Environmental Engineering Class Notes

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ee ee ae SEL, anways corresponds to One hour measur, = ™ emery 2 Describe briefly the principles of go ei TON of a etc. Also. th ig mentioned. then solid waste management’ tes disposal U5 pp, -qhe collecting. treating and disposing oF g, atk, ge or is no longer useful.” Improper eta me these conditions in turn can lead to polit Of mun, that is diseases spread by rodents ane ra Cts, what is meant by S landfill for solid was! 1%, management, e ithas served its PUrPOS itary conditions an borne disease ~ ide six functi to solid waste to outbreaks of vector ional elements: id waste management inclu tion Jing, storage and processing ng and recovery 6. Disposal Principle of design of a sanitary landfill: sitary landfill is method of disposing of solid waste on land without creating nuisan principles of engineering to confine the solid waste Othe health or safety, by utilizing the practical area, to reduce it to the smallest practical volume and to cover it with a laye st each day's operation or at more frequent intervals as may be necessary, Of ‘The principles of design are: fe starts with a search for conveniently located waste 1. Site selection: Selection of a sit land, Solid waste disposal sites in the state now include borrow pits, ravines, ar ae . area! volume towater courses, and low-lying swampy land. Advantages are relative ease of acquistonan Wisozter from built-up areas. () The selected site should have useful life. (i) Near the selected site there should be availability of cover material. Cover material act 7 and prevents flies from laying eggs on the waste or rodents from the invading the fill. (ii) During selecting a site the possibility of water pollution should be thoroughly investiga (iv) Completed landfill can be used for recreational purposes like parks, play grounds or gof cuss 2. Landfil fons: ai a peratens There are basically three methods of operating a sanitary landfill. 10d: The area method is used when thi in i « non a ate in which to place the solid wastes terrain is unsuitable for the excavation! The solid waste i . waste; fie meen the ane a bull-dozer or similar equipment spreads and compas! ‘i vered with a layer of (ii) Trench method: Thi , yer of earth. at the site and srl method is suitable where an adequate depth of cover materia Attench i ere the water table is well below the surface is cut in 7 ’ layers, es and the solid waste placed in it. The waste is then spread’ . and covered with earth excavated from the trench Scanned with CamScanner Environmental Engineering 457 hod: At locations where natural or ary agsion mel Dn ural or artticiay (i077 tfectvely for landing operations, MCoPeSon is oten possible wots fi eguattons: en No iia at ane Should be practised ata land, rol: Excessive dust slows operations encase tonorabe ry olactipesse et 2! he pens, wee Unloading can be contralled Yector control: Any lapse in proper operating duction of insects and rodents. So for vecto sanitary landfill {u)Contol af leachate movement: Leachate movemen I can be controlled by pr Inerssuch as compacted clay or shale bitumen or soi sealants and by provi ria rere encon 19 synthetic ( 7 Procedures may results in attraction * control there should be py cae Oper Operation of a (geo- (w) Supervision: Successil landfill operation depends upon adequate supenision : ‘refuse’ and give its composition and classifi i sglan the term " , Classification. Describe brieth 6 retnads employed for the collection and disposal ofthe refuse. ae [10 marks : 2000] sation: , Rete represeis the dry wastes or solid wastes of the society except human excreta and sulage includes garbage, ashes, rubbish, dust, etc. () Garbage includes all sort of putrescible organic wastes obtained from kitchens, hotels, restaurants, etc. Alwaste food articles, vegetable peelings, fruit peelings, etc., are thus included inthis term, (i) Ashes denote the incombustible waste products from hearths and furnaces, and houses or industies. (i) Rubbish inoludes all non-putrescible wastes except ashes. I, thus includes all combustible and non- combustible wastes such as rags, paper pieces, broken pieces of glass and furniture, card boards, broken crockery, ete Besides the technical classification based on the type of wastes, the refuse may also be