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1. What is digestion?
Digestion is the process of breaking down complex food materials into simpler substances by the action
of enzymes.

2. Why do only animals require a digestive system?

Need for a digestive system:
(i) Large complex molecules like carbohydrates, proteins and lipids need to be broken down to simpler
molecules. These simpler molecules can then be absorbed and utilized by the body.
(ii) The breaking down of complex food molecules into their simpler form is possible only through the
process of digestion.
(iii) During digestion, large complex macromolecules present in food are converted into small simpler
molecules, which can be simplified in different compartments of digestive system only.

3. What are the main characteristics of an enzyme?

Main characteristics of an enzyme:
1. It is a protein and therefore, gets destroyed by heating.
2. It acts only on one kind of substance called the substrate. So, it is very specific.
3. It acts as a catalyst, so it can be used again and again.
4. It only affects the rate of a chemical reaction and always speeds up the reaction.
5. It always forms the same end products from the fixed substrate.
6. It acts best only at a particular pH.
7. It acts best within a narrow temperature range, usually between 35°C-40°C

4. What are the four kinds of teeth present in a human being? And mention their function.
1.Incisor :
• 4 front teeth in the center of each jaw.
• Cutting edges are broad and sharp like a chisel
• Used for biting and cutting
2. Canine:
• On either side of incisor of each jaw.
• Conical and sharply pointed.
• Used for holding and tearing the food.
3. Premolars:
• Two on each side in each jaw next to the canine.
• It has hill like projection or cups on its surface and hence known as bicupsid
• Helps in grinding and crushing.
4 .Molars:
• Last 3 teeth on each side in each jaw.
• Larger surface than premolar.
• Helps in crushing and grinding.
• Last molar of each side in each jaw is called wisdom teeth.

5. What is the dental formula of a normal human adult?

The dental formula of a normal human adult is:

Human adult = = 32 (Permanent teeth + Wisdom teeth)

6. Mention two reflexes which occur when a person chews and swallows food.
The two reflexes which occur when a person chews and swallows food are:
1. Reflex when a person chews - Secretion of saliva
2. Reflex when a person swallows - Tongue presses upward and back against the roof (palate)

7. How is thorough chewing of food helpful in digestion?

It is very important to chew our food thoroughly as chewing of food helps to break down complex food
materials into simpler substances. The act of chewing stimulates the salivary glands to release saliva. The
saliva helps to moisten the food and form bolus, which can be swallowed easily. Saliva also contains
special enzymes that help to break down carbohydrates.

8.Draw a labelled diagram to show the internal structure of a mammalian tooth with two roots.

9. Try to swallow the saliva in your mouth, and feel with your hand your neck. What happens in the
While swallowing saliva in the mouth, the larynx is pulled upwards to bring it close to the back of the
tongue, when a flap called epiglottis closes its opening. Then, it goes towards the oesophagus.

10. Which one is the hardest substance in the body?

Enamel is the hardest substance in the body.

11. What is pulp? What it consist of?

Pulp is a soft connective tissue contained in the central space of the tooth.
It consists of blood capillaries, lymph vessels and nerve fibres.

12. What is saliva? Mention the names of three salivary gland and its position in our body.
Saliva is very slightly acidic (pH 6.8) fluid containing water (about 99%),salts, mucus and an enzyme
salivary amylase ( also called ptyalin)
The saliva is secreted by three pairs of salivary glands, they are:
Parotid glands: located just in front of and beneath each ear.
Submandibular gland: lying close to the inner side of the lower jaw on each side
Sublingual gland : below the tongue.

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