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NS 1 CHN & IMCI 8.

Isolation of a child with measles belongs to

P2 QUIZ 1 what level of prevention?
1. Which of the following are the herbal a. Primary (no disease)
plants approved by the DOH? b. Secondary (naa pero nag start pa lang)
a. Sambong c. Intermediate
b. Akapulko d. Tertiary (rehabilitation)
c. Niyog-niyogan 9. On the other hand, Operation Timbang is
d. Tsaang gubat prevention.
e. All of the above a. Primary
2. A herbal medicine taken as tea used for skin b. Secondary
allergies, diarrhea and stomach ache. c. Intermediate
a. Niyog-niyogan d. Tertiary
b. Tsaang gubat (chop leaves, boil in a 2glass of 10. Which type of family-nurse contact will
water until it reduces to 1 glass (10-15 mins) provide you with the best opportunity to observe
then strain) family dynamics?
c. Lagundi a. Clinic consultation
d. Bayabas b. Group
3. According to Freeman and Heinrich, community conference c.
health nursing is a developmental service. Which Home visit
of the following best illustrates this statement? d. Written communication
a. The community health nurse 11. The typology of family nursing problems is used
continuously develops himself personally in the statement of nursing diagnosis in the care of
and professionally. families. The youngest child of the de los Reyes
b. Health education and community organizing family has been diagnosed as mentally retarded. This
are necessary in providing community is classified as a
health services. (Prescence of wellness- breast feeding)
c. Community health nursing is a. Health threat (conducive to disease or
intended primarily for health accident/hazard like no proper
promotion and prevention and garbage disposal
treatment of disease. b. Health deficit (failure to health
d. The goal of community health nursing is maintenance or Prescence of illness e.g.
to provide nursing services to people in Diabetes high blood etc.)
their own places of residence. c. Foreseeable crisis (unexpected events
4. The public health nurse is responsible for also known as stress point e.g.
presenting the municipal health statistics using Unexpected pregnancy, loss of job, a child
graphs and tables. To compare the frequency of the entering a school)
leading causes of mortality in the municipality, d. Stress point
which graph will you prepare? 12. CHN (Community Health Nursing) is a
a. Line (trends) community- based practice. Which best explains this
b. Bar (used for comparison) statement?
c. Pie (population ) a. The service is provided in the
d. Scatter diagram (correlation) natural environment of people
5. Which step in community organizing b. The nurse has to conduct community
involves training of potential leaders in the diagnosis to determine nursing needs
community? and problems
a. Integration c. The service are based on the
b. Community organization available resources within the
c. Community study community
d. Core group formation d. Priority setting is based on the magnitude
6. In which step are plans formulated for of the health problems identified
solving community problems? 13. Population- focused nursing practice
a. Mobilization requires which of the following processes?
b. Community organization a. Community organizing .
c. Follow-up/extension b. Nursing, process
d. Core group formation c. Community diagnosis
7. The public health nurse takes an active role in d. Epidemiologic process
community participation. What is the primary goal 14. "Public health services are given free of
of community organizing? charge". Is this statement true or false?
a. To educate the people regarding a. The statement is true; it is the
community health problems responsibility of government to provide
b. To mobilize the people to resolve haste services
community health problems b. The statement is false; people pay indirectly
c. To maximize the community’s resources for public health services (through the tax
in dealing with health problems of community people)
d. To maximize the community’s resources c. The statement may be true or false;
in dealing with health problems depending on the Specific service
d. The statement may be true or false;
depending on policies of the
government concerned.
15. Which of the following is the most for sputum examination for AFB (Acid Fast Bacillus)?
prominent feature of public health nursing? a. Hematemesis
a. It involves providing home care to sick b. Fever for 1 week
people who are not confined in the hospital
b. Services are provided free of charge to
people within the catchment area
c. The public health nurse functions as part of a
team providing a public health nursing
d. Public health nursing focuses on
preventive, not curative services (PHN
focused more on health teaching to
promote preventive measures)
16. Which of the following is a function
of epidemiology?
