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1. The First One = Opening

Assalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarrakatuh.
Good Afternoon My Friend! I’am Nizam Stand Up, I’am To Present About How to Make a Cup Of Single
Ice. My There Is Naila, Aulia, Thalita and on My Left There is Ika, Khalisa and Tambunan. Of Friend Let’s
Start The Presentation.

2. The Second Person = Tittle

The Tittle Is How To Make a Cup Of Single Ice.

3. The Third Person = Tool

The Material Is : 1.) a Spoon 2.) a Cup

4. Fourth Person = Material

The Material Is :
1.) a Hillo Sachet
2.) a Sachet Sweetened Milk
3.) Ice Cube’s

5. Fifth Person = Ways Of Making

Steeps one Pour Sweetend Condunsed Milk Into a Cup, Then add a Hillo Solution, and add The Jelly, Last
Next add The Ice Cube’s. Finnally, You Can Drink The Single Iced Drink.

6. Sixth Person = Closing

Thank You For Your Attention Friend, That’s All For Our Persentation Today, Sorry If There Are Any
Word Errors.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarrakatuh.

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