The Urban Stream Syndrome Current Knowledge and TH

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The Urban Stream Syndrome: Current Knowledge and the Search

For A Cure

Article in Journal of the North American Benthological Society · September 2005

DOI: 10.1899/0887-3593(2005)024\[0706:TUSSCK\]2.0.CO;2


1,819 11,341

6 authors, including:

Christopher J Walsh Allison Roy

University of Melbourne United States Geological Survey


Peter Cottingham Peter M. Groffman

Peter Cottingham & Associates City University of New York - Advanced Science Research Center


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Thresholds of Climate Change in Ecosystems View project

Soil N dynamics in Northern Hardwood Forests View project

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J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc., 2005, 24(3):706–723
q 2005 by The North American Benthological Society

The urban stream syndrome: current knowledge and

the search for a cure
Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Water Studies Centre, and School of Biological
Sciences, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia

National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, US Environmental
Protection Agency, 26 West Martin Luther King Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 USA

Department of Biological Sciences, 331 Funchess Hall, Auburn University,
Auburn, Alabama 36849-5407 USA

Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, University of Canberra,
Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia

Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Box AB, Millbrook, New York 12545 USA


Appalachian Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, 301 Braddock Road,
Frostburg, Maryland 21532-2307 USA

Abstract. The term ‘‘urban stream syndrome’’ describes the consistently observed ecological degra-
dation of streams draining urban land. This paper reviews recent literature to describe symptoms of the
syndrome, explores mechanisms driving the syndrome, and identifies appropriate goals and methods for
ecological restoration of urban streams. Symptoms of the urban stream syndrome include a flashier hy-
drograph, elevated concentrations of nutrients and contaminants, altered channel morphology, and reduced
biotic richness, with increased dominance of tolerant species. More research is needed before generaliza-
tions can be made about urban effects on stream ecosystem processes, but reduced nutrient uptake has
been consistently reported. The mechanisms driving the syndrome are complex and interactive, but most
impacts can be ascribed to a few major large-scale sources, primarily urban stormwater runoff delivered
to streams by hydraulically efficient drainage systems. Other stressors, such as combined or sanitary sewer
overflows, wastewater treatment plant effluents, and legacy pollutants (long-lived pollutants from earlier
land uses) can obscure the effects of stormwater runoff. Most research on urban impacts to streams has
concentrated on correlations between instream ecological metrics and total catchment imperviousness.
Recent research shows that some of the variance in such relationships can be explained by the distance
between the stream reach and urban land, or by the hydraulic efficiency of stormwater drainage. The mech-
anisms behind such patterns require experimentation at the catchment scale to identify the best management
approaches to conservation and restoration of streams in urban catchments. Remediation of stormwater
impacts is most likely to be achieved through widespread application of innovative approaches to drainage
design. Because humans dominate urban ecosystems, research on urban stream ecology will require a
broadening of stream ecological research to integrate with social, behavioral, and economic research.
Key words: urbanization, streams, stormwater management, water quality, hydrology, ecosystem
processes, imperviousness, restoration, urban ecology.

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Increasing urbanization across landscapes of the human population (Booth 2005), suggesting
the world has led to increased research on ecol- that effective management of these streams will
ogy in urban settings in the last 1 to 2 decades. require a broader perspective than traditional
Urban ecological studies have investigated both stream ecology, one that includes social, eco-
impacts of urban development on native eco- nomic, and political dimensions. We present a
systems and the dynamics of urban environ- broad framework for the study of urban streams
ments themselves as ecosystems (Grimm et al. more akin to the concepts of urban ecology
2000). In both areas of research, streams of ur- (Grimm et al. 2000).
ban areas have an important part to play be- Our paper addresses the following questions:
cause their position in the landscape makes 1) Which of the reported symptoms of the urban
these ecosystems particularly vulnerable to im- stream syndrome show consistent patterns in
pacts associated with landcover change. Fur- urban areas, and which require more study
thermore, streams feature strongly in dynamics before generalizations about conditions or ef-
of urban ecosystems themselves as 1) habitats fects can be made?
for a potentially diverse and productive biota, 2) Which mechanisms drive the symptoms of
2) carriers of water and processors of the ma- the urban stream syndrome and what ap-
terials in that water, and 3) important social and proaches should be used to further our un-
cultural foci for the human inhabitants of their derstanding of these mechanisms?
catchments. 3) What are appropriate goals for ecological res-
Changes to stream ecosystems wrought by toration of streams in urban areas and what
urban land use have previously been reviewed actions are required to achieve these goals?
(Suren 2000, Paul and Meyer 2001, Center for
Watershed Protection 2003), but the new contri-
The Urban Stream Syndrome
butions in this series of J-NABS papers provide
an opportunity for a new synthesis and re-eval- Consistent symptoms of the urban stream
uation of the links between urban land use and syndrome include a flashier hydrograph, elevat-
stream ecological structure and function. The ed concentrations of nutrients and contami-
papers in this series, and other recent papers, nants, altered channel morphology and stability,
document the many ways in which streams and reduced biotic richness, with increased
draining urbanized catchments are ecologically dominance of tolerant species (Paul and Meyer
degraded: a consistent suite of effects termed 2001, Meyer et al. 2005). These ecological effects
the ‘‘urban stream syndrome’’ by Meyer et al. often are accompanied by other symptoms not
(2005). We summarize symptoms of this syn- observed in all urban areas, such as reduced
drome from papers in this issue and from other baseflow or increased suspended solids (Table
recent studies, primarily from the US and Aus- 1, Fig. 1, and see below). Symptoms that do
tralia. Our aim is to clarify which symptoms show consistent increases or decreases with ur-
show consistent trends across geographic re- ban land use may still vary between cities in the
gions and which require further study before degree to which they change and in the level of
conclusions and/or generalizations may be urbanization at which a change in the symptom
drawn. We also use papers from this series and is observed. Identifying factors that drive such
elsewhere to identify mechanisms that may differences between cities may help in the
drive the symptoms of the urban stream syn- search for strategies to alleviate the syndrome.
drome, with the aim of identifying the best
management actions to conserve streams in Physicochemical processes
less-urbanized yet vulnerable catchments, and
possibly to restore streams in existing urban Hydrologic change. Changes to hydrographs
catchments to an ecological condition more are perhaps the most obvious and consistent
closely resembling streams not affected by ur- changes to stream ecosystems influenced by ur-
ban land use. ban land use, with urban streams tending to be
A critical factor in restoration and conserva- more ‘‘flashy’’, i.e., they have more frequent,
tion of urban streams and their catchments is larger flow events with faster ascending and de-
708 C. J. WALSH ET AL. [Volume 24

