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Mary’s University Department of Accounting & finance

Format of a Research Proposal

All research endeavors in every academic and professional filed are preceded by a research
proposal. A research proposal details the operational plan for obtaining answers to research
questions. It informs your supervisor and others what you propose to do, how you plan to
proceed and why the chosen strategy has been selected. It thus assures readers of the validity
of the methodology used to obtain answers accurately and objectively. Both for qualitative and
quantitative research studies you need to write a research proposal. Both do have a similar
structure. However their main difference is in proposed procedures and methodologies for
undertaking the research endeavor. Hence, this proposal is appropriate for both types of research
proposal. Generally: A proposal tells us: What will be done, Why it will be done, How it will
be done, Where it will be done, To whom it will be done, and What is the benefit of doing it?


Although the style and content of a research proposal may vary within an institution, from
discipline to discipline or from supervisor to supervisor, the majors are the following:

1. Cover page:

Title (topic of the study)

Name of institution (university/school/department)
Name of the researcher
Name of advisor, date of submission
Note: should not contain abbreviation, has no page number
Abstract: is a brief summary of approximately 300-400 words of your senior easy
proposal and of whole research on completion of the study.
Should include:
 Statement of the problem/gap
 The principal/general objective of the study
 Summarized Methodology
 Expected result/ value addition
Should only confined to research proposal

2. Table of content
3. Acronyms
A research proposal should contain the following information about your study

1. Introduction
1.1. Background of the study

A Research Proposal Guideline for Accounting & Finance 1 Prepared by: Robel Y. (MSc) 2013/2021
S. Mary’s University Department of Accounting & finance
An introduction should focus to review and cite relevant studies that have done before. The
proposal should start with the introduction to include some of the information listed below:
 An overview of the main area under study;
 A historical perspective (development, growth, etc) pertinent to the study area;
 Major theories, if any;
 The main issue, problems and advances in the subject area under study;
 The main findings related to the core issue (empirical evidences).
 A verbal “road map” or verbal “table of content” guiding the reader to what lies ahead.

Five components of writing a good introduction:

a. establishing the problem leading to the study,
b. reviewing the literature about the problem;
c. identifying deficiencies in the literature about the problem;
d. targeting an audience and noting the significance of the problem for this audience;
e. Identifying the purpose of the proposed study.

Note: any other’s material, saying or finding used in any part of the proposal should be
acknowledged or cited.

1.2. Statement of the problem

Having provided a broad introduction to the area under study, now focus on issues relating to its
central theme; Identify some of the main gaps/unanswered questions. Identify the issues that are
the bases of your study;

 Specify the various aspects of/perspectives on this issues;

 Raise some of the basic research questions that you want to answer through your study;
 Identify what Knowledge is available concerning your questions;
 Develop a rationale for your study with particular reference to how your study will fill
the identified gap.
Effective problem statement answer the question ‘’why does the study need to be conducted”

1.3. Objectives of the study

1.3.1. General objective: - indicates the central thrust of your study
1.3.2. Indicate the topic of the study preceded by action verb.
1.3.3. Specific objectives: - identify the specific issues you propose to examine
& enable you to answer the most general objective.
The objectives of the study should be clearly stated and specific in nature.
Each sub-objective should delineate only one issue. No conjunction words to use.
Use action-oriented verbs such as’ to determine’ to find out’ and ‘to ascertain ‘in
formulating sub-objectives, which should be numerically listed.

1.4. Significance
This section justifies its relevance for social, scientific or policy ground of the study after
A Research Proposal Guideline for Accounting & Finance 2 Prepared by: Robel Y. (MSc) 2013/2021
S. Mary’s University Department of Accounting & finance
1.5. Research methodology/ design

Describe the study design you plan to use to answer your research questions. (For example, say whether it
is a case study, descriptive cross-sectional, before-and-after, experimental or non-experimental design).

1.5.1. Data source & type

Includes Source (primary & secondary), type (qualitative &quantitative)
Type of study based on unit of analysis (case study or survey), time dimension of research
design (time series, cross sectional or panel)
1.5.2. Data collection instrument-(observation, questioner, interview, document reviewing and
analysis, group discussion)
1.5.3. Sampling and sample size (if not use census method)

Under this section of the proposal include the following:

 The size of the sampling population (if known), and form where and how this information will be obtained;
 The size of the sample you are planning to select, and your reasons for choosing this size;
 An explanation of the sampling technique you are planning to use in the selection of the sample (simple random
sampling, stratified random sampling, quota sampling etc.)
1.5.4. Data analysis techniques - descriptive or inferential

Example: Challenge and opportunities of VAT collection & administration

Challenges may operation as (low awareness of tax payers, absence of clear and delineated tax
policy, corruption, poverty).

This section should contain a discussion of your instrument and the details of how you
plan to operationalize your major variables

Note: in each section and/or alternative of the methodology, reason for why you
discriminate/ prefer from others is necessary to assure readers the appropriateness of study

1.6. Scope and limitation of the study

1.6.1. Scope- The title, area (case study), type of research, and data collection
(coverage) of the study or delimitation up to which your study
1.6.2. Limitation- any lack in conducting/draw conclusion that reduces the
reliability of your study up to some degree confidence.
1.7. Organization of the paper: How your actual research is going to be
1.8. References: - You must give references to all the information that you obtain from
books, articles in journals, and other sources.

NB: To follow this plan you should have to consult your advisor first; Common
sense is not acceptable in research, all things should be data based.

A Research Proposal Guideline for Accounting & Finance 3 Prepared by: Robel Y. (MSc) 2013/2021
S. Mary’s University Department of Accounting & finance

1.10.1.Cost budget schedule (Sample)

Measurement unit Quantity Price per unit Total price in birr

Paper sheet Pack 2 100 200
Pen '' 5 3 15
Printing Page 300 1.5 450
For questioner writing '' 10 3 60
Photocopy of materials '' 500 0.75 375
Mode of transport - 500
Binding the manuscript Number 6 10 60
Refreshment - 400
Miscellanies expense - 290
Contingency - 200
Total costs 2,550

A Research Proposal Guideline for Accounting & Finance 4 Prepared by: Robel Y. (MSc) 2013/2021
S. Mary’s University Department of Accounting & finance

1.11. Budget schedule

1.10.1 Time schedule (Sample)


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Reviewing literature

Proposal writing


Data Collection

Data organization

Data Analysis

Report writing

Paper report-first

Paper report-final

Wish you a successful research period!

A Research Proposal Guideline for Accounting & Finance 5 Prepared by: Robel Y. (MSc) 2013/2021

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