classitied, depending on its source, as: (i) House refuse; (i) Street refuse and (i) Trade refuse, Collection of refuse: The refuse is generally collected in individual houses in small containers and from there, itis collected by sweepers in small hand driven lorries/carts and then dumped into the masonry ‘chambers constructed along roadsides by municipalities. The refuse is finally carted away by municipal ‘tucks, for further disposal during some day time, Disposal of refuse: The refuse can be disposed of by various methods, such as (2) Sanitary land filling: In this method of refuse disposal, refuse is carried and dumped into the | sa ifs ‘eunder an engineered operation, designetand operated according othe acceptable tandaré, ‘4S not to cause any nuisance or hazards to public health or safety. Area method and trenct 2r@ two methods of land filling which are usually adopted. ee (©) Burning or incineration: Burning of refuse at high Leese re eas cna Quite @ sanitary method of refuse disposal and is widely adopter 4 during burring ofthe refuses Calorific value and hence quite suitable for burning. The heat| a oh Used in the form of steam power for running turbines to generate el ee ie (©) Barging it out into the sea: This method may be used to dispose ee pat uch disposal pint the sea, after carrying it at reasonable distance from the coast Scanned with CamScanner aper civil Engineerin “tiny oe on on “Sein roaroatinorine cures should be as not to andi ing | bag ‘an 30m oF 80. should not be tess Ih wachines, 80 a5 1 eran jvorizod in grinding Mm . jothod roruse is PUNS ee is physical and to change is attractive worn insect a and unattract iological meth of decomposing : ‘ serait nin 3 . Ih is a biologic® 0 (9 come pr anaorobic one . ay vt meee in great aemand aS {ortlzer for farms. < is ts and remedies. | [10 marks, £2 lant which produces Undesirable physiologic, th one’s social activities like Work, es, recy eaten, ‘compost or huUMUS, po ein Solution: Noise can be d psychological effects a sleep. etc. ‘The unwanted sound be called a pollutant. The basic reas fact that so far noise nas generally NOL XC i a priatly noise polation, IS causes, offo jefined as thal unwanted sound pollut n individual, by interfering wil desirable effects on our Body health dit can the so far not been regarded as akiler polutantis fnlevels as to cause drastic adverse imy a i : * Pacts on human beings. Except in industrial areas and big cities noise pollution is not prominent and hence has generally remained ignored trom being vs joa asan envionmentalpolutan. However, Withtheinceang | ind / and with consequential increase in nose rei ystialization and comimercialisation of UF society, ara ies andmacines, nose is becoming 4sIoW poison and is becoming more and more prominen, jucos several Un ‘on why noise has seeded to suc! certainly prod auto as apolltant. Causes: () Tif inclucng arta, road trafic and sea shore and inland water traffic (il) Industrialization ctloud speakerandsirens, shouting ofhawers and playing of chien, a. (iii) Human activities: suchas blaring wn can induce health problems like temporary and sometimes Effects: Noise of sufficient intensity: ‘and duratior J other diseases like general annoyance, iitation, cisturbance, permanent hearing loss, besides causing several headaches, insomra, fatigue, mental torture, nausea, high blood pressure, high pulse rate, greater perspaten, etc. Remedies: () Byenforcin laws end ordinances, the sounds from loudspeakers, sirens, etc, can be controlled (i) By use of good technology in vehicles and others machines which produces noise. (ii) Byproper town planning techniques e.g. the residential complexes should be separated trom commercial . fe industrial complexes. Parks, playgrounds should be provided for children separately. jv) Noise produced by trains and automobiles can be abated by construction of walls on both sides: nea ated by construction of wall ides of my [ZZ] Fora medium sized town, organic waste is to be disposed off by the method of composting using trenches. Explain the salient points of this method. [10 marks : 2001] Solution: Composting of refuse is a bi a effected either under ae method of decomposing solid wastes, This decomposition cane Seecas nine ER ea ae manure cl great demand in European countries as fertilizer for farms. Scanned with CamScanner Environmental