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I. Multiple-choice questions
1. During winter the shelters are full of people of no fixed_________
A. residence B. abode C. home D. domicile
2. Until your finances are in the______, it’s not a good idea to take out a loan.
A. credit B. funds C. profit D. black
3. The matter has been left in________until the legal ramifications have been
A. recess B. suspension C. abeyance D. waiting
4. It was an extremely hostile article which cast_________on the conduct of the
entire cabinet.
A. criticism B. aspersions C. disapproval D. intellect
5. Could I pick your________on the subject before the meeting.
A. brains B. mind C. head D. intellect
6. I’m not sure I can answer that. I’ve only thought about it in
A. general B. hypothetical C. indefinite D. abstract
7. You’ll never convince me! We’ll just have to_______to disagree.
A. agree B. consider C. admit D. consent
8. The entire staff was thrown off_________when the news of the takeover was
A. composure B. disarray C. stable D. balance
9. A small dog went for my ankles but I adroitly managed to_________it.
A. dodge B. evade C. shirk D. duck
10. He’s so lazy! We all have to work harder because he’s always________his
A. evading B. shirking C. ducking D. dodging
11. The Prime Minister managed to_________any tricky questions asked by the
A. shirk B. duck C. dodge D, evade
12. The damp has__________his health; he’s got rheumatism.
A. affected B. influenced C. swayed D. impressed
13. I’m sure that living with a vegetarian has_______to eat less meat.
A. swayed B. affected C. influenced D. impressed
14. Before I pay for the painting, I need proof that it is a(n)_________Picasso, not
a copy.
A. real B. authentic C. valid D. natural
15. He may appear to be__________but in fact he’s a compulsive liar.
A. authentic B. genuine C. natural D. real
16. If you have stomach problems, it is best to avoid____________food.
A. rich B. affluent C. wealthy D. lavish
17. I was rather embarrassed when John gave me such a(n)__________gift.
A. well-off B. rich C. extravagant D. affluent
18. Brazil derives the majority of its revenue from one________, coffee.
A. stock B. merchandise C. ware D. commodity
19. Gavin will__________to the challenge of his new promotion.
A. raise B. rise C. ride D. arise
20. I found the information for the project in the encyclopedia but I couldn’t
give________and verse on it.
A. chapter B. unit C. poem D. extract
21. Mr. Smiths is the big__________in the company as he has just been promoted
to the position of Managing Director.
A. bread B. apple C. cheese D. meat
22. Speaking about his long battle with illness struck a__________with the
A. wire B. rope C. string D. chord
23. Whether you attend the lecture or not is of little__________
A. consequence B. result C. care D.
24. Having seen the film that won the Oscar, I was disappointed as it wasn’t all that
it’s_________to be.
A. creased B. cracked C. lined D. valued
25. I prefer to practice the violin alone in my bedroom as having other members of
the family listen really____________my style.
A. restricts B. impedes C. obstructs D. cramps
26. Ann’s injuries took a long time to_________completely and she has been left
with several scars.
A. cure B. remedy C. heal D. treat
27. The picture looked very impressive but in fact it had been________from
A. imitated B. copied C. emulated D. faked
28. The meat was so_________that I didn’t have to cut any fat off.
A. slim B. lean C. skinny D. slender
29. The archeologist was so amazed to see that the body hadn’t_______at all.
A. mouldered B. rotted C. wasted D.
30. I’m used to being woken in the morning by the birds________outside my
A. snarling B. howling C. bleating D. twittering
31. Car prices in the UK are high in________to other European countries.
A. reference B. affinity C. relation D.
32. We put some_________of a bread out everyday for the birds.
A. chips B. crumps C. cubes D. slivers
33. The ingredients included_________cheese for the topping.
A. chopped B. shredded C. minced D. grated
34. This is a good hair dye but the color gradually________after a few weeks.
A. fades B. vanishes C. disappears D. pales
35. It was impossible for me to make a decision, so I_______a coin.
A. tossed B. threw C. flung D. cast
36. I know you have a good voice and have ambitions to be an opera singer but
don’t give up your day_________yet!
