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Polymorphisms of genes involved in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons’

biotransformation and atherosclerosis
Natalija Marinković1, Daria Pašalić*2, Slavica Potočki2
1Quintiles Zagreb LTD, Zagreb, Croatia
2Department of Medical Chemistry, Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia

*Corresponding author:

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are among the most prevalent environmental pollutants and result from the incomplete combustion of
hydrocarbons (coal and gasoline, fossil fuel combustion, byproducts of industrial processing, natural emission, cigarette smoking, etc.). The first
phase of xenobiotic biotransformation in the PAH metabolism includes activities of cytochrome P450 from the CYP1 family and microsomal epoxide
hydrolase. The products of this biotransformation are reactive oxygen species that are transformed in the second phase through the formation of
conjugates with glutathione, glucuronate or sulphates. PAH exposure may lead to PAH-DNA adduct formation or induce an inflammatory atheroscle-
rotic plaque phenotype. Several genetic polymorphisms of genes encoded for enzymes involved in PAH biotransformation have been proven to lead
to the development of diseases. Enzyme CYP P450 1A1, which is encoded by the CYP1A1 gene, is vital in the monooxygenation of lipofilic substrates,
while GSTM1 and GSTT1 are the most abundant isophorms that conjugate and neutralize oxygen products. Some single nucleotide polymorphisms
of the CYP1A1 gene as well as the deletion polymorphisms of GSTT1 and GSTM1 may alter the final specific cellular inflammatory respond. Occupatio-
nal exposure or conditions from the living environment can contribute to the production of PAH metabolites with adverse effects on human health.
The aim of this study was to obtain data on biotransformation and atherosclerosis, as well as data on the gene polymorphisms involved in biotran-
sformation, in order to better study gene expression and further elucidate the interaction between genes and the environment.
Key words: atherosclerosis; biotransformations; genetic polymorphism; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Received: February 18, 2013 Accepted: July 19, 2013

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are Environmental sources of PAH exposure and
among the most prevalent environmental pollut- bioaccumulation
ants known to be involved in carcinogenesis (1). PAHs can be found as air pollutants associated
These are aromatic hydrocarbons with 3 and more with dust particles, in water, and in the soil and
aromatic rings. The best known PAHs are naphtha- sediments. Air streaming can extend PAHs to large
lene, benz(a)pyrene (b[A]P), phenantrene, and an- distances and subsequently return them to the soil
thracite. PAHs mainly result from fossil fuel com- through precipitation. In the soil, we find them
bustion, as byproducts of industrial processing, bound to bigger particles, from where some evap-
human activity, industrial emission, and natural orate in the air, while others penetrate into deeper
emission (2,3). The main channels through which layers contaminating underground water (5). The
PAHs enter the environment are coal production general population is exposed to PAHs from the
and processing, crude oils, natural gases, produc- environment through small-sized respirable parti-
tion of heavy and light metals, and waste incinera- cles, water and food, as well as from the occupa-
tion. tional environment (6). The most widespread man-
There are over a hundred of various PAHs, but in ner of PAH input is the inhalation of exhaust gases,
practice, only six to sixteen are interesting for anal- tobacco smoke, and the usage of products and
yses and monitoring (4). materials containing PAHs (7). Contrary to popular Biochemia Medica 2013;23(3):255–65

©Copyright by Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License
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Marinković N. et al. PAHs, genetic variants and atherosclerosis