TABLE 1. Symptoms generally associated with the urban stream syndrome. Consistent response are those
observed in multiple studies, whereas inconsistent responses are those that have been observed to increase (↑),
decrease (↓), and/or remain unchanged with increased urbanization. Limited research implies the need for
more studies before concluding whether responses are consistent or inconsistent.

Feature Consistent response Inconsistent response Limited research

Hydrology ↑ Frequency of overland flow Baseflow magnitude
↑ Frequency of erosive flow
↑ Magnitude of high flow
↓ Lag time to peak flow
↑ Rise and fall of storm hydro-
Water chemistry ↑ Nutrients (N, P) Suspended sediments
↑ Toxicants
↑ Temperature
Channel morphol- ↑ Channel width Sedimentation
ogy ↑ Pool depth
↑ Scour
↓ Channel complexity
Organic matter ↓ Retention Standing stock/inputs
Fishes ↓ Sensitive fishes Tolerant fishes
Fish abundance/biomass
Invertebrates ↑ Tolerant invertebrates Secondary production
↓ Sensitive invertebrates
Algae ↑ Eutrophic diatoms Algal biomass
↓ Oligotrophic diatoms
Ecosystem pro- ↓ Nutrient uptake Leaf breakdown Net ecosystem metabolism
cesses Nutrient retention
P:R ratio

scending limbs of the hydrograph. The primary ment (Booth et al. 2004) and with how much of
driver of these changes occurs from a combined the impervious area drains directly to streams
effect of increased areas of impervious surfaces through pipes rather than draining to the sur-
and more efficient transport of runoff from im- rounding pervious land (Walsh et al. 2005).
pervious surfaces by piped stormwater drain- Increased flashiness is a useful descriptor for
age systems (Dunne and Leopold 1978, Fig. 1). hydrologic effects of urban land use, but differ-
Total catchment imperviousness (TI) has com- ences exist in how scientists have measured this
monly been used as an indicator of this class of effect. Konrad and Booth (2002) proposed a hy-
hydrologic change, although the influence of TI drologic metric (TQmean) as a predictor of urban-
on stream hydrographs varies substantially related stream degradation (see also Booth
with permeability of pervious parts of the catch- 2005). This metric quantifies the proportion of

FIG. 1. Conceptual model of mechanisms of the major urban impacts on stream ecosystems. Impacts are
many and interactions are complex, but most changes are driven by stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces
delivered through pipes and sealed drains. Impacts of the loss of riparian forest (dark shading) are compara-
tively fewer and less severe than impacts of effective impervious areas. Landuse changes, such as forestland
conversion, construction of impervious surfaces, or leakage of reticulated water systems are hypothesized to
have little or no impact on receiving streams if they are buffered by pervious surfaces (light and dark shading).
Trends consistently observed in urban areas within boxes on the right half of the figure are indicated by vertical
arrows, whereas attributes showing different trends among urban areas are drawn without vertical arrows.
Arrows linking attributes indicate hypothesized causal relationships, and the direction of the effect is indicated
by 1 or –.
710 C. J. WALSH ET AL. [Volume 24

