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Business Communication

Module 1 & 2

Bharat Dash: 7738379946 SSU/FMS/BBA/Sem 1/2023-24
Definition of Communication and Its
Importance in Business
• Communication is the process of exchanging
information, ideas, thoughts, and feelings
between individuals or groups. In a business
context, it is the lifeblood that drives

• Effective communication fosters better

relationships, prevents misunderstandings,
and promotes a positive work environment.
Language as a Tool of Communication

• Language is a powerful tool that enables us

to express ourselves and share information
with others.

• Whether spoken or written, the words we

choose and how we deliver them impact the
effectiveness of our message.
The Communication Process

• Communication involves a sender, a

message, a channel, a receiver, and

Each element contributes to the overall

The Communication Process: Elements
Types of Communication
• a. Verbal Communication: This includes
face-to-face conversations, phone calls,
meetings, letters, and any communication
that involves words.

• b. Non-Verbal Communication: Sometimes,

our body language, facial expressions,
gestures, and eye contact convey more than
words alone. Understanding non-verbal
cues is crucial for effective communication.
Types of Communication

• c. Written Communication: Written

messages through emails, reports, memos,
and letters are prevalent in business

• d. Oral Communication: Oral

communication involves conveying
messages through spoken words, facilitating
real-time interaction and exchange of
Types of Communication

• e. Visual Communication: Visuals such as

charts, graphs, and presentations can
enhance understanding and retention of
Principles of Effective Communication (7 C's)
• The seven essential principles of
effective communication are often
referred to as the 7 C’s.


• Mastering these principles will empower

you to convey your messages with
clarity, professionalism, and impact.
1 C: Clarity
• Clarity is the cornerstone of effective
communication. It involves expressing
your message in a straightforward and
unambiguous manner.

• Ambiguity can lead to confusion and

misunderstandings, so we will learn
techniques to simplify our language and
ensure that our ideas are conveyed
2 C: Conciseness
• In business communication, brevity is
key. Being concise means delivering
your message in the most efficient way
possible without compromising clarity.

• Eliminate unnecessary words and avoid

redundancy to maintain the reader's
3 C: Correctness
• Correctness emphasizes the importance
of accuracy and precision in your

• Grammatical errors, typos, and

misinformation can erode credibility.
Review common mistakes and
strategies to ensure messages are error-
4 C: Completeness
• Effective communication leaves no
room for ambiguity or missing

• Completeness means providing all the

necessary details and context to enable
the receiver to understand the message
fully. Include all essential information in
our written and oral communication.
5 C: Coherence

• Coherence refers to the logical flow and

organization of your message.

• A well-structured communication
ensures that ideas are interconnected
and easy to follow. Maintain coherence
in both written and oral communication
6: Courtesy

• Courtesy is an essential aspect of

professional communication.

• Being polite, respectful, and

considerate of your audience fosters a
positive relationship and enhances the
impact of your message.
7 C: Consideration

• Consideration involves empathizing

with the audience and understanding
their needs, concerns, and

• Tailoring the message to meet the

audience's interests ensures that
communication resonates with them.
Effective Business Communication
• Effective business communication refers to
the process of exchanging information,
ideas, and thoughts within an organization
and with external stakeholders in a clear,
concise, and meaningful manner.

• It involves transmitting messages with

clarity, ensuring the intended meaning is
understood, and receiving feedback to
confirm successful communication.
Effective Business Communication: Advantages

1. Improved Workplace Productivity

• Efficient information flow leads to better

• Reduced misunderstandings and errors
• Enhanced coordination among team
Effective Business Communication: Advantages

2. Enhanced Professional Relationships

• Stronger relationships with colleagues,

clients, and stakeholders
• Better customer service and client
• Increased trust and credibility
Effective Business Communication: Advantages

3. Effective Leadership

• Clear communication fosters effective

• Leaders can convey vision, goals, and
expectations efficiently
• Builds employee morale and motivation
Effective Business Communication: Advantages

4. Conflict Resolution

• Effective communication helps in resolving

conflicts promptly
• Reduces misunderstandings and prevents
escalation of issues
• Promotes a harmonious work environment
Effective Business Communication: Advantages

5. Improved Negotiation Skills

• Effective communication enhances

negotiation outcomes
• Better understanding of needs and interests
of all parties involved
• Facilitates win-win situations
Effective Business Communication: Advantages

6. Innovation and Creativity

• Open communication encourages the sharing

of ideas and suggestions
• Promotes a culture of innovation and
continuous improvement
• Helps in problem-solving and finding creative
Effective Business Communication: Advantages

7. Time and Cost Savings

• Faster decision-making process saves time

and resources
• Fewer misunderstandings and rework lead to
cost reductions
• Streamlines business operations
Barriers to Effective Communication
• Internal barriers: The obstacles that arise
within an organization or between
individuals within the organization.

