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Certainly! When starting an IGCSE article, it's important to grab the reader's
attention and set the tone for your piece. Here are some effective ways to begin
your IGCSE article:
• Start with a Quote: Begin your article with a relevant and
thought-provoking quote that relates to your topic. Make sure the quote sets the
stage for what you'll be discussing.
• Ask a Question: Pose a question that piques the reader's
curiosity and connects to the theme of your article. This encourages readers to
keep reading to find the answer.
• Anecdote or Personal Story: Share a brief anecdote or
personal story that relates to your topic. Personal experiences can make your
article more relatable and engaging.
• Use a Startling Statistic: Begin with a surprising or
compelling statistic related to your subject. This can immediately highlight the
significance of your topic.
• Provide a Brief Overview: Start with a concise summary of
what your article will cover. This gives readers a clear idea of what to expect and
why it matters.
• Paint a Vivid Picture: Use descriptive language to paint a
vivid scene that relates to your topic. This helps readers visualize and connect
with your subject matter.
• Create Suspense or Intrigue: Begin with a mysterious or
suspenseful statement that makes readers want to know more. Promise to unravel the
mystery in your article.
• Highlight a Current Event: If your article relates to
current events or trends, begin by mentioning a recent news story or event that's
relevant to your topic.
• Start with a Historical Perspective: If your topic has
historical significance, begin with a historical anecdote or context to provide
background and set the stage.
• Use a Strong Statement: Begin with a bold or controversial
statement that challenges conventional thinking or provokes thought.
Remember to ensure that your opening is directly related to your article's main
theme and provides a clear introduction to what your article will explore. Tailor
your approach to suit the tone and style of the article you're writing.

Certainly! Here are examples of how to start an IGCSE article using different
• Quote:
• "As Albert Einstein once said, 'Imagination is more important than
knowledge.' In today's fast-paced world, where innovation drives progress, this
quote couldn't be more relevant."
• Question:
• "Have you ever wondered what makes some dreams achievable while others
remain mere fantasies? Let's embark on a journey to explore the keys to turning
aspirations into reality."
• Anecdote or Personal Story:
• "When I was a child, I used to gaze up at the stars and dream of
becoming an astronaut. Little did I know that those early dreams would shape the
course of my life."
• Startling Statistic:
• "Did you know that over 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans
every year? It's a staggering figure that highlights the urgent need for
sustainable solutions."
• Brief Overview:
• "In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of renewable
energy sources, examining their environmental impact, economic viability, and
potential to reshape our energy landscape."
• Vivid Picture:
• "Picture a bustling city at dawn, its streets bathed in the soft glow
of streetlights. Now imagine a future where these lights are powered by the very
footsteps of the pedestrians passing by."
• Suspense or Intrigue:
• "Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest lies a hidden treasure, one
that scientists and explorers have been searching for centuries. Today, we unveil
the secrets of this enigmatic realm."
• Current Event:
• "In the wake of the recent global pandemic, the importance of
healthcare has never been clearer. Join us as we explore the innovations that are
shaping the future of medicine."
• Historical Perspective:
• "In the annals of history, there are moments that define entire
generations. The year 1969 marked one such moment when humanity took its first
steps on the moon."
• Strong Statement:
• "Conventional wisdom tells us that success comes to those who work
hard, but what if I told you that success also demands a touch of madness? Let's
challenge our perceptions."
Feel free to adapt these examples to your specific topic and style to create a
compelling opening for your IGCSE article.

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