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Vocabulary Test 5 by Anupam Banerjee

(i). Their friendship started to _ when he moved _ country and they communicated less
frequently." (a) resolve; through (b) dissolve; across (c) churn; in (d) catalyze; sometimes (e)
catalyses; sometime

(ii) His _ has a kind of _ that attracts unnecessary attraction. (a) affluence; effulgence (b)
patience; cogence (c) nunnery; convent (d) derailment; rail (e) don; scholarship

(iii) The resulting __ is early ___with all of the common underlying irreversible medical
conditions. (a) flatulence; gastronomies (b) panorama; senescence (c) coruscation; loudness
(d) dogma; orthodoxy (e) oncology ; carcinogenesis

(iv)Everybody who feels a/an __ in our ____marine is sorrowing at its present depressed
condition. (a) empathy; mysterious (b) insertion; mollifying (c) interest; mercantile (d)
poignancy; massive (e) intersection; antebellum

(v) The __ patient was in desperate need of some ___. (a) contingent; damp (b) salubrious;
tempt (c) courageous; consternation (d) ravenous; manna (e) incontinent; diapers

(vi) He was disappointed of his hopes after witnessing the __ ____ flow of talk. (a) scalpel’s ;
continual (b) demagoguery ; ravenous (c) demagogue’s; incontinent (d) donor’s; sampler (e)
rapturous; rancid

(vii) Her nudity is __ by her jewels and __ veils. (a) entrusted; flimsy (b) stressed; pansy (c)
undermined; lingerie (d) emphasized; filmy (e) vulgarized; meritorious

(viii) Politicians are constantly __ for dollars with the ___ understanding that the generous shall
be rewarded. (a) begging; conniving (b) sounding; indirect (c) dialing; tacit (d) donning; flimsy
(e) sampling; somnambulant

(ix) Post-Savile, family men, often with lives of __ public success, have been suddenly __ by
anonymous, out-of-the-blue allegations from 20, 30 or 40 years ago. (a) unblemished; trampled
(b) impeccable; faltered (c) unceremonious; felicitated (d) ingenuous; denuded (e)
unblemished; traduced

(x) Her __ __ into his eager ears smelled of lust and intrigue. (a) satisfactory; sissification (b)
sombre; philosophizing (c) sensual; susurration (d) tenuous; tintinnabulation (e) zestful ;danse

(xi) His __philosophy is a good one, but he tries to use it as a ___. (a) procrustean; panorama
(b) esoteric; enema (c) charisma ; carcass (d) economic ; panacea (e) ruthless; ramification

(xii) For example, electronic media relay all kinds of information: __ as well as __ , reliable as
well as unsubstantiated. (a) valuable; inane (b) venerable; vicious (c) harangue; halcyon (d)
dandy; smug (e) corpulent; sassy.

(xiii) The shirt, which is a __ and ___ fit, performed admirably on all occasions. (a) slosh ; sniff
(b) bosh; bass (c) slim; snug (d) dull; darn (e) deep; hallowed.

(xiv) As a __ he has few rivals for his fund of __ seem inexhaustible and his manner of telling
the tales fascinating. (a) racy; rabbis (b) rectifier; tantrums (c) raconteur; anecdotes (d) loony;
ramblings (e) towrope; yarns.
(xv) Tempus _ and Tempus ___ are famous sayings in Latin that have found their way in the
present expressions in English as a reminder of the eternal enemy. (a) Homo Fuge; Fugo
Serum (b) fugit; noctis equi (c) fanney; virumquo cano (d) Fugit; Edax Rerum (e) fugit; De

(xvi) “Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana" is a humorous saying that is used in
linguistics as an example of a __ sentence or __ ambiguity.(a) anachronistic; logistic (b)
synecdoche; semantic (c) hypallage –likely (d) garden path; syntactic (e) monosyllabic;

(xvii) __ is a Latin phrase meaning "thus always to tyrants." The full quotation is Sic semper
evello mortem tyrannis (literally: "Thus always I eradicate tyrants' lives"), "death to tyrants" or
"__ with the tyrant." The phrase is often said to have originated with Marcus Junius Brutus
during the assassination of Julius Caesar, but according to Plutarch, Brutus either did not have
a chance to say anything, or if he did, no one heard what was said. (a) era furor tyrannis ;
shame (b) sic simper tyrannis; down (c) vox tyrannis; murder (d) sham tyrannis; sell (e) aha
erlebnis tyrranis ; don

(xviii) Ars longa, vita brevis is a Latin translation of an __ coming originally from Greek. The
Latin quote is often __ in English as Art is long, life is short. (a) synecdoche; made (b)
synagogue; manifested (c) epilogue; expressed (d) epigram; galled (e) aphorism; rendered

(xix) It is my feeling that Time __ all things; with Time all things are ___; Time is the father of
truth. – Francois Rabelias (a) ripens; revealed (b) ravages; manifested (c) matures ; mystified
(d) tantalizes; vivified (e) procrastinates; mollifies.

(xx) From the very fountain of __, there arises a taste of ___ to spread anguish amongst the
flowers. (a) enervation; sweetness (b) castigation; salubriousness (c) enchantment; bitterness
(d) growth; slumber (e) doodling; ramification

(xxi) He's still __ people into outrageous situations and hitting them with a straight-faced __ of
bizarre behavior. (a) seducing; machtpolitik (b) sourcing; blitz (c) luring; blitz (d) luring;
apotheosis (e) luring; ESP

(xxii) After a series of obstacles that were overcome only by great effort and __ Mr. Bickersteth
was enabled to realize a wish which he had long fondly cherished, and received ____ as a
clergyman of the English Church. (a) patience; co-ordination (b) lectures; consternation (c)
lolls; lull (d) dulls; dandification (e) perseverance; ordination.

(xxiii) Choosing your words carefully to produce the desired response in an __ is, after all, the
lingua franca of __.(a) interlocutor; diplomacy (b) elocutionist ; derogation (c) interlocutor;
eulogy (d) epistemologist; diplomats (e) elusive sass; dolorousness.

(xxiv) The __ and ___ menu complements the architecture. (a) erudite; omniscient (b)
colourful; esurient (c) palatable; gross (d) gastronomical; gorgeous (e) exotic ; eclectic.

(xxv) People think ‘treehouse' and imagine creaky plywood forts where kids __ away to have
their first kiss," says Roderick Romero, the Manhattan designer who built that Long Island __ in
2009. (a) peak; sneak (b) hide; Caliban (c) sneak; aerie (d) sneak; Ariel (e) hide; séance

(xxvi) The __ of a cone or a pyramid is what the ___ aim at; they can never compromise
anything lesser. (a) vortex; vamoose (b) vertex; ambitious (c) top; dolled (d) varicose; diseased
(e) convalescence; semi-erudite

(xxvii) __ as represented in ___ by this royal wedding should be preserved, paid for from a
controlled budget, and enjoyed. (a) scenes; epitome (b) putrid; stalled (c) uxorious ;
connubiality (d) pageantry; apogee. (e) sensuousness; guile

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