opinion, alimentary exposure causes a higher rate biotransformation enzymes. PAHs from particulate
of human exposure to PAHs than air pollutants do matter (bacterial contaminants, transition ele-
(8). PAH bioaccumulation affects mostly adipose ments, salts, and carbonaceous material) may in-
tissue, kidneys, and the liver (9). Smaller amounts crease monocyte cell adhesion to human aortic
may accumulate in the spleen, suprarenal glands, endothelia as well as the attenuation of cytokines
and ovaries. PAHs are excreted in urine or bile in (12). The variation of genes that encode enzymes in-
the form of glucoconjugates, sulfoconjugates, and volved in PAH-biotransformation may ultimately al-
gluthatione-conjugates. ter enzyme activity and consequently be involved
in the pathobiochemistry of different disorders.
Biomolecular and patho-biochemical effects of
PAH exposure in humans Atherogenesis and PAH exposure
PAHs accumulation may have an effect on human Many sources from the literature have presented
health. These compounds have toxic, mutagenic, the relationships between genetic polymorphisms
and teratogenic effects. The PAH metabolism in of gene-encoded enzymes involved in PAH bi-
the first phase of xenobiotic biotransformation in- otransformation and carcinogenesis. The data on
cludes cytochrome P450 from the CYP1 family and atherogenesis are not as abundant.
microsomal epoxide hydrolase, which may lead to Atherosclerosis is a process that starts early in a
the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) person’s life, but in adults, it is enhanced by vari-
(Figure 1). Upon chemically binding to DNA, reac- ous factors. Besides the well-established risk fac-
tive oxygen species give rise to DNA adducts with tors involved in atherogenesis (age, sex, hyperlipi-
very different structures and biological activities demia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity,
(10). Lipids and proteins can also be affected by lack of physical activity and heredity) (13), many
PAH metabolites. Some subgroups of PAHs and other environmental factors contribute to athero-
halogenated aromatic hydrogen carbons may genesis.
even pass the placental barrier (11), which can have The study of interactions between genes and the
a negative impact on fetal cognitive development environment will surely lead to a better under-
and cause undesirable consequences to fetal standing of numerous diseases. In this case, expo-
health. PAH exposure also showed to have an im- sure to pollutants like PAHs induces specific gene
portant role in atherosclerotic ethiopathology, expressions that lead to the biosynthesis of en-
particularly through the PAH-induced activities of zymes, which in turn may alter cellular metabolic

GSH-conjugates Glucoronides and GSH conjugates

sulphate esters

Arene oxides Dihydrodioles Diol epoxides Tetraols


Glucoronides and Phenols Phenol diols Glucoronides and

Sulphate esters sulphate esters


GSH conjugates

Figure 1. Biotransformation of benzo[a]pyrene.

PAHs are metabolized in first phase of xenobiotic biotransformation to form several phenols (hydroxy derivatives), phenol diols,
dihydrodiols, quinones, and reactive diol-epoxide’s enantiomers. The reactive species are then conjugated to GSH-conjugates
glucuronides and sulphate esters to enable better excretion and detoxification of metabolized xenobiotics owing to increased hy-

Biochemia Medica 2013;23(3):255–65

Marinković N. et al. PAHs, genetic variants and atherosclerosis

processes. The diversity of environmental factors PAH biotransformation

and the individual human sensitivity to exposure
to these factors may be crucial in the mechanisms The function of the receptor aryl hydrocarbon
responsible for atherogenesis. The polymorphisms (AhR)
of genes that encode enzymes of PAH biotransfor- PAHs such as (B(a)P) are known as potent ligands
mation may alter the final specific cellular respond. of AhR. These molecules are mediators for increas-
Thus far, two theories on the mechanisms through ing intracellular calcium concentrations (16). AhR
which PAHs are involved in atherosclerotic pro- recognizes a large number of xenobiotics, such as
cesses have been postulated: 1) formation of DNA- PAHs and dioxins, and activates several metabolic
adducts, and 2) involvement of PAHs and its me- and detoxification pathways (17). AhR acts as tran-
tabolites in the inflammatory processes of athero- scriptional factor and mediates intracellular re-
genesis (14,15). These theories are mostly based on sponse through regulating genetic expression.
in vitro and animal model experiments. AhR induces cytochrome P450 (Cyp)1a1 expression,
A summary of the data obtained in the fields of bi- which corresponds well with the induction of
otransformation and atherosclerosis as well as of apoptosis and mutagenesis (18). After entering
the data on gene polymorphisms involved in bi- into the cell, PAHs bind to the AhR and the com-
otransformation may provide us with a clearer idea plex PAH-AhR is translocated into the nucleus. The
of the interactions between genes and the envi- expression of the CYP1A1 gene is enhanced by the
ronment. The general aim of this review is to pres- xenobiotic responsive element (XRE) from the pro-
ent the substantial data on PAH exposure as a fac- moter region of the CYP1A1 gene, the aryl hydro-
tor in the development of atherosclerosis. The fo- carbon nuclear translocator (ARNT), the xenobiotic
cus points of this paper include: 1) activation of responsive element (XRE) and AhR (19,20).
PAH biotransformation, biotransformation mecha-
PAHs are metabolized in enzymatic reactions cata-
nisms, production of specific metabolites that may
lyzed by several different enzymes, including cy-
increase the risk of atherosclerosis; 2) the most fre-
tochrome P450 (CYP), epoxyde hydrolase (EPH),
quent genetic polymorphisms of genes involved
glutathione transferase (GST), UDP-glucuronosyl
in PAH biotransformations and atherosclerosis pre-
transferase (UGT), and sulfotransferase (SULT) (21).
sented in biomedical literature; 3) the influence of
certain common genetic variants of genes in- First phase of PAH metabolism
volved in xenobiotic biotransformations on the
The most abundant isoforms of CYP induced by
development of coronary artery disease (CAD); 4)
non-halogenated PAHs are those from the CYP1A
an overview of different population studies related
subfamily (22). Specific CYP families may be induced
to the association of common genetic polymor-
by different chemicals as presented in Table 1.
phisms and atherosclerosis; and 5) gene–environ-
ment mechanisms involved in the process of ath-
erosclerosis development.

