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Gender equality is the state where every human being has equal access to opportunities and
resources as well as equal rights in society, irrespective of their gender or sex. For thousands of years,
men have held a position superior to women in society. Traditionally, men were given the role of doing
outdoor work while women managed household chores and focused on raising children. Gender
equality can only become a reality for everyone when we all work together to bring about a change in
our society. We need to educate women about their rights and give them the confidence to fight for

Since the early ages, women have always been treated unfairly. For decades, there was always a
wall that separated men and women which made it impossible for women to get any fair treatment
whether it is a superstition, a thought or a cultural belief. Gender equality is a view where both men and
women are treated equally and receive the same rights and opportunity. But the idea of equality is
always changing and evolving. Some believe that that the Earth is so diverse that it would create a
common idea/goal where we could unite and stand together to be “equal,” but around the world there
are still countries where women are discriminated and treated unfairly. In the Middle East, there are
women who have fewer opportunities in the job industry, little access to education, no political
representation and violence (Peacecorps). Much violence is result of domestic abuse and rape. Since the
women don’t have any say, the abusers are getting away from the law.

Therefore, We should also lend our voices to those who are unable to stand for themselves and
stand with those who are being discriminated against. For our society to grow and develop in a healthy
way, men and women need to work together and for that to happen, we need gender equality. The right
to equality is also a basic human right and it shouldn’t be denied.

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