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Study each passage and choose the best answers to the questions that follow!

Text for question number 1-8

The figures of wayang golek can be divided into five main character types: refined,
semi-refined, strong, emotionally uncontrolled, and special. A character type is indicated
through the facial features and shape of the body. Puppet movement and voice are also
determined by this typology.
The refined characters have white faces, bowed heads, and small and downcast
eyes. They move in slow, gliding motion and speak in low, melodious voices. Heroes and
heroines are usually in this type; Rama and Arjuna. Semi-refined characters have white or
pink faces, slightly more upright heads, and small eyes that look straight forward. They move
in quick but measured steps and speak in high-pitched voices. Shikhandi and Krishna are in
10 this character. Strong characters usually have faces of deep pink, blue, or other dark colors,
and large, bulging eyes. Their voices are deep and gravelly. These characters are the worker
bees of the wayang world. Ghatotkacha in the Mahabharata and Hanuman in the Ramayana
are in this character. Red or dark-colored faces, protruding eyes, and open mouths with
14 visible fangs belong to emotionally uncontrolled characters. These characters are the
antagonists. Duhshasana in the Mahabharata is an example of this type. Special characters -
those that do not fall into the other categories. Their voices and characteristics must be
learned individually. There are perhaps fifteen characters in this category; many of them are
jesters. For example: Semar and his sons.

Adapted from

1. The topic of this passage could best be described as

a. Puppet movement and voice
b. A special character of wayang golek
c. Wayang Golek character types
d. The refined characters
2. How many types of wayang golek characters are presented in the passage?
a. 6
b. 5
c. 7
d. 4
3. According to the passage, how are the voices of the strong characters described?
a. Deep pink, blue, or other dark colors.
b. Melodious voices
c. Deep and gravelly
d. Open mouths with visible fangs

4. The word “usually” in line 7 is closest in meaning to

a. Slightly
b. Generally
c. Gravelly
d. Useful
5. Which of the following does present about semi-refined characters?
a. They move in quick and speak in low
b. They have small eyes that look straight forward
c. They have small and downcast eyes
d. They have white or deep pink faces
6. Which of the following is NOT true about emotionally uncontrolled characters?
a. The antagonists
b. Open mouths with visible fangs
c. White or pink faces
d. Duhshasana in the Mahabharata is an example of this type
7. The pronoun “They” in line 8 refers to
a. Semi-refined characters
b. Small eyes
c. Shikhandi and Krishna
d. Measured steps
8. The antonym of the word “small” in line 5 is
a. Extra
b. Big
c. Huge
d. Full-size

Text for question number 9-16

Beef Rendang
Beef Rendang is a much-celebrated dish of Indonesian origin. This traditional delicacy is
made by simmering and slow-cooking beef for hours in coconut milk and rich spices until it
has soaked in all the flavours and the liquid has evaporated.

1kg beef cubes

(Part A)
15g (gram) dried chili, soaked in hot water for 10 mins and de-seeded 5 candlenuts
3 lemongrass, white part only
150g (gram) shallots
15g (gram) garlic
15g (gram) blue ginger
10g (gram) ginger
(Part B)
25g (gram) turmeric leaves (3 pieces), sliced finely
2 stalks of kaffir lime leaves, tear the leaf
2 lemongrass (white part only, pounded to flatten and torn finely)
1 small piece tamarind peel
1½ cup water or adjust accordingly
1½ cup coconut milk or adjust accordingly
50g (gram) toasted coconut
5 tsp (tea spoon) cooking oil
50g (gram) palm sugar adjust to preference
2tsp (tea spoon) salt or add to taste

1. Blend ingredients (Part A) till smooth paste.
2. Heat oil in a wok, add blended paste (A) and fry till fragrant.
3. Add in beef cubes, (Part B) and water, stir to mix well.
4. Add in 1tsp salt and simmer on low heat, stirring from time to time. Add some water
if mixture becomes dry. Continue to cook for about 2 hours or until beef is tender.
5. Then add in toasted coconut and coconut milk, cook until gravy thickens.
6. Season with balance of salt and palm sugar and adjust to your preference. Stir fry till
almost dry.
7. Dish and serve your Beef Rendang!