time mean discharge is exceeded, and also cap- Water chemistry change. Increased concentra-
tures the increased frequency of high flows tions and loads of several chemical pollutants in
identified by Roy et al. (2005) and Walsh et al. stream water appear universal in urban
(2005) to exert a strong ecological effect. In Fig. streams, often occurring even at low levels of
1, we describe this aspect of flashiness as the catchment urbanization (Hatt et al. 2004). Even
increased frequency of erosive flows large in regions where the ecological importance of
enough to cause hydraulic disturbance to biota stormwater-derived pollution is minor (Booth et
(Booth 2005, Roy et al. 2005), and that are also al. 2004), positive correlations have been ob-
likely to cause channel incision and bank ero- served between catchment urbanization and
sion (MacRae and Rowney 1992, and see below). concentrations of some streamwater pollutants
Walsh et al. (2005) identified the increased fre- (Horner et al. 1997). Urban catchments in the
quency of smaller, overland flow events as an- southwestern US, however, may show high var-
other aspect of flashiness to be of potentially iation in streamwater nutrient concentrations,
great ecological importance (Fig. 1). Rain events and may even exhibit transient nutrient limita-
of a few millimetres are unlikely to cause large tion (Grimm et al. 2005). Obviously, the prob-
hydraulic stress in streams, even if their catch- lems of urban-induced water-quality impair-
ments are highly impervious. However, such ment will be much greater in areas where sew-
frequent events may impair stream biotic as- age and industrial effluents are poorly managed
semblages by delivering chemical, and perhaps (e.g., Schoonover et al. 2005), although control-
thermal, effluents. The relative importance of ling such impairment without addressing
erosive flow events and smaller overland flow stormwater impacts is unlikely to ameliorate all
events to ecological change in urban streams re- water-quality problems (Hatt et al. 2004).
quires further research. Variation in water chemistry changes within
Increased peak flows during high-flow events and among urban areas with increasing urban
constitute another feature of the hydrograph land use can result from several causes: natural
consistently affected by urban land use. Until climatic or geological differences (e.g., urbani-
the recent past, typical stormwater management zation increased conductivity in streams of east-
has been to control runoff from a 1- to 2-y av- ern Melbourne, Australia, but diluted the more
erage recurrence interval storm event or larger, saline streams to the northwest of Melbourne,
so that peak flow rates do not exceed predevel- Walsh et al. 2001); from historical differences in
opment conditions (e.g., Victorian Stormwater land use that predate urbanization (Frost 1993,
Committee 1999, Roesner et al. 2001). However, Iwata et al. 2003); or from differences in the age
the ecological benefits of managing increased of urban land use (e.g., sediment loads may de-
peak flow of such large floods may be small (see cline in streams draining older urban areas, Fin-
‘‘Morphological change’’ section below and kenbine et al. 2000).
Fig. 1). The above causes of variation in water chem-
Urbanization does not affect instream base- istry trends are primarily associated with fea-
flows consistently among urban areas of the tures determining the supply of pollutants. Wa-
world (Konrad and Booth 2002, Nilsson et al. ter chemistry will also be influenced by vari-
2003, Roy et al. 2005). Reduced infiltration re- ability in the efficiency of catchment and in-
sulting from increased catchment impervious stream processes to retain nutrients. The
surfaces tends to reduce baseflows, although importance of managing urban catchments and
this effect may be counteracted by leakage of streams to maximize such processes is dis-
water supply or sewerage infrastructure, which cussed below.
may import water from outside the catchment Morphological change. The width and depth
(Fig. 1). Operation of impoundments also may of stream channels adjust in response to long-
influence baseflow (Roy et al. 2005). However, term changes in sediment supply and flow re-
where counteracting effects of catchment con- gime, unless the channels are subject to con-
ditions on baseflow discharges are minimal, re- straints such as unerosive bedrock (Dunne and
duced baseflow from urbanization usually com- Leopold 1978). Stormwater management poli-
pounds water chemistry problems, such as by cies designed to control the maximum flow
increasing diel variation in dissolved oxygen rates from large events (as discussed above)
and temperature (Fig. 1). were primarily targeted to reducing channel

erosion. However, frequent, smaller high-flow Bang 2000, Hatt et al. 2004) can promote in-
events in conventionally drained urban catch- creased algal biomass. However, such a stimu-
ments may be more important causes of channel latory effect on algal growth may be countered
incision and resultant ecological impacts than by increased flow disturbance (shear stress and
infrequent, larger events (MacRae and Rowney scouring), turbidity, or depth within incised ur-
1992, Fig. 1). Influence of more frequent, small banized channels, increased toxicity from con-
events likely also explains the common obser- taminated sediments (Paul and Meyer 2001), or
vation of disproportionate increases in channel even by direct, deliberate application of algi-
erosion with only minor increases in discharge cides into waterways (Grimm et al. 2005, Fig. 1).
(Neller 1989, Booth 1990). Because of this hy- Few studies have directly assessed the effect
drologic effect, or because direct engineering in- of urbanization on algal biomass. In urban
tervention often straightens channels or lines
streams of eastern Melbourne, Australia, Taylor
them with impermeable surfaces, reduction in
et al. (2004) demonstrated an increase in bio-
channel complexity, and thus instream habitat,
mass with increased urban density and drain-
appears an almost universal symptom of the ur-
ban stream syndrome. In turn, channel incision age connection. In that study, increased surface
and simplification, including reduction in hy- light resulting from widened channels was
porheic flow (Grimm et al. 2005) and hydrologic countered by increased light attenuation in the
isolation from riparian vegetation (Groffman et channels deepened by incision (Fig. 1). In-
al. 2003), often have important effects on several creased biomass was inferred to result from in-
instream ecological processes (Fig. 1). creased frequency of small storm flow events
Organic matter input and retention. Streams of with high P concentrations. In contrast, in
the Atlanta, Georgia, region with high catch- streams of western Georgia, USA, along an ur-
ment urbanization showed low organic matter banization gradient, high streamwater N and P
retention and high leaf breakdown rates (Paul in urban catchments did not consistently in-
1999, Meyer et al. 2005), primarily because of crease algal biomass, likely because of concom-
increased scour rather than from an alteration itant increases in flow disturbance and scour (B.
in biotic processes. However, low organic matter S. Helms and J. W. Feminella, Auburn Univer-
storage has not been reported in all urban sity, unpublished data). No urban-related in-
streams. For example, standing stocks of coarse crease in algal biomass was observed in a study
particulate organic matter (CPOM, primarily of Pennsylvanian streams (Hession et al. 2003a).
leaves) in an Australian urban stream were sig- Increased algal biomass as observed by Taylor
nificantly higher than in rural reference streams et al. (2004) is less likely to occur in regions
(Miller and Boulton 2005). Increased mass of in-
where, in the absence of urban impacts, streams
stream organic matter in this study apparently
are not nutrient-limited.
resulted from increased leaf fall from many de-
Compared with algal biomass, there are more
ciduous trees lining upland streets, which were
studies of the effects of urbanization on algal
connected to the channel by stormwater pipes.
In both Atlanta and Australia, shredder mac- community composition, although patterns ap-
roinvertebrates were less abundant in urban pear inconsistent across geographic regions.
streams than in rural streams (Paul 1999, Miller Munn et al. (2002) documented a shift from for-
and Boulton 2005). Therefore, although physical ested streams dominated by cyanobacteria to
processes may reduce organic matter retention diatom-dominated urban streams, whereas Tay-
in urban streams, this trend may be countered lor et al. (2004) noted a shift from diatom-dom-
by reduced biotic processing through loss of inated forested streams to urban streams with
shredding macroinvertebrates. Evaluation of or- greatly increased biomass of filamentous algae.
ganic matter levels in streams of urban catch- Changes in diatom composition from oligotro-
ments must consider changes to supply (both phic to eutrophic species have been commonly
from riparian and catchment sources) and re- reported (Chessman et al. 1999, Winter and Du-
tention processes (Fig. 1). thie 2000, Sonneman et al. 2001, Newall and
Walsh 2005). Such assemblage shifts have often
Biological composition been reported as showing no change in species
Algae. Increased nutrient concentrations in richness (Sonneman et al. 2001, Newall and
streams impacted by urbanization (e.g., Lee and Walsh 2005) or a eutrophication-associated in-
712 C. J. WALSH ET AL. [Volume 24

