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The Vehicles for Academic Road

Not everyone find it easy to excel academically, that’s why lots of student come up
with their own techniques to cope up with academic challenges. It is best to know your
learning style if you want to find the easier way to gather up information in your comfort.
According to Hawksworth (2015), information gets to the brain in three main ways, which is
sight, hearing, and touch. If the students examine their own learning style, they’ll be more
aware of what best way would the information gather up to their brain to help them learn
easier. Considering this technique, the brain wouldn’t exert more efforts in a complicated

If a student find it hard to discover his own learning style, he should consider to base
on his personality. Sadeghi, (2012) did a research about the relationship between
personalities and learning styles. It was stated that studies in the last two decades shows
that learner’s personalities contribute to the learner’s academic success in school. If a
person likes to read, then he’s somehow more comfortable to study his lesson through

Just like Kristine Dormetorio , a Grade 11 student from TVL-Tourism, said that from
the four learning styles she prefer audio. “My preference from that four learning styles is
audio, because I really like listening even if it is music, “she explained that she likes to listen
to music, “when my teacher teaches while writing on board and explaining it so well.
“Information gets to her brain easily when it’s discussed orally.

Also supported by Mika Lexie Retodo, a Grade 11 student from TVL-Cookery, said, “I
prefer visual because it is faster to understand or determine the lesson when you can see it.
I also prefer read and write because I often forget things so I need to take down notes so I
can review it again.” (Visual mas mabilis mong maunawaan or madetermine yung isang pag
aaral pag nakikita mo. At read / write kasi ako makakalimutin akong tao kaya kailangan ko
mag take down notes para ma review ko ulit). Her learning styles were based on what works
for her brain to cope with her learning gap.
Therefore, it is necessary to know what are the learning styles that work for you.
Versatility is good but knowing your edge could help the brain process information faster
and easier. This would help students to excel in their academics it they found what is the
best style works for them. In this way studying would be more comfortable and

The Fuel of the Vehicle

Many teacher have already touched tons of student with knowledge for so many
years. Improved strategies in teaching to bring the best out of their students, teachers are
very important in education and that’s why it’s important for them to know the different
learning styles to understand their student’s intellectual ability better. Renuga and
Vijayalashmi (2013) did a research where in they applied VARK principles in teaching
interpersonal skills to the student with multimodal learning styles. The students have been
reported that applying VARK to the lesson helped them understand it better and even
improved their skills in terms of interpersonal communication.

Nowadays technology have become a fool in terms of teaching. There are teachers
who we powerpoint presentation this days to show the lectures to the students. Hwang, (2012) developed a personalized educational computer game based on students'
learning styles. It was found that

personalized educational computer games not only promotes learning. Motivation, it also
enhance the academic achievements of the learners. Integrating learning styles in various
teaching strategies would be help a lot of students to easily learn in their lessons.

Jhumel Firmalino, a Grade11 student from STEM in LYFJSHS, said that he learn the
best when the teachers show them actual process of their lessons. (Mas natututo kami pag
ginagawa nila ng actual). As STEM student, problem solving skills are a must in their class.
Actual presentation in terms of science experiment and math problem solutions help them a
lot to understand how to identify and solve the problems. "We won't live without actual
examples.” (Hindi kami mabubuhay hanggat walang examples).
Supported by Mika lexie Retodo, a Grade 11 Student from TVL-Cookery in LYFJSHS,
who stated that she learn better when, "He flash or write examples so we could understand
the lesson more."(Nag-fflash siya o nagsusulat ng mga examples para mas lalong
maintindihan yung tinuturo). This teaching techinique helped her to know how problems
should be solved in certain ways. (I guess oo kasi may source ako na ay eto pala pag ganyan
yung problem, ay ganito pala yung dapat gawin pag ito yung hinahanap ganon).

Overall, teaching does affect how students learn. It leaning styles were integrated to
teaching techniques, absorbing information would be easier for the students. There are
different learning styles and different students who poses them, it is important to consider
the diversity of the students so learning would not be hard for some of them who find it
difficult to do things not suitable for their learning preferences, considering the impact of
learning styles to a human brain, teachers who apply learning styles a their techniques could
produce more academically inclined students.