Adapted from

9. Which statement is TRUE about the instruction?

a. Blend ingredients (Part B) till smooth paste
b. After heating oil in a wok and adding blended paste (A), then sauté till
c. Heat water in a wok, add blended paste (A) and sauté till fragrant
d. Add some water if mixture becomes wet
10. What is the main ingredient of the Beef Rendang?
a. Cooking oil
b. Salt and palm sugar
c. Cubes of Beef
d. Beef bones
11. “……until it has soaked in all the flavours……” (2nd line)
What is the antonym of the underlined word?
a. Shocked
b. Dried
c. Flooded
d. Divided
12. What is the Generic Structure of the text?
a. Goal – Equipment – Steps
b. Goal – Materials – Resolution
c. Goal – Materials – Steps
d. Goal – Ingredients – Resolution
13. What is the meaning of “fry” (instruction no. 2)?
a. Masaklah !
b. Panaskanlah !

c. Diamkanlah !
d. Gorenglah !
14. What is the social function of the text?
a. To inform the readers about Beef Rendang
b. To retell about Beef Rendang
c. To describe about Beef Rendang
d. To describe about how to make Beef Rendang
15. The language feature of this text is. . .
a. Present Tense
b. Past Tense
c. Imperative
d. Figurative
16. “Add in beef cubes, (Part B) and water, stir to mix well.” (instruction no. 3)
The underlined word has the closest meaning to. . .
a. Store
b. Step
c. Swirl
d. Swear

Text for question number 17-24

Indonesian culture is similar to that of its neighbours, in that it reveres the Moon. In
the island of Bali, much of its folklore is centered on the Indonesian moon goddess legend.
The goddess Ratih’s story is legendary, and has become an important element of Asian
According to Indonesian folklore, Ratih is the Balinese Goddess of the Moon. The
5 Balinese have a myth about lunar eclipses featuring Ratih. They say that a demon named
Kala Rau had stolen a large portion of the Elixir of Immortality, called TirthaAmertha. When
this act of wrongdoing came to Ratih’s attention, she informed the great Lord Wisnu, who
threw a magic discus at the demon, and cut his head off with it. However, since Kala Rau had
already had a part of the Elixir, his head became immortal while the rest of his body died
10 In an attempt to exact revenge, Kala Rau chased Ratih across the sky, and managed to
catch her several times. This belief was held in Balinese hearts for a long time. Even to this
day, many narrate the story of how Kala Rau occasionally catches and swallows Ratih,
causing a lunar eclipse, but because he is just a disembodied head, he cannot hold on to her
for too long.
To this day, during a lunar eclipse, the faithful believers of this legend in Indonesia
pound the lesung (a utensil used to powder spices), which symbolises Kala Rau’s body. The

tradition goes that the demon feels pain when the people pound the lesung. The minute they
stop pounding, and he escapes, the lunar eclipse ends.

Adapted from “”

17. The topic of this passage could best be described as?

a. Neigbour hood culture
b. Moon eclipses in Bali legend
c. The Indonesian moon goddess legend
d. Moon reverence culture
18. According to Balinese legend, why does the moon eclipse happen?
a. Lord Wisnu threw magic discus
b. Tirta Amerta had been stolen by Kala Rau
c. Kala Rau chased Ratih across the sky
d. Kala Rau had already had a part of the Elixir
19. According to the passage, what do the goddess faithful believers do during the moon
a. They are just disembodied heads.
b. They throw a discus to a lesung
c. They hit a lesung continuously
d. They believe that the demon feels pain when the people pound the lesung
20. The word “reveres” in line 1 is closest in meaning to ….
a. Admires
b. Respects
c. Loves
d. Be connected
21. Which of the following does present about Ratih?
a. She is the strongest god in Balinese belief
b. She has thrown Kala Rau with a discus
c. She symbolises a lesung
d. She keeps TirtaAmerta from the demon
22. Which of the following is NOT true about Kala Rau?
a. He lost his body
b. He is stronger than lord Wisnu
c. During lesung pounding, he escapes
d. He is able to hold on swallowing Ratih
23. The pronoun “he” in line 13 refers to
a. Kala Rau
b. Wisnu
c. Ratih
d. Balinese

