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Name: _______________________

Superhero Joey by Katherine Rollins

Joey put on his mask.

He flapped his cape in front of the mirror.

This is the best costume, he thought.
I’m sure to win the contest.

Joey skipped downstairs.

“Here I come to rescue you!” Joey shouted.

“Nice costume,” said Joey’s dad.
“I’m a superhero,” said Joey.

“Joey,” said Mom, “I need you to watch Mindy at the party.”

Joey looked at his little sister. “But Mom, superheroes don’t have kid sisters.”

“Well this superhero has a sister,” said Mom.

“What will Mindy’s costume be?” asked Dad.
“I’m not sure,” said Mom.
Joey got an idea. “I know!”

Joey took Mindy upstairs to his room.

He dug through his closets.

Joey found his baby blanket.

He put it around Mindy’s shoulders.

At the party, Superhero Joey and his sidekick Supergirl Mindy won first prize!

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: _______________________

Superhero Joey by Katherine Rollins

1. Why was Joey dressed like a superhero?


2. What was Joey supposed to do at the party?

a. fly in the air b. help make the food

c. watch his little sister d. clean up

3. Name all four characters in this story.

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

4. When does this story take place?

a. at the party b. before the party

c. after the party d. at Joey's house

5. What did Joey put on Mindy when he dressed her up as Supergirl?


Something extra: On the back of this paper, draw a picture of Super Joey and his
sidekick Supergirl Mindy.

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The Pet Store

Lucy, Joey, Mom and Dad

went to the pet store because Lucy
and Joey wanted a pet.

There were lots of pets at the

pet store. There were rabbits, birds,
fish, puppies, kittens, turtles, lizards,
snakes, and guinea pigs.

Mom was scared of the snakes. “We are not getting a

snake,” said Mom. “Yuck. They are scary.”

Joey wanted to get a puppy. “No, we are not getting

a puppy,” said Dad. “They cost too much money.”

Joey then decided he wanted a bird, but Lucy

decided she wanted a rabbit.

“We are only getting one pet,” said Mom. “So you
need to agree on one pet or we won’t get one.”

Finally Lucy and Joey agreed on getting a kitten.

They were small and cute.

Joey and Lucy picked out a black and white kitten

and decided to name her Bonnie.

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The Pet Store

1. Who was scared of snakes?
a. Lucy b. Joey
c. Mom d. Dad

2. Why didn’t Dad want to get a puppy?


3. What pet did Lucy want to get?


4. What color is the kitten?


5. What do Joey and Lucy name the kitten?


6. If you could have any animal for a pet, what

animal would you want? Why?

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It's Dinner Time

It’s time to make dinner at Joey and Lucy’s

house. Lucy’s Mom is making dinner. She is
cooking chicken, rice, mashed potatoes,
and salad for dinner.

Lucy helped make the mashed potatoes.

Joey put tomatoes in the salad. Both Joey
and Lucy helped set the table.

When dinner was ready, Lucy called for Dad to come to the
dinner table to eat.

“Dad, dinner’s ready,” said Lucy. “Come eat.”

Lucy, Joey, Mom, and Dad all sat at the table to eat dinner.
Everyone finished all of their dinner except Joey, who wouldn't
touch his salad. “I don't like salad,” he said. “You should eat it,”
said Mom. “It’s healthy for you.” Then Joey finally ate a few
bites of his salad.

When dinner was over, Dad and Lucy did the dishes while Mom
and Joey relaxed in the living room.

