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Text 1 (49 marks) Read Text 1 and answer questions 1 – 22.

1. Which of the following is the study mainly about?

A. Internet Addiction
B. Teenage Problems
C. Smartphone Addiction
D. Gaming Addiction

2. How many researchers conducted the study about gaming addiction?


3. Complete the following table about this study. (4 marks)

Name of the leader in
the research team:
Target: b)

Number of subjects: c)

Length of the study: d)

4. What is the meaning of ‘susceptible’ in line 7?

A. likely to benefit
B. likely to be unaffected
C. likely to be affected in a negative way
D. likely to cause something bad to happen

5. In paragraph 2, find three phrases used to refer to the students who participated in the
study. (DO NOT include ‘students’ as an answer.) (3 marks)






6. Read paragraph 2 and decide whether the following statements are True, False, or
the information is Not Given. Blacken ONE circle only for each statement.

(5 marks)

i) People from three countries conducted this study. 🞅 🞅 🞅
ii) All the students who participated in the study are from Singapore. 🞅 🞅 🞅
iii) The study measured seven aspects of the students’ lives. 🞅 🞅 🞅
iv) Dr Gentile is an associate professor of psychology. 🞅 🞅 🞅
v) Not all of the students in the study owned gaming consoles. 🞅 🞅 🞅

7. According to paragraph 3, how did the research team define ‘pathological behavior’?



8. Find words or phrases from paragraph 3 that are similar in meanings as the following: (3
i) unmanageable _____________________________
ii) at first _____________________________
iii) displayed _____________________________

9. Should gaming addiction be considered a local or global issue? Give one reason from
the text to support your answer. (2 marks)
10. Based on paragraphs 2-4, number the following events in chronological order. Write
1-4 on the lines provided.
The research team makes initial measurements to classify the participants.
The research team discovers that some of the participants are no longer addicts.
The research team finds students to take part in the study. __________
The research team expands the list of gaming addicts to include new names.

11. Find words or phrases from paragraph 5 that are OPPOSITE in meanings as the
following: (3 marks)

i) lowered _____________________________
ii) thoughtful _____________________________
iii) suddenly _____________________________

12. According to the study, what were the three factors that could raise the risk of
children becoming pathological gamers? (3 marks)
i) _______________________________________________________________

ii) _______________________________________________________________

iii) ________________________________________________________________

13. According to paragraph 6, what negative effect do the game addicts have in their
14. In paragraph 6, what is the term the writer used to refer to the problems of children
who are ‘extremely self-conscious, with a great fear of embarrassing themselves in front
of their classmates’ (lines 75-77)?

15. What does ‘They’ refer to in line 74?

16. According to paragraph 7, how does the research team think gaming addiction
should be classified?
A. only as a cause of other conditions
B. only as a disease, not as a cause of other conditions
C. as a result of various conditions, such as depression and anxiety
D. as both a condition and a cause of other conditions

17. According to the study, which of the following is NOT the result of gaming

A. suffering from a greater fear of embarrassing himself/herself in front of others

B. dropping out from school
C. contributing less in schoolwork
D. depression

18. What is the text type of this text?

A. report
B. review
C. magazine editorial
D. blog entry

19. What is the style of this text?

A. formal
B. informal
C. poetic
D. literary

20. What is Dr Angeline Khoo’s tone in paragraph 8? Give one example from the text
to support your answer. (2 marks)

21. What do you think is the best way to help a child with pathological gaming habits?
Why? (2 marks)


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