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Step By Step Listening 2


Unit 1 Seasons and Weather

Date: Name: Excellent / Good / Poor

Listening Practice 2 (p.5)

Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks. (CD1 Track 3)

1. Jessie likes to _____ for a _____ in the park in _____.

2. Kelly likes to _____ her _____ along the river in _____.
3. Mark likes to _____ to his grandparent’s _____ and pick apples in _____.
4. Jake likes to _____ _____ with his dad in _____.

Listening Practice 3 (p.6)

Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks. (CD1 Track 4)

1. Lisa _____ to her grandfather’s house in ______.

2. Mark _____ winter because he likes ______.
3. Lucy’s family _______ movies in ______.
4. Mike _____ back to school in ______.

Listening Practice 4 (p.6)

Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks. (CD1 Track 5)

Bob: Karen, do you like _______?

Karen: No, I don’t like spring. It’s too _______. I like _______.
I love going to the _______ on hot, sunny days. _______ about you, Bob?
Bob: I like _______ because we _______ Halloween and get lots of candies.

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