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DEADLINE: 09/05/2023

 PROJECT INTRODUCTION............................................................ 3
 TEAMWORK……………………………………………………. 3
 COMMUNICATION…………………………………………….. 3
 LEADERSHIP……………………………………………………. 3
 MOVIE 1: A Bug’s Life pixar movie…………………………………… 4
 MOVIE 2: The room……………………………………………………. 5-6
 MOVIE 3: The King´s Speech…………………………………………. 6
 MOVIE 4:

Teamwork is, first of all, a qualitative evolution of work groups. It is an organized
way of working among several people in order to achieve common goals. In
teamwork, the skills of the members are complementary, they maintain individual
and mutual responsibility, as well as a strong common commitment to the
objectives. They generate a positive synergy through the coordinated effort of their
members. As a result, we achieve higher performance, productivity and personal
Teamwork generally requires a set of common rules or, at least, a conduct
agreement that allows for the reduction of friction and tension typical of
coexistence and the confrontation of different points of view. Seen in this way, the
experience of being part of a team can be seen as a test of the participation that
one has in society as a whole.
Communication is a process that consists of the transmission and exchange of
messages between a sender and a receiver.
In this process, in addition to the sender and receiver, different elements
 the code, which is the language used,
 the communication channel, which is the medium used
 the context, which are the circumstances where the communication takes
 the noise or disturbances in the reception of the original message, and
 feedback or feedback, which is the response to the first message
Leadership is a set of skills that serve to lead and accompany a group of people.
However, a leader is not only capable of influencing her group, but also of
providing innovative ideas, and motivating each participant to do their best.
There are different types of leaders who work in various fields such as a company,
a family, an organization, a soccer team, among others. In some cases, the
members of the group only follow the orders of the leader, in others they help make
decisions by giving their point of view and collaborating.
The skills of a leader are varied and are the key to generating a positive influence
on a certain group of people. The leader usually takes the initiative to start doing
something, then manages and evaluates.

MOVIE 1: A Bug’s Life Pixar movie
The movie Bugs teaches us teamwork, this influences our daily life and teaches us
that we should not give up, for this we must all go towards the same direction of
the objectives set.
Another lesson from the movie. It is that we should not give up, no matter the
circumstances that arise one has to try as many times as necessary to achieve the
goals. Teamwork is easier since everyone contributes ideas to reach a common
goal or objective. And it teaches us that despite being people who strive every day
with work, we should not allow ourselves to be manipulated or let others take
advantage of that people.
If we work as a team we will achieve the objectives, we increase motivation and
creativity, and we will favor the social skills of each one. Thus, when we are
already working in the labor area, it will be easier for us to work as a team and
have a good relationship with others.

Jesus: I Jesus identify with the flea character named P.T. since in the film this
character is shown as a selfish being who only cares about his own benefit even
when this is at the expense of others.
Andrea: I, Andrea, identify with the character of the little ball bugs called Tuck and
Roll since it is very difficult for me to relate to other people and many times I
exclude myself.
Daisy: I, Daisy, identify with the character of the ant called flik, since I am a worker
I care about improving, I like to be an innovative person and to be the one who
brings my entire team together.
Brithani: I, Brithani identify with the caterpillar character named Heimlich since I am
hungry all the time and always dream of reaching my goals.
Lucero: I, Lucero, identify with the person of the ant called Dott since I am very
adventurous, I fight to achieve my dreams, I have a free spirit to help the people
around me.
Esmeralda: Esmeralda I identify with the character of the ant called Dott since I like
to help the people around me and I like to know new things.
Alexandra: I, Alexandra, identify with the character the ant called Princess Atta
since I get nervous on some occasions and when I'm in a bad mood I get very ugly.

MOVIE 2: The room
As a team, he believes that one of the advantages is television, since it was of
great help because it was the only means of communication they had and it was
how the mother managed to communicate with her son, teaching him what the
outside world was like and also helping him to educate him. The situation they
were going through was not suitable for the minor, however, the child was
comfortable in that small place where he could do everything because during his
early childhood the mother was in charge of designing a world in which everything
seemed to be good. When he turns 5 years old, the mother explains the situation in
more detail, which the minor at first could not understand, but thanks to the good
communication that existed between the mother and the son, he ended up with the
situation, since she explained everything to him in detail. what happened being this
another of the advantages because this also helped the child understand the plan
that the mother had so that they could escape. When they put the plan into action
and the child manages to leave the room, at all times she remembered exactly the
things that her mother told her and so she was able to help her to be free and with
Leaving that situation, the mother went into a great depression when she saw that
the years had passed and things were no longer the same with her parents and
she began to reflect on how her son had lived all that time in confinement and as a
result of that he She was having a hard time adapting to society, even her father's
non-acceptance reaction towards her son began to cause her a conflict, making
her feel worse than she already felt. Because of all the psychological damage
caused to the girl, she tries to commit suicide, for which she is locked up in a
psychiatric hospital because she also began to not accept her son because he
reminded her of everything that happened before, however, the child made her
leave. motivate him to keep going by sending him a show of strength with his hair
that his grandmother had cut for him.
In our opinion, we believe that this girl's intelligence is surprising when surviving 7
years locked up, the strength of having had a baby and keeping it alive in a very
unpleasant situation and especially the way in which she educated him when he
grew up. Also another of the things that caught our attention was the maturity of
the child in the face of the whole situation and the rapid adaptation he had when
leaving the room, although at first it was a bit difficult for him because for him
everything was like a new world. The mother's adaptation was not so good since
some time after leaving she began to have problems, causing her to fall into a
strong crisis of depression for everything she had experienced, but in the end the
child was the one who made her mother leave. adapted to his world again and thus
they both began a new life.

The most important thing about the evolution of the film is that there was always
very good communication from mother to son and vice versa, which meant that
during the problems that arose, this was very helpful to solve any situation.

MOVIE 3: The King´s Speech

Prince George VI had a stuttering problem, this prevents him from giving speeches
to the people, his nervousness, insecurities and fears acquired in his first years of
life are those in which his stuttering is reflected. For this reason, the prince's wife
sought help from a speech pathologist. called Lionel .
King George V was a great example that in the speech of this large part of the
leadership, thanks to his speeches to his nation, people acclaimed him; on the
other hand, his son George VI found it difficult to carry out his obligations as
royalty, sadly King George V dies and the eldest son ascends to the throne while
that was happening George VI was in therapy with Lionel making an important
friendly bond for certain love reasons George VI's brother renounces the throne
causing George to take his place on the throne.
When Nazi Germany took command, it declared war on the United Kingdom while
Jorge tried to improve his ability to speak in public and with other people, but
thanks to the fact that Leonel was always by his side and supporting him in
everything, thanks to that, his speeches about the war they were moving to the
whole nation.
The new King George VI thanks to all the therapies he went through with Lionel
and thanks to the fact that he was always by his side he was able to overcome his
problems little by little in a few words Lionel was the help so that bertie, as he was
commonly called, would take the throne and he would overcome himself without
him simply bertie would not have been able to give encouragement to the nation in
such a difficult moment as was the second world war.

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