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A Beautiful Journey Through Olympiad Geometry

Property 4.4 (Angle Bisector Theorem). The angle bisector in a triangle di-
vides the opposite side in segments proportional to the other two sides of the

Proof. Here is an idea how to prove this theorem. Let ABC be a triangle and
let S be a point on BC, such that AS is an angle bisector in 4ABC. We need
to prove that SC
= AC
. If we rearrange this equality, we get
that we need to prove that SB = AB . This resembles the
Thales’ Proportionality Theorem, with the exception that
the points C, A and B are not collinear. So if we take a
point B1 on the extension of CA, such that AB1 = AB,
then we will only need to prove that SA is parallel to BB1 .
Let B1 ∈ CA, such that AB1 = AB. The triangle 4ABB1 is isosceles,
so ∠ABB1 = ∠AB1 B = ϕ. The angle ∠BAC is exterior angle of 4ABB1 , so
∠BAC = ∠ABB1 + ∠AB1 B = 2ϕ. Since AS is an angle bisector,
∠BAS = 12 ∠BAC = ϕ. So, ∠BAS = ∠ABB1 , which means that SA k BB1 .
By the Thales’ Proportionality Theorem, we get that SB
= AB1
. By substitut-
ing AB for AB1 , we get SB
= AB

Property 4.5 (External Angle Bisector Theorem). Let the bisector of the
exterior angle at vertex A in 4ABC intersect the line BC at A1 . Prove that

= .

Proof. WLOG, let AB < AC, i.e. A1 B < A1 C. Let D be a point on the line
AA1 , such that AB k CD. Then, by Property 2.1, ∠A1 AB = ∠A1 DC, so
4A1 AB ∼ 4A1 DC and therefore

= . (?)

Let α0 be the external angle at the vertex A in 4ABC. Then, as vertical angles,

∠DAC = = ∠A1 AB = ∠A1 DC ≡ ∠ADC,
so 4ADC is isosceles, i.e. AC = DC. By substituting in (?), we get the desired

Stefan Lozanovski

Example 4.1. In the triangle ABC, let BE and CF be perpendiculars to the

angle bisector AD. Prove that AE · DF = AF · DE.

Proof. Whenever we have to prove products of lengths that are equal, it is

good to try and rearrange the terms in order to get ratios of lengths that can be
considered as part of a similarity of trian-
gles. The product above can be rearranged to
= DE
. As all of this points are collinear,
these four lengths can not all be sides of a pair
of similar triangles, so we can not directly solve
this with 1 pair of similar triangles. However,
each of the sides can represent the ratio od sim-
ilarity of each of 2 pairs of similar triangles.
The first pair of similar triangles is 4AEB ∼ 4AF C. They are similar by
the criterion AA, since ∠BAE = α2 = ∠CAF and ∠AEB = 90◦ = ∠AF C.
Thus, AE
= BE
The second pair of similar triangles is 4BED ∼ 4CF D. They are also
similar by the criterion AA, since ∠BED = 90◦ = ∠CF D and ∠BDE = ∠CDF
as vertical angles. Thus, BE
= DE

∴ = = , i.e. AE · DF = AF · DE 
Example 4.2. Let 4ABC be a right triangle (γ = 90◦ ). The angle bisector of
∠ABC intersects AC at D. If AD = 5 and CD = 3, find AB.
Proof 1. Let C 0 be the foot of the perpendicular from D to AB. Now, we
focus on 4BDC and 4BDC 0 . We have ∠CBD = β2 = ∠C 0 BD, BD is a
common side and ∠BDC = 90◦ − β2 = ∠BDC 0 , so by the criterion ASA for
congruent triangles, we get 4BDC ∼ = 4BDC 0 . Therefore, DC 0 = DC = 3 and
BC 0 = BC = x. Now, from the right 4ADC 0 , by Pythagorean Theorem, we
2 2 2
get AD = DC 0 + C 0 A , i.e. C 0 A = 4. Finally, from the right 4ABC, we
2 2 2
get AB = BC + CA , i.e. (4 + x)2 = x2 + 82 which has a solution x = 6.
Therefore, AB = AC + C 0 B = 4 + 6 = 10.