24. The antonym of the word “catches” in line 12 is

a. Releases
b. Free

c. Freeze
d. Discharges

Text for question number 25-32

An opportunity to enhance his language skills during a two-week trip to Indonesia

was an exciting prospect for Patrick Gleeson. The Year 9 student is one of the top speakers of
Bahasa Indonesia at Glenwood High School, in addition to being an outstanding junior
athlete who has competed in international events.
Patrick was one of two NSW students to receive the Australia Indonesia Association
CommBank Scholarship for 2016. “I was over the moon when I found out I had been selected
for the scholarship, as only three were chosen from Australia,” Patrick said.“I have studied
5 the Indonesian language for four years and while it is challenging, I like it”.“I think you have
to have the right mindset to learn a language.”Patrick has been tutoring Year 6-8 students
with their Indonesian language lessons and also established and raised money for the school’s
first team for athletes with disability.
During his visit, which started last week, Patrick will be hosted by a local family, visit
10 schools and attend language workshops. “It will be a great experience for me, as I could
immerse myself in the Indonesian culture and feel what it is like to be a teenager in
Indonesia,” Patrick said.“I have been helped by some good people at the school, including
Cathy Baike, Annika Wood and Faye Nash, and I am grateful to them.”
Geoff Coates, chairman of the Commonwealth Bank in Indonesia, spoke to the three
students at a pre-departure briefing. A school spokeswoman said the Australia Indonesia
15 Association aimed to build friendship and understanding between the countries, and it was
intended that promising young people had a valuable, in-depth experience in Indonesia.

Adapted from

25. Which one of the following would be the best title for the passage?
a. The experiences of Glenwood student in Indonesia
b. NSW student received Commbank scholarship
c. Patrick’s life in Indonesia
d. Building cultural exchange between the countries
26. It is implied from the passage that Patrick will be hosted by a local family, visit
schools and attend language workshops. This means…..
a. Patrick will stay with his family
b. Patrick will live in a hotel for a language workshop
c. Patrick will stay with Indonesian family
d. Patrick will be Indonesian teenager.

27. How many Australian students were accepted in CommBank Scholarship in 2016?
a. 9
b. 8

c. 6
d. 3
28. The word “immerse” (line 13) can be replaced by……
a. Adapt
b. Adopt
c. Involve
d. Include
29. The passage indicates that Patrick studies……
a. Athletic
b. Mathematic
c. Language
d. Culture
30. Which of the following statement is not stated?
a. Cathy Baike is Patrick’s teacher
b. Patrick tutoring Australian student
c. Patrick was one of the Commbank scholarship awardee
d. Geoff Coates had given a briefing for the Australian student.
31. The word “it” in line 19 refers to?
a. Countries
b. Australia Indonesia association
c. Commonwealth scholarship
d. Geoff Coates
32. The antonym of word “outstanding” in line 3 is…..
a. Good
b. Bad
c. Worse
d. Better

Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence!

33. Faizal and Rahman ______ movie last night.

a. Watching
b. Are watching
c. Watched
d. Will watch
34. She usually _______ up at 4.15. AM. everyday
a. Gets
b. Got
c. Getting
d. Is getting

35. I don’t know why Ratih is not eating her breakfast. She ___________ be hungry.
a. Is not
b. Could not

c. Must not
d. May not

36. The topic ___________ Amerta talked last night was interesting
a. Who to
b. About which
c. To whom
d. That

Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct!

37. Students of Senior High School will take them Final Examination soon.
38. Benny was equally talented as both a jazz performer as well as classical musician.
39. The fastest you learn the chapter, the better you pass the exam
40. Honesty, tidiness, and diligence are the most important than cleverness.

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