crease in species richness (Chessman et al. Coastal Plains physiographic region of Mary-
1999). land the observed shift from sensitive to toler-
Macroinvertebrates. Benthic macroinverte- ant fish species was not accompanied by a re-
brate assemblages are perhaps the most widely duction in species richness or abundance (Mor-
studied aspect of urban stream ecosystems (e.g., gan and Cushman 2005). Shifts in assemblage
Chessman and Williams 1999, Walsh et al. 2001, structure seem universal, but such shifts may
Morley and Karr 2002, Stepenuck et al. 2002, not always result in reduced species richness or
Roy et al. 2003, Wang and Kanehl 2003, Wang abundance. In fact, highly abundant populations
and Lyons 2003, Miltner et al. 2004, Walsh 2004, of tolerant species may be supported (Walters
and see Paul and Meyer 2001). In virtually all et al. 2003, but see Swift et al. 1986). As with
studies, sensitive species were absent or less macroinvertebrates, opportunities exist to better
abundant in streams draining urban areas. understand interregional patterns of fish assem-
Globally, streams in urban areas are character- blage response to urban land use, and the po-
ized by species-poor assemblages, consisting tential for recovery of fish assemblages in de-
mostly of disturbance-tolerant taxa. Assemblag- graded streams.
es of highly degraded streams within urban Less-studied biota. In their review, Paul and
catchments are numerically dominated by a few Meyer (2001) identified stream macrophytes as
species of oligochaetes (typically tubificids, lum- a group in which the response to urban land
briculids, and naidids) and chironomids. We use has been little studied; this deficiency re-
know of no studies where any other pattern has mains unchanged. The response to urbanization
been reported. of higher vertebrates relying on stream resourc-
Because macroinvertebrate assemblages have es is even less studied. In our series, influence
been so widely studied and show consistent of urban land use limiting distributions of the
community shifts with catchment urbanization, platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus, has been re-
this group of biota is arguably the most useful ported for the first time (Serena and Pettigrove
one for comparing interregional variation in re- 2005). The authors presented 3 hypotheses to
sponse to urban land use. Variation in the shape explain lower abundance of platypus in urban
and slope of relationships between macroinver- sites: reduced feeding efficiency from increased
tebrate and landuse variables across cities of algal growth in degraded streams, reduced
contrasting climatic, physiographic, and social abundance of preferred prey (generally sensitive
conditions is one area of potentially fruitful re- invertebrate taxa), or bioaccumulation of toxi-
search. Less-studied research areas concerning cants, which may reduce survivorship and/or
macroinvertebrate response to urban land use reproduction (Serena and Pettigrove 2005,
include secondary production, and the potential Fig. 1).
for recovery of macroinvertebrate assemblages
in highly degraded streams. Ecosystem processes
Fish. Most studies have found that stream
fish assemblages respond to catchment urbani- Nutrient processing. Nutrient uptake was re-
zation in a similar pattern to macroinverte- duced in more urbanized streams of both Geor-
brates: a loss or reduced abundance of sensitive gia (Meyer et al. 2005) and desert streams of
species, and a less diverse assemblage numeri- Arizona and New Mexico (Grimm et al. 2005).
cally dominated by disturbance-tolerant species In Atlanta streams, reduced uptake likely oc-
(e.g., Roth et al. 1996, Wang and Lyons 2003). curred because of reduced abundance of fine
Such a trend was observed in streams of Atlanta benthic organic matter, which decreased as
(Roy et al. 2005), and in streams of the eastern catchment urbanization increased (Meyer et al.
Piedmont physiographic region of Maryland 2005). In desert streams, reduced uptake rates
(Morgan and Cushman 2005). Similar results in urban streams were attributable to reduced
were reported in lower Piedmont streams of the channel complexity (hence reduced transient
southeast where fish health (as indicated by % zone storage), and possibly reduced primary
of fish with eroded fins, lesions, or tumors), and productivity, with the latter likely occurring
proportions of sensitive breeding guilds (% lith- from direct application of algicides into streams
ophilic spawners) decreased with increasing ur- (Grimm et al. 2005).
banization (Helms et al. 2005). However, in the Inwood et al. (2005) found higher sediment

