Manual Calculations For RE Wall

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Reinforced Soil Wall - ParaWeb (Polymeric Geostrip) system

Wall Geometry Soil Properties
Soil foundation
Wall height above GL h 13.400 m Reinforced soil Backfill
Properties soil (f)
soil (b)
Depth of embedment Dm 1.000 m γ 21.5 21.5 18
Mechanical Height of wall HT 15.01 φ 30 30 30
Design Height of wall H 14.400 m c 0 0 0
Length of reinforced soil block L1 10.600 m
Thickness of concrete Panel TP 0.180 m
Thickness of Road material Trm 0.61
Width of panel Wp 2.000 m
Width of slab bf 1.800 m
Base Length L 10.780 m
Partial Material factors

For Polymeric Tie Reinforcement : - ParaWeb 30 40 50 60 75 85 100

Creep Reduction factor 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43
Durability reduction factor 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21
Installation damage reduction factor 1.05 1.05 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03
Global Reduction factor 1.817 1.817 1.782 1.782 1.782 1.782 1.782
Coefficient of interaction(α) 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900

Pg- 1 of 12
Reinforcement Layout

Number of
Layer No
Zj ParaWeb Lj connections(f
or 4m)

z1 0.4 40.20 10.6 4 Loading

z2 1.2 40.20 10.6 4 Traffic Surcharge (LL) 26 kN/m2 (live load)
z3 2 50.27 10.6 4 Dead Load (DL) 13.5 kN/m2
z4 2.8 60.32 10.6 4 Crash Barrier & friction slab loading SL 16 kN/m2
z5 3.6 60.32 10.6 4 Horizontal load (F) 0 kN
z6 4.4 60.32 10.6 4 Point of applicatin of Hz load hBF 0 m

z7 5.2 60.32 10.6 4 Max ground acc. Coeff.= 0.12 (A)

z8 6 75.40 10.6 4 Inclination Of First Slope(surcharge) β'= 0 Degrees Refer figure
z9 6.8 75.40 10.6 4 Inclination of Second Slope ω= 0 Degrees
z10 7.6 85.45 10.6 4 max wall acc.Coef.(Am)=A(1.45-A) Am= 0.16

z11 8.4 100.54 10.6 4

z12 9.2 100.54 10.6 4
z13 10 100.54 10.6 5
z14 10.8 100.54 10.6 5
z15 11.6 100.54 10.6 5
z16 12.4 100.54 10.6 6
z17 13.2 100.54 10.6 6
z18 14 100.54 10.6 7

14.400 m
Pg- 2 of 12


Reinforced Soil Wall - ParaWeb (Polymeric Geostrip) system

Reinforced Retained Backfill soil

Soil Properties Foundation soil (f)
soil (b)
γ 21.5 21.5 18 β= ((1.2-(L/H))φres )
φ 30 30 30 = 14.4544
c 0 0 0
Ka 0.3333 0.3333 0.333
Design Life 120 Years

ParaWeb strip Grades Tensile Strength (kN)

30 30.16
40 40.2
50 50.27
60 60.32
75 75.4
85 85.45
100 100.54
Loading D.L.
Traffic Surcharge (LL) 26 kN/m (live load)
2 L.L.
Dead Load (DL) 13.5 kN/m D.L. + L.L.
Crash Barrier & friction slab loading SL 16 kN/m
Horizontal load (F) 0 kN
Point of applicatin of Hz load hBF 0m V3

Wall Geometry HT
H V2 F2
Wall height above GL h 13.400 m V1
Depth of embedment Dm 1.000 m
Mechanical Height of wall HT 15.01 F1
Design Height of wall H 14.400 m Dm
Length of reinforced soil block L1 10.600 m
Thickness of concrete Panel TP 0.180 m e

Thickness of Road material T rm 0.610 m L

Width of panel Wp 2.000 m R
Width of slab bf 1.800 m
Base Length L 10.780 m

Table Partial load factors for load combinations associated with walls as per BS 8006
A B C Seismic

Mass of the reinforced soil body (ffs) 1.5 1 1 1

Mass of the backfill on top of the reinforced soil wall (ffs) 1.5 1 1 1

Earth pressure behind the structure (ffs) 1.5 1.5 1 1

Traffic load:
on reinforced soil block (fq) 1.5 0 0 1

behind reinforced soil block (fq) 1.5 1.5 0 1

Pg- 3 of 12
Partial Material factors
a) For Polymeric Tie Reinforcement : - ParaWeb 30 40 50 60 75 85 100

Creep Reduction factor 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43
Durability reduction factor 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21
Installation damage reduction factor 1.05 1.05 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03

Global Reduction factor 1.817 1.817 1.782 1.782 1.782 1.782 1.782
Coefficient of interaction(α) 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900
Width of strip (bs) 0.085 m 0.090 m 0.090 m 0.090 m 0.090 m 0.090 m 0.090 m

Economic ramification of failure of the structure, fn 1

b) For soil : - ULS SLS

To be applied to tan φ' p fms 1.0 1.0

To be applied to c' fms 1.6 1.0

To be applied to cu fms 1.0 1.0
c) Partial factor for soil reinf interaction : -

Sliding across surface of reinf fs 1.3 1.0

Pull - out resistance to reinf fp 1.3 1.0
d) Partial factor of safety
Foundation bearing capacity to be applied to qult fms 1.35 1.0
Sliding along base of structure or any horizontal surface where there is soil to soil contact
fs 1.2 1.0

Calculation of Earth Pressure Coefficient:

Inclination of Earth Pressure δ=min(δx,δy) (As perAFNOR NF-P-94-270)

