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Agreement by Company Adopting Contract Made on its Behalf

Before its Incorporation

This agreement is made.....................the day of.................between ‘A’ of etc. of the first

part ‘B’ of etc. of the second part and the company.................Limited (hereinafter called the
company, of the third part).
Whereas by an agreement made between aforesaid ‘A’ as vendor and aforesaid ‘B’ as
agent for and on behalf of the company was agreed that the vendor shall
sell and the company shall purchase the property of the vendor as mentioned in that
agreement for the cash consideration of Rs.....................
And whereas the aforesaid ‘B’ as agent for the company has agreed to have the said
agreement adopted by the company after its incorporation.
And whereas since the execution of the abovementioned agreement, the company has
been incorporated in accordance with the intention in that behalf referred to in such
Now it is hereby mutually agreed as follows:
(1) The aforesaid agreement hereby adopted by the company
and shall be binding on the said ‘A’ and on the company in the same manner,
and take effect in all respects as if the company had been in existence at the date
thereof and had by these presents ratify the same.
(2) The said ‘B’ shall from henceforth be discharged from all liability under or in
respect of the said agreement.
In witness whereof:
Sd./ Sd./
Witnesses: Parties

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