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Paper : computer GRADE : 8th

Obtained mrk Total Marks : 100

Q.1 TicK the Correct option . /45

(1) You can use the short cut key shift+_______ to create new sheets
a F3 B F6 C F9 D F11
(2) Google sheets is available in __________languages.
a 63 B 73 C 83 D 93
(3) The intersection of row and column in a worksheet is called a___________
a Cell B Table C Spreadsheet D None of these
(4) Function are formulas with a________
a heading B sign C name D None of these
(5) The network with small geographic are is called _______
a Lan B Wan C Man D All of these
(6) Wifi stand for __________
a Wire fidelity B Wired function C Wireless fidelity D None of these
(7) _________is a subcategory of satelite communication .
a Bluetooth B Gps C Wifi D Router
(8) Google sheets was developed by google corporation company
a 2004 B 2006 C 2008 D 2010
(9) Collection of worksheet saved in alife is called.
a Worksheet B Work book C Data book D Sheet book
(10) Main elements of data communication are
a Message B Sender C Medium D All
(11) Following is not a type of computer network .
a Lan B Wan C Man D Gan
(12) ____is a machine which can work without human
a Laser machine B robot C Ultra sound D Computer
(13) The estimate data rate of 5G technology is
a 10 Gbps B 15Gbps C 20 Gbps D 25 Gbps
(14) A self driving car is also known as
a Autnomous B Driverless C Robotic car D All of these
vehicle car
(15) _____is a secured connetion over the internet
a LAN B WAN C VPN D None of these
Q.2 Write T for true and F for false . /5
(1) Google sheet is a spread sheet program.
(2) Google sheets use one Drive .
(3) Status baris used to display colours.
(4) Wan covers greater distance and oprate nation wide.
(5) Virtual realty is a 2D image

Q.3 Answer the following questions? /30

(1) What is holographic imaging ?
(2) What are the other name used for self driving cars?
(3) What is google sheets?
(4) What is the difference b/w wifi and
(5) How can you resize a column in ms excel?
(6) What is coxial cable?
Q.4 Answer the following long questions? /20
(1) Explain the ribbon in the google sheets.
(2) Write a note on block chain

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