was discharged from the hospital early. 6, The woman bears a sirong resemblance fo someone else that | used to know, 7. 8 a Scientists in the world are trying very hard to find @ cure for this infectious disease. Success in the academic field depends on your ability to amass qualifications. The young man gave up his job to pursue his own interests despite his high salary. 10. People were aware of the damage to the environment when mariy species had become extinct: | Rewrite each of the sentences below in such a way that its meaning is simiar to that of the original one, using the ‘word given In brackets. Da nat change this word In any way. (10 pts) 1. After Covid-19, many people find it increasingly dffcult to ive on the money they eam. (ENDS) =... 2. The fridge was absolutely empty yesterday. (EFT) eo. 3, “Idon't approve of people who ‘ell ies," said Jack, (EXPRESSED) > 4. ‘Anna complained about the tourism services throughout the holiday. (ENTIRE) > 5. | felt relaxed at her house as her parents treated me so well (EASE) > 6. She's alvays criticizing her chidren in front of their friends. ove). 7. John hasia lot of experience in wavelling, so he can arrange this trip very east. (EYES) 8, is ‘eotball team has been defeated forthe eighth time this season, (SUFFERED) > 9. None of us was expecting to have a fifeen-minute fest on English this morning. @We 10..Jane's father became extremely angry when he knew she had broken his crystal vase, (STACK) = & ‘THE END Ho vitén thi si Giden thi 1: 86 bao danh: Gi thy 2:02... Poge 5 ofS

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