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I INTRODUCTION A. Research Background The internet is an important new technology now days and it is no surprise that it has received so much attention for many peoples. For example: it used extensively by children and teenagers, especially for the students. Almost every student is familiar with the internet. In other word, Internet has become world window for the students. Students use the web to find information about their study, to do their assignments, projects and also online discussion. Besides that, when the students searching and using web information, it can greatly enrich students learning processes. Therefore, Internet sources are really helpful for the students in the learning process. For many students, beside it is useful for their learning, internet sources will also make them in trouble. Commonly when students searching the information from the internet, they just enjoy without think deeply weather the information that they search is reliable or not. Sometimes, they dont realize they will be a plagiarism and get the wrong sources which it is unwanted sources. Although, students acquire a great many web skills, they still cannot classify which one is reliable. For example: when students get many sources from the web without examine carefully, they will get unwanted results. In this case, employing an intelligent search strategy when searching the sources in a search engine will helpful, because it can help the students to avoid a thousand of unwanted results. Concerning with the problem faced by the students in searching the sources, the writer need to do investigating the students strategies in using internet sources. In this case, internet searching skills is needed to make the students carefully in choosing the sources

weather it is reliable or no. Without Internet searching skills, for instance, include the ability to define appropriate key words and locate relevant information, they will be easily get unwanted results. In other words, Internet searching skills involve information, skills and strategies necessary to conduct effective information. Therefore, the main goal of this research is the writer want to investigate the students strategies in searching the sources. Through this research, the writer will know what are the strategies used by the students in searching the sources. Then, hopefully the findings could help the students when using the internet sources, they will find the reliable one and it can avoid unwanted results. B. Research Problem Based on the background precede, the writer restricted the problem as follow: 1. What are the strategies? 2. How do students use search engine? C. Research purpose Referring to the problem above, the purpose of this research is the writer want to investigate deeply to the students strategies in using internet sources. It will done by analyze and investigate deeply about what are the students strategies in searching the internet sources and how do the students use search enginee. So,the finding will help the students when use internet sources, they can use it in the right way.

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