Engineering oe ERS Basically composting is considered to be an aerobic process, because itinvolves piling up of refuse ¢ reguartuming either manually or by mechanical devices, so as ‘to ensure sufficient supply of air and o: ung its decomposition by bacteria, fungi and other micro organisms, like antinomycetes. Initia process starts with mesophilic bacteria, which oxidise the organic matter to carbon dioxide and liberate The temperature rises to about 45°C and at the point, the thermophilic bacteria take over and contin decomposition. During this phase temperature further rises to about 60°C. After 3 weeks, the com’ Stbilized and this is shown by appreciable fallin the temperature of the compost mass. The final cc Sfould have an earthy smell and a dark brown colour. Moisture content of the compost mass she Onitoled because excessive moisture will make it dificult to maintain aerobic conditions while d beaks inhibits biological life. It may sometimes, becomes necessary to add Made oo — ‘uring, for maintaining satisfactory moisture content, Two ra eh ee Boe ate Indore Method wihich is an aerobic method and Band® different methodology ado What j i 's Environmental Impact Assessment? Briefly describe ‘Tonmental Impact Assessment. [10 marke Scanned with CamScanner Emissw-- “ eMxouxbu >" wu nYTSEC solid wastes, giving suitable example for each of them. Also i 9g days ol Ba teint 1 om depth andi nally fet ove fOr SCOP nat is gone bidogical action starts and as a result a considerable oe month, te rtuse ges 'emperature of the composting mass to about 75°C. After Scanned with CamScanner EEL civil engineering + Pare! called hum ie wlery mass hi mon oid outin the market as many Si gation and pUNETIZAHON OF efuso ity 464 ana 792 into a brown coloured odours inners secre rom tenches and sonedon 1251" 80°90 ci. Mechanised composting involve mechanised "°° ~ digestion in closed aigestors vgs per wore DIY TINS hen a io 06 1tom moved by magnetic separa rate of 2 is rer se ived at the plant al the " mato s Ihe refuse is received at the Ph voy th ron) forrecyeiNg and reuse. The separation gy move along a belt conveyor, whe! ‘edout : other non-compostable organic matter 2 re separate’ shaker soreens. The remaining rey oll 2s b| o ary an Use is terials can be done manually 28 mer mil, rusping mac 32, dano grinder, tc. The eel vammer mill 2 ke a ectio trolled ¢ pulverised by using different ea jer CO! 10.5 days for refuse containing low coy refuse is finaly digestedtin™ ‘lulose or high C-N ratio, Digesion peiodin such egestas ad -9 days torre low C-Nratio and 7-9 days FEE) Write about the plum stu, lose og behaviour coming (10 ms: jsion over a large area and thus reducing i 7 «ding out pollution erm e 7 eadlng ‘ Dispersion isthe process SPSS erates cect nuance he cspersion pater, Seygn conceriraion. Windspeed andenvinr cur under some commonly encountered metrologicay ‘classifications of plume behaviour ne conditions are discussed inthe following : : lies vrasebatecontn, bothupwardand downward movement arama possible Large eddies ofa strong wind cause alooping pate, Atinough the large eddies tend to disperse polulants over a righ ground evel concentrations may occur close to the wide region, stack ) (i) Neutral Plume: Neutral plume the upward vertical rise ofthe plume from the stack, hich occurs when the environmental lapse rate is equal to or very near to the adiabatic lapse rate. The upward ling of the plume will Continue tl it reaches an air of density similar to that of the plume —>u —= 7 aa ist. Neutral plume (i) Coning Plume: A coning plume occurs under essential i neutral stability when ee ‘equal to adiabatic lapse rate and. moderate Srong winds occur The plume enlarges in the shape of a cone. A ‘mejor part of polution may be carr i day far downwind before reaching sv ST ~ ground, Coning plume (iv) Fanning Plume: pte fanning plume occurs in f the pre when vertical di “an Ne Presence of a negati stack highs ne" testiced, The ponutane ye oP Fate zenaly inthe fom ofa tannin Perse al the ing plume, TT Fanning plume Scanned with CamScanner Environmental Engineering we «Is sulficiontly high and the emission is aby seein the upward direction is uninhibited i wes tenis restricted. Such loting plumes do not ae mat ove aconaton at found eve, However, ho nolteia get Plume jgom the stack | tl f emission from is under an inversion layer, the ane ote pollutants in he upward directions restricted, Th ois m0 downwards. The resultant fumigation can lead a ps yoleoncertvation downwind of te stack vig ume: repping PE ist above the (i iverson layers © emission source, as well as 7 the source, nen naturally, the emitted plume will neither go __y we orig dom. andwouldremainconfinedbetweenthetwo BY 3 F ersionS sucha plume is called trapping plume, and is considered weg conaon fr cISPEIION. as the dispersion cannot go above a arr “Trapping plume catain neigh. 