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Business emails and business letters are both written communication used in the business
context, but there are some differences between them. Business emails are usually shorter and
more informal than business letters. Emails are also typically more conversational and are often
used for quick communication. On the other hand, business letters are more formal and are
usually sent via traditional mail. They are used for more serious or official communication, such
as legal agreements, contracts, or formal proposals.


To: All Staff in HR Department From: Head of HR Subject: Mandatory CPR Training

Dear all,

I would like to remind you that the mandatory CPR training will be held on Friday at 3pm in the training
room. The training is a requirement for all staff in the HR department and it is important for us to have
the necessary skills to handle any emergency situations.

Please make sure to attend the training on time and bring a notebook and pen. If you have any
questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards


Head of HR

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