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“Topic” has become an integral part of a rising debate in the present world. While proponents of
the argument are in favor, the opponents are completely against the relevance of the topic. In my
opinion, the topic keyword has/have more positive impacts than negatives around the globe.

To commence with, there are a number of arguments in favor of my belief. The most prominent one
is that (argument 1). According to a study conducted by Western Sydney University, seventy percent
of people agree that topic keyword is/are vital for societal growth and prosperity. Secondly,
argument 2. According to a study conducted by the University of Oxford, sixty percent of people
benefit from the mentioned notion.

On the other hand, critics may point out that one of the most significant disadvantages of topic
keywords is that (disadvantage). For instance, a survey conducted in the USA reveals that eighty
percent of US citizens believe that topic keyword has no utility in today’s fast-changing world.

To conclude, even when there are numerous demerits associated with (topic), the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages, and (topic) has/have become a crucial part of our lives. Therefore,
the efficient use of (topic) should be promoted; however, its misuse should be condemned.

“Topic” has become an integral part of a rising debate in the present world. While proponents of
the argument are in favor, the opponents are completely against the relevance of the topic. In my
opinion, (essay topic) has/have more positive impacts than negatives around the globe.

To commence with, there are a number of arguments in favor of my belief. The most prominent one is
that (argument 1). According to a study conducted by Western Sydney University, validation of
argument 1. Secondly, argument 2. According to a study conducted by the University of Oxford,
validation of argument 2.

On the other hand, critics may point out that one of the most significant disadvantages of (essay
topic) is that (disadvantage). For instance, a survey conducted in the USA reveals that (example).

To conclude, even when there are numerous demerits associated with (topic), the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages, and (topic) has/have become a crucial part of our lives.
Therefore, efficient use of (topic) should be promoted; however, its misuse should be condemned.
SWT: (Apeuni)
Sentence 1, and sentence 2, which means that sentence 3, so that sentence 4; sentence 5

Retell Lecture: (LA)

(………) was the main topic of the lecture. He told about 1,2, and 3. He told about 4,5, and 6. He
told about
7,8, and 9. He told about 10,11, and 12. He told about 13, 14, and 15. He told about 16, 17, and 18.
To conclude, the lecture was very informative.

Describe Image: (LA)

The given image gives us information about the_(Percentage of population in urban areas)_. It is
a very beautiful image and I have to speak for 40 seconds about this image. There are different
elements in the image which are 1,2, and 3. I can also see 4,5, and 6. I can also see, 7,8, and 9.
One of the elements is maximum while the other is minimum. To conclude, the image is very

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