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Scenario: An employee has decided to leave their job and needs to inform their
Employee: "I wanted to let you know that I will be leaving in a week's time. I will
_________________ now."
Employer: "Thank you for letting me know. We will start the process of finding a
2. Scenario: An employee's spouse has passed away, and they need to take time off
work to grieve.
Employee: "I was wondering if I could be _________________ to take some time off
work due to my spouse's passing."
Employer: "Absolutely. We will grant you compassionate leave and offer any
support you may need during this difficult time."
3. Scenario: An employee has decided to retire before the usual retirement age.
Employee: "I have decided to _________________ and retire early. I think it's the right
time for me to move on."
Employer: "We will be sorry to see you go, but we understand your decision. We
will start the process of finding a replacement."
4. Scenario: An employee has retired and needs to rely on the government's
pension system for financial support.
Employee: "I am now retired and will need to __________________. I am concerned
about how I will manage financially."
Employer: "We will provide you with all the information you need to apply for
state pension and offer any support we can during your transition to retirement."
5. Scenario: A government agency is planning to take action against illegal activities.
Government official: "We are planning to _________________ and take severe
measures to stop this illegal activity."
Staff member: "Understood. How can I assist you in this effort?"
6. Scenario: An employee believes they have been treated unfairly and wants to take
legal action against their employer.
Employee: "I believe I have been treated unfairly, and I want to __________________.
What are my options?"
Lawyer: "We can help you file a claim and represent you at the tribunal hearing."
7. Scenario: An employee has been injured on the job and is entitled to financial
Employee: "I was injured on the job, and I believe I am entitled to compensation.
What is the process?"
Employer: "We will investigate the incident and determine if compensation is
appropriate. If so, we will ____________________ to cover your medical expenses and
any lost wages."
8. Scenario: A government is planning to increase the minimum wage.
Government official: "We are planning to __________________ to provide more
support for low-income workers."
Business owner: "That will be challenging for our business, but we will comply
with the new regulations."
9. Scenario: A politician is proposing a new policy that is controversial and may not
be well-received.
Politician: "I am proposing a new policy, but I anticipate that we will
____________________ from certain groups."
Advisor: "We will need to consider the potential objections and address them
effectively to gain support for the policy."
10. Scenario: An employee wants to leave their job and has been offered the option of
taking voluntary redundancy.
Employee: "I have been considering leaving the company, and I am interested in
__________________. What are the terms?"
Employer: "We can provide you with a package that includes a financial pay-out
and other benefits. Let's discuss the details and see if this is the right option for

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