denitrification rates in urban streams than in sent challenges for understanding the mecha-
forested streams, although sediment denitrifi- nisms by which urban impacts change ecologi-
cation in urban streams removed a smaller pro- cal structure and function (Booth et al. 2004).
portion of stream NO3-N load than was the case Urban-derived stressors not only interact with
in forested streams. Groffman et al. (2005) dem- each other, but stressors also may covary be-
onstrated that debris dams high in organic mat- cause many can originate from the same large-
ter in highly urbanized streams could act as hot scale source (Fig. 1). Based on the available cor-
spots (McClain et al. 2003) for denitrification. relational evidence, primarily of spatial patterns,
High denitrification rates were associated with impacts of urban land use on aquatic ecosys-
high NO3–N concentrations, suggesting an im- tems can be ascribed to a few major large-scale
portant feedback mechanism between instream sources. Symptoms of the urban stream syn-
processes and water chemistry. However, the drome that appear to occur consistently across
relative importance (and sustainability, Booth regions are predominantly driven by urban
2005) of such instream hot spots for denitrifi- stormwater runoff, which, in almost all urban
cation compared with those elsewhere in the areas of the world, has traditionally been man-
catchment (Grimm et al. 2005) remains unclear. aged for flood control by direct piped connec-
For example, it is logistically difficult to main- tion between impervious surfaces and streams
tain a high abundance of organic debris dams (Fig. 1). Therefore, it is likely that stormwater
in urban streams with flashy, high stormflows, impacts are the primary driver behind the of-
so this restoration measure may be prohibitive. ten-reported correlations between stream con-
Alternatively, dispersed stormwater control dition and catchment imperviousness.
structures, drainage ditches, and other human Other anthropogenic impacts that may or
structures that foster anaerobic conditions may may not be associated with urban land use may
function as denitrification hot spots in the catch- obscure the relationship between stream con-
ment (Groffman and Crawford 2003). dition and imperviousness. For instance, Miltner
Production and respiration. Only a handful of et al. (2004) found that effects of combined or
studies have reported on the degree to which
sanitary sewer overflows, wastewater treatment
stream metabolism varied with catchment ur-
plant effluents, and legacy pollutants occurred
banization (Paul 1999, Meyer et al. 2005). Nei-
independently of the urban density gradient in
ther gross primary production (GPP), commu-
Ohio streams. When sites affected by such allied
nity respiration (CR), nor net ecosystem metab-
stressors were included, associations between
olism were associated with urbanization in
biotic integrity and urban density were ob-
Piedmont streams draining Atlanta (Meyer et al.
scured (Miltner et al. 2004). Relationships be-
2005), and a similar result was reported from
tween ecological condition and catchment im-
headwater urban streams from the same region
perviousness also may vary between and within
(Gibson 2004). However, in a large river in sub-
urban Atlanta, regulation of water withdrawals regions because of differences in the permeabil-
and the proportion of discharge as wastewater ity of pervious parts of the catchment (Booth et
effluent appeared to control GPP and CR (Gib- al. 2004) or differences in management practices
son 2004). Further research is required to test if for land cover and drainage of impervious areas
a similar lack of trend is observed in streams (Walsh et al. 2005).
where algal biomass increases with increasing Some urban impacts may influence only a
urbanization (e.g., Taylor et al. 2004). In such subset of stream ecosystem attributes. Effects on
streams, there is evidence of a shift of the dom- baseflow will vary depending on the degree to
inant microbial pathways for C and nutrient which reticulated water supply or sewerage net-
processes from diverse sources to one dominat- works leak or spill into the stormwater drainage
ed more by algal C (Harbott and Grace 2005). system or enter the natural subsurface flow
pathways to streams (Fig. 1). Such leaks are un-
Mechanisms Driving likely to have any effect on other aspects of hy-
the Urban Stream Syndrome drology, and water supply leaks are unlikely to
have substantial impacts on water quality. If
Catchment sources of stress sewerage leaks reach streams through subsur-
The complexity of urban land use and the face flows, their impacts on streamwater quality
multitude of associated human activities pre- will largely be limited to pollutants that have
714 C. J. WALSH ET AL. [Volume 24

high mobility through soils, such as NO3–N to streams by the piped drainage network in-
(e.g., Hatt et al. 2004). Differences in the extent creases, the relative influence of the true ripar-
to which infrastructure leakage affects streams ian zone on stream condition decreases.
may be a function of infrastructure design and There is some evidence, however, that the spa-
age, as well as catchment physiography and cli- tial configuration of urban land use and its
mate. proximity to the stream channel has an influ-
Deforestation, particularly in the riparian ence on stream ecological condition. King et al.
zone, is often identified as an important driver (2005) demonstrated that urban land cover was
of urban impacts to streams (e.g., Stephens et al. a better predictor of macroinvertebrate compo-
2002, Booth 2005). Urban land use and riparian sition if it was inversely weighted by the dis-
degradation usually covary (e.g., Morley and tance from the sampling site (i.e., modelling a
Karr 2002, Burton et al. 2005, King et al. 2005), larger effect for closer urban land use than for
with lowland urban development often result- more distant urban land use). A diminution of
ing in restructuring or loss of riparian vegeta- effect with increasing distance could result from
tion. Because of this covariance, direct evidence an increased probability of good riparian con-
of the separate or relative importance of catch- dition in sites with more distant catchment ur-
ment urbanization compared with riparian land ban land use, allowing more urban runoff to be
use is limited. In a study of paired reaches with intercepted before reaching the stream. How-
and without riparian forest along an urban gra- ever, if the urban land use had conventional
dient in Pennsylvania, Hession et al. (2003a, b) stormwater drainage networks that bypassed
found that the presence of riparian forest af- terrestrial pathways, this diminution of effect
fected geomorphology, concentrations of bio- would more likely have resulted from instream
available nutrients, and algal biomass indepen- processes dampening impacts with distance
dently of urban effects. In contrast, assemblage travelled along the stream rather than from pro-
composition of diatoms, macroinvertebrates, tection afforded by riparian vegetation.
and fishes were associated with the urban den-
sity gradient, but were less strongly affected by Relationships between instream ecological metrics
the presence of riparian forest (Hession et al. and catchment metrics
Riparian forests certainly have important eco- Relationships between instream ecological
logical links to stream ecosystems through their condition and metrics of catchment land use
influence on water chemistry, organic matter in- such as TI have been interpreted in several ways
put, and shading (e.g., Pusey and Arthington (Fig. 2). The concept of a critical threshold of
2003). It is conceivable, therefore, that loss of ri- urban density beyond which the probability of
parian forest may severely limit the potential for degradation is greatly increased has been both
recovery of streams impacted by urban land use championed (Beach 2001, Center for Watershed
(Fig. 1). However, even in catchments with intact Protection 2003) and disputed (Booth et al.
riparian forests, channel incision and increases 2002). However, the possible shapes of relation-
in impervious surfaces and piped drainage can ships and the nature of such thresholds have not
interact to significantly lower riparian water ta- been clearly distinguished in this debate.
bles and, thus, potentially reduce the interaction Booth et al. (2002) argued that a monotonic
between the riparian zone and pollutants mov- relationship between TI and stream condition
ing in shallow groundwater flow from uplands was likely to be a more parsimonious represen-
(Groffman et al. 2002). tation than any other of the continuum of effects
In one sense, piped stormwater drainage sys- associated with increasing urban density, par-
tems, typical of urban centers worldwide, serve ticularly if the distribution was considered a fac-
to make large portions of urban catchments ef- tor-ceiling distribution (i.e., a linear upper
fectively riparian. In this context, rain, litter (leaf boundary of the distribution of data points;
and human-derived), and pollutants that drop Thomson et al. 1996, Booth et al. 2004). How-
on or adjacent to impervious surfaces connected ever, even with a monotonic decline with in-
to drains are likely to be delivered directly to creasing TI, a threshold of poor condition (i.e.,
streams (Fig. 1). Therefore, we hypothesize that streams reaching maximum degradation) at a
as the area of the catchment directly connected level of catchment TI ,100% is highly likely for