δx=2/3φba cki l l 20
δy=0.8(1-0.7(l/h)φrein 11.63333333
Therefore,δ= 11.63333333

Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure,Coulombs formula

(from AFNOR NF-P-94-270 )

where φ2= Retained Backfill friction Angle

δ= Inclination of Earth Pressure
β'= inclination of First Slope

ω= Inclination of second Slope

K2x = 0.306 K2y= 0.306


Load Combination A B C
Vertical Force (Rv)
Weight of reinforced soil mass/block = V1 L H γr ffs 5006.23 3337.5 3337.5 3337.5 54.33
Weight of the fill on top of the reinforced soil wall = V2 DL Lffs 218.30 145.5 145.5 145.53
Traffic Surcharge = V3 LL L fq 420.42 0.0 0.0 140.14
Weight of crash barrier SL bf ffs 254.40 169.6 169.6 162.8 2299.7
Vertical Component of earth pressure 0.5*ka*ffs*γrs*H *sinδ 206.20 206.20 137.46 137.46

Total Vertical Force (Rv) 6105.54 3858.8 3790.1 kN/m

Pg- 4 of 12
Horzontal Force (Rh)
Soil behind reinforced soil mass/block 1/2 γb H2 Ka ffs*cosδ 1001.55 1001.55 667.70
Dead Load = (DL ) H Ka ffs*cosβ 98.1 98.1 65.4
Traffic Surcharge loading = (LL) H Ka fq*cosβ 188.9 188.9 0.0
Horizontal Load F fq 0 0 0
Total Horizontal Forces (Rh) 1288.6 1288.6 733.1 kN/m

Resisting Moment Mr
Weight of reinforced soil mass/block L H γr ffs L/2 26983.59 17989.1 17989.1
Weight of the fill on top of the reinforced soil wall DL Lffs L/2 1176.61 784.4 784.4
Traffic Surcharge LL L fq L/2 2266.06 0.0 0.0
Weight of crash barrier SL L1 ffs bf/2 229.0 152.6 152.6
Vertical Component of earth pressure 0.5*ka*ffs*γrs*H2*sinδ*L 2222.80 2222.8 1481.9
Total Resisting moment (ΣMr) 32878.0 21148.9 20408.0 kN-m/m

Total Resisting moment (ΣMr) without Strip Load 32649.06 20996.3 20255.3 kN-m/m From B.S.8006 fig.No.24 β= ((1.2-(L/H))φres )

= 14.4544

Overturning Moment Mo
Soil behind reinforced soil mass/block 1/2 γb H2 Ka ffs *cosδ H/3 4807.45 4807.4 3205.0 4622.9
Dead Load = (DL ) H Ka fq *cosβ*H/2 736.25 736.2 490.8
Traffic Surcharge loading = (LL) H*cosβ Ka fq H/2 1417.95 1417.95 0.00
Horizontal Load F fq hBF 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total Overturning moment (ΣMo) 6961.65 6961.6 3695.8 kN-m/m Case C

Eccentricity (e) L/2 - (ΣMr - ΣMo)/Rv 1.18 1.75 1.02

Length of reinforcement 10.60 10.60 10.60
Meyorhoff Pressure (qr) Rv / (L-2e) 741.463 543.950 442.852 kN/m2
Sliding along the base (Tan φf Rv+C*L / fms)/fs*Rh 2.28 1.44 2.49
Ultimate Bearing capacity of soil Cf Nc + gf DNq+ 0.5 (L-2e) gf Ng 1991.471 1761.541 2056.775
F.S against Bearing 1.99 2.40 3.44
F.S against Overturning 4.69 3.02 5.48



Number of strip per

Layer No Zj Zj ParaWeb Lj Lej Svj
z1 0.4 40.2 10.60 4 6.27 0.8

z2 1.2 40.2 10.60 4 6.40 0.8

z3 2 50.27 10.60 4 6.53 0.8
z4 2.8 60.32 10.60 4 6.67 0.8
z5 3.6 60.32 10.60 4 6.80 0.8
z6 4.4 60.32 10.60 4 6.93 0.8
z7 5.2 60.32 10.60 4 7.07 0.8
z8 6 75.4 10.60 4 7.20 0.8
z9 6.8 75.4 10.60 4 7.33 0.8

z10 7.6 85.45 10.60 4 7.47 0.8

z11 8.4 100.54 10.60 4 7.60 0.8
z12 9.2 100.54 10.60 4 8.00 0.8
z13 10 100.54 10.60 5 8.40 0.8
z14 10.8 100.54 10.60 5 8.80 0.8
z15 11.6 100.54 10.60 5 9.20 0.8
z16 12.4 100.54 10.60 6 9.60 0.8
z17 13.2 100.54 10.60 6 10.00 0.8
z18 14 100.54 10.60 7 10.40 0.8


Pg- 6 of 12

Reinforcement calculation for the typical layer no. 4 at a depth of 2.8m is as follows:
The maximum tensile force T j to be resisted by the jth layer of elements at a depth Zj below the top of the wall is summation of the
following forces.
Tmax j= T pj + T sj + T fj
a) Vertical Loading due to self weight of fill plus surcharge loading
T pj = Ka *Svj *σvj*Calculation Width Calculation Width =4m
Depth of the reinforcement layer, Zj 2.8 2.8 2.8
Length of the Reinforcement 10.60 10.60 10.60
Coefficient of earth pressure K 0.405 0.405 0.405
Vertical spacing of reinf at the jth level in the wall Svj 0.8 0.8 0.8
Vertical stress on the jth level of reinforcements σvj = Rvj / ( L-2e )
Resultant factored vertical load Excluding external strip load acting on the j layer
V1 - L1 Zj γr ffs L1=Lj+0.18 973.4 649.0 649.0
V2 - DL Lj ffs 214.7 143.1 143.1
V3 - LL Lj fq 413.4 0.0 0.0
V4 - '0.5*ka*ffs*γrs*Zj12*sinδ 15.3 15.3 10.2

Therefore Rvj 1616.8 807.4 802.3

fig. Variation of Coefficient of Earth Pressure with Depth Pg-5 of 9

Resisting moment Mr = ( V1)* L1 / 2+ (V2 + V3 )*( (L/2)+0.18)+(V4)*L Mr 8850.9 4444.5 4390.3

