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Problem Name Difficulty Topic Problem StatuEfficiency Score

Rotate Image Medium Array 5/5/2020 88.65%

Filling Shapes Easy DP 7/30/2020
Max Array Sum Medium DP 7/31/2020
Abbreviation Medium DP 8/1/2020
Candles Medium DP / Array 8/1/2020
Roads and Libraries Medium Graph 8/2/2020
Find Nearest Clone Medium Graph 8/9/2020
Shortest Reach "Hard" Graph 8/9/2020
Max Connected Cells "Hard" Graph 8/9/2020
Matrix Hard Graph 8/11/2020
Most Stones Removed Medium DFS / Union F 8/11/2020 78.12%
Next Permutation Medium Array 8/12/2020 84.80%
Binary Tree Iterator Medium Trees 8/13/2020 50.66%
Bipartite Graph Medium Trees 8/14/2020 91%
Merge Intervals Medium Array 8/15/2020 98.65%
Open The Lock Medium Graph 8/16/2020 16.53%
Burst Balloons Hard DP 8/17/2020 48%
Amazon Interview Question
Dropbox Intereview Question 1 Hard Priority Queue 8/19/2020 5/10
Dropbox Intereview Question 2 Medium BFS 8/19/2020 10/10
Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place After Some
Hard DP Steps 8/20/2020 38.78%
Number of Dice Rolls Medium DP 8/21/2020 42.47%
Minimum Box Moves To Target Hard DP 8/24/2020 10.01%
Subdomain Visit Count Easy Hash Table 8/25/2020 75.40%
Reverse String Medium Strings 8/25/2020 56.02%
Find All Good Strings Hard DP, Strings 8/27 40.22%
Consecutive Numbers Sum Hard Math 8/29/2020 70.34%
Days Between Dates Easy Math
Binary Tree Error Search Hard Trees
Arithmetic Slices Medium DP, Math 8/30/2020 85.76%
Cheapest Flight Within K Stops Medium Trees 8/31/2020 44.75%
Two Sum Easy Two Pointer 8/31/2020 83.51%
Decode String Medium Recursion 8/31/2020 97.00%
Subarray Sum Equals Medium Hash Table 9/1/2020 98.84%
Cracking the Safe Hard Graph, Recurs 9/1/2020 54.35%
Diameter of Binary Tree Easy 9/2/2020
Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Hard 9/2/2020
My Calendar II Medium 9/3/2020
Evaluate Division Medium 9/3/2020
Largest Rectangle In Histogram Hard 9/4/2020
LRU Cache Medium 9/4/2020
Elasped Time Company Tag Comments
30 mins.

20 mins to get 6%
40 mins Facebook
25 mins Facebook
50 mins Facebook
10 mins Facebook
30 mins Facebook
120 mins

Dropbox ran out of time for debugging

70 mins Facebook Think more about optimization
60 mins Facebook overthought it, try all combinations (use memoization),
years Facebook
10 mins Google frequent leetcode q
12 mins Google
4 hours haha Learned a lot from this problem: KMP Algorithm, Digit DP, lru_cache
30 mins Citadel
20 mins Optiver
3 hours Optiver
30 mins
35 mins did in cpp
8 mins Google did in cpp
30 mins Google
1 hr Google too much time making faster
30 mins Google

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