Table 1. Different CYP families induced by different chemical inducers (19).

Inducer Source of inducer Cyp subfamily induced

Nonhalogenated polycyclic aromatic Petroleum derivatives and coal-tar
hydrocarbons constituents
Polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons Forest fires, volcano activities, industrial Predominately CYP1A or predominately
dioxins processes, waste incretion CYP2B or mixed
DDT, dieldrin, chlordane, and mirex Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides
and to a lesser extent the CYP3A
CYP - cytochrome P450; DDT - dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane Biochemia Medica 2013;23(3):255–65

Marinković N. et al. PAHs, genetic variants and atherosclerosis

After exposure, PAHs are metabolized to form sev- via GSTs and is used in the prevention of oxidative
eral phenols (hydroxy derivatives), dihydrodiols, stress (31). Oxidative stress is well-known to be the
quinones, and reactive diol-epoxide enantiomers basis of atherosclerotic pathology.
(Figure 1) that have the capacity to bind DNA and cGSTs alpha (GSTA), mu (GSTM), pi (GSTP), sigma
form PAH–DNA adducts (1,23). (GSTS), omega (GSTO), zeta (GSTZ) and theta
Second phase of PAH metabolism (GSTT) are the most ubiquitous isoforms(32). Isoen-
zymes are grouped according to substrate speci-
Covalent additions of sugars, amino acids and pep- ficity, amino acid sequence, and immunological
tides, as endogenous ligands, are the major reac- cross-reactivity (30).
tions involved in the second phase of xenobiotic
transformation (24).
CYP1A1 and GSTs µ and θ as major
The enzymes from different superfamilies enable
conjugation (e.g., with glutathione or glucuronic
factors in PAH-biotransformations and
acid). Several polar compounds are produced and their influence on atherogenesis
thereby the excretion of chemicals is facilitated by CYP1A1 and atherogenesis
the formation of products with more polar groups.
Enzyme superfamilies involved in conjugation re- The enzyme CYP1A1, which is encoded by the CY-
actions are different transferases like SULT, UGT, P1A1 gene, is the most important in the monooxy-
GST, and N-acetyltransferases (NAT) (25,26). Beside genation of lipofilic substrates such as PAHs. The
transferases, oxidoreductases NAD(P)H:quinone most common PAH, as a substrate for CYP1A1 in
oxidoreductase (NQO) and NAD(P)H: menadione this subgroup, is B(a)P, a carcinogen compound
reductase (NMO), hydrolases such as EPH are also found in tobacco smoke (33). As one of the main
involved in the second phase of the xenobiotic enzymes for detoxification, CYP1A1 is involved in
metabolism (25,26). The gene expression of drug the mechanisms of carcinogenesis and atherogen-
metabolizing enzyme (DMEs) genes provides the esis induced by PAHs from cigarette smoke (34).
various isoforms of the enzymes with different in- There are at least two theories that explain the in-
duction and leads to inhibition by xenobiotics, dif- volvement of PAHs in atherogenesis. PAH-DNA ad-
ferent substrate specificity, and different expres- ducts are known to cause DNA mutations involved
sion (27). Conjugation with DMEs in the second in carcinogenesis. It is hypothesized that there is
phase of xenobiotic metabolism enables better an interrelationship between PAH exposure and
excretion and detoxification of metabolized xeno- PAH-DNA adducts in aortae. Chemically induced
biotics owing to increased hydrophilicity (28). arterial DNA damage may induce mutations that
Sometimes, the second phase produces activated lead to cellular transformations into proliferative
metabolites with increased toxicity (29). The ex- clones (14).
pression of the second phase can be induced by On the other hand, the inflammatory atheroscle-
numerous structurally unrelated chemicals. rotic plaque phenotype can be induced by PAHs
independently of the formation of their DNA-ad-
Human GSTs in the second phase of the PAH
ducts. A study performed on an animal model of
apoE-KO mice clearly demonstrated this (15).
Human GSTs are divided into three main families:
In vitro examination showed that CYP1A1 activates
cytosolic, mitochondrial, and membrane-bound
PAHs. The suppression of LXR-mediated (liver X-
microsomal (30). The cytosolic GST (cGSTs) super-
receptor) signal transductions ensures PAHs direct
family, which exists predominantly in the liver but
involvement in atherosclerotic processes (35). LXR
is also widely distributed into various tissues, en-
are ligand-gated transcriptional factors that be-
compasses a number of isoenzymes. Glutathione
long to a superfamily of nuclear receptors. These
is a cytosolic nucleophilic tripeptide that conju-
receptors act as key regulators of lipid metabolism
gates epoxides and other reactive intermediates

