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1) Which one of the following compounds would be expected to form intermolecular hydrogen bonds in
the liquid state between the same molecules: CH3-O-CH3, C5H12, HF, CH3COOH, Br2, CH3OH?


I. The temperature remains constant until a phase change is completed in a heating process.
II. The enthalpy change of sublimation is always greater than the enthalpy of vaporization.
III. A heating curve is drawn time versus heat added into the system for one mole of a pure
IV. The temperature remains constant during phase changes because the added energy is used to
overcome the attractive forces between the molecules rather than to increase their average
kinetic energy.
V. The enthalpy change of vaporization is always a large value compared to the enthalpy change of


I. Viscosity is the measure of liquid’s resistance to flow.

II. Wetting of a liquid on a surface is due to cohesive forces.
III. Surface tension of a liquid is the energy required to increase the surface area by a unit amount.
IV. The rise of liquids up very narrow tubes is called capillary action. The meniscus (curved surface)
of water is concave (U-shaped) because the adhesive forces between the water and glass are
greater than the cohesive forces between water molecules.
V. The unusual high viscosity of glycerol, an alcohol containing 3 hydroxyl groups, is due to H-

4) Which one of the following substances has the highest boiling point?

methanol, CH3OH

ethylene glycol, HO-CH2-CH2-OH

xenon, Xe

pentane, C5H12

silane, SiH4

I. Critical temperature of the compound X is 750 °C.

II. At 350 °C and 50 atm, all three phases coexist.
III. If I wanted to drink compound X, I can not drink it since it is liquid only at very high
IV. In a solid-liquid mixture of this compound X, the solid will float.
V. If I have a bottle of compound X at a pressure of 45 atm and temperature of 100 °C,
sublimation will occur if I raise the temperature to 400 °C.

6) The vapor pressures of liquid Cl2 are 1590 Pa at –100 ˚C and 7830 Pa at –80 ˚C. What is the molar
enthalpy of vaporization in kJ/mol?
7) Determine the normal boiling point ( in °C) for liquid nitric acid using all of the following data.

Temperature (°C) Vapor Pressure (mmHg)

0 14.4

10 26.6

20 47.9

30 81.3

40 133

50 208

80 670

8) Ethanol (C2H5OH ) melts at -114 °C. The entalphy of fusion is 5.02 kJ/mol. The specific heats of solid
and liquid ethanol are 0.97 J/g.K, and 2.3 J/g.K, respectively. How much heat (kJ) is needed to convert
25.0 g of solid ethanol at -135 °C to liquid ethanol at -50 °C?
9) Based on the following information, which compound has the strongest intermolecular forces?

Substance ΔHvap (kJ/mol)

Argon (Ar) 6.3

Benzene (C6H6) 31.0

Ethanol (C2H5OH) 39.3

Water (H2O) 40.8

Methane (CH4) 9.2

10) TRUE or FALSE?

I. Strong intermolecular attractive forces make it more difficult for molecules to move with
respect to one another; therefore, molecules with large intermolecular forces tend to have
low viscosities.
II. Intermolecular forces that bind similar molecules to one another are called adhesive forces.
III. For a given compound, the value of ΔHvap tends to be larger than the value of ΔHfus.
IV. For a supercritical fluid the gas and liquid phases are indistinguishable from each other.
Substances in this state expand to fill the container (like a gas) but the molecules are still quite
closely spaced (like a liquid).

11) Which molecule would have the largest dispersion forces between other identical?

H2Se; H2O; H2S; H2Te; H2

12) A cylinder containing 68.0 kg Cl2 has an inside diameter of 25.0 cm and a height of 115.0 cm. The gas
pressure is 6.8 atm at 20 °C. Cl2 has a critical point at 144 °C and 76 atm, and a triple point at -101 °C and
0.014 atm. In what state(s) of matter does the Cl2 exist in the cylinder?

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