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HMI(human machine interface): is a graphical interface

that displays the status of variable in a system, including
such things as motor or valve status, temperature,
pressure and others.
HMI products range from simplistic designs with basic
LED indicator screens to more complex HMI systems
with touch screen and other features.
HMI Operator panels has two main part
1. display
▪ only textual
▪ graphical
2. buttons
▪ with predefined meaning (minimal configuration:
up, down, OK, ESC)
▪ free for user configuration
Introduction cont…
✓ A human-machine interface uses two information
flows in two directions:
- Machine –> Human
- Human –> Machine
✓ These flows are independent yet linked.
✓ Because their content can be on different levels.
✓ The levels are defined by the designer of the
automation system according to the requirements of
the process and what the user wants, such as discrete
signals from the operator to the machine,
alphanumerical or animated diagram messages from
the machine to the operator.
Introduction cont…
✓ Because the automation system interprets an operator
action on a control interface as a specifically defined
action and, in return, emits information that depends
on whether the action was properly performed or not.
✓ The operator can either act by his own decision (stop
production, modify data, etc.) or in response to a
message from the machine (alarm, end of cycle, etc.).
Designing graphical user interface for a station
✓ The CX-Designer is used to create screen data for NS-
series Programmable Terminals.
✓ The CX-Designer can also be used to test the
operation of the created screen data on the computer.
✓ The CX-Designer has about 1,000 standard functional
objects with associated graphics and advanced
✓ The CX-Designer is also equipped with a variety of
functions that make it easy to create screens for
common applications
✓ A feature that is common to several screens can be
registered in a sheet.
✓ The common feature can be added to any screen just
by applying the corresponding sheet to the screen
Data block (Recipe) function: Data blocks (recipe
function) allow several numeric values and/or character
strings to be transferred to/from memory areas, such as
PLC data areas.
✓ Data blocks can be used to change the system’s
production setup even faster.
Control flag (Interlock) function: A bit in the PLC can
be used as a control bit to control the display of an object
(such as a button or numeral input) or disable/enable an
✓ This can be useful when you want to change data
from a PLC without the user noticing this.
✓ It can also guide the user to perform actions step by
Device Monitor Function
✓ Data in the PLC’s I/O memory can be accessed
directly (read and written.)
✓ The Device Monitor provides functions that can
significantly reduce the time needed to set up the
system, such as displaying a block of consecutive
PLC data area addresses and inputting/verifying
parameters in CPU Bus Units and Special I/O Units.
Switch Box Function
✓ The Switch Box Function can be used to monitor the
status of each bit in a word or a combination of user-
selected bits organized like a ladder program section.
✓ The Switch Box Function makes it possible to
perform basic troubleshooting on the factory floor or
debugging of the application even without a
Quality of interface design
✓ The quality of the operating interface design can be
measured by the ease with which an operator can
detect and understand an event and how efficiently
he/she can respond.
✓ Any change in a machine’s operating conditions is
usually seen by a change in or display of
information on an indicator, display unit or screen.
✓ The operator must, above all, be able to detect the
event in any environmental conditions (ambient
lighting, etc.).
✓ Different means can be employed to attract
attention: flashing information, colour change,
sound signal, anti-reflection devices, etc.
✓ To prevent any action that might endanger safety,
the information the operator sees must be legible
and accurate enough to be immediately understood
and used.
✓ This is as much a matter of the ergonomics of the
components as of the function design:
▪ for a pilot light: use of the standard colour, fast
and slow flashing clearly differentiated, etc.;
▪ for a display unit: clear texts in the language of
the user, adequate reading distance, etc.;
▪ for a screen: use of standard symbols, zoom
giving a detailed view of the area the message
involves, etc.
✓ Depending on what message the machine sends, the
operator may have to act swiftly by pressing one or
more buttons or keys.
✓ This action is facilitated by:
▪ clear markings to identify buttons and keys easily,
such as standard symbols on buttons;
▪ clever ergonomics with large buttons, touch keys,
HMI Features
Rugged and compact for use at machine level
✓ With high degree of protection at the front, extreme
vibration resistance, HMI operator panels are ideally
suited for use at machine level in rough industrial
✓ Because of their compact design with a shallow
mounting depth, the stationary HMI devices can be
fitted anywhere, even where only restricted space is
✓ The extremely rugged and shock-proof enclosure
with degree of protection makes the Panels
especially suitable for industrial applications.
One configuration software for everything
✓ SIMATIC WinCC (TIA Portal) is a tool for the uniform
configuration of all SIMATIC HMI Panels as well as
PC-based systems.
✓ The software permits simple and efficient
configuration. Programming experience is not
Component of Totally Integrated Automation
✓ Siemens provides the complete modular system of
matched components for automation solutions from
one source and with Totally Integrated Automation
✓ SIMATIC WinCC (TIA Portal) is an integral
component of this world.
✓ Because of uniformity in configuration/programming,
data management and communication, automation
solution engineering costs are significantly reduced.
Open for a wide variety of automation systems
✓ Despite being consistently incorporated into the
SIMATIC world, the panels are nevertheless open
for connection to PLCs from many different
✓ The standard delivery includes a comprehensive
range of user-friendly drivers.
Innovative operator control and monitoring
✓ The SIMATIC HMI Panels facilitate innovative
operator control and monitoring combined with
ruggedness, stability and simplicity.
✓ On the Comfort Panels in particular, standard
hardware and software interfaces, e.g. the
Multimedia Card/SD Card, USB, and Ethernet,
PROFIBUS DP, provide more flexibility and
openness as well as access to the office world.
Worldwide application
✓ The SIMATIC HMI Panels are ideally equipped for
global use.
✓ Online language switching permits selection of up to
32 languages during operation simply by pressing a
✓ The wide variety available also includes, for
example, Asian logographic languages (Chinese,
Taiwanese, Korean, Japanese) or Russian.
✓ The configuration interface of WinCC (TIA Portal)
including the online help and the complete
documentation is also multilingual.
✓ Up to 32 languages can be used in one project. And
all this is complemented by global service and
support from Siemens.
Benefits of HMI
✓ There are numerous benefits to installing an HMI
system in a plant or facility. Some of this are:
1. Alarms/Warnings:
✓ Plant operators can view alarms provided by the
human machine interface to locate any malfunction of
equipment and react faster.
✓ Alarms may be preventive, alerting the operator
before an emergency level is reached.
✓ Alarms can also be used to track various problems
and to optimize manufacturing processes to increase
2. Reliable Messaging: Operators can rely on HMI
messaging for pages, faxes, etc. when certain events
✓ For instance, operators can be alerted automatically
when a machine’s fuel level is low and needs to be
3. Easier Overall Management of Plant: Easily manage
and execute recipes using HMI technology.
✓ The high quality graphics of HMI systems provide a
realistic view of plant operations so an operator can
control the facility from a central location.
✓ This helps with security issues as well because the
operator does not have to approach danger areas or
be near the equipment to control the monitor.
4. Accurate Testing with Simulation : Plant managers
can easily test devices and equipment using a flexible
HMI with simulation.
✓ This helps reduce startup time and improve overall
5. Cost Reduction: A human machine interface can
reduce operation costs because it can replace hundreds
of selectors, push buttons, indicator lights, etc.
✓ This means the need for additional panels, cables
and consoles is also greatly reduced.
6.Improved communication: HMI improves
communications among various types of equipment
throughout the facility with the use of remote I/O,
Ethernet, serial port and other methods.

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