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(Describe Subspaces in 3D spak

wih A

Here M3, n 5, T 2

Column spa
Dimension = 2

Basis ate and

The Column Spa spans the -y plae in Te Spa R

Ro spa
Dime nsion is 2

Basis ate ) ando o ]

The row Spae Spans The -2 plana In The Vetor spa R

Null spa
Dimension is

Solving Ax = 0

::13} O

Basis For nu Spa

The nul Spas Spans he ina X-axls in The eodor spaG

Left Nullspal
Dimensio n
Solving| Ay o

9, 0, y#0 3 i s 7h frea variable

. Basis is

The left null spa spans The line (2-axis ) in e Vecfor spale R

Find The dimensio and a basis fer th 4
Fundamet al
suhspaa, fer bek
A 2 o
and U
2 O

sol Fivst ConSide sing The 2 0

malrix A

Here m3, ,32(Sine in e eche lon form,

h last Tow becormes zero and There ave Two nn-ze Yo ToWS.

Co lumn spaa

Dimensi on is 2

Basis are and 5inCe hese aTe The

Columns which contains pivets in

n Umatix.
Ro spa a
Dimens) n is 2

Basis ave o ' ] and lo o

Null spak
Dimensi on is 2

Ux =0o
Basis ave oblained by soluinq Ax 0 or

2 O

ave basiic Vavia ble an

ave theres Variable,
and 2


when s 0

when 3 :', 1: 0

Te basis ave and 2


Let null spa

dimension is

Solving Ay 0

Vaviabk and y, 7 Ys % y2 0
Heve is
basis be Cores
when s ',
Nou Conside ving The Matr U-
column Spa
Dmens ion is 2

Basis aye and

Row Spa &

Dimensim iS 2

Basis are 20 and 1o

Null spa
Dimension is 2
Basis are and

Dimensin is
solving Uy:o
2 0


Variable , :O, 0
Here y is Tha free

e qod he bast a

Henle assia ring s

(3) Find 1 dimen Siobn and Constvuc a basis r 1

asetiatd sith each hes

2 8 ob

Firs d w Consider The Halrix A: 3

o2 3 o

Y= I (wheYe i s the yank o The mlry

Heve m: 2 n= 4

Column spa R(A):

Dimensi.on R(A)is which is qual to

Easis fov RCA) is2because in The eche lo fotm
A ony the seCond column Contains The pivoDt

Cis he pivot).

Ro SspaR(A:

Dimensi om o R(A') is which s

eaual To
Bosis for R(A") iso4 becaue it u e nly
hon 2e Yo The eche lon fotM A

Null spa NCA)

Dimensin NA) i 'n-a which is

aqual fo 3
fo null spl are
urd bysolying
souing Ax 0

wheve Solution vedtoyxFoms he nul) spaa of A


Solvin Ax:0 is The Same as

solving Ux 0

o 40
+3 0

-4 wheye X,,z Ay au

h fru VaTiable
y J y
When , ,
3s 0, Zy 0,

When,2 0, 3 0, X4:

o c

when X : 0,I3:,I O


Basis of null Spaa o A a and

Left Null spa NA")

equal to .
Dmension NA') is m- which is

t nu) spada oAwe solveAy =o

foT finding

4 , 242
vaTiable because in Te eche lon form < AT
Pere Sis he fee
Contains a pivot
On ly the st Column
is e eche lon form
when 2 ,-2

The reo basis for t nullspre i

Now (onSide1ing The maix D

Column Spa&
men Si on 1s

Basis is the Column ontaining Te pivot whith

Row Spaa

Dimensin is
Basis is he
non 2ero To
phich is

Null spa

Dimension 3
Basis afe and

Left Null spak

Dimensi on is
Basis is oblaired by So/ving

Hovo 2 is The beCa

fTee VaTiable use in fhe eche ln
tOTM 'U' (olomn
ony he st Contains a pivoT

when busis lspoá is

Find The null Spa4 of the malri'y A

Gni ven A

Nulspad A X (x, ):A X D

App ling ow openalhos R2 R2 t2R,

J e

-4+20) -2+20)

2)+z = 0


Hen Noll A X (x,,-2,) A:A o

N CA) f:1 R

NCA) x J zGR
Find Mull spa :

So 120
Civen A 240

Null Spa A :. Nul A= X: (7, 1,21):Ax b


Pnin Soud operaio R &-28,, esR-3,

+2L 0
3 -22

Hene Nul) A
X: (*,,4,,): A:x2o
X2 , 0 ) : A-x=b{

xX-2, , 0) A Xco
Find 1k Null spod A= 26

Let A 263

Nu) spaa A
= Null A= *:(x,, X, Is):A:x o4



perafin R 2-zR,, >R 3P,

Pefoniny Yo


substitifing in eyO.

We q 5-X3) +6 o

51t 673 o

Hna Nal A-X:(-3, -%,%) : AX=o
ul x e R.
nqulav mahix ,

A fa is a malvix odoy nxn

Singulay matix whok delerinanl
nolhe. det Aep
er la) 0 )

A 2
2 J2y
Dot A JA) = ( 2 - t C2-2)
) 0.

Non Sinqulay madvi

A-a1 s a mabix oden YYXn Called a

non singular mal rix whase delerminant k non - zerD
Cie. det A +D or A+o
Ex 2
A 3 4

Dd al C6) -2(t)
. dt n1t0.

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