Proof 2. From Angle Bisector Theorem in 4ABC, we get BC = DC = 53 .
Therefore, BA = 5k and BC = 3k. Now, using Pythagorean Theorem in
4ABC, we get (5k)2 = (3k)2 + 82 , which has a positive solution k = 2, i.e.
AB = 5k = 10. 

Related problems: 22 and 28.

Chapter 5


A circle is a set of point equidistant from one previously chosen point, called
the center. The distance from the center to the circle is called the radius of the
circle. We will usually notate a circle with center O and radius r as ω(O, r).

Figure 5.1: Circle ω with center O and radius r.

Symmetry in a Circle
Let AB be a chord in a circle. If we connect the points
A and B with the center O, we get an isosceles trian-
gle ABO. If M is the midpoint of AB, then by SSS
4AM O ∼ = 4BM O and therefore ∠AM O = ∠BM O, i.e.
OM ⊥ AB. Also, ∠AOM = ∠BOM , so if we denote
by P and Q the intersections of OM with the circle,
we get that 4OAP ∼ = 4OBP (by SAS) which yields
AP = BP and consequently AP ˜ = BP ˜ . Similarly,

4AOQ = 4BOQ (by SAS) and AQ = BQ. ˜ ˜ Looking
from a different perspective, this all means that the cen-
ter of the circle O and the midpoints of the minor and
major arc AB,
˜ P and Q, all lie on the perpendicular bi-
sector of the chord AB. Hence, the center of any circle can be found as the
intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of any two chords.
Moreover, let T be the intersection of the tangents at A and B. By the
2 2 2 2 2 2
Pythagorean Theorem, T A = T O −OA = T O −OB = T B , i.e. T A = T B.
So the tangent segments from a point to the circle are equal. Now, by SSS
4OAT ∼ = 4OBT , so ∠T OA = ∠T OB, which combined with the previous
findings, means that T also lies on the perpendicular bisector of the chord AB.

Stefan Lozanovski

Angles in a Circle
An inscribed angle is an angle whose vertex lies on a circle and its rays in-
tersect that circle.

A central angle is an angle whose vertex is the center of the circle and its
rays intersect that circle.

(a) Inscribed angle (b) Central angle

Now, let’s take a look at the relation between an inscribed angle and a central
angle that subtend the same arc. Let ∠M AN and ∠M ON be an inscribed and
the central angle that subtend the arc M¯ N , respectively. The center O can be
in three positions relative to ∠M AN .

i) O lies on one of the rays of ∠M AN , WLOG let O lie on the ray AN .

OA = r = OM
∴ 4OAM is isosceles.
∴ ∠OAM = ∠OM A
∴ ∠M ON = ∠OAM + ∠OM A = 2 · ∠OAM ≡ 2 · ∠M AN

ii) O is in the interior of ∠M AN .

Let A1 be the second intersection of AO with the circle.

∠M OA1 = 2 · ∠M AA1 (from case i)

∠A1 ON = 2 · ∠A1 AN (from case i)

∴ ∠M ON = ∠M OA1 + ∠A1 ON = 2 · ∠M AA1 + 2 · ∠A1 AN = 2 · ∠M AN

iii) O is in the exterior of ∠M AN , WLOG O is closer to the ray AN .

Let A1 be the second intersection of AO with the circle.

∠M OA1 = 2 · ∠M AA1 (from case i)

∠N OA1 = 2 · ∠N AA1 (from case i)

∴ ∠M ON = ∠M OA1 − ∠N OA1 = 2 · ∠M AA1 − 2 · ∠N AA1 = 2 · ∠M AN

A Beautiful Journey Through Olympiad Geometry

Therefore, any inscribed angle is half the central angle that subtends the
same arc. It also implies that all the inscribed angles that subtend the same arc
are equal.
The converse is also true. The proof is “less attractive”, but it will be
presented for the sake of completeness :) We will prove that if two angles ∠M AN
and ∠M BN are equal (and their vertices A and B lie on the same side of the
line M N ), then their vertices, A and B, and the intersection points of their
corresponding rays, M and N , are concyclic.
Let ω1 (O1 , r1 ) be the circumcircle of 4M AN .
Let ϕ = ∠M AN = ∠M BN . Therefore,
∠M O1 N = 2 · ∠M AN = 2ϕ. Since 4M O1 N
is isosceles (because O1 M = r1 = O1 N ),
∠O1 M N = ∠O1 N M = 90◦ − ϕ. Similiarly, if
ω2 (O2 , r2 ) is the circumcirle of 4M BN , then
∠O2 M N = ∠O2 N M = 90◦ − ϕ. Therefore, by
the ASA criterion, 4M O1 N ∼ = 4M O2 N . Since
A and B, and consequently O1 and O2 lie on the
same side of M N , we get that O1 ≡ O2 . There-
fore, r1 = O1 M = O2 M = r2 , so ω1 ≡ ω2 , i.e.
the points M , A, B and N lie on a single circle.