6 atte different methods used for land filling in dry areas? Discuss them. [8 marks : 2007] 380 sincipal methods used for landfilin In dry areas may be classified as, Area method, Trench Innod and Depression metfiod. " () wea method: The areamathodis used when the terainis unsuitable forthe excavation of renchesin ve pace the solid wastes. The filing operation usual stared by bung an eaten levee spanet which wastes are placed in hin ayers and compacted. Each eye's compacted asthe filing progresses until the thickness of the compacted wastes reaches a height varying from 2t0.31m. At feattne, and atthe end of each day's operation, a 160 t0 00mm layer of covet mmateralis placed ner the completed fil, The cover material must behauledin by tuck earhrmovhs equipment fom tdjacent land or rom borrow pit areas. In some newer Ian operations, the daily cover material sconited A completed It, including the cover material, scaled acol, Suc its ae placed snp of one another unt the final grade called fr inthe timate development plane is reached. A fnalzyer of cover materials is used when te fl eaches the final design height. (i Tench method: The trench method of landing is ideal sutedfo areas where an adequate depth cfeover materials avaiable at the site and where the water able igwellbolow the surface. Tostartthe process (for a small landfl), a portion ofthe trench s dugwith a buldozer andthe itis snail 7 fom an embankment behind the fist trench. Wastes are Pen placedin the trench, sean : layers and compacted. The operation continues until the desired height!s ae ae ‘blained by excavating an adjacent trench or ‘continuing the trench thatis| ie il i dragline and one or more scrapers are used 10 ‘excavate a deep rectangt! lar pil oe {il Depression method: At locations where natural 0° atfcial depressions here quoi raved Use them effectively for landing operations. Canyons ravines erases naeprssin ars beenueaor tis purpose. Thetecnigest© AA compa sal ehyarloay and Vary with the geometry ofthe site, the characteristics ofthe cover materia Scanned with CamScanner nyon site, filling starts at the head e, iat) cumulation of water behind the hig Of the add ve are pushed UP against the can, aah n be achieved, yon iy, the sil and the access to! ents! fo. i Nr th. This prac! ice P' io canyon lor and from! ale ie igh degree of compact way, 2) ‘red for solid waste management? Discuss . Various, br Ch, of the site, ends at the mou! are deposited on about 2to 1. In this ; i te require 3 Whyis processing of solid was! enagerent: techniques used in soll waste ; (8 mate, ey tion iques are use in solid waste management systems, Processing techniques ig. waste disposal systems, {9 toimprove the oticiency of SNP" 4 . n (i) torecover resources (usable materials) van oroducts and ene (iii) to prepare materials for the recovery of conversion P! ray. i A a ; Important processing techniques used routinely in municipal solid waste systems include m, me reduction (compaction), thermal volume reduction (incineration) and manual separation components: . (i) Mechanical volume reduction: It is perhaps the most important factor in the developre: operation of solid waste management systems. Vehicles equipped with compaction mecharisr cipal solid wastes. To increase the useful life of landiil pal solid wastes, ithas been found th used for the collection of most muni 1 regardless of the stating ¢ ompacted. When compacting a broad range of municl is essentially the sam are Cl final density (typically about 1100 kg/m?) and applied pressure. inicipal wastes can be reduced by more than 902 sr, with more rest Volume reduction: The volume of mut pment only ali In the past, incineration was q| itating the use of expensiv' ite common. Howeve! (ii) Thermal e cleanup equ cent by incineration. pollution control requirements necessit