A. situation B. work C. job D. place
37. I am in the________as to where Chris was last night.
A. shade B. dark C. pink D. black
38. Breaking his leg dealt a_______to his chances of becoming a professional
A. thump B. strike C. hit D. blow
39. Jane is a sympathetic listener. She lent me a(n)_________when I lost my job.
A. mind B. mouth C. ear D. eye
40. Let’s make a dash for the train now as the rain seems to be_______off.
A. easing B. slowing C. reducing D. running
41. Our firm is so successful because it is at the cutting__________of computer
A. limit B. fringe C. verge D. edge
42. He was_________intensively for two weeks before the tennis tournament.
A. practised B. coached C. learned D. taught
43. Our journey was_________by icy roads, which forced us to drive very slowly.
A. obstructed B. impeded C. barred D.
44. Before the parachute jump he was carefully______in safety procedures.
A. shown B. instructed C. presented D.
45. She__________her daughter to the care of a babysitter for the evening.
A. entrusted B. consigned C. confided D.
46. The engineer________the machine with a hammer and, miraculously, it roared
back to life.
A. slapped B. smacked C. whacked D.
47. Fighting among the rebel soldiers________last night and a curfew has now been
imposed on the city.
A. enhanced B. aggravated C. heightened D.
48. While other companies collapsed in the economic recession, Cartwright Ltd.
________ and share prices rose.
A. earned B. exploited C. profited D.
49. Rebecca_______her fiance across the face during an argument and walked out
of the restaurant.
A. smashed B. slapped C. struck D.
50. The judge’s ruling_________a wave of protest campaigns across the country.
A. provoked B. instigated C. launched D.
51. Although she was able to walk with the aid of crutches, having a broken
ankle______hẻ movement considerably.
A. barred B. hindered C. intervened D.
52. The Oscar winning actress simply_________charm and professionalism in her
acceptance speech.
A. exuded B. excluded C. expunged D.
53. After buying an expensive new penthouse Marianna was flat________.
A. shattered B. broke C. smashed D. torn
54. The new political party came to the_________after the general election.
A. front B. back C. side D. fore
55. On the eighth day of the strike the Minister________fit to make a statement.
A. saw B. showed C. looked D.
56. Harry blew a __________when his holiday was cancelled.
A. switch B. plug C. fuse D.
57. Despite her poor exam results, Alice put a _________ face on the situation.
A. tough B. brave C. courageous D. bold
58. I was thrilled to meet Paul Mc Cartney in the________when I sat next to him at
the theatre.
A. meat B. blood C. flesh D. vein
59. I’m very sorry, but these _________ are out of stock at the moment.
A. goods B. wares C. commodities D. supplies
60. Each ________ of the house must pay his own tax.
A. dweller B. resident C. settler D.
61. My father has decided to _______ a beard to cover a small scar he has on his
A. rear B. bring up C. breed D. grow
62. The farmer makes money by_________pedigree horses.
A. bringing up B. nurturing C. breeding D.
63. For months I sat with my binoculars watching a bird _______ its young.
A. rear B. breed C. bring up D. grow
64. “He __________ my rubber, miss!” shouted the boy
A. acquired B. ripped off C. abducted D, swiped
65. My grandmother was a lovely person who_______ pleasure from helping others.
A. gathered B. derived C. deduced D.
66. You were really _______when you paid $100 for those shoes. They’re not even
A. swiped B. ripped off C. pinched D.
67. Many forest - __________ animals were killed in the fire.
A. dwelling B. residing C. inhabiting D.
68. This city has four million____________.
A. residents B. dwellers C. inhabitants D.
69. For busy people in today’s society, lifestyle management is
A. points B. speed C. ground D. terrain
70. We at Buyrite throw down the___________to competitors to match us for price,
quality and service.
