CB 2nd Daily Test (Chapter 3-5)

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2nd daily test (CB)

Chapter 3 (Obedience)

Gethsemane Death Obey Praying God

Sorrowful Keep watch Judas Will Humbled

Complete the sentences with the words in the box!

1. God is an obedience God, He obeyed to …………….

2. And being found in appearance as a man, He ……..…... Himself by becoming

obedient to death-even death on a cross. (Philippians 2:8).

3. Jesus went with his disciples to a place called ……………….., and Jesus said to the

disciples, “Sit here while I go over there and pray”

4. Jesus asked the disciples to stay awake while Jesus was ……………..

5. Jesus took Peter, James and John with him, and He began to be ……………. and


6. …………….. betrayed Jesus by accepting pieces of silver for leading the authorities

to Jesus.

7. Jesus said to them “Stay here and …………………. with me.

8. Jesus prayed’’ My father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I

will, but as your ……………..

9. We should follow Jesus’s example of obedience, we should learn to ………… in any


10. We keep praying to …………… whenever we feel sad, scared or without friends.
Chapter 4 (Honesty)

King lying lips Honesty Testify

World Trustworthy truth Doesn’t like

Complete the sentences with the words in the box!

1. God is an honest God; He …………….people that lie

2. “But the Lord detests lying lips, but He delights in people who are …………….”

(Proverbs 12: 22).

3. What questions did Pilate ask to Jesus?

Pilate asked to Jesus, “So You are a king, are You?”

Jesus answered, you say that I am a ……….. In fact, the reason I was born and came

into the world is to ………….. to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to

me. (John 18: 37).

4. What did Jesus say about His Kingdom?

Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this ……………. My servant will fight to prevent

my arrest by the Jewish leaders, but now my kingdom is from another place’’

(John 18: 36).

5. Jesus always speaks the truth; He hates ………………

6. When I speak the ……………., others will trust me also.

7. ……………….. is the best key to make a good relationship.

Chapter 5 (Attentiveness)

Eyesight Jesus Keeps Happy

Leads Attentive Take care Safe
100 Hearing One Pays attention

Complete the sentences with the words in the box!

1. God is an attentive God; He ……………………. to each of us.

2. The bible said, ‘’’For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are

…………………. to their prayer’’ (1 Peter 3: 12a).

Story about ‘’ The Good Shepherd”

3. The story tells us that the shepherd had ……......sheep and if one of them was lost.

4. How many sheep went missing? __________

5. He would be very ………….. if the lost one was found.

6. The shepherd …………. the sheep safe.

7. Sheep have poor ……………. but excellent ……………, they know their shepherd’s


8. ………………. is the” Good shepherd”, He knows each of us, provides for our

needs, and protects us from harm. He takes a good care of us.

9. The Shepherd always ………….. the sheep back to their pen.

10. Jesus always makes sure we are ……………

11. The Shepherd will find the lost sheep. He will never give up to find us when we are


12. The Sheep’s life in the Shepherd’s hand. Our lives also in Jesus Christ, our good

Shepherd. He is the door of our salvation.

13. God will love and …………… of us.

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