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1 Franco García Gutiérrez Matrícula:1997731 ITS

2 José Alberto Díaz Soto 2012501 IAS

3 Jonathan Aldair Gómez Álvarez: 2035343 IEA

4 Andrés Alejandro García Guerrero: 2001165 IAS

5 David Alejandro Garza Treviño Matrícula 2007777 ITS

6 Cristopher Orlando González Lugo Matrícula:1907899 IEA

8 Everardo Díaz adame Matrícula:1992153 IEA

9.- Miguel Alejandro Escobedo Garcia Matricula: 2008440 IAS

(We entered with the cameras of)

1 Hey guys, how are you?

(We all answer well or a positive answer)

1 You know, I was wondering something about English cultures

2 What happens to English culture?

1 Have you noticed that over the years they have kept up front saying
that they are a highly developed economic power?

2 I hadn't noticed that

3 Neither do I, it's a good fact

4 The truth I already expected

5 It is something obvious taking into account that they always maintain

a notorious brand in their economic actions

6 now that you mention it, you're right, it's one of the most important

7 Yes, but I feel that there are other slightly better powers like Russia
and China

8 Yes, but I feel that the United States is still ahead by a lot

9 Taking the above into account, they are right, the United States leads
Russia and the United States ahead, but unlike if the United States
falls, there will be economic chaos in almost all places

7 In fact you're right, it would be a big stumbling block in marketing

3 In any case, China and Russia will continue to stand unaffected

9 Yes, but it would still cause a significant collapse in sales

1 To tell the truth, evaluating your comments... I realize that it is an

important power, but at the same time it is in too much danger due to
the fact that if something happens to the United States, there will be a
catastrophe with sales

2 I agree, but let's remember that it has competition from China and
Russia, so they don't lag that far behind

4 Well to tell you the truth, I think that even if China and Russia join in
powers they will very barely be able to catch up with the United States,
assuming that they are both in the best point for economic sales and
that type of thing

6 From my point of view, it is difficult to make a comparison of the 3

largest world powers since each one stands out a lot in a specific

8 So, in conclusion. With the years that have passed, it is proposed

that this is one of the most important cultures and this is one of the
most important aspects of the United States through time.

5 And one more question, about the foreign countries that depended
on the United States economy?

9 It is a good question, something that is always mentioned is that

Mexico is one of the countries that has more economic dependence
and more exchange in the market

3 Investigating, Canada is one of the countries with which the United

States does more exchange in the aspect of trade
8 You're right, I think I was wrong, just like Mexico is one of them along
with China and Japan that do business every time they can, also as
their culture indicates there were no currencies before, they did
exchanges, so you get an idea that it was a little difficult to make the

2 Wow, this time it was noted that we learned some new things about
the United States and its culture and trade with other countries

4 You are right, this time it was interesting to know about the English

9 Hey, have you seen the time? We will be late for our classes

6 It's true, well I wish you luck, see you next time

(We all say goodbye saying: goodbye see you later or goodbyes
referring to seeing each other later)

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