A. mitten B. gauntlet C. sword D. hat
71. Every time the government meets their demands, the union leaders move
A. lampposts B. goalposts C. bus stops D.
72. The designer refuses to glid the_______, preferring clean, simple lines for his
A. lily B. flower C. rose D. daisy
73. During pioneer days a lot of land in the United States was up for________.
A. gain B. promotion C. taking D. grabs
74. With fuel in short supply, machinery in the factory slowly ground to
A. halt B. stop C. pause D. end
75. This lovely new dress fits like a____________.
A. treat B. gauntlet C. gown D. glove
76. The teacher was adamant and stuck to his________about the date of the exams.
A. weapons B. guns C. thumb D. neck
77. David decided that smoking was ruining his health and so gave it up
A. all B. always C. good D. once
78. It was only when he had been unemployed for six months that Neil’s situation
A. base B. down C. home D. back
79. Investors have taken_________from the improving economic situation.
A. heart B. courage C. consolidation D.
80. I can’t tell you_________the population of Prague, but there’s an encyclopedia in
the cupboard.
A. in hand B. off hand C. at hand D. on
81. The government is making little_______in its fight to beat inflation.
A. headway B. advance C. improvement D.
82. Once at the skating rink, Ivan was allowed to skate to his heart’s_______.
A. happiness B. content C. contentment D. delight
83. The art teacher gave the children a free_______in their creative compositions.
A. offer B. gift C. hand D. kick
84. After making several bad business deals the company was losing money hand
A. finger B.wrist C. thumb D. fist
85. Maggie is so moody and unpredictable. She’s apt to fly off the_______without
any real cause.
A. handle B. strap C. catch D. belt
86. My neighbor has threatened to___________over our dispute about property
A. take legal aid C. try me
B. take legal action D. bring me to trial
87. He managed to_______the flow of blood by tightly bandaging the wound.
A. restrain B. curb C. check D. inhibit
88. Mr Wright is being______for fraud at the Old Bailey courthouse, this afternoon.
A. taken to court B. tried C. summoned D. charged
89. The heavy rain lashed down_________throughout the night without letting up.
A. continually B. continuously C. perpetually D. eternally
90. We intend this to be a(n)_________project, taking us into the next decade.
A. constant B. incessant C. steady D. going
91. As long as you have the most___________ingredients for the recipe, you can
make do without the other things.
A. critical B. crucial C. essential D. vital
92. A(n)____________proportion of the population did not vote in the last elections.
A. essential B. significant C. grave D.
93. When a former secret agent tried to publish his memoirs, the government had
certain parts of the book__________.
A. forbidden B. prohibited C. disallowed D. censored
94. Benjamin Britten, the composer, is probably most________for his opera “Peter
A. famous B. conspicuous C. remarkable D.
95. ________scientists from around the world met in London to discuss a
revolutionary new drug.
A. Eminent B. Elevated C. Prestigious D.
96. Greg has, to all intents and_________, finished his degree course, with the
exception of his final dissertation.
A. reasons B. purposes C. aims D. proposals
97. I’ll reserve________on Ben Shipley’s latest novel until I’ve read it.
A. condemnation B. thought C. criticism D.
98. Always having had_______feet, Delia is off again, backpacking round India.
A. itchy B. scratchy C. sore D. light
99. It was_______justice for Ted to receive a parking fine when he was at the
A. poetic B. only C. small D. tough
100. He slammed my hand in the car door and, to add insult to_______, didn’t stop
to apologise.
A. damage B. harm C. injury D. infamy
101. We were all on a_________-edge until the very end of the Hitchcock film.
A. razor B. knife C. cliff D. chair
102. These stones have been here since time_________
A. immemorable B. immortal C. immemorial D. innumerable
103. Enjoy your “Sunway” cruise, safe in the_______that everything has been taken
care of.
A. knowledge B. recognition C. awareness D. fact
104. This shoe repairer is so quick that he can sole and heel your shoes in
A. moment B. hurry C. jiffy D. instant
105. Not wearing a seatbelt in the car can put your life in_______.
A. jail B. jeopardy C. hazard D. risk
106. The manager was not at work so his secretary took the_________herself and
confirmed the deal.