Overturning Moment Mo = ( ffs kj γbCosδ Zj3 / 6 ) + ( fq kj (LL)Cosδ Zj2 / 2 )+( ffs kj (DL) Cosδ Zj2 / 2 ) 139.03 139.03 52.23
Eccentricity of resultant vertical load at the jth layer ej = L/2-[( Mr - Mo )/ Rvj] 0.088 0.033 0.107

σvj 155.115 76.640 77.250

T pj 201.157 99.389 100.180

b) Vertical strip/concentrated load applied in accordance

T sj = Ka Svj ff SL / Dj
With 1H:2V dispersion of the pressure from the bottom of crash barrier
Dispersion width (Dj) at the jth layer
If Zj < ( 2 d - bf ) Dj bf + Zj
If Zj > ( 2 d - bf ) Dj [ ( bf + Zj ) / 2 + d ]
2 d - bf
Therefore, Dispersion width Dj 3.2 3.2 3.2
Vertical Load SL 8 16 16
T sj 8.754 11.671 11.671
c) Horizontal shear FL applied to a strip contact area of width b on top of the wall
T fj = 2 FL ffs Svj Q ( 1 - Zj Q )
Horizontal force on Crash barrier (FL) ffs F 0 0 0
Q = tan( 45 - f' p / 2 ) / ( d + b / 2 ) 0.321 0.321 0.321
T fj 0.000 0.000 0.000

Maximum Force in the reinforcement, Tmaxj = (T pj + T sj + T fj)/(No. of Connections) 26.239 13.882 13.981

Check for Rupture / Strength

Maximum Force at the junction between Reinforcement & concrete panel,To=(Tpj (at connection )+ Tsj + Tfj)/(No.of Connections) 23.56132828 12.01896076 12.10301916
Long Term Design strength of the reinforcement T D = T u / fm
Ultimate Tensile strength of the reinforcement Tu 60.3 60.3 60.3
Partial material factor fm 1.782 1.782 1.782
Design strength of the reinforcement TD 33.85 33.85 33.85
Rupture Criteria Tr=T D/ fn 33.85 33.85 33.85

Ratio Between the Reinfoecement Lond term strength Tr and Tmax 1.29 2.44 2.42
Ratio Between the Long term Stength at the junction between the Reinforcement and Concrete Panel Tr and To 1.44 2.82 2.80 FS > 1
Check for Adherence / Pullout
Maximum Adherence value in the Reinforcement at the Laver,T f > Maximum Force in the reinforcement,T max

Coefficient of friction between the fill and reinforcing material µ 0.770 0.770 0.770
Length of reinforcement in the resisting zone Lej 6.67 6.67 6.67
Vertical Stress along length of the reinforcement ,σvj= Zj gr ffs+DLffs+ (ff SL / Dj ) σvj 124.05 82.70 82.70 live load is not considered while calculating Adherence
Maximum Force in the reinforcement,Tmax Tmax 26.239 13.882 13.981
Adherence strength of the reinforcement ,T f =2*B*μ*Le*σvj/(fp) Tf 88.17 58.78 58.78
Tf/Tmax 3.36 4.23 4.20
Pg- 7 of 12


Number of K=Coefficient of
Sr. No Layer from top Zj Dj ParaWeb Lj Sv Rv Mr Mo e σv σh T pj T sj T cj Tmax(KN) To Tr Tr/Tm Tr/To
connections(for 4m) earth Pressure

1 1 0.4 2.00 40.20 4 10.6 0.8 0.47 768.677 4207.85 2.350 0.1711 74.94 35.4 113.168 32.620 0.00 18.224 16.102 22.127 1.21 1.37
2 2 1.2 2.40 40.20 4 10.6 0.8 0.45 1050.027 5741.13 22.882 0.1458 101.86 45.8 146.587 25.903 0.00 21.561 18.813 22.127 1.03 1.18
3 3 2 2.80 50.27 4 10.6 0.8 0.43 1332.829 7289.80 67.621 0.1187 128.62 55.0 175.945 21.106 0.00 24.631 21.332 28.207 1.15 1.32
4 4 2.8 3.20 60.32 4 10.6 0.8 0.41 1616.807 8850.94 139.027 0.0883 155.11 62.9 201.157 17.507 0.00 27.333 23.561 33.846 1.24 1.44
5 5 3.6 3.60 60.32 4 10.6 0.8 0.38 1901.683 10421.60 238.123 0.0550 181.28 69.4 222.201 14.708 0.00 29.614 25.447 33.846 1.14 1.33
6 6 4.4 4.00 60.32 4 10.6 0.8 0.36 2187.179 11998.84 364.492 0.0193 207.09 74.7 239.105 12.469 0.00 31.447 26.964 33.846 1.08 1.26
7 7 5.2 4.40 60.32 4 10.6 0.8 0.34 2473.019 13579.71 516.281 0.0176 234.08 79.3 253.616 10.638 0.00 33.032 28.276 33.846 1.02 1.20
8 8 6 4.80 75.40 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 2761.331 15186.80 727.175 0.0635 263.66 87.9 281.213 9.599 0.00 36.351 31.079 42.307 1.16 1.36
9 9 6.8 5.20 75.40 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 3051.611 16814.73 998.925 0.1172 294.40 98.1 313.995 8.861 0.00 40.357 34.470 42.307 1.05 1.23
10 10 7.6 5.60 85.45 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 3343.277 18457.37 1328.873 0.1767 326.28 108.8 348.001 8.228 0.00 44.529 38.004 47.946 1.08 1.26
11 11 8.4 6.00 100.54 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 3636.331 20114.72 1722.409 0.2421 359.47 119.8 383.394 7.679 0.00 48.884 41.696 56.413 1.15 1.35
12 12 9.2 6.40 100.54 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 3930.772 21786.76 2184.922 0.3132 394.12 131.4 420.353 7.199 0.00 53.444 45.817 56.413 1.06 1.23
13 13 10 6.80 100.54 5 10.6 0.8 0.33 4226.600 23473.52 2721.805 0.3902 430.43 143.5 459.075 6.776 0.00 46.585 40.839 56.413 1.21 1.38
14 14 10.8 7.20 100.54 5 10.6 0.8 0.33 4523.815 25174.97 3338.447 0.4730 468.59 156.2 499.783 6.399 0.00 50.618 45.362 56.413 1.11 1.24
15 15 11.6 7.60 100.54 5 10.6 0.8 0.33 4822.418 26891.13 4040.238 0.5615 508.86 169.6 542.727 6.063 0.00 54.879 50.255 56.413 1.03 1.12
16 16 12.4 8.00 100.54 6 10.6 0.8 0.33 5122.407 28622.00 4832.569 0.6558 551.49 183.8 588.193 5.759 0.00 49.496 46.300 56.413 1.14 1.22
17 17 13.2 8.40 100.54 6 10.6 0.8 0.33 5423.784 30367.57 5720.830 0.7558 596.78 198.9 636.503 5.485 0.00 53.499 51.100 56.413 1.05 1.10
18 18 14 8.80 100.54 7 10.6 0.8 0.33 5726.548 32127.84 6710.413 0.8615 645.10 215.0 688.033 5.236 0.00 49.519 48.279 56.413 1.14 1.17