In conclusion, we get two important properties of the angles in a circle:

Property 5.1. Inscribed angles that subtend the same arc are equal. The
converse is also true, i.e. if two angles are equal, then their vertices and the
intersection points of their corresponding rays are concyclic.
M, A, B, N ∈ ω (in that order) ⇐⇒ ∠M AN = ∠M BN (5.1)

Property 5.2. The central angle is twice an inscribed angle that subtends the
same arc.
M, A, N ∈ ω(O, r) =⇒ ∠M ON = 2 · ∠M AN (5.2)

Remark. Be careful, if for a point P we have ∠M P N = 2 · ∠M AN , it doesn’t

mean that P ≡ O because all angles ∠M XN with X on arc M ˙ON are equal.

Stefan Lozanovski

Finally, let’s investigate the angle between a tangent and a chord through
the tangent point.
Let AB be a chord in ω(O, r) and let T A be a
tangent to ω at A. Let ∠BAT = α. Since T A is
a tangent, then it must be perpendicular to OA,
i.e. ∠OAT = 90◦ .

∴ ∠OAB = ∠OAT − ∠BAT = 90◦ − α

OA = r = OB
∴ 4OAB is isosceles
∴ ∠OAB = ∠OBA = 90◦ − α
∠AOB = 180◦ −2(90◦ −α) = 180◦ −180◦ +2α = 2α
Let ∠AP B be any inscribed angle over the arc
˜ Then,

(5.2) 1 1
∠AP B = · ∠AOB = · 2α = α.
2 2
In conclusion, we get the following property:

Property 5.3. The angle between a tangent and a chord is equal to any in-
scribed angle that subtends that chord.

∠T AB = ∠AP B (5.3)

The converse is also true, i.e. if an angle between a chord and a line through
one of the endpoints of the chord is equal to an inscribed angle that subtends
that chord, then that line must be tangent to the circle.

A Beautiful Journey Through Olympiad Geometry

We will now see a few useful consequences of the relation between an in-
scribed and a central angle.

Property 5.4 (Thales’ Theorem). Every inscribed angle that subtends a di-
ameter is a right angle.

Proof. Let AB be a diameter in a circle with center O, and let C be another

point on the circle.
(5.2) 1 1
∠ACB = · ∠AOB = · 180◦ = 90◦ 
2 2
Remark. Moreover, we can see that inscribed angles that subtend an arc greater
than half the circumference are obtuse and inscribed angles that subtend an arc
smaller than half the circumference are acute.
Property 5.5. The opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary.

Proof. Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral and let its circumcircle be centered
at O. Let ϕ1 and ϕ2 be the central angles that subtend the arcs ADC ˘ and
ABC, respectively.

(5.2) 1
∠ABC = ϕ1 (over the arc ADC)
∠ADC = ϕ2 (over the arc ABC)
1 1
∴ ∠ABC + ∠ADC = · (ϕ1 + ϕ2 ) = · 360◦ = 180◦ 
2 2

Stefan Lozanovski

We will now solve a few examples to see how these 5 properties can be used.

Example 5.1. Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral. Prove that the external
angle at C is equal to the internal angle at A.

Proof. For the external angle γ1 , we have γ + γ1 = 180◦ . From Property 5.5,
we know that α + γ = 180◦ . Therefore, γ1 = 180◦ − γ = α. 

Example 5.2. Let O be the circumcenter of the cyclic quadrilateral ABCD,

such that the points B, C lie on one side of the line AO, while D lies on the other
side. If ∠AOC = 4 · ∠ACB, prove that DB is the angle bisector of ∠ADC.