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It's Dinner Time

1. What did Mom cook for dinner?



2. Who helped make the mashed potatoes?


3. Who put the tomatoes in the salad?


4. Who called Dad to dinner?


5. Why does Mom want Joey to eat his salad?


6. What did Mom and Joey do after dinner?


Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Fifteen Minutes of Pie

By Nikki Aksamit

The Everson family- Mr. and Mrs. Everson,

their sons Ethan and Jason, and daughters
Hannah and Emily- were gathered around their
dining room table finishing up Sunday dinner.
“What’s for dessert, Mom?” Ethan asked as he
helped his mother clear away the last of the
“Your dad baked an apple pie.” Mrs.
Everson answered.
“Yummy!” exclaimed Ethan’s sister Emily from her high chair at the end of the table,
clapping her hands.
“Well, I would like fifteen minutes of pie please.” Ethan said with a big grin as he sat back
down at the table.
“Fifteen minutes of pie, what does that mean?” Asked his brother Jason, who was a
couple of years younger than Ethan. He was very confused.
“Mr. Lavel is teaching us about time in school.” Ethan replied. He was in second grade
and they were just starting to learn how to tell the time on a clock. “He told us that the clock
can be divided into four fifteen minute sections, like the pieces
of a pie. Fifteen times four is sixty and there are sixty minutes in
an hour.”
“Very good son!” Mr. Everson said smiling.
“So then may I have fifteen minutes of pie please?” Ethan
asked again as his mother placed the dessert on the table.
Hands on her hips, Mrs. Everson looked at her son. “How
about you have ten minutes of pie and save some for the rest
of us!” she answered.

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Fifteen Minutes of Pie

Story by Nikki Aksamit

1. What time is shown on the clock? _________________

What time will it be when the minute hand is on the 1? _____________

What time will it be when the minute hand is on the 2? _____________

What time will it be when the minute hand is on the 3? _____________

What time will it be when the minute hand is on the 6? _____________

2. Which picture shows 15 minutes of pie shaded?

a. b. c. d.

3. How many people are eating at the Everson family's dining room table? _______________

4. If a pie is cut into fifteen minute sections, how many pieces are there? _______________

5. Why didn't Mrs. Everson want Ethan to have 15 minutes of pie?

a. because she wanted him to eat more pie
b. because there wouldn't be enough for everyone
c. because she didn't want him to have more than 5 minutes of pie
d. because there would be too much pie left over

6. If Ethan ate 30 minutes of pie, how much of the pie would he have eaten?
a. a tiny piece of it b. all of it
c. half of it d. more than half of it

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Fifteen Minutes of Pie

Story by Nikki Aksamit

1. Jason ate 10 minutes of pie.

Shade in the amount of pie he ate.

2. Ethan wanted 15 minutes of pie.

Shade in the amount of pie he

3. Hannah ate 5 minutes of pie.

Shade in the amount of pie she

4. Mr. and Mrs. Everson ate 20

minutes of pie. Shade in the
amount of pie that they ate.

5. The Everson family ate 50 minutes

of pie altogether. Shade in the
amount of pie they ate.

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Fifteen Minutes of Pie

By Nikki Aksamit

Match each word on the left with

its definition on the right.

_____ gathered   cut up into parts

_____ dessert   came together

_____ confused   chair to help babies sit at a table

_____ high chair   sweet snack eaten after a meal

_____ divided   60 minutes

_____ hour   did not understand

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: _______________________

Robot Fun by Sara Matson

“Will you play with me?” Jake asked his sister.

“Not now,” Jen said. “I have to clean my room.

Jen picked up a sock. Then she put it down. “This is boring.”

“I have an idea,” Jake said. “Pretend you are a robot. I will be your master.”

“Okay,” Jen said.

“Robot,” Jake said, “Pick up your clothes.”

Jen put her socks, pants, and shirts in the hamper.

“Robot, pick up your books.” Jake said.

Jen stacked her books on the shelf.

“Robot, make your bed,” Jake said.

Jen folded her quilt and fluffed her pillow. Now her room looked neat.

“Hey!” Jen said. “Thanks for helping me clean my room!”

Jake smiled. “Thanks for playing with me.”

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: _______________________

Robot Fun by Sara Matson

1. What is this story mostly about?

a. Jake cleans his sister's room.

b. Jake pretends he's a robot.
c. Jake and Jen make cleaning a bedroom into a game.
d. Jen tells Jake how to clean his room.