poor condition, a distribution resembling a

stepped threshold (relationship B in Fig. 2, see
also King et al. 2005). However, this relationship
became a linear decline to a threshold when ef-
fective imperviousness (EI) was used as the in-
dependent variable rather than TI (Walsh et al.
2005). Thus, the apparent threshold was a func-
tion of the proportion of impervious surfaces
connected to the stream by pipes. In Walsh et
al. (2005) and other studies, observed stepped-
threshold relationships may be a function of
how urban areas are developed, with wide-
spread piped drainage networks only being in-
stalled universally beyond a certain level of de-
velopment, rather than a relationship driven by
FIG. 2. Three models that have been applied to ecological processes.
stream biological condition in response to catchment Walsh et al. (2005) found that a ‘‘linear-to-
urbanization, often as a factor-ceiling distribution lower-threshold’’ model explained patterns of a
(Thomson et al. 1996), where most observations fall wide range of ecological metrics, although water
below the illustrated trendline. A.—A linear decline chemistry and algal-related metrics reached
with increasing urban density (e.g., Booth et al. 2004). maximum levels of degradation at lower EI than
B.—An upper threshold switching to a lower thresh- did macroinvertebrate metrics. The degree to
old (e.g., King et al. 2005). C.—A linear decline with
which these findings apply to other systems or
increasing urban density to a lower threshold (e.g.,
Walsh et al. 2005).
geographic regions is unknown, and a key re-
maining question is if such changes in stream
conditions, whether occurring linearly or as
most ecological metrics. Therefore, the mono- thresholds, are reversible. This knowledge is vi-
tonic decline model advanced by Booth et al. tal in understanding the potential for restoration
(2002, relationship A in Fig. 2) is conceptually of degraded streams because simple reversal of
compatible with the linear-to-lower-threshold conditions may not be possible once a threshold
models of Walsh et al. (2005, relationship C in is crossed.
Fig. 2).
A stepped threshold relationship, where good Instream stressors and their interactions
stream ecological condition occurs up to a par-
ticular level of TI (often cited as 10%, Beach The complex interactions of multiple urban-
2001) and beyond which degradation is highly related stressors and various components of
likely (relationship B in Fig. 2), is consistent stream ecosystems result from a relatively few
with observed distributions of ecological indi- interrelated impacts arising from the way urban
cators in some studies (e.g., King et al. 2005, areas are currently built and managed (Fig. 1).
Walsh et al. 2005). The shape of the relationship The complexity of interactions among stream
between an ecological metric and a source of ecosystem components and catchment-scale
environmental stress may depend on the sensi- processes underlines the argument of Booth
tivity of the response variable, the mode of ac- (2005) that manipulating individual instream el-
tion of a stressor (Allan 2004), or possibly the ements is unlikely to be self-sustaining unless
number and interactions of stressors. However, large-scale catchment processes are also ad-
rather than being a function of ecological inter- dressed. The importance of the catchment pro-
actions, stepped threshold relationships could cesses to the stream has long been recognized
vary as a function of how landuse variables are (Hynes 1975, Karr and Schlosser 1978), but often
measured, or the way urban areas have tradi- forgotten in the implementation of stream man-
tionally been built. For example, Walsh et al. agement.
(2005) reported streams of eastern Melbourne to A clearer understanding of the interrelation-
be in good condition up to 12% TI, whereas ships portrayed in Fig. 1 is critical to guiding
streams with higher TI were consistently in the actions required to reduce the impacts of
716 C. J. WALSH ET AL. [Volume 24