The Struggle of Driving to Success

In a research done by Alghasham(2012), he found out that student tend to
difficulties in a problem-based learning due in behavior performances. There are active and
reflective learners, where in active learners analyze the situation first, due to the difference
of every individual, their approach to a problem would also be different Alghasham (2012)
recommended that students should explore their

learning styles and seek strategies to fill their lacks in PBL session by self-study.

Moreover, variety of challenges are encountered everyday. It’s not only at work nor
school, but also in everything a person do. A person would always have something to lack
and if he didn’t at some task, As Wyman (2011) said, learning styles also play a role in an
individual‘s daily life. If you aren’t aware of your style then you’ll must likely to have a hard
time. If you know your advantage to learn best and find ways to deal with your difficulties.

Supported by the case of Mika Lexie Retodo ,a Grade 11 student from TVL-Cookery
in LYFJSHS, who find it hard to understand academic tasks not suitable for her preference.
She have a hard time remembering things, so to cope up with the weakness, she take down
notes every class and review it later. “In studying, you don’t need to memorize everything
you do. I only get keywords so when I hear that word I would instantly know what is being
referred to”.(sa pag aaral di naman kailangan saulo mo lahat ng ginagawa mo, para di ako
mahirapan, kumukuha ako ng keywords at pag narinig ko yung keywords na yon yung
tinutukoy). She applied her VARK which is read/write to deal with her difficulty in
remembering large amount of information.

In addition, Ann Reyes, a Grade 11 student from STEM in LYFJSHS admitted that
she’s a slow learner. She find it hard to cope with tasks not suitable for her preference,
“There are times that if I’m not need to that certain style, my brain (referring to the
presence of mind) fly.”(There are times na pag hindi akos anay sa ganong style eh lumilipad
utak ko). So in relation to her VARK that’s read/write, she do a technique that could help
her understand the lesson at school by waiting her notes while reading it and then saying at
repeatedly. (Writing my notes while reading it tapos paulit-ulit kong sinasabi).

In conclusion, everyone experience difficulties at certain tasks. Strategies are

discovered and done by these individuals to fill the gaps in learning ability. Learning styles
play a big role of factor in establishing techniques to cope with difficulties, thus knowing
your learning style is essential to find ways on how to strengthen your weakness.

Learning styles help student in making their studies easier and convenient for them.
Those who prefer visual tend to process the information faster when there’s a visual
presentation. Students who use read/write ca n understand their lessons well when they
write down noted and read it after. Those who favor audio loves listening and oral
discussion are clearer for them. Lastly kinesthetic learners learn better when they do it in
actual to develop their skills. Individual’s learning styles depends on their comfort and to
study wit comfort makes the academic challenges easier and uncomplicated.

The application of learning styles to teaching techniques is effective based on the

selected student’s experiences. Those who teach with their learning styles made it easy for
them to understand the lesson and lessen the difficulty of the tasks. The information would
be easier for the students to absorb if it was given in a way that their brain prefer thus,
application of multimodal learning style into teaching is value for the students who find it
hard to cope with academic challenges.


To gain academic
success, an
individual should
know their own
learning styles. THE FUEL OF
To gain academic To gain academic
success, an success, an THE VEHICLE
individual should individual should
know what are his know what kind of
THE STRUGGLES OF difficulties and find a techniques works for
way to cope with it. him.
To gain
CREATIVE SYNTHESIS Visual then you need to stand
If the presentations we and do it
Tell Me
If the visual aids loved by Listen to me
How I can learn better
thee Everyone learn in
If there’s to much letter
Could be understood different ways
How could I possibly
better You have to find yours
Then your style is to see To make things easier
If i find it hard to cater
To make it comfortable
that way
Tell me Reading and writing,
What’s the easiest way You find it hard to
To remember every memorize Listen,
weight So you often read and To study is not hard
What should I do? write But looking for the edge
To excel in academics too If you could remember it helps
better, To fill the weakness
Then this way should be Is to look for the strength
Listen to me
There are different
learning styles Listen,
One of them are your Audio, I will teach you
struggles Listening is never in vain Apply the styles to
Which is your destiny In explanation, you gain improve you
To learn better in your If you favor this way, You just have to listen
studies! Then audio should be And do the best to bring
your aim the best of you

Listen to me
There are three main Kinesthetic,
ways Doesn’t mean you have
To enter the brain’s to dance it
pathway But you need to feel and
By seeing, everything is do it
easy way If you understand things