2. Where does this story take place?


3. Place these sentences in order. Number them 1 - 4.

_____ Jake tells Jen to pick up her clothes.

_____ Jake tells Jen to pretend she's a robot.

_____ Jen stacks her books on the shelf.

_____ Jen thanks Jake for helping her.

4. How did Jen feel about cleaning her room in the beginning of the story?

a. She thought it was fun. b. It made her very tired.

c. It made her feel angry. d. She thought it was boring.

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ___________________

Rock Collecting
by S. V. Richard

Jill collects things. She likes to collect

rocks because she thinks rocks are pretty.
Jill has a little brother named Ben. He
follows her around.

Jill goes outside to find rocks. She walks with Ben up to the large
rock. Jill picks up one rock and screams, “Ahh, worms are underneath
this rock!”

Jill walks over to another rock. Ben runs up to the rock. Jill picks it
up and screams, “Ahh, a spider is on this rock.”

Jill looks for another rock. She sees a small rock. Ben walks behind
her. Jill does not pick up the rock. “There are ants all over this rock!”

Jill spies a large rock. Ben walks behind her. “I cannot pick up this
rock,” Jill says, “There is a grasshopper sitting on it.”

Jill walks over to another rock. Ben walks right behind her. “Ben,
why are you following me? What are you collecting?”

Ben holds up his net. “I am collecting bugs.”

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ___________________

Rock Collecting
by S. V. Richard

1. Why does Jill like to collect rocks?


2. Who is Ben?
a. Jill's friend b. Jill's big brother

c. Jill's bug c. Jill's little brother

3. Put these things in order. Write 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th on the lines.

_______ Jill finds a spider.

_______ Jill sees a grasshopper.

_______ Jill spots a worm under a rock.

_______ Jill sees ants on a rock.

5. What does Ben think of the bugs?

a. He is afraid of them. b. He likes them.

c. He thinks they are funny. c. He does not notice them.

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Noisy Silence
by Anita N. Amin

Boing. Boing. Boing. Rosie bounced her

ball. She always did that when it was too quiet.

Her dad sighed. He put down his pencil and

puzzle. He was sitting on the sofa.

“What's wrong, Dad?” Rosie asked.

“I can’t hear myself think,” Dad said. “It's too


Noisy? Rosie held her ball under her arm.

She listened. This is what she heard.

A clock was ticking.

Coffee was burbling in a kettle in the kitchen.

The fire was crackling in the fireplace.

The floor creaked.

Clothes tumbled gently in the dryer.

Outside, a bird screeched.

A dog was barking in someone's yard.

The wind moaned and whined. Tree branches tapped the windows.

A truck puttered by.

Somebody was pounding a hammer.

Rosie shook her head. She said, “You're right. It is noisy. So noisy, I can’t
hear what you’re thinking either, Dad!”

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Noisy Silence
by Anita N. Amin

1. Why does Rosie's dad stop working on his puzzle?

a. It is too quiet.
b. It is too loud.
c. He wants to watch outside the window.
d. Rosie wants to bounce her ball with him.

2. What does Rosie notice when she stops bouncing the ball?


3. In the box below, circle four sounds that Rosie hears in the story.

geese honking rain falling bird screeching clock ticking

fire crackling ball bouncing floor creaking car beeping

4. Reread Rosie's words at the end of the story.

“You're right. It is noisy. So noisy, I can’t hear what you’re thinking
either, Dad!”

Why is this funny?



5. How does Rosie change her opinion from the beginning of the story to the
end of the story?

Super Teacher Worksheets -
Name: ______________________________

Noisy Silence
by Anita N. Amin

Fill in the missing letters to create words from the story.

Then write the full word on the line. Be sure you spell each
word correctly.

1. k ___ t ___ l ___ 1. __________________________

clue: a pot used for boiling water

2. s ___ ___ e e ___ h ___ d 2. __________________________

clue: made a loud cry

3. ___ o ___ a 3. __________________________

clue: a small couch

4. g ___ n ___ l y 4. __________________________

clue: softly; lightly

5. ___ r a ___ k l ___ n g 5. _______________________

clue: popping or cracking sounds

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Noisy Silence
by Anita N. Amin

In the story, “Noisy Silence,” Rosie discovers that there is

lots of sound all around her if she listens carefully. On the
lines below, write about some of the sounds you are hearing
around you right now. Be sure to use complete sentences.












Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Chicken and the Mighty Storm

by Anita N. Amin

Chicken raced to the barnyard, excited for

the picnic. Suddenly she slid to a stop. Gray

storm clouds were filling the sky. Anxiously,

Chicken turned back toward the barn.

Just then Pig passed by. “Aren’t you going

to the picnic?” he squealed. “All that delicious

pig-nic food... I can’t wait to pig out!” He licked his chops.

Chicken cocked her head. Couldn’t Pig see a mighty storm was brewing? “What if it

rains?” Chicken asked. “I’ll get soaked, maybe even sick! I can’t fly with the flu.”

Pig looked up at the sky. “It’s not that bad. Besides, you can’t fly.”

“I fly a little,” Chicken said. “Just not in bad weather. We should go inside.”

Pig grunted. “Suit yourself. But I’m going to the picnic.” He left.

Wind ruffled Chicken’s feathers. Dirt whirled around the yard. The storm was close!

Chicken hurried to the barn. She reached it as her friends were leaving.

Horse neighed. “Whoa, Chicken! Wrong way. The picnic is over there.” He pointed

his nose toward the picnic area.

Chicken shook her head. Couldn’t Horse hear the wind howling? “It’s too windy,”

Chicken said. “What if I blow away? Then where will I be? Maybe the moon, that’s where.”

Cow mooed. “Don’t be a coward, dearie.”

“I’m not a coward.” Chicken clucked. “A mighty storm is coming. What if something

Super Teacher Worksheets -

happens? The rain might wash us all the way to the ocean! We should stay inside.”

Cow and Horse snorted. “Suit yourself. But we’re going to the picnic.” They left.

Chicken strutted to her coop. She hoped her friends weren’t in danger. But at least

she felt safe. No rain, no wind, no worries in here.

Chicken settled down. Soon she heard her friends frolicking outside.

“The races are about to begin!” someone announced.

“What if I miss all of the fun?” Chicken whispered.

Suddenly, the ground shook.

The barn rattled.

Thunder rumbled.

Large raindrops poured down from the gray clouds above.

Chicken flapped her wings in fear. The mighty storm was

here! She hoped her friends would hurry back. She didn’t want to be alone.

Lightning zapped. Thunder crashed. Shouts and shrieks filled the air.

Chicken gulped. Were her friends in trouble, stuck in the storm? What should she do?

She didn’t know. But she couldn’t hide if they needed help. So she crept to the doorway

and peeped outside.

Her friends were stampeding back to the barn! It was pouring! Lightning flashed.

As they dashed inside, her friends groaned. “You were right! We are soaked!” They

dripped puddles onto the barn floor.

Chicken raised her wings. “I don’t want to crow, but never argue with a chicken

about the weather. Why else do you think there’s a rooster on the weather vane?” Then

she strutted back to her dry, cozy coop and smiled, glad that her friends were safe.

Sometimes it paid to be chicken.

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Chicken and the Mighty Storm

by Anita N. Amin

1. Based on what you read in this story, what does it mean to “be chicken”?

a. to do something even though you don't want to do it

b. to take a risk
c. to be afraid or scared
d. to be strong and brave

2. How many animal characters are mentioned in the story?

a. three b. four c. five d. six

3. An exaggeration is a statement that makes things seem worse than they really are.
Put a check mark ( ) next to the phrases that are exaggerations.

“All that delicious pig-nic food... I can’t wait to pig out!”

“What if I blow away? Then where will I be? Maybe the moon, that’s where.”

“The races are about to begin!” someone announced.

“The rain might wash us all the way to the ocean!”

4. Based on what you read, list some of of the emotions Chicken felt throughout the story.



5. At the end of the story, Chicken mentions the object in this picture. What is it?


Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Chicken and the Mighty Storm

by Anita N. Amin

Draw lines to match the words from the story with their meanings.