Sr. No Layer from top Zj Dj Paraweb Lj µ* Strip Width(mm) σv Tpj Tsj Tcj Tmax(KN) Tf Tf/Tmax

1 1 0.4 2 40.2 10.6 6.265 1.00 90.000 54.75 113.17 32.620 0.000 18.224 47.605 2.61
2 2 1.2 2.4 40.2 10.6 6.399 0.92 90.000 76.95 146.59 25.903 0.000 21.561 63.057 2.92
3 3 2 2.8 50.3 10.6 6.532 0.85 90.000 100.18 175.94 21.106 0.000 24.631 76.790 3.12
4 4 2.8 3.2 60.3 10.6 6.665 0.77 90.000 124.05 201.16 17.507 0.000 27.333 88.170 3.23
5 5 3.6 3.6 60.3 10.6 6.799 0.69 90.000 148.35 222.20 14.708 0.000 29.614 96.744 3.27
6 6 4.4 4 60.3 10.6 6.932 0.62 90.000 172.95 239.11 12.469 0.000 31.447 102.153 3.25
7 7 5.2 4.4 60.3 10.6 7.065 0.54 90.000 197.77 253.62 10.638 0.000 33.032 104.087 3.15
8 8 6 4.8 75.4 10.6 7.199 0.52 90.000 222.75 281.21 9.599 0.000 36.351 115.367 3.17
9 9 6.8 5.2 75.4 10.6 7.332 0.52 90.000 247.86 313.99 8.861 0.000 40.357 130.748 3.24
10 10 7.6 5.6 85.5 10.6 7.465 0.52 90.000 273.06 348.00 8.228 0.000 44.529 146.665 3.29
11 11 8.4 6 100.5 10.6 7.600 0.52 90.000 298.35 383.39 7.679 0.000 48.884 163.136 3.34
12 12 9.2 6.4 100.5 10.6 8.000 0.52 90.000 323.70 420.35 7.199 0.000 53.444 186.313 3.49
13 13 10 6.8 100.5 10.6 8.400 0.52 90.000 349.10 459.07 6.776 0.000 46.585 210.981 4.53
14 14 10.8 7.2 100.5 10.6 8.800 0.52 90.000 374.55 499.78 6.399 0.000 50.618 237.139 4.68
15 15 11.6 7.6 100.5 10.6 9.200 0.52 90.000 400.03 542.73 6.063 0.000 54.879 264.787 4.82
16 16 12.4 8 100.5 10.6 9.600 0.52 90.000 425.55 588.19 5.759 0.000 49.496 293.923 5.94
17 17 13.2 8.4 100.5 10.6 10.000 0.52 90.000 451.09 636.50 5.485 0.000 53.499 324.547 6.07
18 18 14 8.8 100.5 10.6 10.400 0.52 90.000 476.66 688.03 5.236 0.000 49.519 356.658 7.20

Pg-8 of 12


Number of K=Coefficient of
Sr. No Layer from top Zj Dj ParaWeb Lj Sv Rv Mr Mo e σv σh T pj T sj T cj Tmax(KN) To Tr Tr/Tm Tr/To
connections(for 4m) earth Pressure

1 1 0.4 2.00 40.20 4 10.6 0.8 0.47 237.373 1300.48 2.350 0.1687 23.13 10.9 34.931 21.747 0.00 7.085 6.430 22.127 3.12 3.44

2 2 1.2 2.40 40.20 4 10.6 0.8 0.45 426.015 2334.06 22.882 0.1251 41.16 18.5 59.235 17.269 0.00 9.563 8.452 22.127 2.31 2.62

3 3 2 2.80 50.27 4 10.6 0.8 0.43 616.109 3383.04 67.621 0.0812 59.03 25.2 80.748 14.070 0.00 11.852 10.338 28.207 2.38 2.73
4 4 2.8 3.20 60.32 4 10.6 0.8 0.41 807.379 4444.48 139.027 0.0326 76.64 31.1 99.389 11.671 0.00 13.882 12.019 33.846 2.44 2.82
5 5 3.6 3.60 60.32 4 10.6 0.8 0.38 999.547 5515.44 238.123 0.0203 94.66 36.3 116.024 9.806 0.00 15.729 13.553 33.846 2.15 2.50

6 6 4.4 4.00 60.32 4 10.6 0.8 0.36 1192.335 6592.98 364.492 0.0762 114.13 41.2 131.767 8.313 0.00 17.510 15.039 33.846 1.93 2.25

7 7 5.2 4.40 60.32 4 10.6 0.8 0.34 1385.467 7674.16 516.281 0.1336 134.08 45.4 145.274 7.092 0.00 19.046 16.322 33.846 1.78 2.07
8 8 6 4.80 75.40 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 1581.071 8781.55 727.175 0.2057 155.18 51.7 165.511 6.399 0.00 21.489 18.385 42.307 1.97 2.30
9 9 6.8 5.20 75.40 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 1778.643 9909.79 998.925 0.2901 177.51 59.2 189.327 5.907 0.00 24.404 20.854 42.307 1.73 2.03