number of municipal incinerators are currently in operation. components © ion of solid waste (ii) Manual components separation: The manual separati “ a station, 240" ed, at a transfer iste accomplished at the i ere je source where solid wastes are generat arash ° at the disposal site. Manual sorting at the source of genealion gs ee i ve the recovery and reuse of materials. The number end Pe wea the opportunities for a weecenaiee maaan . - * and the resale market. wind compostion: } Estimate tha mnintsien Scanned with CamScanner our" vit for monitoring ozone are chemiluminescence , af aye use and coulometri 2 ft oy tind gas chromatography have been used to moniter PANE analysis. Long-path 1 oe ; af gsh of land filling and its at . ethods: operation. Also di 7 is 0 yement 9 landfill sites. © discuss control of gas movement oar egct° le py 7 (10 marks : 2013] wing: following two methods are a adopted for land filing vi in ii) Trer viz, it al nch method wt .d Filling: It is used when itis not ) yf Lan Possible to 0 jethod © : excavate furth: | 2 ler at the chos: eaten the conaions of high ground water table, Here in the entre land twee at ons embankments and roads. Roads over the embankmants srr eet Oe aay: ct as service roads from city to land fill site. Waste is simy , ply brought . ra yi arayers oF about 500 thickness and compacted. ‘ght and dumped on the ground, peat ’ f Land Filling: When there is a possibility to sh tod of Lt y to excavate the land fill site, thi 1 aos ployed Here a trench is excavated of sulficient width to allow easy Novem y ' fen wenileS ‘on it. Daily this trench is filled with waste. Earth excavated from the trench can be used t onde dally cover aS well as find cover on waste fillings ° control of Gas Movement in Land Fill Sites: (By Vents and Barriers: The latest movement of gas produced in a land fill can be managed by providing vents. These vents are generally constructed from gravels. Gravel layer of cell vent is placed directly above the daily cell cover. (i) By Gas Recovery: In very large sized landfills, the gas evolved due to decomposition of waste in collected through gas recovery wells. The recovered gases can be used for meeting the dally energy demands such as for cooling, power generation etc. Control of Leachate Movement in Land Fill Site: Usually leachate is found at the bottom of land fill and from here its downward and lateral movement occurs. ‘Asleachate moves downward, many of the chemical andbiological constituents are removed by filtering and adsorptive action of soil. However due to potential contamination of GLO by leachate, itis always desirable either to eliminate the production of leachate or to collect and treat it separately. For this, geotaxtiles are used along with clay lining. Also by the use of impervious clay layer over the top of landfill with proper side slopes and adequate drainage, surface infiltration can be controlled from the land fill. } What are various secondary air pollutants? Discuss sources, origin and hazardous effect of sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide on human body. [10 marks = 2013] tion: ; jith one: Secondary air pollutants: The large no. of primary air pollutants prosent inne ela ‘aled a another aided by sun-light and water vapours to give rise to totally new types © pol Secondary air pollutants. Scanned with CamScanner 470 g° Paper-ll civil Engineer" ants are: H,O ? H,SO, SO, + M2 ondary air pollut 2 Various Se (i) Sulphuric acid (ii), Ozone (iii) Formaldehydes (iv) Peroxy-acyl-nitrate (| ): SOz 30, > 203 affects the mucous membranes of huma N bod Sulphur Dioxide (SO, bination with water vapours forms a much hazardous secon, ‘ary pollutant which in com : . SO, increases the breathing rate and causes oxygen deficit mical factories and combustion of fuels. a human be ivermal poy, NEF ole. y. Itiseo, alr alten, sulphuric acid (H,SOx) usually originates from oil refineries, che also emit SO, in huge proportions. CO mainly originates from combustion of fuels in vehicles. In to CO. . INComplete cor Carbon Monoxide (CO): of organic matter in limited supply of air gives rise inity towards blood haemoglobin (Hb) rather than with oxygen. T boxy-haemoglobin which is of no use for the human = S wheni he \d haemoglobin gets used up to focus carboxy-hi sai lobin, CO has a very high affi it replaces oxygen and forms