a. Identifying the disease condition based
on manifestations presented by a client
b. Determining factors that contributed to
the occurrence of pneumonia in a 3 year
c. Determining the efficacy of the antibiotic
used in the treatment of the 3 year old
client with pneumonia
d. Evaluating the effectiveness of the
implementation of the Integrated
Management of Childhood Illness
17. Which of the following is an
epidemiologic function of the nurse during an
a. Conducting assessment of suspected cases
to detect the communicable diseases
b. Monitoring the condition of the cases
affected by the communicable disease
c. Participating in the investigation to
determine the source of epidemic
d. Teaching the community on
preventive measures against the
18. Which immunization produces a permanent scar?
a. DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus)
b. BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin) (given
during birth)
c. Measles vaccination
d. Hepatitis B vaccination (given during birth)
19. What is the best course of action when there is
a measles epidemic in a nearby municipality?
a. Give measles vaccine to babies aged 6 to 3
months (usually 9 months is the age of
prescription but when an epidemic occurs 6
to 8 months can be administered)
b. Give babies aged 6 to 11 months one dose
of 100,000 IU of Retinol
c. Instruct mother to keep their babies at home
to prevent disease transmission
d. Instruct mothers to feed their babies
adequately to enhance their babies
20. A mother brought her 10 month old infant for
consultation because of fever which started 4 days
prior to consultation. To determine malaria risk,
what will you do?
a. Do a tourniquet test
b. Ask where the family resides (Palawan,
sultan kudarat, davao etc. are place that has
endemic malaria cases)
c. Get a specimen for blood smear
d. Ask if the fever is present everyday
21. Which of the following signs indicates the need
c. Cough for 3 weeks (suspected PTB 2 wks c. individual as client.
or more fever for 1 month , hemoptysis d. partnership.
and others)
d. Chest pain for 1 week
22. Which clients are considered targets for DOTS
(Directly Observed Treatment Short-course)
a. Sputum negative cavitary cases
b. Clients returning after default
c. Relapses and failures of previous
PTB treatment regimens
d. Clients diagnosed for the first time through
a positive sputum exam
23. To improve compliance to treatment, what
innovation is being implemented in DOTS
(Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course)?
a. Having the health worker follow up the
client at home
b. Having the health worker or a
responsible family member monitor
drug intake
c. Having the patient come to the health
center every month to get his medications
d. Having a target list to check on whether
the patient has collected his monthly
supply of drugs
24. A 32 year old client came for consultation at the
health center with the chief complaint of fever for a
week. Accompanying symptoms were muscle pains
and body malaise. A week after the start of fever,
the client noted yellowish discoloration of his
sclera. History showed that he waded in flood
waters about 2 weeks before the onset of
symptoms. Based on this history/ which disease
condition will you suspect?
a. Hepatitis A
b. Hepatitis B
c. Tetanus
d. Leptospirosis
25. Which is the BEST control measure for
AIDS? a. Being faithful to a single sexual
b. Using a condom during each sexual contact
c. Avoiding sexual contact with commercial
sex workers
d. Making sure that one's sexual partner
does not have signs of AIDS
26. A nurse in a health care clinic is preparing to
conduct a nutritional session with a group of
culturally diverse pregnant women. At the first
session the nurse will be meeting with each client
individually. The nurse prepares a list of items to
be included in the session and lists which item as
the first priority?
a. Review the MyPyramid food guide.
b. Weigh each client and ask the client to
document the weight on a progress
c. Discuss the costs of food items.
d. Identify the food preferences and methods
of food preparation for each client.
27. A nurse in community health contacts three
individuals who have had sexual encounters with an
individual recently diagnosed with syphilis. The
concept basic to community-oriented nursing
practice that is best described by this intervention is:
a. community.
b. community as client.
28. The nurse in community health uses information 34. The PHN bag is an important tool in providing
about family structure, household composition, nursing care during a home visit. The most
marriage, divorce, birth, death, adoption, and other important principle of bag technique states that it
family life events to forecast and predict stresses a. Should save time and effort.
and developmental changes experienced by families b. Should minimize if not totally prevent
and identify possible solutions to family challenges. the spread of infection.