urban land use. For example, stormwater man- the world this potential is far from fully realized
agers tend to incorporate end-of-pipe hydrolog- because, historically, most urban development
ic management to address erosive flows (e.g., has involved transforming streams into drains
retention basins and treatment ponds and wet- or sewers. The primary goal for urban waterway
lands), but without understanding the mecha- management for most of the 20th century was
nism of the relationship between hydrologic al- the safeguarding of humans from floods and
teration and biotic impairment (e.g., frequency disease. Although such a goal must remain the
of pollutant delivery, high-flow stresses to biota) first priority, traditional approaches to water-
there is no guarantee that such management way management for public health and safety
strategies will work. The frequency of overland have been at the expense of other goals, such as
flow, hypothesized to be a critical stressor to public amenity and ecosystem health. New ap-
streams (Walsh et al. 2005), is unlikely to be ad- proaches to urban design and waterway man-
dressed adequately using end-of-pipe solutions, agement show great potential for achieving all
but would require dispersed, at-source ap- public safety and amenity goals, together with
proaches to treatment (Booth 2005, Walsh et al. goals of improved ecological condition in
2005). Adaptive management of urban devel- streams of many urban areas (e.g., Lloyd et al.
opments is one approach that could be used to 2002).
assess the relative importance of differing parts As the movement to restore urban streams
of the hydrograph. In correlational studies of grows, urban stream ecologists will be chal-
spatial patterns of land use, the use of partial lenged to identify the primary mechanisms of
Mantel tests in path analytical frameworks degradation, the best management actions to re-
(King et al. 2005) is also a potentially useful ap- verse those mechanisms, and attainable goals
proach to quantifying the importance of link- for restoration (Hobbs and Norton 1996, Booth
ages portrayed in conceptual models such as 2005, Palmer et al. 2005, Walsh et al. 2005). Fur-
Fig. 1. ther challenges involve engaging the human
Our understanding of stressor mechanisms communities of urban areas to achieve a shared
and their interactions is limited by a lack of ex- understanding of what is achievable and desir-
perimental (i.e., causal) evidence. The unravel- able to communities for their local streams. For
ling of the interactions between small-scale example, urban stream attributes with limited
stressors may ultimately prove experimentally ecological values, such as mowed grass riparian
intractable. The common catchment-scale sourc- zones or paved streamside paths, may have
es of many stressors suggest that more tractable amenity values for some urban communities
understanding—providing more applicable (e.g., Tunstall et al. 2000). Sometimes, value
management solutions—may lie in experimen- placed in such altered, unnatural environments
tal manipulation at the catchment scale (Walsh can be a product of people not missing what
et al. 2005). Such approaches are essential be- they never had (Rosenzweig 2003), and stream
cause almost all studies of the effects of catch- ecologists might play a role in educating com-
ment urbanization on stream ecology have been munities on how streams more closely resem-
correlational, substituting time effects (i.e., bling natural conditions might be more desir-
tracking temporal stream conditions as catch- able. However, for such education of urban com-
ments develop) with space effects (i.e., compar- munities to be effective, restoration actions and
ing contemporaneous stream conditions across attainable restoration goals must be appropri-
contrasting catchment urbanization). Further- ately balanced (Table 2).
more, correlational studies can be vulnerable to Streams in good condition in areas with mod-
problems of covariance between urban land use erate levels of catchment urbanization have been
and natural landscape features (Allan 2004). reported in many urban centers (e.g., Booth et
al. 2004, King et al. 2005, Walsh et al. 2005), sug-
The Search for a Cure: Priorities for gesting that protection of ecological structure
Restoration and Protection of Urban Streams and function is possible at this and lower levels
of urbanization. Two key factors are likely to be
Urban streams have the potential to provide causes of high variability in stream ecological
precious natural resources to humans who live condition with similar TI: 1) the distance be-
near them (Meyer et al. 2005). In many cities of tween the reach and urban land use (King et al.

TABLE 2. Five groups of goals for restoration in urban areas (columns) and 5 classes of management action
(rows) that could be taken, alone or in combination, to achieve restoration goals. Allied stressors include sanitary
sewer overflows or leaks and point source or long-lived pollutants from earlier land uses (e.g., Miltner et al.
2004). Dispersed stormwater treatment is assumed to be extensive enough to reduce frequency of runoff from
the catchment to near the pre-urban state (Walsh et al. 2005). The likelihood and magnitude of success are
indicated by symbols: S 5 some improvement likely but long-term sustainability unlikely, *? 5 improvement
likely in some cases, *, **, *** 5 likely improvement of increasing magnitude.

Improved ecological condition

Aesthetics/ Channel Enhanced N
Restoration measure amenity stability processing Riparian Instream
1. Riparian revegetation S S
2. Instream habitat en-
hancement S S S
3. End of pipe stormwater
treatment *? *
4. Eliminate allied stressors *? *?
5. Dispersed stormwater
treatment * **
314 *? *
514 *? * ** *
51412 * * *** **
5141211 * * *** * ***