Biochemia Medica 2013;23(3):255–65

Marinković N. et al. PAHs, genetic variants and atherosclerosis

and inflammation (36). The regulation of the lipid Mapping CYP1A1, GSTM1 and GSTT1
metabolism by LXR is provided by the regulation genes and their common genetic variants
of intestinal cholesterol absorption through the
ATP-binding cassette (ABC) gene family (37). On CYP1A1 gene
the other hand, the regulation of inflammatory The human gene CYP1A1 locus has been mapped
events is evident from an animal model experi- on chromosome 15q24.1, which is composed of 7
ment which showed that B[a]P induces monocyte exons (43). Several common genetic polymor-
chemo-attractant protein (MCP-1) gene expression phisms of the CYP1A1 gene (Table 2) have been de-
in the aortic tissue of ApoE-/- mice (38). Monocytes scribed in the literature and designated as m1, m2
travel to damaged areas (atherosclerotic lesions) m3 and m4. The polymorphism Cyp1A1-Msp I or m1
facilitated by MCP-1. In addition, CYP1A1 is also in- represents 3801 T>C substitution in the 3’ non-
volved in the production of the arachidonic acid- coding region of the CYP1A1 gene (rs4646903),
derived vasoactive substance which also may be which determines translation and mRNA stability
involved in proinflammatory processes (39). (43,44). Nucleotide substitution 2455 A>G (m2) re-
sults in amino acid substitution, Ile462Val
GSTM1 and GSTT1 convert electrophilic
(rs1048943) (44). The m3 variant symbolizes nucle-
pro­ducts of the first phase of PAH
otide substitution 3205 T>C in intron 7 (rs4986883)
(43,45), while nucleotide substitution 42453 C>A
GSTM1 and GSTT1 are enzymes from the human represents variant m4, which results in the amino
cytosolic GSTs superfamily, which contains 8 dis- acid substitution Thr>Asp, (rs1799814) (46). Investi-
tinct classes (40). These two enzymes are encoded gations of CYP1A1 gene polymorphisms mostly in-
by the GSTM and GSTT genes, respectively. The dicated their causal role in carcinogenesis, while
main role of GSTM1 lies in the detoxification of data on the association between polymorphisms
electrophilic xenobiotics such as benzopyrene di- and atherogenesis are lacking. The CYP1A1-Msp I
ol-epoxide, the products of CYP1A1, as well as oth- genetic polymorphism is mostly presented in the
er xenobiotic and environmental pollutants (41). literature as an enhancer of human predisposition
The main role of the GSTT1 isoform is the conjuga- to CAD.
tion of oxidized lipids and halogenated com-
pounds. The safe removal of toxins by conjugation GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes
with glutathione saves cells from oxidative dam- The GSTM1 and GSTT1 loci have been mapped on
age and DNA mutation, potentially altering the chromosome 1p13.3 and 22q11.2, respectively. μ
rate of cellular sensibility. However, recent findings (GSTM1) and θ (GSTT1), as members of the GST
have shown that GSTs may act via non-enzymatic family, most commonly exhibit deletion polymor-
pathways and be involved in cell signaling through phisms (Table 2). The complete deletion of the
MAP kinase, which includes DNA damage signal- gene (homozygotes) is a consequence of the ab-
ing (42).