10 10 7.6 5.60 85.45 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 1977.601 11052.73 1328.873 0.3830 201.10 67.0 214.484 5.485 0.00 27.496 23.475 47.946 1.74 2.04
11 11 8.4 6.00 100.54 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 2177.947 12210.38 1722.409 0.4845 226.14 75.4 241.189 5.119 0.00 30.789 26.266 56.413 1.83 2.15

12 12 9.2 6.40 100.54 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 2379.680 13382.73 2184.922 0.5944 252.86 84.3 269.686 4.800 0.00 34.311 29.418 56.413 1.64 1.92
13 13 10 6.80 100.54 5 10.6 0.8 0.33 2582.800 14569.79 2721.805 0.7127 281.52 93.8 300.256 4.517 0.00 30.477 26.719 56.413 1.85 2.11
14 14 10.8 7.20 100.54 5 10.6 0.8 0.33 2787.307 15771.55 3338.447 0.8394 312.44 104.1 333.231 4.266 0.00 33.750 30.245 56.413 1.67 1.87

15 15 11.6 7.60 100.54 5 10.6 0.8 0.33 2993.202 16988.01 4040.238 0.9743 345.98 115.3 369.005 4.042 0.00 37.305 34.161 56.413 1.51 1.65
16 16 12.4 8.00 100.54 6 10.6 0.8 0.33 3200.483 18219.18 4832.569 1.1173 382.59 127.5 408.052 3.840 0.00 34.324 32.107 56.413 1.64 1.76
17 17 13.2 8.40 100.54 6 10.6 0.8 0.33 3409.152 19465.06 5720.830 1.2684 422.81 140.9 450.949 3.657 0.00 37.884 36.185 56.413 1.49 1.56
18 18 14 8.80 100.54 7 10.6 0.8 0.33 3619.208 20725.63 6710.413 1.4275 467.30 155.8 498.405 3.491 0.00 35.850 34.951 56.413 1.57 1.61


Sr. No Layer from top Zj Dj Paraweb Lj µ* Strip Width(mm) σv Tpj Tsj Tcj Tmax(KN) Tf Tf/Tmax

1 1 0.4 2 40.20 10.6 6.27 1.00 90.00 36.50 34.93 21.75 0 7.085 31.737 4.48

2 2 1.2 2.4 40.20 10.6 6.40 0.92 90.00 51.30 59.23 25.90 0 9.563 42.038 4.40
3 3 2 2.8 50.27 10.6 6.53 0.85 90.00 66.79 80.75 21.11 0 11.852 51.194 4.32
4 4 2.8 3.2 60.32 10.6 6.67 0.77 90.00 82.70 99.39 17.51 0 13.882 58.780 4.23
5 5 3.6 3.6 60.32 10.6 6.80 0.69 90.00 98.90 116.02 14.71 0 15.729 64.496 4.10
6 6 4.4 4 60.32 10.6 6.93 0.62 90.00 115.30 131.77 12.47 0 17.510 68.102 3.89
7 7 5.2 4.4 60.32 10.6 7.07 0.54 90.00 131.85 145.27 10.64 0 19.046 69.391 3.64
8 8 6 4.8 75.40 10.6 7.20 0.52 90.00 148.50 165.51 9.60 0 21.489 76.911 3.58
9 9 6.8 5.2 75.40 10.6 7.33 0.52 90.00 165.24 189.33 8.86 0 24.404 87.166 3.57
10 10 7.6 5.6 85.45 10.6 7.47 0.52 90.00 182.04 214.48 8.23 0 27.496 97.776 3.56
11 11 8.4 6 100.54 10.6 7.60 0.52 90.00 198.90 241.19 7.68 0 30.789 108.758 3.53
12 12 9.2 6.4 100.54 10.6 8.00 0.52 90.00 215.80 269.69 7.20 0 34.311 124.209 3.62
13 13 10 6.8 100.54 10.6 8.40 0.52 90.00 232.74 300.26 6.78 0 30.477 140.654 4.62
14 14 10.8 7.2 100.54 10.6 8.80 0.52 90.00 249.70 333.23 6.40 0 33.750 158.093 4.68
15 15 11.6 7.6 100.54 10.6 9.20 0.52 90.00 266.69 369.00 6.06 0 37.305 176.524 4.73
16 16 12.4 8 100.54 10.6 9.60 0.52 90.00 283.70 408.05 5.76 0 34.324 195.948 5.71
17 17 13.2 8.4 100.54 10.6 10.00 0.52 90.00 300.73 450.95 5.49 0 37.884 216.364 5.71
18 18 14 8.8 100.54 10.6 10.40 0.52 90.00 317.77 498.41 5.24 0 35.850 237.772 6.63
Pg- 9 of 12


Number of K=Coefficient of
Sr. No Layer from top Zj Dj ParaWeb Lj Sv Rv Mr Mo e σv σh T pj T sj T cj Tmax(KN) To Tr Tr/Tm Tr/To
connections(for 4m) earth Pressure

1 1 0.4 2.00 40.20 4 10.6 0.8 0.47 236.852 1294.95 0.605 0.1648 23.06 10.9 34.828 21.747 0.00 7.072 6.419 22.127 3.129 3.447

2 2 1.2 2.40 40.20 4 10.6 0.8 0.45 424.418 2317.13 7.009 0.1430 41.15 18.5 59.218 17.269 0.00 9.561 8.451 22.127 2.314 2.618

3 3 2 2.80 50.27 4 10.6 0.8 0.43 612.953 3349.58 23.308 0.1266 59.24 25.3 81.039 14.070 0.00 11.889 10.369 28.207 2.373 2.720
4 4 2.8 3.20 60.32 4 10.6 0.8 0.41 802.271 4390.34 52.229 0.1073 77.25 31.3 100.180 11.671 0.00 13.981 12.103 33.846 2.421 2.796