2005), and 2) the hydraulic efficiency of storm- including the degree to which structures built
water drainage (Walsh et al. 2005). Research and for habitat enhancement are sustainable (Frissell
adaptive management is required to test if these and Nawa 1992, Booth 2005).
factors are truly causal agents. Well-designed The relative importance of terrestrial process-
experiments are required to assess 1) response es in the upland and riparian parts of the catch-
of stream structure and function to forestland ment compared to instream processes is a crit-
conversion to urban land use under different ical area of urban stream research, inextricably
drainage design and spatial arrangements, and linked to the way stormwater is managed. Tra-
2) if structure and function can be restored by ditionally, stormwater management has largely
drainage retrofits in existing urban areas (Walsh been aimed at preventing floods, trapping sed-
et al. 2005). iment, and reducing erosion potential of runoff.
In many cities, active programs exist for geo- Stormwater managers are increasingly aiming
morphic stream restoration to stabilize incising to minimize pollutant loads, particularly N,
streams and to protect nearstream property and which is commonly an important threat to
infrastructure (Brooks et al. 2002, Nilsson et al. downstream coastal water bodies (Vitousek et
2003). Such stream-based restoration measures al. 1997). The studies of nutrient uptake in our
are what Booth (2005) described as short-term, series (Grimm et al. 2005, Groffman et al. 2005,
local-scale enhancement. A growing literature Meyer et al. 2005) all suggest an important feed-
exists suggesting that such measures are un- back between streamwater nutrient inputs and
likely to result in composition of urban stream nutrient uptake by instream processes. A critical
invertebrate or fish assemblages becoming more question for urban water management, there-
similar to those in nonurban streams (Table 2, fore, is whether N loads can be more effectively
Walsh et al. 2005). However, the potential for managed by maximizing processes that increase
instream structures to act as hot spots for nu- N retention in the catchment, the stream, or
trient processes (Groffman et al. 2005) suggests both (Grimm et al. 2005, Groffman et al. 2005).
that some ecological benefit may be achieved by It is almost certain that reversal of the consis-
local-scale enhancement of stream habitat (Table tently observed symptoms of the urban stream
2). Effects of habitat-scale enhancement on eco- syndrome of a flashier hydrograph, elevated nu-
logical variables, such as organic matter reten- trients and contaminant concentrations, altered
tion and nutrient processing, need investigation, channel geomorphology and stability, and re-
718 C. J. WALSH ET AL. [Volume 24

FIG. 3. A conceptual model of stormwater management in relation to stream ecology and urban ecology
(after Grimm et al. 2000). EI 5 effective imperviousness, TI 5 total imperviousness, GPs 5 gross pollutants,
TSS 5 total suspended solids.

duced biotic richness and increased dominance stream restoration. Such catchment-scale reduc-
of tolerant species requires catchment-scale so- tions in stormwater drainage connection may
lutions. A primary requirement of reversing the create an ecosystem that is more self-sustaining
urban stream syndrome is the management of and resilient to perturbation, thus fulfilling im-
wastewater effluent and legacy pollutants. In portant criteria for ecological improvement of
many parts of the developing world, such streams (Palmer et al. 2005). Riparian revegeta-
stressors present significant barriers to achieve- tion and instream habitat enhancement also
ment of waterways that protect human health, may be necessary, although these more tradi-
let alone ecological health. In many cities of the tional restoration approaches are unlikely to be
developed world, these pollutants are now well sufficient by themselves in most urbanized
managed, although streams remain in poor eco- catchments (Table 2). In many urban areas, the
logical condition, primarily because of storm- prospect of restoration of waterways to more
water impacts. naturally functioning streams may be so remote
The extent to which stormwater impacts can that urban communities may need to rethink
be managed through innovative approaches to restoration objectives. In such cases, the task
drainage design remains to be tested. However, may become one of designing ecosystems to
we believe such approaches may offer the best maximize attainable ecosystem services (Grimm
opportunity for ecologically successful urban et al. 2005).

Stream ecology and urban ecology on potential loads of pollutants delivered to the
stormwater system. These attitudes are likely to
Human populations are one of the central de- be altered by changes in the condition of receiv-
fining elements of urban areas, and future in- ing waters resulting from the application of LID.
vestigations of urban stream ecology must con- Moreover, application of LID also reduces the
sider the interaction between social and ecolog- risks associated with human behaviors (e.g.,
ical variables (Pickett et al. 1997, Meyer et al. spills of pollutants onto impervious surfaces in
2005). The success of any attempt to improve the the catchment) by reducing the direct connec-
ecological condition of streams in urban areas tion between dispersed upland parts of the
will largely depend on human attitudes and be- catchment and the stream. Changes in public at-
haviors within the catchments, and there may titudes and amenity of the neighborhood and
be inherent conflicts between appreciation of ur- its waterways are likely to result in tangible eco-
ban streams and their protection (Booth 2005). nomic benefits, such as increased real estate val-
However, integrated social and ecological stud- ues, which in turn, if coupled with educational
ies may help to maximize social and ecological programs designed to increase public awareness
outcomes. We end the paper with an example about the social and ecological advantages, are
of a conceptual framework for an integrated un- likely to increase and reinforce acceptance of
derstanding of social and ecological elements of LID by management authorities (Fig. 3).
a developing suburb. Thus, the challenge for stream ecologists in
Low-impact urban design (LID) has been furthering our understanding of streams in ur-
identified as an approach with great potential ban areas is to not only better understand in-
to achieve ecological improvements in urban teractions between catchments and stream pro-
streams (Booth 2005, Walsh et al. 2005). How- cesses, but to integrate this work with social,
ever, this potential remains untested, because economic, and political drivers of the urban en-
LID has not yet been adopted widely or strate- vironment. The advancement of stream ecology
gically enough to assess its effects on receiving in urban areas and the conservation and resto-
streams. Many institutional and social impedi- ration of urban streams will require stream ecol-
ments to its widespread adoption remain in ogists to embrace the approaches of urban ecol-
many regions. Fig. 3 (after Grimm et al. 2000) ogy (e.g., Grimm et al. 2000) in its integration
places the adoption of LID into a conceptual of ecological, social, behavioural, and economic
framework for understanding urban ecological research.
systems. Treatment techniques used in LID are
primarily applied in the catchment, rather than
instream, and largely involve reduction of the Acknowledgements
hydraulic connection between urban impervious
This manuscript was improved by comments
surfaces and the receiving stream.
from Derek Booth, Nancy Grimm, Ernie Har-
Stormwater management tools (e.g., Cooper-
bott, Tony Ladson, Melody Serena, and Sam
ative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology
Stribling. AHR was an Oak Ridge Institute for
2003) use large-scale variables such as climate,
Science and Education postdoctoral fellow while
physiography, soil characteristics, and impervi-
working on this paper.
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