Table 2. The most common CYP1A1, GSTM, and GSTT polymorphisms.

Gene Polymorphism The main observations related to polymorphism (association)

CYP1A1 m1 = 3801 T>C Lung cancer, CAD
m2 = 2455 A>G; Ile>Val Lung cancer, breast cancer
m4 = 2453 C>A; Thr>Asp Lung cancer
GSTM1 deletion
Oxidative stress, decreased enzyme activities, cancer, CAD
GSTT1 deletion
CYP - cytochrome P450; GSTM1 - glutathione S-transferase M1; GTST1 - glutation S-transferase T1 Biochemia Medica 2013;23(3):255–65

Marinković N. et al. PAHs, genetic variants and atherosclerosis

solute absence of both alleles (‘null’ alleles- A meta-analysis in Denmark, which included sub-
GSTM1*0 or GSTT1*0), which results in a deficit of jects from general population studies and case-
enzyme activity. Heterozygotes with only one ‘null’ control studies with case subjects suffering from
allele usually have reduced enzyme activity (47-49). ischemic heart disease and ischemic cerebrovas-
As GSTT1 and GSTM1 play a role in the deactiva- cular disease, did not show an association between
tion of reactive oxygen species, which are involved the GSTT1 and GSTM1 genotypes and markers of
in cellular inflammation and degenerative disor- inflammation or oxidation (54).
ders, it has been shown that polymorphic isoforms Two Brazilian studies investigated the association
with reduced enzyme activity might contribute to of GSTM1 GSTT1 polymorphisms, CAD, and plasma
these processes in the cell (50). Genetic polymor- lipid parameters (55,56). There was no association
phisms can increase or decrease the sensibility of with CAD in the first case-control study (55), while
an organism to cancerogenesis and the inflamma- a significant association was observed for lipid pa-
tory processes involved in the development of rameters and genotype distribution of GSTM1 and
atherosclerosis (30). GSTT1 deleted deletion polymorphisms in patients
who underwent coronary angiography (56).
The influence of CYP1A1, GSTM1 Two studies performed on Italian subjects who un-
and GSTT1 genetic variants on the derwent coronary angiography showed an associ-
ation between GST polymorphisms and CAD in
development of CAD
smokers (57,58). Type 2 diabetes patients who
smoked had a significantly higher risk of suffering
An overview of population studies
from CAD if they were carriers of GSTM1 and
Data on the association of atherosclerosis and CY- GSTT1’null’ genotypes (59). Consecutive smokers
P1A1, GSTM1 and GSTT1 polymorphisms are lacking with combined GSTM1’null’GSTT1’null’ genotypes
and controversial due to aspects such as study de- also had a higher risk of CAD and significantly
sign, population, and number of subjects exam- higher number of stenosis vessels, after adjust-
ined. Several case–control studies have observed ment for risk factors (58). A case control study that
the association between the genetic polymor- included Caucasian subjects with diabetes and
phisms CYP1A1, GSTT1 and GSTM1 and CAD. An non-diabetics showed no association between the
overview of these studies is presented in Table 3. GSTT 1 genotype and CAD risk (59). Indeed, diabet-
A very high predisposition for CAD was observed ics with functional GSTT1 had higher levels of C-
in Turkish CAD patients in comparison to healthy reactive protein (CRP) and oxidated-LDL (Ox-LDL)
controls with the CYP1A1-m1 variant and GSTT1‘null’ as well as smaller LDL particles when compared to
genotypes after adjustment for risk factors (51). GSTT1’null’ individuals, while smokers with func-
An association between the CYP1A1-m1 variant and tional GSTT-1 had a higher CAD risk when com-
cerebral infarction (CI) was found between case pared to non-smokers (59).
and control Korean subjects (with or without cere- The highest mean levels of CRP, fibrinogen, von
bral infarction). Increased relative risk for CI was Willebrand factor, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1 as well as
observed in individuals with the CYP1A1-m1 variant the lowest mean levels of albumin were observed
and GSTM1‘null’ genotype. (39). in a cross-sectional study performed on a biracial
The CYP1A1-m1 variant was also shown in Australian cohort (African-American and Caucasian), in sub-
subjects as a significant factor for increasing the risk jects with the GSTM1 ‘null’ genotype who smoked
of triple-vessel disease (three major epicardial coro- a pack of cigarettes per day for 20 years (60).
nary arteries with 50% luminal obstruction) in light Limiting data aside, it is clear that GSTM1 and
smokers. This relation was not present in heavy GSTT1 deletion polymorphisms alter the effect of
smokers probably due to excessive toxic exposure, smoking on endothelial function, as well as the
which makes genetic effects irrelevant (52,53). processes of inflammation and hemostasis (60).