A. initiative B. issue C. risk D. biscuit
107. Sue spent weeks in hospital after being seriously___________in a car crash.
A. ruined B. impaired C. injured D. damaged
108. When she lost her temper, she__________the vase her ex-husband had
brought her.
A. snapped B. chipped C. broke off D. smashed
109. Flood have completely_________the farmer’s crops.
A. injured B. damaged C. harmed D. ruined
110. I ________the notice-board quickly, looking for second-hand cars for sale.
A. scanned B. peered at C. scrutinized D. peered at
111. The forensic expert___________the evidence looking for particles of skin.
A. scanned B. scrutinized C. glimpsed at D. peered at
112. My brother is always________me about my hooked nose.
A. harassing B. pestering C. getting on at D. teasing
113. The border guards have been accused of________refugees.
A. pestering B. getting on at C. harassing D. teasing
114. My young nieces kept________me to buy them sweets.
A. teasing B. pestering C. getting on at D. harassing
115. I________a plate when I was washing up, but it can still be used.
A. chipped B. smashed C. snapped D. shattered
116. The windscreen_________into a thousand pieces when the car hit a lamp-post.
A. smashed B. shattered C. snapped D. cracked
117. The optician says you have to wear glasses, like it or________it.
A. jump B. lump C. dislike D. loathe
118. You will be putting your life on the_________if you take up skydiving.
A. ground B. way C. lane D. line
119. His friend and family left him in the________when he went bankrupt.
A. church B. lurch C. end D. street
120. There are more people employed, by and________ in the service sector than in
manufacturing today.
A. large B. all C. by D. through
121. Tom was really laying it on_________about her accident at work.
A. fine B. broad C. thick D. thin
122. Were you on the________when you said you had resigned from work.
A. wagon B. level C. flat D. town
123. Stars of the Hollywood silver screen tended to be larger than_______.
A. life B. drama C. reality D. ever
124. Judging from the noise it is making, the washing machine is on its last_______.
A. gasp B. breath C. resort D. legs
125. I left the house in a hurry and my bedroom was_________with clothes.
A. scattered B. dispersed C. strewn D.
126. We giggled at the sight of Mrs. Brown__________down the road in her six-inch
stiletto heels.
A. staggering B. reeling C. tottering D.
127. The skaters_________gracefully across the ice.
A. slid B. glided C. slipped D.
128. The cat slept peacefully________in the long grass.
A. huddled B. nestled C. snuggled D.
129. Mr. Wrigh________his vegetable garden carefully.
A. tends B. grows C. maintains D.
130. Employees of the company are forbidden to_______information about the
secret formula.
A. betray B. divulge C. reveal D.
131. The removal men__________the heavy piano up the stairs with great difficulty.
A. toted B. shoved C. thrust D.
132. The soldier didn’t___________his comrades even when he was pressured to
do so.
A. betray B. divulge C. reveal D.
133. She________a few clothes into a case and hurried to the airport.
A. scattered B. shoved C. piled D.
134. My fear of wasps_______from the fact that I was severely stung as a child.
A. stems B. begets C. generates D.
135. This year’s series of open-air plays_________with a performance of “Electra”.
A. stems B. originates C. derives D.
136. We could hear the monkeys________long before we reached their cage.
A. chatting B. chattering C. prattling D.
137. Jane________about the surprise party for Sheila and now the whole idea is
A. babbled B. gossiped C. prattled D.
138. I think you__________a nerve when you mentioned Ralph’s forthcoming
A. drilled B. had C. touched D. hit
139. Yes, I saw the last episode of the series, but I’m none the_______about what
really happened.