1. coward • • move quickly around and


2. frolicking • • loud screams

3. whirled • • small pools of water

4. rooster • • someone who is overly scared

5. stampeding • • walked pridefully

6. strutted • • running around playfully

7. puddles • • rushing around in a panic

8. shrieks • • male chicken

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Chicken and the Mighty Storm

by Anita N. Amin

In the story, “Chicken and the Mighty Storm,” Chicken decides to stay
inside even though her friends don't listen to her advice.

Describe a time when you made a choice that wasn't popular with your
friends. How did you feel when they didn't agree? Did you make the
unpopular choice anyway? Was it the right choice?











Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Pictures in the Sky

by Anita Amin

“Look at that cloud,” Emma told her brother Alex.

They were sitting outside in their backyard. The sky was

blue and full of fluffy clouds.

Alex looked up at the white cloud. “It looks like a

duck,” he said.

“To me it looks like a big dog,” Emma said. She

pointed to another white cloud. “What about that one?”

“It looks like an octopus,” Alex said.

“To me it looks like a bunch of balloons.” Emma pointed to another white

cloud. “What about that one?”

“It looks like a man with a long beard,” Alex said.

“To me it looks like a tree.” Emma pointed to a dark cloud. “What about

that one?”

“It looks like a car with people in it,” Alex said.

“To me it looks like rain!” Emma cried.

They raced back inside and watched the rain pour down.

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Pictures in the Sky

by Anita Amin

1. Where does this story take place?

a. at the park
b. in Emma and Alex's house
c. on a grassy hill
d. in Emma and Alex's backyard

2. Alex saw a cloud that looked like an octopus.

What did Emma think it looked like?


3. Which cloud was probably dark gray?

a. The cloud that looked like a duck.
b. The cloud that looked like a man with a beard.
c. The cloud that looked like a horse.
d. The cloud that looked like a car.

4. How many clouds do Emma and Alex see in this story? _________________________

5. When does this story take place?

a. right after it rains
b. right before it rains
c. on a Thursday night
d. on a clear day

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Pictures in the Sky

by Anita Amin

Fill in the missing vowels to create words from the story.

Then write the full word on the line. Be sure you spell each word

1. b r ___ t h ___ r 1. _________________________________

clue: boy with the same mother as you

2. b ___ c k y ___ r d 2. _________________________________

clue: land behind a house

3. ___ c t ___ p ___ s 3. _________________________________

clue: sea animal with 8 legs

4. b ___ ___ r d 4. _________________________________

clue: hair on a man's chin

5. r ___ c ___ d 5. _________________________________

clue: ran

6. c l ___ ___ d 6. _________________________________

clue: white or gray water vapor in the sky

7. b ___ l l ___ ____ n s 7. _________________________________

clue: round, rubber sacs filled with air

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Rosie's Bedtime Story

by Anita Amin

Rosie loved bedtime.

Her dad always told her stories. Sometimes, he

told fairy tales. Sometimes, he told animal stories. And

sometimes, he told sports stories.

Rosie couldn’t wait to hear Dad’s next story.

But that night, Mom tucked Rosie into bed instead. “Dad is sick,” Mom told Rosie.

“But I can tell you a story if you want me to.” So Mom told Rosie a story.

But to Rosie, it wasn’t the same. She felt sad. She didn’t want Dad to be sick, and

she missed story time with Dad.

She thought maybe Dad missed story time, too. This gave her an idea.

Rosie hopped out of bed. She went to Dad’s room. She knocked on his door.

“Come in,” Dad said.

When Rosie opened the door, Dad smiled weakly. “I’m sorry. I’m going to miss

story time tonight.”

Rosie sat on Dad’s bed. “No you won’t. I’m going to tell you a story.”

So Rosie told Dad a story about a castle, a dragon, and a princess.

Dad loved the story and he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

“Get well quickly, Dad,” Rosie whispered.

