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Workshop 2 (Designing an Interdisciplinary Performance Task)


You are a journalist who was tasked to interview and assess the people of a community about their level of awareness and readiness on hazards or disasters that can be
triggered by natural phenomena. Your team will identify the problems or factors in the community that makes them vulnerable to hazards or disaster. Upon identifying these
problems/factors, your team is expected to write an article on how to lessen or mitigate the vulnerability of the community. To validate the reliability of your article, this must
be consulted and assessed by disaster readiness and risk reduction experts. After validation, use your creativity to create and design an informative material (e g. infographic,
brochure, collage etc) about disaster readiness and risk reduction to spread awareness among the community about the importance of disaster readiness and preparedness.
Your team must share your article in any form of Media platform. Your output will be evaluated based on the relevance of the content, clarity of the message, creativity ,
objectivity, self-awareness and empathy to the people of the community.
Transfer goals The learners will be able to create written What skills to champion in teaching the List of skills to champion in teaching the
What in the long run after SHS can reports to clearly show their subjects are measured? subject
students do on their own with what they understanding on the status of their
learned? community regarding the level of 1. Communication and Interpersonal
awareness and preparedness when it (communicate effectively and interact
comes to hazard or disaster with the people in the community and
(communication and interpersonal), discuss issues related to the needs of the Communication and Interpersonal
guided that they already know the community in terms of disaster
situation; the learners will acknowledge awareness and preparedness) Decision - Making and Problem solving
the problems and they can make/design
a written reports such as infographics, 2. Decision-making and Problem Solving Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking
brochure and collage to help mitigate the (awareness of the problem in the
situation (decision - making and problem community and how will they be able to
solving, creative and critical thinking). cope up with the issues concerning on
The written reports made by the learners how to be prepared and aware when in
will empower the community leaders to there is a disaster)
manifest unity and resilience to the
people in the community. 3. Creative thinking and Critical thinking
(design an informative material to spread
awareness on disaster preparedness
among the community to lessen their
Performance Scenario You are a journalist who was tasked to …when a student after graduation in the
What real – life situation can students put interview people in the community to SHS proceeds to college?
themselves in where they can perform the determine their level of awareness and
transfer goal? preparedness on the secondary hazards Communication- Communication and
that can be triggered by typhoons in their interpersonal (interview, written article,
community. After gathering the data validation, informative material)
from the community, Your team will
create an article discussing the different Thinking- Creative & critical thinking Communication
concerns including information and tips (informative material, creative Thinking
that will increase the level of awareness dissemination of informative material Research
and preparedness of the community. through any form of media to the Problem solving
(Note: The reporter could add community),
information based on experts).
Moreover, this material gathered must Research- Creative & critical thinking
be disseminated to the concerned (assessment on the level of awareness
community through a creative way such and disaster readiness)
as printed infographics e.g tarpaulin,
brochure, signage and different media Problem Solving - Decision Making &
platforms. problem solving (assessment on the level
of awareness and disaster readiness)

puts up own business


Communication - Communication and

Interpersonal (well written reports that
will be presented orally and apply
communicative strategies to understood
by the disaster council about the disaster Creative thinking
awareness) Risk taking
Creative thinking - creative and critical
thinking (produce a well written report;
identify the level of awareness and
preparedness of the community;
proposed mitigation measures and
practical ways )

Problem Solving - Decision Making &

problem solving (the disaster council
study of environmental concern; a leader
who volunteered to join the study;
identify the level of awareness and
preparedness of the community;
proposed mitigation measures and
practical ways )

Risk Taking Leadership - Decision Making

& problem solving (the disaster council
study of environmental concern; a leader
who volunteered to join the study;
identify the level of awareness and
preparedness of the community;
proposed mitigation measures and
practical ways )

is employed in any institution

Communication- Communication & Planning, Organizing, and Initiative
interpersonal ( written report (article), Problem Solving & Teamwork
interview, informative material)

Planning, organizing &, initiating -

Creative & Critical Thinking (informative
material, information dissemination
through the use of diff form of media)
Problem Solving & self-management-
Decision making & problem solving
(assessment of the environment,
awareness of the present issues in the

proceeds to technical vocational


Communication- Communication & Communication

interpersonal ( written report (article), Problem solving
interview, informative material) Technical

Problem solving- Communication and

Interpersonal (assessment of the
environment, awareness of the present
issues in the community)

Technical- Decision Making & Problem

solving (written report, manipulation of
media to disseminate information)

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