Introduction Lab1

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Stress: Stress refers to the internal resistance experienced by a material when subjected to
external forces or loads. It is a fundamental concept in the study of how materials respond to
applied forces and how they deform under different conditions.

Stress is typically represented by the Greek letter sigma (σ) and is defined as the force per
unit area. Mathematically, stress (σ) is calculated as:
σ =F /A
σ = Stress (in Pascals, Pa, or psi)
F = Force applied to the material (in Newtons, N or pounds, lb.)
A = Cross-sectional area of the material perpendicular to the applied force
Stress can be either compressive or tensile, depending on the type of forces applied to the

Strain: Strain refers to the measure of deformation experienced by a material in response

to applied stress. It represents the relative change in shape or size of a material due to the
application of external forces.
ε = ΔL / L₀
ε = Strain (dimensionless)
ΔL = Change in length or dimension of the material
L₀ = Original length or dimension of the material

Young’s Modulus: Young's Modulus, also known as the modulus of elasticity or

the elastic modulus, is a material property that quantifies how stiff or stretchable a material is
under tensile or compressive forces.

Young's Modulus is defined as the ratio of the stress (σ) applied to a material to the resulting
strain (ε) it undergoes within the elastic deformation range. The elastic deformation range is
the region in which the material can return to its original shape once the applied forces are
Mathematically, Young's Modulus (E) is expressed as:
where: E = Young's Modulus
σ = Stress applied to the material
ε = Strain experienced by the material

Hook’s Law: Hooke’s law states that the strain of the material is proportional to the
applied stress within the elastic limit of that material.
Mathematically, Hooke’s law is expressed as:
F = –kx
In the equation, F is the force, x is the extension in length, k is the constant of proportionality
known as the spring constant in N/m.

Properties Of Mild Steel:

Name Mild Steel

Phase at STP solid

Density 7850 kg/m3

Ultimate Tensile Strength 400-550 MPa

Yield Strength 250 MPa

Young’s Modulus of Elasticity 200 GPa

Brinell Hardness 120 BHN

Melting Point 1450 °C

Thermal Conductivity 50 W/mK

Heat Capacity 510 J/g K

Price 0.5 $/kg

What is lab?
Ans: The term "lab" is an abbreviation for "laboratory." A laboratory is a controlled
environment or a facility equipped with specialized equipment and instruments where
scientific experiments, research, and investigations are conducted. Labs are commonly found
in academic institutions, research centers, industrial settings, and various scientific

Which rods are available in Bangladesh?

Ans: There are many different types of rods available in Bangladesh, but the most
common are:
• Mild Steel Rods (MS)
• High Tensile Steel Rods (HTS)
• Reinforcing Steel Rods (Rebars)
• Wire Rods.
Here are some of the top rod brands in Bangladesh:
• BSRM Steel
• RSRM Steel
• Rahim Steel
• Karnafully Steel
• Sagar Steel
• GPH Ispat
• Abul Khair Steel
• City Steel
• Bashundhara Steel
• BSI Steel
• Mukti Steel
• Apex Steel
• Prime Steel
• Swadhin Steel.
We can check the BSTI certification mark. All mild steel rods in Bangladesh must be certified
by the BSTI. The certification mark will be stamped on the rod.
Stress-Strain Diagram With Details For Timber:
Stress-Strain Diagram With Details For Concrete:
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• Font: Use a standard font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, in a size of 12

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• Line spacing: Use double line spacing throughout the report.
• Headings: Use clear and concise headings to organize your report.

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