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In this server you will get 3 disks, first disk is fully utilized.

In the second disk (vdb) you will have one primary partition. Most probably it will be lvm partition.
There will another disk (vdc) and that is a empty disk.

Do the following configuration in Beta virtual machine

1. Change the logical volume capacity named myvo1 from 190M to 230M. And the size of the floating range
should set between 217 and 243. (This logical volume has been mounted in advance.

# vgdisplay (Check the capacity of vg, if the capacity is not enough, need to create pv,vgextend , lvex
# lvdisplay (Check lv)
# lvextend -L 230MB /dev/vg2/myvol
# resize2fs /dev/vg2/myvol or xfs_growfs /dev/vg2/myvol(if using xfs file system)
# (Verify)

2. Create a volume group named developer, and set extend size as 32MiB. And create a logical volume
containing 20 extends and name engineering, make it as xfs file system, and mounted automatically under

# parted –s /dev/vdb mkpart primary (start) (end)

# pvcreate /dev/vdbX
# vgcreate -s 32 developer /dev/vdbX
# lvcreate -l 20 -n engineering developer
# mkfs.xfs /dev/developer/engineering
# blkid
# mkdir -p /mnt/engineering
# vim /etc/fstab
UUID=xxxxxxxx /mnt/engineering xfs defaults 0 0
# mount -a
# mount (Verify)

3. Create a 756MiB swap partition which take effect automatically at boot-start, and it should not affect the
original swap partition.

# parted /dev/vdb print

# parted –s /dev/vdb mkpart primary start end
# mkswap /dev/sdaX
# Copy UUID
# swapon -a
# vim /etc/fstab UUID=XXXX swap swap defaults 0 0
# swapon -s (verify)

4. Create a VDO named myvdo in /dev/vdc disk. Logical size should be 50G format with xfs

#yum install vdo kmod-kvdo

#vdo create --name=myvdo --device=/dev/vdd --vdoLogicalSize=50G
If they have asked to mount that after formatting with xfs
(mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/myvdo)
(put the entry to fstab and use _netdev as a mount option.)
/dev/mapper/myvdo mountpoint xfs defaults,_netdev 0 0
#vdo status --name=myvdo (verify)
#vdo list (verify)

5. Tune the system to tuned recommended profile

#yum list tuned (if it isn't appear the package install the the package “yum install tuned”)
#systemctl enable –-now tuned
#tuned-adm recommend
#tuned-adm profile virtual-guest (above command output)
#tuned-adm active (verify)

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