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Rosie's Bedtime Story

by Anita Amin

1. Complete the graphic organizer.

2. Why didn't Rosie's dad tuck her into bed?


3. What type of story did Rosie tell her dad?

a. a true story b. a scary story
c. a story about animals d. a fairy tale

4. Where does the beginning of the story take place?

a. in Rosie's bedroom b. in Rosie's dad's bedroom
c. in the living room d. in the kitchen

5. Who fell asleep at the end of the story? _________________________________

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Rosie's Bedtime Story

by Anita Amin

Fill in the missing vowels to create words from the story.

Then write the full word on the line. Be sure you spell each word

1. b ___ d t ___ m ___ 1. _________________________________

clue: time of the day when you get ready to sleep

2. s t ___ r y 2. _________________________________
clue: tale

3. w ___ ___ k l y 3. _________________________________

clue: opposite of strongly

4. k n ___ c k ___ d 4. _________________________________

clue: hit something to make a sound

5. w h ___ s p ___ r ___ d 5. _________________________________

clue: spoke softly

6. c ___ s t l ___ 6. _________________________________

clue: large house made of stone

7. p r ___ n c ___ s s 7. _________________________________

clue: daughter of a king or queen

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ___________________

Sock Puppets
by Katie Clark

Max, Pop, and Grams sat on the couch. “Let’s put on

a puppet show,” Max suggested.

Pop’s nose wrinkled up like a slinky. “A puppet show?

But we don’t have any puppets!”

Max glanced around the room. He grabbed a sock out of Grams’ clean
laundry basket. “We could use one of these!” he said.

“A sock?” Pop asked. “What else?”

“We need to make eyes,” Max explained.

Grams opened her sewing box and pulled out two buttons. “Will these
do?” she asked.

“Yes!” said Max. They sewed the buttons onto the sock.

“What now?” Pop asked.

“We need to make hair,” Max said.

Pop snapped his fingers. “I have just the thing!” He dug in his tackle box
and came out with a wiggly lure. They pinned the lure above the eyes.

“What next?” Grams asked.

Max pulled the sock onto his hand. He opened and closed his fingers.
“Hello,” he said. “I’m Mr. Sock!” Pop and Grams laughed.

Max, Pop, and Grams made two more sock puppets, and together they
put on a puppet show.

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ___________________

Sock Puppets
by Katie Clark

1. What is this story mostly about?

a. a family putting on a puppet show
b. a family making puppets
c. a family making socks
d. a family who gives sock puppets away

2. Who is Grams?
a. Max's grandpa b. Max's mom
c. Max's dad d. Max's grandma

3. Whose idea was it to have a puppet show? ________________________

4. Tell what each part of the puppet was made of.

Puppet's Body Puppet's Eyes Puppet's Hair

5. How many puppets did Max, Pop, and Grams make?

a. one b. two
c. three d. none

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ___________________

Sock Puppets
by Katie Clark

Draw lines to match the words from the

story with their meanings.

1. couch   fishing lures

2. glanced   cloth worn on your foot

3. sock   sofa

4. tackle   took

5. grabbed   round, plastic parts on a

shirt or jacket

5. buttons   looked fast

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ___________________

Sock Puppets
by Katie Clark

Write a script for a puppet show with two puppets.

Puppet's 1's Name: _____________________________________

Puppet 2's Name: __________________________________

Puppet 1: _______________________________________________

Puppet 2: _______________________________________________

Puppet 1: _______________________________________________

Puppet 2: _______________________________________________

Puppet 1: _______________________________________________

Puppet 2: _______________________________________________

Puppet 1: _______________________________________________

Puppet 2: _______________________________________________

Puppet 1: _______________________________________________

Puppet 2: _______________________________________________

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: _______________________

Aunt Lee's Chickens

Take a Bath by Susan Manzke

Some people have cats as pets. Others have dogs.

Aunt Lee is not like those people. Her two pets are
chickens. Both are girl birds, or hens. One is named Lulu
and the other is Molly.

Earlier today, Aunt Lee called Cindy to watch her

chickens take a bath.