Biochemia Medica 2013;23(3):255–65

Marinković N. et al. PAHs, genetic variants and atherosclerosis

Table 3. An overview of different population studies related to association of common CYP1A1 and GST genetic polymorphisms with

Author Year Origin Study design Polymorphism Subjects Major observation

Taspinar CYP1A1-m1 132 CAD 8.907-fold increased CAD risk in
2012 Turkish Case-control
et al. (51) GSTT1 deletion 151 control subjects with polymorphisms
GSTM1 ‘null’ genotype increased the
Moon et CYP1A1-m1 353 CI
2007 Korean Case-control relative risk for the CI in the subjects
al. (39) GSTT1 deletion 376 control
with the CYP1A1- m1-C allele
C of allele CYP1A1 Msp I polymorphism
Wang et C of allele
2002 Australian Cross-sectional 701 TVD had an increased risk for triple-vessel
al. (52) CYP1A1 –m1
No association between
23 059 GP
Nørskov GSTT1 deletion polymorphisms and markers of
2011 Danish Meta-analysis 4930 IHD
et al. (54) GSTM1 deletion inflammation or oxidation in the
2086 ICD
general population
No association between
Bazo et al. GSTT1 deletion 299 CAD
2011 Brazilian Case-control polymorphisms and coronary
(55) GSTM1 deletion 101 control
atherosclerosis CAD
1577 GP White, Significant association of TGs,
Maciel et GSTT1 deletion
2009 Brazilian Cross-sectional Black and HDL-cholesterol and the TG/HDL ratio
al. (56) GSTM1 deletion
Mulatto with polymorphisms
Significant association of both ‘null’
Manfredi GSTT1 deletion
2009 Italian Case-only 231 DM genotypes with an increased risk of
et al. (57) GSTM1 deletion
CAD, especially among smokers
Significant association of both ‘null’
Manfredi GSTT1 deletion 222 consecutive
2007 Italian Cross-sectional genotypes with an increased risk of
et al. (58) GSTM1 deletion smokers
CAD and number of stenosis vessels
No association between genotype
Hayek et 773 DM and CAD risk, but higher CRP, oxLDL
2006 Caucasian-UK Case-control GSTT1 deletion
al. (59) 2592 no DM and smaller LDL particles with
functional GSTT-1
Afro-American Higher CRP, FBG, vWF, ICAM-1, VCAM-1
Miller et
2003 & Caucasian GSTM1 deletion 989 GP and lower albumin in smokers with
al. (60)
Cross-sectional ‘nul’ genotype
CAD - coronary artery disease; CI - cerebral infarction; CRP - C-reactive protein; DM - diabetes mellitus; ICAM-1 - Intercellular
adhesion molecule 1; TVD - triple-vessel disease; GP - general population; UK - United Kingdom; VCAM-1 - vascular cell adhesion
molecule 1

