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Name: ……………………………… Date: ………………..

Form: 4 Lesson No.: ……

Subject: Biology (Lesson Notes)

Chapter 7: Cellular Respiration

7.1 Production of Energy through Cellular Respiration
1. In Chapter 5, you have learned about two types of metabolic reaction, which are anabolism and
catabolism. Both of these reactions involve energy.
- The c…………….. process releases energy
- The a…………….. process uses energy
2. Without energy, the anabolic processes such as protein formation which is the basic muscle
substance will not occur.

The main substrate in energy production

1. Cellular respiration is carried out to generate the energy needed by all living cells.
2. Cellular respiration is the o……………. process of organic molecules through several stages to
release energy.
3. The main substrate for cellular respiration is g…………… . Chemical energy found in glucose is
released to produce energy required by cells.
4. In humans and animals, glucose is obtained through the digestion of c………………….. from the
food eaten. In green plants, light energy can be trapped by c……………… for the photosynthesis
process to produce glucose.

Types of cellular respiration

1. There are two types of cellular respiration, which are aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
(i) Aerobic respiration occurs in the presence of oxygen.
(ii) Anaerobic respiration occurs in the absence of oxygen.
2. Fermentation is an alternative pathway of obtaining energy besides cellular respiration.
3. In fermentation, the breakdown of glucose is i………………... in conditions of limited oxygen or
without oxygen.
4. This chapter focuses only on aerobic respiration and fermentation.

7.2 Aerobic Respiration
1. Aerobic respiration is the breakdown of glucose involving o…………… to produce chemical energy.
2. Oxygen is used to oxidise glucose to produce carbon dioxide, water and energy.
3. The aerobic respiration process begins with the glycolysis process.
4. Glycolysis means the breakdown of glucose by e……………. .
This process occurs in the c………………… .
One glucose molecule is broken down into t……. pyruvate molecules.

5. The following process occurs in the m………………… . Pyruvate produced from glycolysis is then
oxidised through a series of reactions to produce carbon dioxide, water and energy.
6. A large amount of this energy is used to produce adenosine triphosphate (……..) molecules.

7. The aerobic respiration is simplified as follows.

ATP molecules are produced when a group of non-organic phosphate is added to adenosine
diphosphale (ADP).

8. ATP molecules have w…….. phosphate links. When the phosphate links on ATP molecules are
broken, the energy r…………….. is supplied to cells to help us carry out our daily activities.

9. The complete process of glucose oxidation is simplified as follows:

7.3 Fermentation
1. Fermentation is the incomplete breakdown glucose in conditions of l………………. oxygen or
w…………….. oxygen.
2. Fermentation is different from aerobic respiration in its metabolic pathway after the glycolysis
3. After glycolysis, the pyruvate produced will undergo either a…………… f………………….. or
l………….. a…….. f…………………… .

Name: ……………………………… Date: ………………..
Form: 4
Subject: Biology (SPM Practice)

Paper 1
1. Which of the following occurs during lactic acid fermentation in animals?
A Heat energy is used.
B Glucose is used.
C Carbon dioxide is produced.
D Ethanol is produced.

2. Which statement is true about the ATP molecule?

A ATP is an enzyme needed as a catalyst in cellular respiration.
B ATP is a type of substrate for cellular respiration.
C ATP is the quick source of energy for the contraction of muscles.
D ATP is a type of protein produced during cellular respiration.

3. Lactic acid fermentation in human muscles and alcohol fermentation in yeast both produce
A ethanol
B lactic acid
C heat energy
D water

4. The amount of lactic acid in muscles increases when they are lacking in
A carbon dioxide.
B glucose.
C energy.
D oxygen.

5. Five processes which take place in living organisms are listed below.
(1) Release of carbon dioxide
(2) Release of energy
(3) Release of oxygen
(4) Uptake of oxygen
(5) Uptake of water
Which three processes are carried out during aerobic respiration?
A 1, 2 and 3
B 1, 2 and 4
C 1, 3 and 5
D 2, 3 and 5

6. Respiration in living organisms always involves

A carbon dioxide production.
B gaseous exchange.
C energy release.
D oxygen consumption.

7. The respiration of a molecule of glucose can be either aerobic or anaerobic. Which of the
following correctly describes aerobic respiration?

8. Which changes take place as blood flows through muscles during a long period of
Blood temperature Concentration of dissolved lactic acid
A Decreases Decreases
B Decreases Increases
C Increases Decreases
D Increases Increases
9 Figure 1 shows an experiment to study the process of respiration.