5 5 3.6 3.60 60.32 4 10.6 0.8 0.38 992.188 5437.45 95.541 0.0840 95.11 36.4 116.576 9.806 0.00 15.798 13.612 33.846 2.142 2.486
6 6 4.4 4.00 60.32 4 10.6 0.8 0.36 1182.519 6488.94 154.052 0.0571 112.77 40.7 130.206 8.313 0.00 17.315 14.873 33.846 1.955 2.276
7 7 5.2 4.40 60.32 4 10.6 0.8 0.34 1373.079 7542.85 227.615 0.0276 130.21 44.1 141.081 7.092 0.00 18.522 15.876 33.846 1.827 2.132

8 8 6 4.80 75.40 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 1565.287 8614.25 332.003 0.0088 147.91 49.3 157.760 6.399 0.00 20.520 17.562 42.307 2.062 2.409
9 9 6.8 5.20 75.40 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 1758.807 9699.54 469.712 0.0522 167.58 55.9 178.730 5.907 0.00 23.080 19.728 42.307 1.833 2.144

10 10 7.6 5.60 85.45 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 1953.251 10794.63 640.788 0.1016 187.87 62.6 200.374 5.485 0.00 25.732 21.975 47.946 1.863 2.182
11 11 8.4 6.00 100.54 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 2148.621 11899.52 848.823 0.1568 208.88 69.6 222.784 5.119 0.00 28.488 24.311 56.413 1.980 2.320

12 12 9.2 6.40 100.54 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 2344.914 13014.22 1097.412 0.2180 230.71 76.9 246.065 4.800 0.00 31.358 26.893 56.413 1.799 2.098
13 13 10 6.80 100.54 5 10.6 0.8 0.33 2542.133 14138.72 1390.147 0.2851 253.46 84.5 270.328 4.517 0.00 27.484 24.101 56.413 2.053 2.341

14 14 10.8 7.20 100.54 5 10.6 0.8 0.33 2740.277 15273.03 1730.623 0.3580 277.24 92.4 295.698 4.266 0.00 29.996 26.886 56.413 1.881 2.098
15 15 11.6 7.60 100.54 5 10.6 0.8 0.33 2939.345 16417.13 2122.434 0.4368 302.20 100.7 322.316 4.042 0.00 32.636 29.890 56.413 1.729 1.887
16 16 12.4 8.00 100.54 6 10.6 0.8 0.33 3139.338 17571.04 2569.172 0.5213 328.47 109.5 350.337 3.840 0.00 29.515 27.611 56.413 1.911 2.043
17 17 13.2 8.40 100.54 6 10.6 0.8 0.33 3340.256 18734.76 3074.431 0.6116 356.23 118.7 379.939 3.657 0.00 31.966 30.535 56.413 1.765 1.848
18 18 14 8.80 100.54 7 10.6 0.8 0.33 3542.099 19908.27 3641.805 0.7077 385.65 128.5 411.323 3.491 0.00 29.630 28.888 56.413 1.904 1.953


Sr. No Layer from top Zj Dj Paraweb Lj µ* Strip Width(mm) σv Tpj Tsj Tcj Tmax(KN) Tf Tf/Tmax

1 1 0.4 2 40.2 10.6 6.265 1.00 90.000 36.50 34.83 21.747 0.000 7.072 31.737 4.49
2 2 1.2 2.4 40.2 10.6 6.399 0.92 90.000 51.30 59.22 17.269 0.000 9.561 42.038 4.40
3 3 2 2.8 50.3 10.6 6.532 0.85 90.000 66.79 81.04 14.070 0.000 11.889 51.194 4.31
4 4 2.8 3.2 60.3 10.6 6.665 0.77 90.000 82.70 100.18 11.671 0.000 13.981 58.780 4.20
5 5 3.6 3.6 60.3 10.6 6.799 0.69 90.000 98.90 116.58 9.806 0.000 15.798 64.496 4.08
6 6 4.4 4 60.3 10.6 6.932 0.62 90.000 115.30 130.21 8.313 0.000 17.315 68.102 3.93
7 7 5.2 4.4 60.3 10.6 7.065 0.54 90.000 131.85 141.08 7.092 0.000 18.522 69.391 3.75
8 8 6 4.8 75.4 10.6 7.199 0.52 90.000 148.50 157.76 6.399 0.000 20.520 76.911 3.75
9 9 6.8 5.2 75.4 10.6 7.332 0.52 90.000 165.24 178.73 5.907 0.000 23.080 87.166 3.78
10 10 7.6 5.6 85.5 10.6 7.465 0.52 90.000 182.04 200.37 5.485 0.000 25.732 97.776 3.80
11 11 8.4 6 100.5 10.6 7.600 0.52 90.000 198.90 222.78 5.119 0.000 28.488 108.758 3.82
12 12 9.2 6.4 100.5 10.6 8.000 0.52 90.000 215.80 246.06 4.800 0.000 31.358 124.209 3.96
13 13 10 6.8 100.5 10.6 8.400 0.52 90.000 232.74 270.33 4.517 0.000 27.484 140.654 5.12
14 14 10.8 7.2 100.5 10.6 8.800 0.52 90.000 249.70 295.70 4.266 0.000 29.996 158.093 5.27
15 15 11.6 7.6 100.5 10.6 9.200 0.52 90.000 266.69 322.32 4.042 0.000 32.636 176.524 5.41
16 16 12.4 8 100.5 10.6 9.600 0.52 90.000 283.70 350.34 3.840 0.000 29.515 195.948 6.64
17 17 13.2 8.4 100.5 10.6 10.000 0.52 90.000 300.73 379.94 3.657 0.000 31.966 216.364 6.77
18 18 14 8.8 100.5 10.6 10.400 0.52 90.000 317.77 411.32 3.491 0.000 29.630 237.772 8.02

Pg- 10 of 12


ξ = Arctan (0.5 Am) 4.562534795

Kaex= 0.383 Kaey= 0.383

Kox= 0.3333 Koy= 0.3333

i) Vertical Force (Rv)