The association between GST polymorphisms

and alterations in lipid concentrations
Although peculiar, the association between GST activation of PPAR-y dependent transcription (56).
polymorphisms and lipid concentrations can be The formation of this conjugate is thereby involved
explained. Maciel et al. (56) hypothesized that GTSs in the sequestering of the ligands in the cytosol
are responsible for hypertriglyceridemia and de- away from their nuclear target - PPARy. The conju-
crease of HDL-cholesterol plasma concentrations gation of PgJ12 disables the PPAR-y regulation of
by inhibiting the peroxisome proliferator-activated fatty acid metabolism and therefore attenuates
receptor-y (PPARy). This is due to the role of GST the favorable effects of PPAR-y on lipoprotein me-
activity in the formation of prostaglandin J 12 tabolism, adipocyte function, insulin sensitivity,
(PgJ12)-glutathione conjugate responsible for PgJ12 and vascular structure (61). Biochemia Medica 2013;23(3):255–65

Marinković N. et al. PAHs, genetic variants and atherosclerosis

Interaction of other atherosclerosis risk For example, subjects with double ‘null’ GSTM1/
factors with genetic polymorphisms GSTT1 polymorphisms are more susceptible to the
of enzymes involved in the development of atherosclerosis, while smoking
significantly increases the number of stenosis ves-
biotransformation of PAH
sels in subjects with a positive genotype. On the
In the environment, PAHs are biologically inert. In contrary, the association of GSTM1 deletion and
the human organism, they induce enzyme activi- molecular damage in atherosclerosis depends on
ties which convert them into reactive intermedi- different factors and includes other polymor-
ates. Therefore environmental exposure to PAHs phisms (gene-gene interactions), life style habits,
negatively impacts human health. As mentioned and the influence of the environment (58,66).
previously, it is evident that the literature data on In general, the overview of population studies has
the genetic polymorphisms of CYP1A1, GSTT1, and shown that CYP 1A1-Msp I polymorphisms and the
GSTM1 demonstrated a relationship between these deletion polymorphisms of GSTT1 and GSTM1 may
polymorphisms and smoking and the develop- be involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular
ment of malignant diseases and atherosclerosis. disorders, especially when combined with other
The main substrates for the biotransformation by risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, environmen-
enzymes mentioned earlier are PAHs from ciga- tal exposure factors, and habitual factors such as
rette smoke and their metabolites (62). Cigarette cigarette smoke.
smoking causes DNA alterations in the heart and
It is well-known that genetic susceptibility contrib-
blood vessels, which leads to the development of
utes to the pathogenic pathways that lead to
CAD. The individual variability of CAD develop-
atherogenesis and other multifactorial disorders.
ment in cigarette smokers results from the genetic
The genetic polymorphisms of genes involved in
polymorphisms of enzymes involved in the xeno-
PAH biotransformations evidently bring forth a risk
biotic metabolism (58). It has also been proven
of disease development. Thus, occupational expo-
that several genetic variants interact with smoking
sure or conditions from one’s living environment
to increase lipid peroxidation, thus providing an
and habits can contribute to the production of
even stronger atherogenic effect (59).
PAH metabolites with adverse effects on human
Apart from cigarette smoke, PAHs can be found in health. Investigations aimed at the effect of the
crude oil, natural gases, during the production of gene-smoking allow for a better understanding of
heavy and light metals, waste incineration, etc. gene-environment interactions. They should ulti-
Urinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-HP) was used as a bio- mately lead to the creation of a personalized med-
marker of occupational and environmental PAH icine concept regarding cardiovascular diseases
exposure in several studies. A review of studies (58,66).
conducted on Taiwanese and Chinese workers in
We may conclude that prevention and early inter-
the petrochemical industry showed the highest
vention could be enhanced by data on genetically
concentrations of urinary 1-HP in coke-oven work-
susceptible individuals. Also, the elucidation of ge-
ers (63). Exposure of city policemen to the city air
netic factors and their association with environ-
in downtown Prague induced genetic damage
mental influences might prove useful for treating
and increased DNA adducts even in non-smokers
high-risk patients with the aim to reduce their risks
(64). Some human studies showed that survival
for atherosclerotic events.
depends not only on traditional risk factors for ath-
erosclerosis, but also on the molecular endpoint, Potential conflict of interest
genetic polymorphisms, and their combinations
None declared.

Biochemia Medica 2013;23(3):255–65

Marinković N. et al. PAHs, genetic variants and atherosclerosis

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