A. better B. wiser C. cleverer D. surer
140. Some people like to_______their neck doing dangerous sports.
A. risk B. break C. twist D.
141. The professor looked as if he were________away in a world of his own.
A. yards B. kilometres C. miles D.
142. For stamps and coins to be of value, they need to be in mint_______.
A. state B. condition C. situation D.
143. After six months of convalescence in a nursing home, Simon is finally on
A. run B. top C. go D. mend
144. Dave gave the office party a______that year.
A. miss B. hit C. chance D. break
145. The cup is full to the________so be careful when you carry it.
A. border B. boundary C. verge D. brim
146. Young children are often________to illnesses such as measles.
A. liable B. sensitive C. apt D.
147. Thousands of refugees are camping at the________between the two countries,
hoping to find asylum.
A. boundary B. border C.brim D. rim
148. After losing my job, I was on the______of a nervous breakdown.
A. border B. brim C. bounds D. verge
149. The school playing fields are out of________while equipment is being set up for
the cricket match.
A. bounds B. brim C. verge D. border
150. Children should keep away from the river______in case they fall in.
A. bounds B. brim C. bank D. border
151. We’re spending our holidays on the_______this summer.
A. bank B. beach C. cast D. shore
152.The old lady_______her handbag for fear she might lose it.
A. seized B. grabbed C. grasped D. clutched
153. Isn’t packing three suitcases for a weekend away going a bit________?
A. overboard B. overhead C. overload D. overskill
154. In spite of his stammer, Gerald rose to the________and delivered a fascinating
A. top B. occasion C. bait D. situation
155. “How often do you visit your parents?” - “________so often, even though they
live some distance away.”
A. Even B. Ever C. Never D. Every
156. “Do you think I should ask Andy?” - “I’m sure he’ll be only_______willing to help
you with the project.”
A. just B. that C. too D. so
157. It is possible to________out of the pension scheme if you do not wish to
A. back B. opt C. charge D. break
158. You say you need new clothes but your wardrobe is full to_______with dresses.
A. overflowing B. overfilling C. overlaying D.
159. Frank was informed at the______that the assignment would be no easy matter.
A. offset B. upset C. outset D. reset
160. It will be overstepping the________if you address the managing director directly
by his first name.
A. line B. mark C. grade D. limit
161. Hundreds of workers have been________due to financial problems at the
A. sacked B. made redundant C. resigned D. retired
162. I was_________due to a personality clash with my boss.
A. resigned B. retired C. sacked D. made
163. The________of the failure resulted in many people losing their life-savings.
A. cause B. problem C. trouble D.
164. They play was such a________that it came off after only two days.
A. cataclysm B. calamity C. disaster D.
165. My puppy was very expensive because he’s a special_________.
A. sect B. breed C. tribe D. caste
166. The________system in India resembles the class structure in Britain.
A. breed B. tribe C. caste D. sect
167. Anthropologists have spent years studying the social system of this________.
A. breed B. tribe C. caste D. sect
168. Countries often became__________to promote trade and industry between
A. acquaintances B. colleagues C. allies D.
169. Most people have few friends but many________who they only see from time
to time.
A. allies B. accomplices C. associates D.
170. The foreman came to the building site to play the workmen’s__________.
A. fees B. allowance C. salaries D. wages
171. Victoria went to great________to complete a high quality presentation.
A. pains B. torment C. efforts D.
172. Julia’s work is not a________on Natalie’s.
A. spot B. patch C. scratch D. scrap
173. Somebody as conceited as Ron needs bringing down a________or two.
A. step B. notch C. peg D. rùng
174. New technology is being_________in at work.
A. shown B. phased C. installed D. filtered
175. Many people are feeling the________now that there is an economic
A. strain B. prod C. pinch D. pain
176. I have no appetite and I am lethargic. I’ve been feeling under the________for
A. pair B. par C. stress D. threat
177. The economic situation makes many people unwilling to take the________and
open their own businesses.
A. initiative B. bull C. plunge D.
178. I don’t know how I can__________up the courage to tell him the awful news.
A. pick B. pluck C. store D. set
179. The new soap opera on Channel 3___________new depths in terms of
A. plumbs B. reaches C. fills D.
180. We’ll keep you_______of any further changes in the examination specifications.
A. noticed B. announced C. mailed D. posted
181. Relief workers______hundreds of crates of second-hand clothing which had
been donated.
