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Addrianne A.


“Stages of Morality”
Once there was a philosopher known for his study,
He is Lawrence Kohlberg; moral education is his specialty.
He formulated three levels of morality,
There, he divided it into six stages, each having its own story.

In Kohlberg's first stage, the child's moral view,

Is simple, and rewards and punishments are true.
They seek to avoid pain and gain delight,
Believing in doing good to make their world right.

In stage two, we find a new view,

A world where self-interest is our cue.
Individualism and exchange are the themes,
In this stage, life's more complex, it seems.

In stage three where our circle of concern grows,

Beyond just ourselves, our compassion flows.
The bonds we create, the connections we share,
Shape our moral development with love and care.

In Stage four we recognize the importance of the system in place,

Institutional rules, and a societal base.
Responsibility and duty guide our way,
In this stage of moral growth, we aim to obey.
Stage five, where Individual rights and societal norms in our sight,
We strive for justice and what's morally right.
We question the laws when they seem unfair,
In this stage of moral growth, we deeply care.

In the final stage, morality's pure,

Universal principles, a vision so sure.
But life's not a ladder, it's a winding road,
With choices to make, and values to uphold.

Kohlberg's theory, a guide through life's art,

A journey of ethics, a path to the heart.
For ethics and morals, they shape who we are,
In the story of life, they're our guiding star.

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