cari Thus when nearly half of the bloot results. Scanned with CamScanner factors considered in designing a landfill [IED Describe briefly the environmental [4 Marks - Solution: i : ; Environmental factors affecting the design of landfill are following: (i) Rainfall intensity: Rainfall intensity affects the landfill design to a significant extent. the ya. associated with too much of rainfall are: Scanned with CamScanner Environmental Engineering 4 73) ee Slope failure Leachate seepage + Adverse impact of surface water + Toomuch of erosion leading to failure of entire drainage system (i) Environmental restrictions: The location of landfill is decided based on various restrictions imposed in the locality such as: « Wetlands « Floodplains «Airports ¢ Fault areas, etc. (ii) Operational restrictions: The location and design of landfill depends on various operational restrictions also such as: * Control of disease causing organisms (flies, rodents etc.) * Protection of surface water Restriction on liquid disposal Ban on open burning Control of explosive gases, etc. Define ait Dollutinn am nae AAR ve ee nee oe ie Scanned with CamScanner Main, bce Discuss in brief the essentials of rural sanitation. Explain how you dispose off (i) dry refug, ‘i and (ii) excretal waste in rural area. Ci) tang [8 mark ‘S: Solution: Sti 21g Essentials of rural sanitation: As far as rural sanitation is concerned, the following points», lus observed: | St be ural population is generally of ow economic level and thus sanitation method in rural areas my WUSt be @ e cost effective both in terms of construction and maintenance. (i) In the absence of proper waste treatment plants in rural areas, the sanitation method musa IM to dispose off the waste near to its source of generation, like providing privy in houses ete (ii) Any rural sanitation method must require low maintenance (i) The sanitation method must not be temperature susceptible i.e. it should work in all weathers roung the year. () Like in any other sanitation method, rural sanitation must not contaminate the soil and the groung water. Disposal of dry refuse in rural area: Dry refuse includes vegetable wastes, paper wastes etc. This type of waste does not give offensive odours. It can be disposed off by collecting them in dustbins followed by collection at one place which is done by sweepers. From here, it is lifted up in waste collecting lorries. Also it can be dumped in low lying areas to raise the average level of ground. It can also be disposed off by burning but this method pollutes the environment and is banned in many cities. Disposal of sullage in rural area: Sullage (domestic wastewater coming out from kitchens and bathrooms) contains chemicals used in household cleaning and washing. Sullage can be used for gardening purpose particularly in arid areas where water availability is sparse. Sullage can also be allowed to flow into the septic tank if already built. Disposal of excretal waste in rural area: Rural excretal waste can be disposed off through privy method. Privy method helps to decompose the excreta as soon as it is deposited and gets converted 0 odourless and stable product. This decomposition of excreta may take time varying from few days in carefully controlled composting to several months like in pit privy. The end products of decomposition contain nutrients useful for soil and can be used as manure. Scanned with CamScanner ea rll ean lull Engineering * PAPE sone fo over open duMPS. Explaining is 476 yntally 84! fandj jain in detail now anil a0 or obey oe ociated with andi: : os stato the probloms asst 10 tat : £2, sompared to open dumps becays, 4} — ionmentally safer alternative 2S an ae Lanaits ro ano lisposa,rolusoincarmed ny manner, as nt Oe 1 Intismetho do ij opeatedin anenonen y 28 to cage si operation, desiane thor satel a ublic heal rs, etc., and . mvisance oc azersto PUPKE gore, Uc, FUR, OI 8 We Coveney +The rotuse is well compacted Vito and insects breeding ng rouble veasant odoursand four smells, 28™M2Y be the case with open gun . hs, earth, it doesn't cause any Problem of evolution of unPl be tackled easly + Theretuse inmanaged landiills, 20-40% ofits original volumelnei} y tional spots. parks or other recreati stain pepe eng ‘The movement of gas in landfills can De — gotstablized within a period of 24 months an mayusvelly id land can be used for developing soma ht. The filled UP as constructing vents and barriers - by gas recovery Hence landiills are better than open dumps. 