• Noise and Distractions

• Lack of Clarity
• Emotional Barriers
• Hierarchy and Structure
• Poor Listening Skills
• Lack of Feedback
• Language and Jargon
Barriers to Effective Communication
• External barriers: The obstacles that originate
from outside the organization or between the
organization and its external stakeholders,
such as customers, suppliers, or partners.

• Physical Distance
• Cultural Differences
• Language Barriers
• Time Zone Differences
• Technological Issues
• Economic and Political Factors
Strategies to Overcome Communication Barriers

• Active Listening
• Clear and Concise Messages
• Cultural Awareness
• Language Support
• Technology and Tools
Communication Channels/Flow in Organizations

• Communication channels refer to the

mediums or pathways through which
information, messages, and ideas flow
within an organization.

• Understanding the various

communication channels and their
characteristics is essential for effective
business communication.
Formal and Informal Communication Channels

• Formal channels are established and

sanctioned by the organization's structure
and management.

• They follow the official chain of command

and are used to convey official
information, policies, procedures, and
work-related matters.
Formal and Informal Communication Channels

• Informal channels, also known as the

grapevine, are unofficial and spontaneous
pathways through which information
spreads among employees.

• These channels are often based on

personal relationships and social
interactions within the organization.
Vertical, Horizontal, and Diagonal Communication
• Vertical communication flows up and
down the formal hierarchy of the

• It includes both upward communication

(from lower-level employees to higher-
level management) and downward
communication (from higher-level
management to lower-level employees).
Vertical, Horizontal, and Diagonal Communication

• Horizontal communication takes place

between individuals or units at the same
hierarchical level within the organization.

• It facilitates coordination, collaboration,

and problem-solving among peers or
Vertical, Horizontal, and Diagonal Communication

• Diagonal communication occurs between

individuals or units at different
hierarchical levels and across different

• It enables information to flow more

quickly across the organization and
promotes cross-functional understanding.
The Role of Technology in Communication Channels

• Email: Facilitates written communication,

document sharing, and quick
dissemination of information.

• Intranet and Collaboration Software:

Provides a centralized platform for
employees to access information, share
documents, and collaborate on projects.
The Role of Technology in Communication Channels
• Instant Messaging and Chat Apps: Enables real-time
communication and quick exchanges of messages
among employees.

• Video Conferencing: Allows virtual face-to-face

meetings, promoting effective communication
among geographically dispersed teams.

• Social Media and Enterprise Social Networks:

Fosters informal communication and knowledge-
sharing across the organization.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Different
Communication Channels
Face-to-Face Communication:
• Advantages: Enables immediate
feedback, builds strong relationships, and
enhances non-verbal communication

• Disadvantages: Not always feasible due

to physical distance or time constraints,
may lead to information distortion in
larger groups.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Different
Communication Channels
Written Communication
(Email, Memos, Reports, etc.):
• Advantages: Provides a record of
communication, allows time for thoughtful
responses, suitable for complex

• Disadvantages: Lacks immediate feedback,

may lead to misinterpretation without non-
verbal cues.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Different
Communication Channels

Phone and Voice Communication:

• Advantages: Allows real-time interaction,
enables vocal cues and tone of voice.

• Disadvantages: Lack of visual cues, may be

inconvenient in certain situations.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Different
Communication Channels
Video Conferencing:
• Advantages: Provides a virtual face-to-face
experience, reduces travel costs and time.

• Disadvantages: Dependent on stable

internet connections, may still lack
some non-verbal cues.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Different
Communication Channels
Instant Messaging and Chat Apps:
• Advantages: Facilitates quick
communication, ideal for informal and
immediate interactions.

• Disadvantages: Less suitable for complex

discussions, may lead to distractions.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Different
Communication Channels
Formal Reports and Documentation:
• Advantages: Provides detailed and
structured information, useful for future

• Disadvantages: Time-consuming to create,

may be less engaging to read.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Different
Communication Channels
The Grapevine (Informal Communication):
• Advantages: Rapid dissemination of
information, strengthens social bonds
among employees.

• Disadvantages: Prone to rumors and

inaccuracies, may undermine formal

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