1S+dW 1S-dW 2S+dW 2S-dW

Weight of reinforced soil mass/block = V1 L H γr ffs ok 3337.49 3337.49 3337.49 3337.49

Weight of the fill on top of the reinforced soil wall = V2 DL Lffs 145.53 145.53 145.53 145.53

Traffic Surcharge = V3 0.5*LL L fq ok 140.14 140.14 140.14 140.14

Weight of crash barrier =V4 SL L1 ffs ok 145.53 145.53 145.53 145.53

Vertical Component of earth pressure = V5 0.5*ka*ffs*γrs*H *sinδ ok 137.46 137.46 137.46 137.46 Why Ka taken why not Kaex? Because you consider the static earth thrust + Eae on horizontal plan

Dynamic Variation of weight of Reinforced Soil,V6=Wm 0.25*γr*H*L*Am ok 133.17 133.17 133.17 133.17
Total Vertical Force (Rv) 4039.32 3772.99 4039.318017 3772.986475

ii) Horzontal Force (Rh)

Rh =Horizontal Thrust due to Soil +Inertial Force due to Seismic &Self Weight(Eim) +Inertial Force due to Backfill(Eae)

1S+dW 1S-dW 2S+dW 2S-dW

Horizontal Thrust due to Soil Ph 667.70 667.70 667.70 667.70 Formula is not correct you have to consider Ka and not Kaex
inertial Force due to &Self Weight(Eim) 266.33 266.33 266.33 266.33 Why it is considered two times? Correct in software considering only once
Inertial Force due to Backfill(Eae) 110.41 110.41 110.41 110.41 Per ξ = 0
Dead Load = (DL ) H Ka ffs*cosβ 65.40 65.40 65.40 65.40
Traffic Surcharge loading = (LL) H Ka fq*cosβ * REDFAC OF LIVE LOAD 62.98 62.98 62.98 62.98 REDFAC OF LIVE LOAD is the reduction factor to be considered in the software for live
load in seismic condition. In the software cell DG8. If it's 0 the live load in seismic condition is not

Total Horizontal Forces (Rh) ` 1172.82 1172.82 1172.82 1172.82 taken into account. In your sheet it is considered 50% so must be introdeced here as 0,5 Kaex = Kox Kaey = Koy

iii) Resisting Moment Mr

Weight of reinforced soil mass/block =M1 V1*L/2 ok 17989.06032 17989.06032 17989.06032 17989.06032
Weight of the fill on top of the reinforced soil wall =M2 V2*L/2 784.4067 784.4067 784.4067 784.4067
Traffic Surcharge = M3 V3*L/2 755.3546 755.3546 755.3546 755.3546
Weight of crash barrier =M4 V4*L/2 ok 784.41 784.41 784.41 784.41
Vertical Component of earth pressure =M5 V5*L1 ok 1481.86 1481.86 1481.86 1481.86 corrected inputF12 with F40 to take into account the tickness of the panel
Dynamic Variation of weight of Reinforced Soil=M6 V6*L/2 ok 717.76 717.76 717.76 717.76

Total Resisting Moment 22512.8564 21077.33 22512.86 21077.33

iv) Overturning Moment Mo

Horizontal Thrust due to Soil Ph*H/3 ok 3204.965863 3204.965863 3204.965863 3204.965863

inertial Force due to &Self Weight(Eim) Eim*H/2 ok 1917.587105 1917.587105 1917.587105 1917.587105
Inertial Force due to Backfill(Eae) Eae*0.6*H ok 953.9472922 953.9472922 953.9472922 953.9472922
Dead Load = (DL ) H Ka ffs*cosβ DLThrust*H/2 470.88 470.88 470.88 470.88 NEW
Traffic Surcharge loading = (LL) H Ka fq*cosβ * REDFAC OF LIVE LOAD LLThurst*H/2 453.44 453.44 453.44 453.44 NEW

Total Overturning Moment 7000.826498 7000.826498 7000.826498 7000.826498

from figure Xe=Xo and Ye=Yo =H

Eccentricity (e) L/2 - (ΣMr - ΣMo)/Rv 1.55 1.66 1.55 1.66 Eae= 0.5(Kaey-Koy)γ*H2
Length of reinforcement 10.60 10.60 10.60 10.60
Meyorhoff Pressure (qr) Rv / (L-2e) 538.54 518.14 538.54 518.14 Eim= 0.5*γ*H*L*Am
Sliding along the base (Tan φf Rv+C*L )/Rh 1.99 1.86 1.99 1.86
Ultimate Bearing capacity of soil Cf Nc + gf DNq+ 0.5 (L-2e) gf Ng 1843.49 1799.38 1843.49 1799.38
F.S against Bearing 3.42 3.47 3.42 3.47
F.S against Overturning 3.22 3.01 3.22 3.01
1S 11.7

Error in evaluation of Vertical component of earth thrust - NOW correct Correct formula of Tmax adding Tm2