Figure 1
What are the colour of the hydrogen carbonate indicator in each boiling tube after being left
for an hour?
A red purple yellow
B purple purple yellow
C yellow yellow red
D red red yellow

10 Figure 2 shows a set-up of an experiment to study the change in carbon dioxide content in
pond water under different conditions.

Each specimen tube is filled with pond water and hydrogen carbonate indicator before
different organisms are introduced. In which test tubes will the hydrogen carbonate indicator
turn yellow after six hours?
A P and S only
B R and S only
C P, Q and S only
D Q, R and S only

11 Figure 3 shows the changes in the amount of yeast cells, ethanol and glucose solution
under anaerobic conditions.

Start from zero

Decrease because broken down

What are represented by curves P, Q and R?

Curve P Curve Q Curve R
A ethanol yeast glucose
B yeast glucose ethanol
C ethanol glucose yeast
D yeast ethanol glucose

12. Figure 4 shows an experiment to study anaerobic respiration in yeast.

Solution X is used to test the gas produced in the boiling tube. Solution X can be
I Limewater Test carbon dioxide
II sodium hydroxide solution
III sodium hydrogen carbonate solution
IV hydrogen carbonate indicator solution
A I and II only
B I and III only
C I and IV only
D II and IV only

Paper 2
Structured Practice
1 Figure 5 shows the activities carried out by two individuals, P and Q.


Figure 5

(a)(i) Based on Figure 5, identify the respiration that occurs in the muscles of

individuals P and Q.

Aerobic respiration
Individual P: …………………………………………………………………………….

Lactic acid fermentation

Individual Q: …………………………………………………………………………….

[2 marks]

(ii) State the products of respiration in individuals P and Q.

Carbon dioxide, water and energy (38 ATP)

Individual P: …………………………………………………………………………….

Lactic acid and energy (2 ATP)

Individual Q: …………………………………………………………………………….

[2 marks]

(b) Explain how humans and plants acquire glucose for the respiration process.
humans, glucose is obtained through the digestion of carbohydrates
from the food eaten. In plants, plants carry out photosynthesis to
produce glucose.


[2 marks]

(c) Paddy plants grown in waterlogged areas have tolerance to ethanol compared with other

(i) State the type of fermentation that occurs in paddy plant cells.


[1 mark]

(ii) Write the word equation for the fermentation process that occurs in the paddy plant cells.


[1 mark]

(iii) Suggest another type of cell that can carry out the fermentation process as in 9(c)(ii).


[1 mark]

Essay Practice
(a) Figure 6 shows energy releasing process in a human muscle cell.
Explain how processes P and Q occur in human muscle cells. (4 marks)

(b) How does the oxygen debt accumulate in the human muscle cells?
How do you repay this debt? (6 marks)

Diagram 6.1 shows tissue P and cell Q. P is found in a multicellular organism. Q is found in a
unicellular organism.

(a) Based on Diagram 6.1, explain the cellular respiration process that occurs in P and in Q.
[4 marks]

(b) An athlete has just completed a 400 metres track event. His leg muscles are painful due to
muscle fatigue. The athlete then carries out the following actions.
Wears a track suit
Takes a few long deep breaths
Walks freely as a ‘cooling down’ activity
Explain why the athlete carries out these actions. [6 marks]

Answers for essay:

(a) P is aerobic respiration
Occur in mitochondria
Glucose oxidise with oxygen to release 38ATP, CO2 and water
Q is anaerobic respiration
Occur in cytoplasm
Glucose broken down to release 2ATP without O2
(b) During vigorous exercise, the lungs and the heart not able to provide sufficient oxygen to
body // muscles carry out anaerobic respiration.
Lactic acid builds up in the muscles and causes muscle fatigue & cramp
Fast, deep breathing after the exercise supplies extra oxygen to break down the lactic acid
to carbon dioxide and water, which are then excreted. Some lactic acid is converted back to
glycogen in the liver. The amount of oxygen needed to break down the lactic acid formed in
the muscles is called the oxygen debt.

(a) P is aerobic respiration
Occur in mitochondria of muscle cells
Glucose oxidise with oxygen to release energy (ATP), CO2 and water

Q is anaerobic respiration
Performed by yeast in the absence of O2
Glucose broken down to release little energy, ethanol and CO 2
Wears a track suit
Maintain warm(optimal) temperature, promotes circulation of blood
To transport O2 to muscle cells
Transport CO2 away from cells

Takes a few long deep breaths

Fast, deep breathing after the exercise supplies extra oxygen
To pay oxygen debt
to break down the lactic acid to carbon dioxide and water, which are then excreted

Walks freely as a ‘cooling down’

Promotes circulation of blood
To transport O2 to muscle cells
Transport CO2 away from cells


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