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Nsikakabasi Elizabeth Bassey

1. Erkki's Path of Care:

Erkki's path of care begins with the accident, and it encompasses various phases of care, including
primary care, special medical care, and primary health care, ultimately leading to home care.

• Accident: Erkki's care journey commences with the accident itself. Emergency medical
services (EMS) respond to the scene, stabilize him, and transport him to the nearest hospital
or trauma centre for immediate assessment and treatment.

• Primary Care: In the hospital's emergency department, Erkki receives primary care, which
involves initial assessments, diagnostic tests, and immediate interventions to address life-
threatening injuries. This phase may include interventions such as surgery to stabilize
fractures or control bleeding.

• Special Medical Care: Depending on the severity of Erkki's injuries, he may require
specialized medical care. This could involve consultations with various specialists such as
orthopaedic surgeons, neurologists, or rehabilitation physicians to address specific injuries
and develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

• Primary Health Care: As Erkki's condition stabilizes, he may transition to primary health care
services, such as inpatient rehabilitation or a sub-acute care facility. Here, a team of
healthcare professionals works together to provide ongoing medical care, physical therapy,
occupational therapy, and other interventions to support Erkki's recovery.

• Home Care: Upon discharge from the healthcare facility, Erkki may continue his recovery at
home with the support of home care services. This phase involves regular visits from nurses,
physical therapists, and other healthcare professionals to monitor his progress, provide
treatments, and ensure a safe and comfortable environment for his rehabilitation.

2. Multi-Professional Team for Erkki's Care:

The multi-professional team involved in planning and implementing Erkki's care includes various
healthcare professionals, each with a unique role:
• Physicians: Medical doctors, including emergency room physicians and specialists, diagnose
and treat Erkki's injuries and medical conditions.

• Nurses: Registered nurses provide direct patient care, administer medications, monitor vital
signs, and coordinate care throughout Erkki's hospitalization and during home care.

• Physical Therapists: Physical therapists work on Erkki's mobility, strength, and functional
abilities to aid his recovery.

• Occupational Therapists: Occupational therapists focus on helping Erkki regain

independence in daily activities such as dressing, bathing, and cooking.

• Social Workers: Social workers assess Erkki's social and emotional needs, provide
counselling, and assist in coordinating community resources and support.

• Case Managers: Case managers oversee the continuity of Erkki's care, ensuring that all
services are coordinated effectively and that he receives appropriate follow-up care.

• Home Health Aides: Home health aides assist with daily activities, personal care, and light
housekeeping during Erkki's home care phase.

• Pharmacists: Pharmacists manage Erkki's medication regimen, ensuring appropriate dosages

and monitoring for potential drug interactions.

• Nutritionists/Dietitians: These professionals assess Erkki's nutritional needs and develop

dietary plans to support his recovery.

• Respiratory Therapists: If needed, respiratory therapists help Erkki with breathing exercises
and respiratory interventions.

From the perspective of my future profession as a nurse, I would play a central role in coordinating
care, providing direct patient care, advocating for Erkki's needs, and ensuring effective
communication among the various team members.
3. Eila's Treatment During Erkki's Hospitalization:

During Erkki's hospital treatment, Eila may have several options for support and care:

• Home Care: Eila can receive home care services to assist her in managing daily tasks while
Erkki is in the hospital. Home health aides can provide support with household chores and
personal care.

• Institutional Care Options: Depending on Erkki's condition and Eila's ability to provide care
at home, institutional care options may include respite care or short-term stays in assisted
living facilities or rehabilitation centres. This allows Eila to take breaks and recharge while
ensuring Erkki receives the care he needs.

• Multi-professionality: In both home care and institutional care settings, Eila can benefit
from the expertise of a multi-professional team that includes nurses, social workers, and
occupational therapists. These professionals can provide Eila with guidance, emotional
support, and resources to cope with the challenges of caregiving.

4. Social Services Available:

Several social services may be available to support Erkki and Eila during this situation:

• Respite Care Services: These services offer short-term relief to caregivers like Eila, allowing
them to take a break from their caregiving responsibilities while ensuring the well-being of
the care recipient.

• Support Groups: Eila can join caregiver support groups, either in person or online, to
connect with others in similar situations and access emotional support and practical advice.

• Financial Assistance: Depending on their circumstances, Erkki and Eila may qualify for
financial assistance programs that can help cover healthcare costs, home modifications, or
respite care services.

• Home Modification Programs: These programs can assist in making necessary modifications
to Erkki and Eila's home to accommodate Erkki's needs, such as installing ramps, handrails,
or bathroom modifications.
5. Support for Home Care Arrangements and Rehabilitation:

a. Public Sector: Public healthcare systems often provide home care services, including nursing visits,
physical therapy, and home health aides, which can support Erkki's rehabilitation at home. Eila may
also access public social services for caregiver support and respite care.

b. Private Sector: Private home care agencies offer a range of services, including skilled nursing care,
personal care aides, and therapy services. Eila may consider hiring private caregivers to supplement
the care provided by the public sector.

c. Third Sector (Nonprofit Organizations): Nonprofit organizations, such as local caregiver support
groups or charitable foundations, may offer assistance, information, and resources to both Erkki and

Impact of Health Promotion Recommendations, Laws, and Ongoing Projects:

• Health Promotion Recommendations (STM): Health promotion recommendations can

influence the entire treatment process by emphasizing the importance of preventive
measures, patient education, and overall well-being. These recommendations can
encourage healthcare professionals to integrate health promotion into Erkki's care plan.

• Laws Governing Different Phases: Laws such as patient rights, healthcare ethics, and
disability rights play a crucial role in protecting the rights and dignity of Erkki and Eila
throughout the care process. These laws ensure access to quality care and promote patient-
centered care practices.

• Ongoing Projects: Ongoing healthcare projects, particularly those related to improving care
coordination, telehealth, and caregiver support, can have a significant impact on the
prevention and management of situations like Erkki's. For example, telehealth initiatives can
provide Eila with easier access to healthcare professionals for consultations and support.

In conclusion, Erkki's care journey involves various phases, a multi-professional team, and available
social services to support both him and his caregiver, Eila. Health promotion recommendations,
laws, and ongoing healthcare projects play a vital role in shaping the care process and improving the
overall quality of care provided to individuals like Erkki and their families.

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