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Step By Step Listening 2


Unit 7 What Do You Like to Do?

Date: Name: Excellent / Good / Poor

Listening Practice 2 (p.29)

Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks. (CD1 Track 27)

1. Max likes to ______ with his ______ at the ________ after school.
2. Lucy likes to play ______ and ______ with her friends after school.
3. Alex likes to ______ ______ at the ______ after dinner.
4. Sarah likes to ______ with her ______ in her ______ after dinner.

Listening Practice 3 (p.30)

Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks. (CD1 Track 28)

1. What do you like to ______ after ______, Yuna?

I like to ______ my ______ after dinner.
2. What do you like to ______ after ______, Craig?
I like to ______ for a ______ with my dog.
3. What does your grandmother like to ______ in the ______, Julie?
She likes to ______ television on her ______.
4. What do your parents like to ______ on the ______?
They like to ______ to the ______ with me on the weekend.

Listening Practice 4 (p.30)

Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks. (CD1 Track 29)

Mark: Hello?
Lucy: Hi, Mark. It’s ______. What are you ______?
Mark: Oh, hi Lucy! I’m ______. I like to ______ home and ______ books
on Saturdays.
Lucy: Really? I was going to ask you to ______ to the park with me for a ______.
Mark: Well, I can read my ______ at the park.
Lucy: Ok. ______ me at the park by 1 o’clock.
Mark: Ok. See you then.

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