Learning styles are about the students’ preferences in learning and absorbing new
information. Studying this was very challenging for our group; it costs a lot of time and
attention. In order to fully understand the essence of our study, we should include ourselves
into it. It was hard to manage the time since there are also tons of schoolwork from other
subjects that also consumes time and the teamwork was very hard to organize since not all
of the member devoted their best to the study. But, in the other hand, there are many
realizations we got from conducting this study—that we could apply in the reality also. We
were very happy to get the desired results which learning styles do play a role in an
individuals’ learning ability. The experiences of the participants related to their preference in
studying proved the viability of the learning styles.


The Department of Education may provide an improved learning materials and new
protocols with the application of multimodal learning styles to guide the teachers on how to
make the learning environment more academically comfortable.

The teachers should guide the student and do creative ways on how to deliver the
information with the application of multimodal learning styles so not only few could
understand the lesson but everyone which suits their preferences.

The student who doesn’t know their style should consider discovering their selves or
base on their personalities to help their selves discover which style of strategy should they
consider doing to lessen difficulty in certain tasks.

The student who doesn’t know their style may examine their selves to know what
works for them easier when it comes to studying.

The future researcher may make an effective and verified test to examine how
learning style works in an unbiased and systematical way. Though, they still need to consider
the empirical evidences given by the participants and compare it to the examination result.

Research Project

1. Poster- Posting posters within the premises of the school that inform the
students of what the different learning styles are and how to discover their own
2. Blog Website- Make a blog about the different learning styles and its viability
featuring the participants’ statements.

A. Electronic Article
1. Hawksworth (2015) “Knowing Your Learning Styles and Adapting the different Learning
Styles.” Cornerstone University.
2. May C. (2018) “The Problem with ‘Learning Styles’.” Scientific American
3. Wyman P. (2011) “How Different Learning Styles Affect Your Life” How to Learn.
4. Wynd. R (2010). “Segmentation Strategy for Higher Education.” Taylor and Francis group.

B. Electronic Research
1. Algahasham AA. (2012) “Effect of Students Learning Styles on Classroom Performance in
Problem-based Learning” PubMed.

2. Audelhadi A., et. al. (2019) “Investigating Engineering Student Learning Style Trends by
Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Academic Open Access Publishing.

3. D EI-Hmoudova ,Milkova, Eva (2016) “A Comparative Analysis of Two Instruments

Assessing Learning Style Preference.”
4. Wynd. R (2010). “Segmentation Strategy for Higher Education.” Taylor and Francis group.

5. Yenice, N. (2012). “A Review on Learning Styles and Critically Thinking Disposition of Pre
service Science Teachers in Terms of Miscellaneous Variables.” UNB.
C. Electronic Journal
1. Conti, G., Mc Neil R. (2012) “Strategy Preference and Personality Type: Are they related?”
Journal of Adult Education 40(2),1-8,2011. Eric.
Plaza, Rafaela Dianne A.
Jornales, Allyn C.
Sombo, Rica May
De Juan, Zyron Dave A.
Perma, Francis David M.
Rapsing, Garry S.
Yanto, Kruger



The purpose of this research is to know how learning styles affect the academic
performances of the students. This study aims to identify the impact of learning styles and to
know the role of learning styles into teaching techniques.

Design and Methodology

The study used qualitative method of research. The participants of this study were
the 12 Grade-11 students of Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. Senior High School. The research gathered data
through mediated interview through messenger platform. Their answers served as an
empirical evidence that were used for thematic analysis to determine, the impact of learning
styles to the students’ academic performance and teaching techniques.


The results of the study stated that learning styles do play a role to the students’
learning. Studying in a way they prefer made their studies easier in a way they prefer made
their studies easier for them to understand. Also, students prefer teaching techniques that
accord to their learning style and in that way, the car absorb the information better.

Research Limitations/Implication

This study focused only to the grade 11 students of Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. Senior High
School. The five (5) questions given were all experience based related to learning styles.

The result of the study may serve as basis considering integration of learning styles
into teaching and learning materials. This could also inform individuals to discover and know
their own learning style in order to cope not only with academic challenges but also in daily

Keywords: Learning styles, Teaching Techniques, Preferences

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