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Abd Arrahman Mira University.

Faculty of social and human sciences.

Department of psychology


Teacher: MAMMERI

Level: master 2 PTO

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Activity one: Explain these branches in your own style.

Abnormal psychology:


Clinical psychology:

Activity two:

What you can draw from your specialty and psychology in general.

Activity three: give specific concept for each definition.

1- Treatment that we use to feel comfortable, and strong.

2- Process that based on observation.
3- Specialty that analyze person as a whole, and based on small detail.

Activity four: translate this passage to English language..

“‫يسمح للمضطهدين مرة كل بضع سنوات ان يقرروا اي الممثلين للطبقة المضطهدة سيمثلونهم‬

Activity five: Express the conditional .

1-If you (not/be) careful, you (spoil) the machine.

2- I (to get) dehydrated if you (not/drink) water.

3- Jane (to go) on a trip if she (to have /got) holidays in august

NB: student must answer on the answered sheet below using your computer.

Please not answering the questions by pen or sending the answer sheet by taking photo
of it.
Answer sheet

Activity one: 3 lines for each branch

1-Abnormal psychology:

2- Biopsychology:

3 Clinical psychology:

Activity two:

Activity three: specific concept

1- ……………………………………
2- ………………………………..
3- ……………………………

Activity four: translate


Activity five: Conditional

1- ……………………………………………………………………………………
2- ………………………………………………………………………………………
3- ………………………………………………………………………………………….

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