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1. See video of Lesson 2 --three times—write the main points

2. Read and Practice as given below
3. Do exercise for lesson 2


Action word + other word = short sentences for every day use

Come+ here= come here

Go + there = go there

Walk + anywhere = walk anywhere

Run + fast = run fast

Come + sometime = come sometime

Read and Practice:

Use of ‘the’. In short sentence:

Take the ball- गें द लो

Bring the bat--- बैट लाओ

Open the window---खिड़की िोलो

Close the door—दरवाज़ा बंद करो

Keep the money—पैसा/मुद्रा रिो

Show the card—कार्ड ददिाओ

Write the answer—उत्तर ललिो

Read the question—प्रश्न पढो


Read and Practice

Use of ‘to’ in short sentence

Go to the market

Come to the park

Go to the doctor

Go to school

Go to Kolkata

Listen to music

Bring your copy---अपनी/तुम्हारी कॉपी लाओ

Take your pen—अपना/तुम्हारा पेन/कलम लो

Keep your bag---

Wear your shirt

Bring his copy—उसका कॉपी लाओ

Take her bag—उसकी बैग लो

Keep his pen

Cut the vegetable, open the door, close the window, fry the fish, bake the cake,
delete the message, send the message, pay the amount, take the lift,

Make a video—एक वीडर्यो बनाओ, draw a picture-एक चित्र रे िांकन करो, take a selfie—
एक सेल्फी लो, take an apple—एक ऐप्ल लो (a, e, I, o, u के उच्िारण से जो शब्द है उसके
पहले “एक” के ललए “an” का प्रयोग करें )

Go to market, go to the market, come to office, go to doctor, go to lawyer, listen to

music, listen to song, listen to mother, go to bed, bring to me,

Show your card, give your photo, remove his plate, give their (उनका) ticket,

Read and Practice

“on”—के ऊपर या ‘पर’

Keep the plate on the table--, hang the shirt on the hook, keep the mat on the top,
stand on the table,

“in”--- के अन्दर

put the money in the box, keep the money in the purse, keep the clothes in the
cupboard, sit in the corner,

“for”---- “के ललए”

buy a chocolate for me, keep the food for him,

“near”--- के पास/बगल

wait near the shop, stand near the wall

“with” ---- के साथ

Go with your mother, eat with the spoon, come with your father, come with your
certificate, write with a black pen, paste with gum, fill the glass with water,

“and” के प्रयोग से कैसे वाक्यों को जोड़ें:

Go to school and study well—स्कुल जाओ और अच्छा पढो, cook the rice and eat in the
plate—िावल पकाओ और थाली में िाओ, close the window and open the door—खिड़की
बंद करो और दरवाज़ा िोलो , go to the ground and play football, fry the vegetables
and cook in the pan,

नीिे तीन वाक्यों को जोड़ा गया है :

Go to market and bring vegetable and put in fridge, wear your dress and take your
cycle and go to school.

“from” – का प्रयोग करें जब कहीं से या ककसी के अंदर से कुछ लाना हो या ननकालना हो|

Bring the copy from the bag. Take out the pencil from the box. Take the shirt from
the cupboard. Buy a chocolate from the shop.

Read and Practice

“नहीं” –negative—नकारात्मक वाक्य:

Do not open the door—दरवाज़ा नहीं िोलो. Do not shout—चिल्लाओ नहीं.

Do not make noise—हल्ला नहीं करो. Do not keep the books here—यहााँ/इधर
पुस्तक नहीं रिो . Do not cook today—आज भोजन नहीं पकाओ.

Be bold—साहसी हो. Be fast—तेज/तीव्र हो. Be quick-जल्दी हो. Be a nice boy—एक

अच्छा लड़का हो.

Become a pilot—एक पायलट बनो. Become a cricketer—एक किकेटर बनो. Become a

dancer—एक नत्ृ यकार बनो|

Begin your sentences-apna ya tumhara vakya arambh karo

Clean your room; Brush your teeth nicely; Wear your dress neatly-safai sae

Wash your face cleanly; Make your tea quickly in the kettle

Pour the tea in a cup; Drink the tea slowly; Pour the tea in a cup and drink slowly

Pour the tea in a cup and give to mother; Give a cup tea to the driver

Take out your book and read quietly;

Take out your lesson, open the first page and read

Go to the washroom and clean your eyes well

Sit on the sofa and sleep; Sit on the sofa and go to sleep;

Go to bed and sleep soundly; Do this work somehow; Somehow do this work

Bring anything for me; Bring a toffee for your little brother;

Take some fruits for your lazy sister; Do the work immediately and show to the boss

Delete the page and type a new page; Make a list of work

Play carefully; Play with care; Play with joy; Play with the child

Clean the room, spread the mat and then sleep well

Drive slow--dhhime chalao; Drive slowly--dhhime sae chalao


Give this to your mother and come to me; Talk softly

Do not talk loudly; Do not make noise; Be good; Be a good boy

Be smart; Do not be lazy; Become a rich man; Do not give up

Make your own breakfast- apne apna nashta banao

Make your breakfast--apna nashta banao

Keep on the top, do not keep in the box

Put the kettle on the stove and heat the water

Put the pan on the gas stove and make the omelette

Put the pan on the stove, pour some oil and fry the fish


Now Practice from Small Green Book:

Page 23 to Page 36

Listen to audio for practice--- audio for short sentences—1 to 10

Read and Practice


Park the car on the side. Do not stand on the edge of the mountain. Keep the book
on the top of the table. Do not go to the bottom of the water. Stand up. Sit down.
Climb up the tree for fruit. Stand under the tree for shade(chhaun). Jump over the
wall. Take a few sweets. take a couple of toffees for two friends. Drink enough water.
Drink some tea only. Bring any paper, small or big. Take a little more (thoda sa aur
lo). Read more ( aur padho/adhik padho).

Leave the hotel room. Swim in the river. Suggest an answer. Suggest a way. Count
the coins. Screw the nut. Fix the nail. Paste the picture.

Feel my heartbeat(dhadkan). Believe my words. Join the two dots. Combine two
sentences. Dig the soil with spade. Sow the seed in the soil. Pluck the flower from
the plant. Float on the top of water. Feed the child. Feed the cow with grass. Care for
him. Measure the height. Measure the length.


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