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Prelim examination

Juvenile delinquency and Juvenile Justice System

Instructor : Edelbert Israel, RCRIM

1. Refers to any person below 18 years of age or those

over but unable to fully care of themselves from neglect,
abuse, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination due to
some physical defect or mental disability or condition.

a) Child
b) Wards
c) Physically disabled
d) Youths
2. Act or omission which may not be punishable if
committed by an adult, but becomes unlawful when
they are committed by a child or a person of tender
year or one who is in need of supervision or assistance.
a) Crime
b) Status offense
c) Delinquency
d) Felonies
3. The power of the state to give any form of charity of
public nature. It is the philosophy behind the view that
youthful offender/child in conflict with the law is the
victim of improper care and that the state is duty bound
to provide protection.
a) Positivism
b) Loco parentis
c) Patria potestas
d) Parens patriae

4. The civil personality of the child is deemed to have been

commenced upon:
a) Birth of the child
b) When the child celebrates his first birthday
c) From the time of his conception
d) Upon reaching the age of majority
5. Under the RA 9344 a child over 15 under 18 is exempt
from criminal liability unless:
a) He is committed a heinous crime
b) He is the principal accused
c) He acted without discernment

6. A child left by himself without provisions for his

needs/or without proper supervision falls under what
special category of a child?
a) Abandoned child
b) Neglected child
c) Abused child
d) Dependent child
7. In the absence or death of both parents of the child who
shall continue to exercise authority over the child?
I. Surviving grand parents
II. Elder brother and sisters over 21 years of age (2nd )
III. Surviving parents of the child
IV. Actual custodian of the child over 21 years of age (3rd)

d) All of the above
8. Refers to the totality of the circumstances and condition
which are most beneficial for the child.
a) Child as zone peace
b) Nation building
c) Best interest of the child
d) Presumption of minority

9. Children shall be given priority during _______as a

result of armed conflict.
a) War
b) Treatment
c) Evacuation
d) Education

10. What do you call if a juvenile committed a status

offense, the juvenile is considered?
a) Wayward minor
b) Delinquent
c) Child at risk
d) Juvenile delinquent

11. Refers to child who is vulnerable to or at the risk of

committing criminal offenses;
a) Wayward minor
b) Child at risk
c) Juvenile delinquent
d) Status offense

12. What do you call if the child commits a status

a) Child at risk
b) Wayward minor
c) Juvenile delinquent
d) Delinquent

13. Refers to a child raise to the status of legitimate

child by subsequent marriage of his/her parents.
a) Illegitimate
b) Legitimated
c) Legitimate
d) Adopted

14. In case of separation between parents of the child,

a child of such age is given by the court the preference
to choose between either parents.
a) Under nine (9) years of age
b) 7 years of age
c) 10 years of age
d) 5 years of age

15. This refers to the apprehension or taking into

custody of a child who committed an offense by the law
enforcement officer.
a) Initial contact with the child
b) Preliminary investigation
c) Initial investigation d.) inquest

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