This best describes the study of: c. Should not overshadow concern for
a. family demographics. the patient and his family.
b. family functions. d. May be done in a variety of ways
c. family health. depending on the home situation, etc.
d. family resilience. 35, The public health nurse conducts a study on the
29. When applying the nursing process to factors contributing to the high mortality rate due to
environmental health, the community health heart disease in the municipality where she works.
nurse would: Which branch of epidemiology does the nurse
a. conduct a focused assessment on practice in this situation?
the presenting problem. a. Descriptive
b. coordinate interventions with the b. Analytical
physician only. c. Therapeutic
c. examine criteria that include only the d. Evaluation
client's immediate response. 36. Estimate the number of pregnant women who
d. include outcome measures that mitigate will be given tetanus toxoid during an immunization
and eliminate the environmental factors. outreach activity in a barangay with a population of
30. A nurse in community health is conducting an about 1,500.
assessment on a family of four. During the course of a. 265
the assessment, the nurse collects information about b. 300
previous generations of the family and siblings. The c. 375
results are used to create a diagram for the family d. 400
that displays the family unit across generations. BONUS Answer (1500x3.5%) =52.5
Further discussions occur regarding the patterns of 37. To describe the sex composition of the
health and illness that relate to biological health population, which demographic tool may be
risks. The diagram is called: used?
a. an ecomap. a. Sex ratio
b. a family plan. b. Sex proportion
c. a genogram. c. Population pyramid
d. a risk plot. d. Any of these may be used.
31. A nurse in community health who teaches a 39. You are computing the crude death rate of your
client with asthma to recognize and avoid exposure municipality, with a total population of about
to asthma triggers and assists the family in 18,000, for last year.
implementing specific protection strategies such as There were 94 deaths. Among those who died, 20
removing carpets and avoiding pets is intervening at died because of diseases of the heart and 32
the level of: were aged 50
a. assessment. years or older. What is the crude death
b. primary prevention. rate? a. 4.2/1,000
c. secondary prevention. b. 5.2/1,000
d. tertiary prevention. c. 6.3/1,000
32. The Martinez couple have a 6-year old child d. 7.3/1,000
entering school for the first time. The Martinez 40. Civil registries are important sources of data.
family has a: Which law requires registration of births within
a. Health threat 30 days from the occurrence of the birth?
b. Health deficit a. P.D. 651
c. Foreseeable crisis b. Act 3573
d. Stress point c. R.A. 3753
33. Which of the following is an advantage of a d. R.A. 3375
home visit? 41. Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
a. It allows the nurse to provide nursing care (IMCI) is promulgated by the UNICEF together
to a greater number of people. with DOH in order to properly treat common
b. It provides an opportunity to do first hand childhood diseases usually in the
appraisal of the home situation. a. Hospital
c. It allows sharing of experiences among b. Community
people with similar health problems. c. Clinic
d. It develops the family’s initiative in d. School
providing for health needs of its members.
42. A 2-year old boy was brought by his mother to 49. A mother brought her child to the health center
the health center for a regular yearly check-up. As a and you observed that the child has stiff neck and
nurse in the health center you are going to observe is having convulsions. They are living in a malaria
first for the general danger signs. All but one is the endemic area. You are going to classify this as?
danger sign. a. Malaria
a. Lethargic or unconscious b. Very severe febrile disease
b. The child has had c. No malaria
convulsions c. There is d. Measles
bulging fontanel 50. If the child is under the pink category of
d. The child vomits everything he eats malaria which antimalarial would be best for the
43. If the child presents with no symptoms of the child for initial treatment?
general danger signs the next thing to do is assess a. Quinine
for b. Sulfadoxine
a. fever. c. Primaquine
b. cough or difficulty of breathing. d. Artemeter-Lumefantrine
c. anemia or malnutrition.
d. ear infection.
44. When observing the 2-year old child for signs of
pneumonia you documented that the child is having
45 breaths/min, there is chest indrawing and
You are going to classify this as
a. cough or colds.
b. pneumonia.
c. no pneumonia.
d. severe pneumonia or very severe disease.
45. This is one way of diagnosing dengue
hemorrhagic fever wherein you are going to use a
sphygmomanometer on the arm of the patient and
count the number of rashes upon its inflation. This
is known as
a. Rumpel Leede’s test
b. ELISA test
c. Blood smear
d. BP test
46. When assessing the child who is having diarrhea
you observed that the child is restless, has sunken
eyes, and is thirsty and drinking eagerly while the
skin pinch goes back slowly. You are going to classify
this as
a. Some dehydration
b. Severe dehydration
c. Moderate dehydration
d. No dehydration
47. If you are going to check for the skin pinch of
the child or the skin turgor, where is the best area to
check for this?
a. Forearm
b. Thigh
c. Cheek
d. Abdomen
48. When asking the mother for the history of the
child’s diarrhea the mother tells you that her
child defecates with
blood in the stool. You will suspect for what type
of infection?
a. Typhoid fever
b. Dysentery
c. Cholera
d. Acute gastroenteritis

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