“Are they in your bathtub?” asked Cindy.

“No, my chickens do not use my bathtub.” Aunt Lee laughed. “They are
outside chickens.”

“Do you take soap and water and scrub them under their wings and wash
between their toes?” asked Cindy.

“I let them take their own baths,” said Aunt Lee. “Come and watch.”

Cindy went to see Lulu and Molly taking their baths. When she walked into
Aunt Lee’s backyard, the two hens were flapping on the ground. Dirt flew into
the air around them.

“Those chickens are sure dirty,” said Cindy. “When will they start taking
their baths?”

“That’s what they are doing,” said Aunt Lee. “Lulu and Molly are taking
dust baths. It cleans tiny bugs off their feathers and it makes them feel good.
Want to join them?”

Cindy smiled. “No, but I’ll watch.”

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: _______________________

Aunt Lee's Chickens Take a Bath

by Susan Manzke

1. What are girl chickens called?


2. What are the names of Aunt Lee's two chickens?

__________________________ and __________________________

3. Explain how Aunt Lee's chickens take a bath?



4. How is a dust bath helpful to chickens?

a. It helps them to lay more eggs.

b. It helps them get rid of old feathers.
c. It helps them get rid of bugs in their feathers.
d. It cleans their beaks.

5. How was Aunt Lee trying to be funny at the end of the story?



Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: _______________________ Writing

Aunt Lee's Pets by Susan Manzke

In the story, Aunt Lee has pet chickens.

Would you want to have chickens as pets?
Why or why not?














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Level 2: Reading Comprehension

The Twins
Sarah and Ruth are twins. They were born on
the same day and look alike. But Sarah and
Ruth are very different people.

Sarah is shy and quiet but Ruth is not shy and

she loves talking to people.

Sarah’s favorite school class is math, but

Ruth’s favorite class is reading.

The twins each have a pet. Sarah has a cat

named Sally and Ruth has a pet bird named

There are also more differences in the twins.

Sarah’s favorite color is pink and Ruth’s
favorite color is blue.

Ruth likes to eat vegetables, but Sarah doesn’t

like many vegetables. Also, Ruth’s favorite
drink is fruit juice while Sarah’s favorite drink
is milk.

The twins look alike, but they are different on

the inside and they are still best friends. Sarah
and Ruth love each other very much.

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Level 2: Reading Comprehension

The Twins
Answer the questions.

1. Which twin is shy and quiet?

2. Whose favorite class is reading?

3. What is Sarah’s pet cat’s name?

4. What kind of pet does Ruth have?

5. Which twin’s favorite color is blue?


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Name: ______________________________

Playing With Paper

by Anita Amin

One sunny Sunday morning, Alex and Emma were tossing

a ball in the park. Their dad was sitting on a bench, reading a

After a while, Emma stopped. She walked over to Alex.

"It's too hot,” she told him. “I wish I had my sun hat.”

Alex agreed. “I wish I had mine, too.”

Emma saw Dad folding his newspaper. “I have an idea,” she said.

Emma asked Dad for two pages. She folded each page a few times. Then she put one
on Alex’s head. She put the other one on her head.

Alex smiled. “This paper hat is perfect!”

They sat down next to Dad and watched everyone in the park. Some people were
picnicking. Some were playing. And some were walking their pets.

After a while, the sky filled with clouds. It became windy. Some people started flying kites.

“I wish I had a kite,” Emma said, watching a butterfly kite flap in the wind.

“Or a plane,” Alex said, pointing to a toy plane buzzing around.

“I have an idea.” Emma took off her hat. She folded it another way.

“A paper airplane!” Alex folded his hat into a plane, too.

They threw their planes into the air. Emma’s plane flew past Alex’s plane.

Emma grinned. “I won.”

They flew their planes until they heard thunder.

“Let’s go,” Dad said. “Otherwise, we’ll need a boat to get out of

“Hmm,” Emma said. “I have an idea.” Emma folded both planes

another way.

Then they left, after Emma had put two paper boats on the bench.

