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Kisi – Kisi

Bahasa Inggris kelas VII (tujuh)

STS ( Sumatif Tengah Semester)

I. A Part : 1 – 10 multiple choice.

No. Kisi-Kisi Rangkuman

1–2 To be I = I am
You = You are
We = We are
They = They are
He = He is
She = She is
It = It is

3–5 Have/Has got Have (I, you, we, they)

Has (he, she, it)
Jika kalimat negative gunakan :
Haven’t atau hasn’t

6–7 There is/There are Penggunaan :

There is digunakan untuk benda singular berpasangan dengan a dan
Contoh :
There is an apple.
There is a gold.

There are digunakan untuk benda plural berpasangan dengan are.

Contoh :
There are some apples in my bag.
There are too many chilis in my soup.

8 How much/How Penggunaan :

many How much digunakan untuk menanyakan banyaknya suatu
uncountable noun yaitu benda yang tidak dapat dihitung, contoh :
milk, bread, butter, money

How many digunakan untuk menanyakan banyaknya suatu countable

noun yaitu benda yang dapat dihitung , contoh : mango, cat, finger,

9 – 10 There is/There are Penggunaan :

There is digunakan untuk benda singular berpasangan dengan a dan
Contoh :
There is an apple.
There is a gold.

There are digunakan untuk benda plural berpasangan dengan are.

Contoh :
There are some apples in my bag.
There are too many chilis in my soup.

II. B Part : 1 – 5 number.

True or False Vocabulary Vegan = someone who doesn’t eat any meat.
statement based Lots of = more than one.
on text. Instead of = as an alternative to something. Example; I love
vegetable instead of meat. (It means someone doing something than
another thing)
A lot of = more than one, it similar to lots of.

III. C Part : 1 – 5 number.

Make a line to match the pictures with the sentences.
The topic is about the usage of have/has got.
Have (I, you, we, they)
Has (he, she, it)
Jika kalimat negative gunakan :
Haven’t atau hasn’t

IV. D Part : 1 – 5 number, simple filling using how much, how many, some or any.
How much is use by uncountable noun, noun such as: milk, money, juice, water, etc.
We use some with uncountable nouns in positive sentences and any with negatives.
How many is use by countable noun, noun such as: mango, orange, finger, glass, bowl, etc.
For positive sentences we can use a/an for singular nouns or some for plurals.
For negatives we can use a/an for singular nouns or any for plurals.
V. E Part : 1 – 5 number, Essay
1. Some and any.
2. Dialogue using have/has got.
3. Countable and uncountable noun.
4. Countable and uncountable noun.
5. Nationality.

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