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When super typhoon Odette struck the Municipality of Ubay last December
2021, I was designated by our Local Chief Executive as the Deputy Social Welfare
Officer. The town was severely hit by Odette and we were overwhelmed by the
sheer number of evacuees coming to the temporary shelters we set up. Among the
23,000 plus families that were affected by the calamity, 11,000 plus lost their homes
which were totally damaged. One logistic issue that we encountered in the LGU
was the difficulty on delivering the much-needed relief goods to the forty-four (44)
barangays of Ubay. Aside from the roads that are not passable yet, all the
communications were down at that time. Our municipal mayor called us for an
emergency meeting, and we were asked how to resolve the issue. I then suggested
to the mayor that in order for him to orchestrate all the tasks for the relief operations,
there is a need establish the communication. The MDRRMO was instructed right
away to set up again the radio communications using a repeater since the first radio
equipment was destroyed by the typhoon. Another challenge we encountered was
the distribution of the relief good to all the households. Since all the roads need to
be cleared a few days after the typhoon, the relief goods cannot be delivered at that
time. To resolve this, we asked the kapitans of the barangays to expedite and ask the
residents to help in the clearing operations. And while we waited for the clearing
operations to be completed, we advised that all the barangays that all the relief goods
will be stored at the Integrated Public Bus Terminal. They were also advised to
establish a forward base in their respective barangays where all the relief goods will
be dropped and to proceed to the storage area (Bus Terminal) to get the relief goods
intended for them and commence with the distribution.

The municipal mayor also issued an executive order declaring our town under
the state of calamity. We also coordinated with the national government agencies
such as DSWD, NDRRM, and AFP Airforce to augment the relief goods because it
might not enough for the 23,000 families that were affected. Emergency
procurement was also done to ensure that there will be sufficient food and water
during the recovery period of our town.

At present, the situation is already manageable and power is gradually being


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