Proof. Let ϕ = ∠ACB. Then, ∠AOC = 4ϕ. From Property 5.2, we get that
∠ADC = 21 ∠AOC = 2ϕ. From Property 5.1, we get that ∠ADB = ∠ACB = ϕ.
Finally, ∠BDC = ∠ADC − ∠ADB = 2ϕ − ϕ = ϕ = ∠ADB, so DB is angle
bisector of ∠ADC. 

Example 5.3. Let ABC be an isosceles triangle, such that AC = BC. Let P
be a point on the side AC. The tangent to (ABP ) at the point P intersects
(BCP ) at D. Prove that CD k AB.

Proof. By Property 2.1, we need to prove that ∠DCB = ∠CBA. Since

the points D, C, P, B lie on the same circle, by Property 5.1, we get
∠DCB = ∠DP B. Since DP is tangent to (ABP ), by Property 5.3, we get
∠DP B = ∠P AB. Finally, since 4CAB is isosceles, we get ∠CAB = ∠CBA.
Therefore, ∠DCB = ∠DP B = ∠P AB ≡ ∠CAB = ∠CBA. 

A Beautiful Journey Through Olympiad Geometry

Example 5.4. Let P be a point on the side BC of 4ABC. The parallel line to
AC through P intersects the tangent to (ABC) through A at a point Q. Prove
that AP BQ is cyclic.

Proof. By the converse of Property 5.1, we need to prove that ∠QAB = ∠QP B.
From Property 5.3, we get ∠QAB = ∠ACB. From Property 2.1, we get
∠ACB = ∠QP B. Therefore, ∠QAB = ∠QP B. 
Example 5.5. Let ABC be an acute triangle. Let E and F be the feet of the
altitudes in 4ABC from B and C, respectively, and let M be the midpoint of
BC. Prove that M E and M F are tangents to (AEF ).

Proof. Let BE ∩ CF = H. Since ∠HEA + ∠HF A = 90◦ + 90◦ = 180◦ , by the

converse of Property 5.5, we get that AEHF is cyclic quadrilateral. In order
to prove that M E is tangent to (AEHF ), by the converse of Property 5.3, we
need to prove that ∠M EH = ∠EAH.
Since AEHF is cyclic, by Property 5.1, we get ∠EAH = ∠EF H. Since
∠BEC = 90◦ = ∠BF C, by the converse of Thales’ Theorem, E, F lie on the
circle with diameter BC, so BF EC is cyclic. Thus, by Property 5.1, we get
∠EF C = ∠EBC. Since M is midpoint of the diameter BC, we get that M is
the center of (BF EC), so M B = M E as radii. Therefore, ∠M BE = ∠M EB.
Thus, ∠EAH = ∠EF H ≡ ∠EF C = ∠EBC ≡ ∠EBM = ∠M EB ≡ ∠M EH,
so M E is tangent to (AEF ). Similarly, M F is tangent to (AEF ). 

Stefan Lozanovski

For what follows, it would be better if we introduced the notation of angle

measure of an arc. Namely, it corresponds to the central angle that subtends
that arc, i.e. we will say that M ¯ N = α if and only if ∠M ON = α. Therefore,
a semicircle has a measure of 180◦ and the whole circle has an angle measure
of 360◦ . Firstly, let’s prove two simple properties about arcs in circles and later
we will continue with some more angles in a circle.

Property 5.6. Let A, B, C, D be points on a circle ω. Then,

AB ˜ ⇐⇒ AB = CD.
˜ = CD

Proof. Let O be the center of ω. Then, OA = OB = OC = OD = r, so

˜ = CD ˜ ⇐⇒ ∠AOB = ∠COD ⇐⇒ 4AOB ∼= 4COD ⇐⇒ AB = CD 
Property 5.7. Let A, B, C, D be points on a circle ω. Then,

AB ˜ ⇐⇒ BC k AD.
˜ = CD

Proof. Let O be the center of ω. Then,

(5.2) (2.1)
˜ = CD ˜ ⇐⇒ ∠AOB = ∠COD ⇐⇒ ∠ACB = ∠CAD ⇐⇒ BC k AD 
Remark. Can you see how one can use this property to quickly draw an accurate
diagram in Problem 150 (points M and N ), Problem 158 (points D and E) and
Problem 201 (points X and Y )?


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