0.6 mfinal earth cover Terrace as required é com aoe 0.6m na earth SS cover on slope taco 2:1 oF 8: typ slope cat Q.18mintemedete cart cover 0.15 mintormedate Cell width | variable ‘Sectional view ofa sanitary land fll Landfiling operation: 1. The filing of refuse is actively done in fi I sanitary land fil i Portion called as ces, a 2. Therefuseis dumped a Tonk ped and compacted in layers of about 0.6 m and the cells ae filed upto hehe Ate this itis covered by good e 4. Atterfiling athe celis with earth cover of about 0.15 m depth, 5. The process will continue tl about 0.6m depth shall be | iding the entire area into small laid and well compacted, Scanned with CamScanner Environmental Engineering 477 ee associated with landfills: Low-ying depressions or dumping sites may not always be available. is continuous evolution of foul smells near badly maintained landfills and sometimes these xplosive in nature. Evolution of greenhouse gases is also a major area for concern. Si the dumped garbage may contain harmful and sometimes carcinogenic non-biodegradable ces such as plastics unused medicines, paints, insecticides, sanita ry napkins etc., they may “troubling on a later date, especially during rainy season, as leachate. 2 ¢ 3 a8 hate is highly polluted and hence very poisonous and may seep to the ground water table ntaminate it. Scanned with CamScanner naerobi pare al ky te and comp ty pitferentiat o waste toate tro Matky a d composting process used for solid waste treatment s an = o soluoraorobio digestion proce! Judge containing prit praorodic 0028107" sang with wastoney S oa oy Sludge, be roc i ani \ ca, ae come mounts of readily available org) id grout yg contains lat / all | / if treated a postion produces considerably less biomass than aerobic Process + The anaerobic oon ‘of anaerobic digestion, therefore is to convert aS MUCh of the a + The principal Seas such as liquids and gases while producing little residual biomes i nd pr a possible 10 e' : le. ied a: mee process, the organisms are broadly classified as + Inana 7 (a) acid formers (0) methane formers oem i i include organisms that solubil () They consist of facultative and anaerobic bacteria and in 9 ubilize the o, solids through hydrolysis. / (ii) The soluble products are then fermented to acids and alcohols of low molecular weight. Methane formers: / (i) They consist of strict anaerobic bacterias that convert the acids and alcohols, along with the hydrogen and carbon dioxide to methane. Methane former act in the pH range of 6.5 - 7.5 and they are very delicate. Ashock loading canbe disastrous to such anaerobic bacteria. (ii) Acid former respond quickly to food supply and hence acid increase quickly. The methane for do not respond so quickly and hence pH may reduce. (iv) As pH level falls down below “pH tolerance level” of the methane former, methane formation ceases and the pH may fall to even toxic level. To control this lime is added. Advantage of Anaerobic Digestion: 1. Recovery the energy in form of Methane a Anacrobicaly digested sludge contains nutrients and organic matter that can improve the ae 3 P, ir i Danae , we ines eon aang relatively long detention period. 2 sete Controls required to prevent upsets. iquid from an anaerobic disaster have high O, demand. (ii) mers Scanned with CamScanner Environmental Engineering o 483 ée uaae’s dewatered, dried up and used as fertilizer; While the gases 47 ee ving gas engines eO or a lot fv ot may be defined as a mathod Of solid waste treatment inwhich the organic ' cord waste stream is biologically decomposed under controlled aerobie conditions Sate ann it can be easily and safely handled, stored and applied to the land without ae recind the environment. eel Ths composting is a controlled or engineered biological system, Produced are also used tisoten a cost effective and environmentally alternative forthe stabilisation and ulimate disposal of wastewater sludge. The three major types of composting systems used are the aerated static pile, window and invessel system. Majority are aerated static pile followed by windows and by invessel. mH. oa -dadt an an anviranmantal nallutant Scanned with CamScanner

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