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Playing With Paper

by Anita Amin

1. Where and when does the story takes place.


2. What was Emma and Alex's dad doing in the park?


3. Complete the graphic organizer.

4. Whose plane flew farther- Emma's or Alex's? ____________________________________

5. Why did Emma and Alex leave the park?

a. They were tired of playing with paper.
b. They were bored.
c. The weather was getting bad.
d. Emma's dad was done reading the paper.

6. In the beginning of the story, the weather was _____________________________________.

In the middle of the story, the weather was ________________________________________.

At the end of the story, the weather was ___________________________________________.

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

Playing With Paper

by Anita Amin

Fill in the missing vowels to create words from the story.

Then write the full word on the line. Be sure you spell each word

1. n ___ w s p ___ p ___ r 1. _________________________________

clue: large paper with news stories

2. t ___ s s ___ n g 2. _________________________________

clue: throwing

3. w ___ t c h ___ d 3. _________________________________

clue: looked at

4. p ___ c n __ c k __ n g 4. _________________________________
clue: eating outside

5. b ___ t t ___ r f l ___ 5. _________________________________

clue: insect with big, colorful wings

6. g r ___ n n ___ d 6. _________________________________

clue: smiled

7. t h ___ n d ___ r 7. _________________________________

clue: loud sound during or before a storm

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Name: ______________________________

The Holiday Surprise

by Anita N. Amin

One morning, Sammy got a phone call from his friend Raj.

“Come over for Holi,” Raj said. “It’s a holiday from India.

Make sure you wear old clothes.”

“Old clothes? Why?” Sammy asked. Sammy knew nothing

about Holi.

“It’s a surprise,” Raj said. “See you soon.” They hung up.

Sammy put on some old clothes. Then, he walked over to Raj’s house.

Inside on a table, there were four big jugs of colored water. There was blue water,

green, red, and yellow.

Raj handed Sammy two jugs. Raj picked up the other two.

“Are we going to paint eggs like we do for Easter?” Sammy looked around. He didn’t

see any eggs.

“No, not eggs.” Raj walked outside.

Sammy followed. “Will we paint our shirts? Is that why we had to wear old clothes?”

“Not quite,” Raj said.

They stopped at the park. People were throwing colored water at each other. Red,

orange, yellow water – every color of the rainbow splashed across the air.

“Surprise!” Raj said. “We’re going to paint each other!”

Sammy laughed. “Now, I have a surprise for you.” He splashed Raj with the blue water.

“Got you first!”

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

The Holiday Surprise

by Anita N. Amin

1. According to the story, what is Holi?

a. a holiday from Egypt b. a holiday from Holland
c. a holiday from Iran d. a holiday from India

2. What did Raj tell him to wear?

a. old clothes b. a holiday outfit
c. a red shirt d. his favorite clothes

3. What did Sammy see on the table when he walked into Raj's home?



4. Sammy tried to guess what he and Raj were going to do. What were two of Sammy's



5. In the end of the story what did Sammy and Raj do at the park?



Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

The Holiday Surprise

by Anita N. Amin

Fill in the missing letters to create words from the story.

Then write the full word on the line. Be sure to spell
each word correctly.

1. ____ nd ____ a 1. ______________________________________

hint: a country in Asia

2. s ____ ____ p ____ ____ s ____ 2. _______________________________________

hint: something unexpected

3. ____ el ____ o ____ 3. _______________________________________

hint: a color

4. h ____ li ____ ____ y 4. _______________________________________

hint: a special day of the year

5. cl ____ t ____ ____ s 5. _______________________________________

hint: you wear these

6. ____ ____ la ____ h ____ d 6. _______________________________________

hint: moved or pushed water

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Name: ______________________________

The Holiday Surprise

by Anita N. Amin

In the story, "The Holiday Surprise," Sammy celebrated

an Indian holiday called Holi, with his friend Raj.

Do you have any traditions that you celebrate with

family or friends? Tell about your tradition and be sure
to include what holiday you celebrate it on.

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