A. unpacked B. revealed C. unwrapped D.
182. The Queen was present at the official________of the statue.
A. revealing B. unpacking C. unwrapping D.
183. The hut finally fell down, unable to________days of violent winds and rain.
A. put up with B. withstand C. support D. afford
184. As a single parent, it’s difficult for her to_________a family.
A. support B. afford C. put up with D.
185. I phoned the company, who_________me that my goods had been
A. confirmed B. guaranteed C. assured D.
186. Please send me a reply to the wedding invitation in order to________your
A. guarantee B. confirm C. assure D.
187. It was extremely_________of you to drive home in that blizzard.
A. adventurous B. reckless C. impervious D. instinctive
188. I really admire the hero of the movie. He’s so_______________.
A. reckless B. adventurous C. foolhardy D. instinctive
189. The weekend is over, so tomorrow morning it’s back to the________.
A. grind B. labour C. drudgery D. toil
190. Looking after a house, four children, a lazy husband and two dogs is a
A. labour B. drudgery C. toil D. grind
191. The experimental play was only a________success, which disappointed the
A. local B. qualified C. reserved D. cautious
192. It takes time to get a financial system up and_________after the introduction of
a new currency.
A. walking B. proceeding C. running D. going
193. Life is so full of both good fortune and misfortunes that you have to learn to take
the rough with the_________.
A. smooth B. ready C. calm D. tough
194. Stephen really lost his_________when his dental appointment was cancelled
yet again.
A. head B. voice C. calm D. rag
195. In today’s competitive world, everyone needs a regular holiday to________their
A. refill B. recast C. rectify D. recharge
196. When my new motor kept breaking down, I knew I’d been taken for a_______by
the second-hand car salesman.
A. drive B. ride C. walk D. stroll
197. Don’t take it as_______that you’ll be promoted in your job; other colleagues
stand a good chance too.
A. fixed B. standard C. read D. word
198. Believing that the firm had given him a raw_________, he took his case to an
industrial tribunal.
A. deal B. meal C. apple D. nerve
199. It was a hot summer day and ice cream salesmen were doing a________trade.
A. busy B. lucrative C. bustling D. roaring
200. It has been medically proven that a poor diet leads to_______growth.
A. controlled B. stunted C. curbed D. tempered
201. My husband and I are not rich but we are_______.
A. wealthy B. tight C. comfortable D. hard-up
202. Bob is so short-tempered; he should try to________his anger.
A. curb B. control C. temper D. stunt
203. If you_________your demands, they may be accepted by others.
A. control B. temper C. stunt D. curb
204. The teacher told us to__________the poem by the next lesson.
A. remember B. recollect C. remind D. memorize
205. I don’t__________her name, as we met only once.
A. memorize B. reminisce C. recollect D. remind
206. Don’t expect Alan to buy you a drink. He earns plenty of money but he’s
A. hard-up B. wealthy C. tight D.
207. Could I borrow a few pounds? I’m a bit__________at the moment.
A. comfortable B wealthy C. tight D. hard-
208. The audience were in________as they watched the latest Aykebourne comedy.
A. stitches B. pleats C. tears D. shreds
209. Don’t mention work to Ray, as it’s a sore______with him at the moment.
A. finger B. point C. place D. thumb
210. It’s hard to get back into the_________of things after a long holiday.
A. pace B. way C. swing D. rhythm
211. The trouble with socializing with colleagues is that they usually end up
A. sense B. shop C. back D. rot
212. Take your mobile phone with you just to be on the________side.
A. sunny B. secure C. straight D. safe
213. The opposition will be elected into government at the next election, without
a_______of a doubt.