Number of K=Coefficient of
Sr. No Layer from top Zj Dj ParaWeb Lj Sv Rv Mr Mo e σv σh T pj T sj T cj Tmax(KN) To Tr Tr/Tm Tr/To
connections(for 4m) earth Pressure
1 1 0.4 2 40.20 4 10.6 0.8 0.47 374.65 2051.24 1.57 0.17 36.52 17.24 55.16 21.75 0.00 12.25 8.58 22.13 1.81 2.58
2 2 1.2 2.4 40.20 4 10.6 0.8 0.45 562.22 3075.79 15.25 0.14 54.52 24.52 78.45 17.27 0.00 14.66 10.49 22.13 1.51 2.11
3 3 2 2.8 50.27 4 10.6 0.8 0.43 750.75 4111.67 45.08 0.12 72.42 30.96 99.07 14.07 0.00 16.90 12.28 28.21 1.67 2.30
4 4 2.8 3.2 60.32 4 10.6 0.8 0.41 940.07 5156.72 92.68 0.09 90.16 36.54 116.93 11.67 0.00 18.89 13.88 33.85 1.79 2.44
5 5 3.6 3.6 60.32 4 10.6 0.8 0.38 1129.99 6208.78 158.75 0.05 107.70 41.25 132.01 9.81 0.00 20.59 15.25 33.85 1.64 2.22
6 6 4.4 4 60.32 4 10.6 0.8 0.36 1320.32 7265.68 242.99 0.02 125.00 45.10 144.33 8.31 0.00 22.00 16.37 33.85 1.54 2.07
7 7 5.2 4.4 60.32 4 10.6 0.8 0.34 1510.88 8325.25 344.19 0.02 143.01 48.42 154.95 7.09 0.00 23.23 17.35 33.85 1.46 1.95
8 8 6 4.8 75.40 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 1703.09 9404.11 484.78 0.06 162.60 54.19 173.42 6.40 0.00 25.51 19.23 42.31 1.66 2.20
9 9 6.8 5.2 75.40 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 1896.61 10498.32 665.95 0.12 182.92 60.97 195.10 5.91 0.00 28.22 21.47 42.31 1.50 1.97
10 10 7.6 5.6 85.45 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 2091.05 11603.34 885.92 0.17 203.99 67.99 217.57 5.49 0.00 31.03 23.80 47.95 1.55 2.01
11 11 8.4 6 100.54 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 2286.42 12719.19 1148.27 0.24 225.90 75.29 240.94 5.12 0.00 33.96 26.24 56.41 1.66 2.15
12 12 9.2 6.4 100.54 4 10.6 0.8 0.33 2482.71 13845.85 1456.61 0.31 248.76 82.91 265.32 4.80 0.00 37.14 28.95 56.41 1.52 1.95
13 13 10 6.8 100.54 5 10.6 0.8 0.33 2679.93 14983.33 1814.54 0.39 272.69 90.89 290.84 4.52 0.00 33.08 25.90 56.41 1.71 2.18
14 14 10.8 7.2 100.54 5 10.6 0.8 0.33 2878.08 16131.64 2225.63 0.47 297.83 99.27 317.66 4.27 0.00 35.90 28.85 56.41 1.57 1.96
15 15 11.6 7.6 100.54 5 10.6 0.8 0.33 3077.15 17290.76 2693.49 0.56 324.34 108.10 345.92 4.04 0.00 38.88 32.05 56.41 1.45 1.76
15 15 12.4 8 100.54 6 10.6 0.8 0.33 3277.14 18460.71 3221.71 0.65 352.37 117.45 375.83 3.84 0.00 35.69 29.60 56.41 1.58 1.91
15 15 13.2 8.4 100.54 6 10.6 0.8 0.33 3478.06 19641.47 3813.89 0.75 382.15 127.37 407.58 3.66 0.00 38.49 32.73 56.41 1.47 1.72
15 15 14 8.8 100.54 7 10.6 0.8 0.33 3679.90 20833.06 4473.61 0.85 413.88 137.95 441.43 3.49 0.00 36.17 30.98 56.41 1.56 1.82

NOT REQUIRED Come form evaluation of Tmax in rupture check

Sr. No Layer from top Zj Dj Paraweb Lj µ* Strip Width(mm) σv Tpj Tsj Tcj Tmax(KN) Tf Tf/Tmax

1 1 0.4 2 40.20 10.6 6.265 1.00 90.000 36.50 55.16 21.75 0.00 12.25 31.74 2.59
2 1 1.2 2.4 40.20 10.6 6.399 0.92 90.000 51.30 78.45 17.27 0.00 14.66 42.04 2.87
3 1 2 2.8 50.27 10.6 6.532 0.85 90.000 66.79 99.07 14.07 0.00 16.90 51.19 3.03
4 1 2.8 3.2 60.32 10.6 6.665 0.77 90.000 82.70 116.93 11.67 0.00 18.89 58.78 3.11
5 1 3.6 3.6 60.32 10.6 6.799 0.69 90.000 98.90 132.01 9.81 0.00 20.59 64.50 3.13
6 1 4.4 4 60.32 10.6 6.932 0.62 90.000 115.30 144.33 8.31 0.00 22.00 68.10 3.10
7 1 5.2 4.4 60.32 10.6 7.065 0.54 90.000 131.85 154.95 7.09 0.00 23.23 69.39 2.99
8 1 6 4.8 75.40 10.6 7.199 0.52 90.000 148.50 173.42 6.40 0.00 25.51 76.91 3.01
9 1 6.8 5.2 75.40 10.6 7.332 0.52 90.000 165.24 195.10 5.91 0.00 28.22 87.17 3.09
10 1 7.6 5.6 85.45 10.6 7.465 0.52 90.000 182.04 217.57 5.49 0.00 31.03 97.78 3.15
11 1 8.4 6 100.54 10.6 7.600 0.52 90.000 198.90 240.94 5.12 0.00 33.96 108.76 3.20
12 1 9.2 6.4 100.54 10.6 8.000 0.52 90.000 215.80 265.32 4.80 0.00 37.14 124.21 3.34
13 1 10 6.8 100.54 10.6 8.400 0.52 90.000 232.74 290.84 4.52 0.00 33.08 140.65 4.25
14 1 10.8 7.2 100.54 10.6 8.800 0.52 90.000 249.70 317.66 4.27 0.00 35.90 158.09 4.40
15 1 11.6 7.6 100.54 10.6 9.200 0.52 90.000 266.69 345.92 4.04 0.00 38.88 176.52 4.54
15 1 12.4 8 100.54 10.6 9.600 0.52 90.000 283.70 375.83 3.84 0.00 35.69 195.95 5.49
15 1 13.2 8.4 100.54 10.6 10.000 0.52 90.000 300.73 407.58 3.66 0.00 38.49 216.36 5.62
15 1 14 8.8 100.54 10.6 10.400 0.52 90.000 317.77 441.43 3.49 0.00 36.17 237.77 6.57

Case 2s is same as 1S

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