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Development of Transit-Oriented Areas in Sub-Urban Areas as an Effort to Solve

Jabodetabek Transportation Problems

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Development of Transit-Oriented Areas in Sub-Urban Areas as an Effort to Solve Jabodetabek

Transportation Problems

Jakarta, March 2nd, 2023

To enrich experience and knowledge in the planning and implementation stages of the Transit Oriented
Development (TOD) Areas in the Jabodetabek area, the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs through
the Deputy for Coordination of Regional Development and Spatial Planning held a mini-seminar (study
session) with the title “Joint TOD Study Session for Jakarta Metropolitan Region”, in Jakarta, Monday
(27/02). The study session was held with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
(MLIT) Japan and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Deputy for Coordination of Regional Development and Spatial Planning at the Coordinating Ministry for
Economic Affairs as well as Chair Joint Coordination Committee of Jabodetabek Urban Transportation
Policy Integration Phase 3 (JUTPI-3) Wahyu Utomo in the opening of the event, virtually expressed his
appreciation to all parties who supported the implementation of this activity and the urgency of the theme

"The Jabodetabek Metropolitan Area is currently facing quite serious issues, especially in the transportation
sector. One of the efforts to overcome this needs to develop various policies to encourage public interest in
using mass public transportation modes such as the MRT, LRT, and BRT. It is also necessary to continue
developing areas around stations or transportation nodes through effective strategies such as the
development of TOD, so that the accessibility of public transportation modes from settlements and
workplaces can be improved," explained Deputy Wahyu.

TOD development is one of the strategic policies that must be encouraged to achieve sustainable urban and
suburban development, especially in the Jabodetabek Metropolitan area. In this regard, the Governments of
Indonesia and Japan continue to cooperate in the urban transportation sector in Jabodetabek through various
programs, including the JUTPI Program, which has now entered its third phase with a focus on studying the
implementation of TOD in Jabodetabek.

For your information, the study session was attended by representatives of the Jabodetabek Regional
Government, Central Government, and related institutions, MLIT, JICA, and JUTPI-3 Program experts.

Director of Urban Transport Planning MLIT Japan Kenya Nakanishi, who was present virtually at the
occasion, said, "Through this seminar which is held within the scope of cooperation between the
Government of Indonesia and Japan, it is hoped that City/Regency Governments in Indonesia can take the
lesson learned in the process of planning and implementing TOD development that has been carried out in
Japan, such as at the Tama Center Station and the Musashi-Urawa Station Area.”

Furthermore, Director Kenya Nakanishi said that referring to the experience of developing TOD in Japan, an
important thing to note is the need to convey adequate information to TOD developers (private) and the
community, such as information about incentives and support that will be provided by the government and
benefits to the community related to the sustainable urban development vision.

The Head of Public Works and Human Settlements (PUPR) Infrastructure Development Center Region II of
the Ministry for Public Works and Human Settlements (PUPR), Melva Eryani Marpaung, who was also
present, appreciated the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs for facilitating the implementation of
study session with the Government of Japan and support similar activities in the future as well as the need
for evaluation by each relevant agency on their respective roles in implementing TOD to increase public
interest and business entities to participate in implementing TOD. It is hoped that this meeting can be
followed up together and continued in Jabodetabek and other Metropolitan Cities which also need support in
realizing their TOD, such as the metropolitans of Semarang, Medan, and Makassar.

Senior Representative JICA Indonesia Shigeo Honzu also said that the results of this study session would be
beneficial for all stakeholders related to the implementation of the JUTPI-3 Program in supporting the study
of TOD implementation at pilot project locations. Furthermore, JICA would be very open to collaborating in
planning the development of TOD in Indonesia.

The discussion in the study session opened with a presentation by Japanese Experts on the planning and
implementation of TOD in sub-urban station areas in Japan. It continued with a group discussion by
institutions and business entities related to TOD regarding the challenges and efforts required in planning
and implementing TOD in Jabodetabek. On this occasion, JICA Expert for JUTPI-3 Seiichiro Akimura said
that TOD is a tool to achieve the goal of regional development based on a sustainable transportation system.

The Group discussion resulted in several inputs regarding the follow-up needed in implementing TOD in
Jabodetabek, namely strengthening coordination among relevant stakeholders, especially to integrate
regulations, planning documents, and roles between agencies as well as with business entities and the
community in implementing TOD, increasing community and private sector participation in implementing
TOD through clarity and transparency of information regarding TOD plans to be implemented, improving
the integration of public transportation modes and ease of access, as well as strengthening the legal basis and
increasing the capacity of relevant agencies in land consolidation and financing the implementation of TOD.


Head of Communications, Information Services, and Meetings Bureau

Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
Haryo Limanseto

Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, & Youtube: @PerekonomianRI
LinkedIn: Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

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