A. shadow B. shade C. benefit D. hue
214. Noisy parties are really not my________.
A. idea B. liking C. scene D.
215. I hate the way Tony__________around looking so self-important.
A. struts B. scampers C. slithers D. slinks
216. The dog_________under the table when I shouted at him for eating my steak.
A. slithered B. scampered C. slunk D.
217. Rosie the kitten__________playfully around the ball.
A. slithered B. strutted C. slithered D.
218. A long, green snake_________through the grass and disappeared.
A. strutted B. slithered C. slunk D.
219. She tried to__________Tom’s importance to the company in order to gain a
promotion for herself.
A. diminish B. dwindle C. shrink D.
220. Due to inflation, my savings have__________gradually to practically nothing.
A. shrank B. dwindled C. reduced D.
221. My new pullover__________to half its previous size when I washed it.
A. shrank B. reduced C. diminished D.
222. I need to________my weight by about ten kilos for health reasons.
A. reduce B. diminish C. dwindle D.
223. I don’t think you’re suitably________for this party.
A. clothed B. clad C. wearing D.
224. The mountains were_________in thick cloud.
A. clothing B. clothed C. dressing D.
225. The headmaster at my last school was a stern disciplinarian and made sure
we______the line.
A. drew B. faced C. touched D. toed
226. You never know whether to take Vic seriously or whether his remarks are
tongue in________.
A. cheek B. mouth C. tooth D. face
227. Applications for the course are coming in thick and________.
A. thin B. quick C. fast D. skin
228. Mike__________the tone of the formal dinner by appearing in a pair of ripped
jeans and an old T-shirt.
A. set B. lowered C. degraded D. put
229. The exercise routine works in________with the diet.
A. tandem B. league C. hand D.
230. We are on_________for a significant increase in production this year.
A. form B. track C. line D. target
231. Martin just loves to________his teeth into a really challenging crossword.
A. grind B. put C. get D. sink
232. The pudding was a________too sweet for my liking.
A. hint B. drop C. trifle D. tinge
233. Bungee jumping is not my_______of tea.
A. mug B. pot C. glass D. cup
234. The labourers decided to down________in support of their sacked workmate.
A. equipment B. tools C. apparatus D.
235. Jenny was so unhappy as she was under the________of her husband.
A. finger B. nose C. skin D. thumb
236. Kristina felt on the top of the______when the won the beauty pageant.
A. world B. earth C. sky D.
237. The Prime Minister has_______the controversial statement he made about
nuclear arms.
A. retracted B. extracted C. pulled out D.
238. The King was forced to________his right to the throne when he married a
A. extract B. pull out C. renounce D. retract
239. The team had to_________of the competition because of injuries.
A. pull out B. extract C. renounce D. retract
240. The text was complicated and therefore very difficult to__________information
A. extract B. renounce C. retract D. pull
241. She_________her fingers on a sharp rose thorn.
A. stung B. bit C. stabbed D.
242. The baby was__________by a bee whilst playing in the garden.
A. bitten B. pricked C. stung D.
243. The film star categorically__________any connection with the scandal.
A. refuses B. denies C. rejects D.
244. De to his reckless driving his driving license was________by the court.
A. refused B. denied C. revoked D.
245. Sue begged Tom to help her but he_________.
A. denied B. refused C. rejected D.
246. Jack was disappointed not to be promoted as he was given to_________that
the job would be his.
A. know B. understand C. realize D. say
247. That loud heavy metal music from next door is________me up the wall.
A. driving B. sending C. bringing D.
248. Bright children who are_________on the uptake may get bored easily if they
are not stimulated enough at school.
A. swift B. fast C. quick D. rapid
249. This new model of car is the_________in driving luxury.
A. penultimate B. ultimate C. reasons D. best
250. Shiftwork does have its_________simetimes,
A. purposes B. conveniences C. reasons D. uses
251. My husband told me in no_________terms that I would have to economize on
household expenses.
