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ECE249: Basic Electrical and

Electronics Engineering
Ajmer Singh
The Course Contents
Unit I
s o ts
Fundamentals of DC and AC circuits :
resistance, inductance, capacitance,
voltage, current, power and energy o er h s
concepts, ohm's law, Kirchhoff’s laws,
voltage division rule, current division rule,
mesh and nodal analysis, dependent and
independent sources, Thevenin’s
theorem, Norton’s theorem, alternating
current and voltage, definitions of
amplitude and phase, average and RMS
value of an AC signal

Ajmer Singh ECE249: Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Alternating Current and Voltage
✓A sinusoial current is usually referred to as alternating current (ac).
✓Such a current reverses at regular time intervals and has alternately
positive and negative values.
✓Circuits driven by sinusoidal current or voltage sources are called ac
✓Consider the sinusoidal voltage
v(t) = Vm sin(ωt)
Where Vm = the amplitude of the sinusoid
ω the angu ar frequency in radians/s
ωt = the argument of the sinusoid
Frequency or angular frequency, Time period
Instantaneous value and Peak value of an AC signal
Alternating Current and Voltage
✓Given the sinusoid 5 sin 4πt − 60◦), calculate its amplitude, phase,
angular frequency, period, and frequency
Alternating Current and Voltage
✓Given the sinusoid 5 sin 4πt − 60◦), calculate its amplitude, phase,
angular frequency, period, and frequency
Alternating Current and Voltage
✓Find the phase angle between
i1 −4 sin 377t + 5◦ and i 5 cos 377t − 40◦)
Does i1 lead or lag i2?
RMS value and average value of an AC signal

Ajmer ECE131: Basic Electrical and

RMS value and average value of an AC signal
Form Factor and Crest Factor

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