HW3 (2) Thermo UEM Aerospace 2021

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Universidad Europea de Madrid

Thermodynamics and Propulsion

Homework 3
Problem 1
A turbine is operating at steady state conditions, the inlet conditions are pressure and
temperature 15bar, 540°C respectively. The steam mass flow is 20kg/s. The exit pressure
is 1bar. The power developed by the turbine is measured by instrument, 2550 horsepower.
Make your assumption to simplify the problem to determine the exit temperature.

Problem 2
A throttle is placed on the pipeline to regulate the pressure to the steam turbine; the
turbine operates a steady state condition. The inlet pressure to the turbine is 120Lbf/in 2
and at the turbine exit, the steam is at 144Lbf/ft 2 and a quality of 90%. Heat transfer with
the surroundings and all kinetic and potential energy effects are negligible. With pressure
and temperature of the steam before the throttle are 28.8KLbf/ft 2 and 1060°R, respectively.
Determine (a) The temperature at the turbine inlet, in °F. (b) The power developed by the
turbine, in Btu per Lb of steam flowing. (c) Calculate the new inlet pressure of the turbine,
if the power output is 500Btu/Lb and the inlet turbine temperature is 1460°R for the same
turbine exit conditions. There is no change in enthalpy in the valve. Then h1=h2.

Problem 3
Steam is supplied to a fully loaded steady state steam turbine at 10000hp turbine at
200PSI with u1 = 1146.4 Btu/Lb, specific volume is 2.548 ft 3/lb and velocity 1050fps.
Exhaust is u2 = 312.3 Btu/Lb, specific volume 0.01789ft3/lb and velocity 1100fps. The rate
heat loss from the steam in the turbine is 10000Btu/h. Potential energy change is
negligible determine (a) the work per Lb steam (b) the steam flow rate in lb/h

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