A. unsure B. uncertain C. vague D.
252. We had a___________of time at Jason’s party yesterday.
A. whale B. period C. whole D. week
253. In_______did I knock on the huge oak door, for nobody answered.
A. vane B. mane C. vein D. vain
254. They were planning, _________to Hilary, to throw a surprise party for her.
A. unaware B. oblivious C. unbeknown D.
255. Investors were caught_________by the sharp drop in share prices.
A. undecided B. unawares C. unsuspecting D.
256. The economic situation in the country is going from bad to________after the
stock market crash.
A. better B. best C. worse D. worst
257. Tom always tries to________perfection i everything he does.
A. accomplish B. attain C. gain D.
258. The charity managed to________a great deal during its most recent project in
A. gain B. reach C. attain D.
259. Thank you very much, but I am afraid that, due to the political situation, the
President must_________your invitation to tour your country.
A. decline B. renounce C. snub D.
260. Peter was heartbroken when Sue_______his offer of marriage so cruelly.
A. spurned B. disclaimed C. denied D.
261. I wasn’t_______to see a queue outside the new sports center.
A. taken aback B. astounded C. amazed D.
262. She was a little________by this strange coincidence.
A. astounded B. amazed C. flabbergasted D.
taken aback
263. We_________to the manager about the assistant’s behavior.
A. objected B. nagged C . criticized D.
264. Instead of_______to yourself, why don’t you make a formal complaint?
A. grumbling B. whining C. objecting D.
265. My mother told me that, as a child, I used to_____________continually for
A. whine B. grumble C. complain D.
266. The latest advertising________for facial tissues is a free gift with every
A. scam B. snare C. gimmick D. plot

1. B
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. B
11. D
12. A
13. C
14. B
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. D
19. B
20. A
21. C
22. D
23. A
24. B
25. D
26. C
27. B
28. B
29. D
30. D
31. C
32. B
33. D
34. B
35. A
36. C
37. B
38. D
39. C
40. A
41. D
42. B
43. B
44. B
45. A
46. C
47. D
48. C
49. B
50. A
51. B
52. A
53. B
54. D
55. A
56. C
57. B
58. C
59. A
60. B
61. D
62. C
63. A
64. D
65. B
66. B
67. A
68. C
69. C
70. B
71. B
72. A
73. D
74. A
75. D
76. B
77. C
78. C
79. A
80. B
81. A
82. B
83. C
84. D
85. A
86. B
87. C
88. B
89. B
90. D
91. C
92. B
93. D
94. A
95. A
96. B
97. D
98. A
99. D
100. C
101. B
102. C
103. A
104. C
105. B
106. A
107. C
108. D
109. D
110. A
111. B
112. D
113. C
114. B
115. A
116. B
117. B
118. D
119. B
120. A
121. C
122. B
123. A
124. D
125. C
126. C
127. B
128. B
129. A
130. B
131. A
132. D
133. B
134. A
135. D
136. B
137. A
138. C
139. B
140. A
141. C
142. B
143. D
144. A
145. D
146. D
147. B
148. D
149. A
150. C
151. B
152. D
153. A
154. B
155. D
156. C
157. A
158. A
159. C
160. B
161. B
162. C
163. D
164. C
165. B
166. C
167. B
168. C
169. D
170. D
171. A
172. B
173. C
174. B
175. C
176. B
177. C
178. B
179. A
180. D
181. A
182. D
183. B
184. A
185. C
186. B
187. B
188. B
189. A
190. A
191. B
192. C
193. A
194. D
195. D
196. B
197. C
198. A
199. D
200. B
201. C
202. A
203. B
204. D
205. C
206. C
207. D
208. A
209. B
210. C
211. B
212. D
213. A
214. C
215. A
216. C
217. D
218. B
219. A
220. B
221. A
222. A
223. D
224. B
225. D
226. A
227. C
228. B
229. A
230. D
231. C
232. C
233. D
234. B
235. D
236. A
237. A
238. C
239. A
240. A
241. D
242. C
243. B
244. C
245. B
246. B
247. A
248. C
249. B
250. D
251. B
252. A
253. D
254. C
255. B
256. C
257. B
258. D
259. A
260. A
261. D
262. D
263. D
264. A
265. A
266. C

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