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Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits And Electronics

Course Outline
Course code: ITSE-1261
Credit Hours:
Course Title: Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits and Electronics

Prerequisites: not required


Instructor Dr.Mani Sarma Vittapu 0904388477.
Text Books: Course ContentsRecommended Textbook: Agarwal, Ananta,
and Jeffrey H. Lang.

Course outline
Chapter 1: Basic Concepts
System of Units
Charge and Current
Power and Energy
Circuit Elements.

Chapter 2: Basic Law’s

Ohm’s Law
Nodes, Branches and Loops
Kirchhoff’s Law
Series resistors and Voltage division
Parallel Resistors and Current Division
Wye-Delta Transformations
Delta to wye Conversion
Wye to Delta Conversion

Chapter 3: Methods of Analysis

Introduction Nodal Analysis&Mesh Analysis
Mesh Analysis with Current Sources
Nodal and Mesh Analysis by inspection
Nodal Vs Mesh Analysis and Circuit Analsysis with PSpice

Chapter 4: Circuit Theorems

Introduction Linearity Property
Super Position and Source Transformations
The venin’s theorem and Norton’s theorem
Derivation of Thevenion’s and Norton’s theorem
Maximum Power Transfer and Verifying Circuit theorem with PSpice.
Chapter 5: Capacitors and Inductors
Introduction to Capacitors
Series and Parallel Capacitors and Inductors:Series and Parallel Inductors.
: First Order Circuits
Introduction, The Source-Free RC circuit, The Source-Free RL circuit, Singularity
functions, Step response of an RC Circuit and RL Circuit and First Order of Amp Circuit,
Transient analysis with Spice.

Chapter6: Diode and Transistors Operation, Voltage-Current (V-I) Characteristics of a Diode, Diode
Models, Half-Wave Rectifiers, Full-Wave Rectifiers, Power Supply Filters and Regulators.

The Zener Diode,Zener Diode Applications, Types of Diodes. Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) Structure,
Basic BJT Operation,BJT Characteristics and Parameters, The BJT as an Amplifier, The BJT as a Switch,
The Phototransistor.

Chapter7: The DC Operating Point and Voltage-Divider Bias. The JFET, JFET Characteristics and
Parameters, JFET Biasing, The Ohmic Region, The MOSFET, MOSFET Characteristics and Parameters,
MOSFET Biasing. Both ideal and non-ideal properties of Operational Amplifier (OpAmp) will be introduced
together with the analysis techniques. Then the practical typical operational amp circuits applications and its
design will be given. Besides, experiments of above devices are provided to support the students to have a
thorough comprehension of the discussed topics.

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to be honest and to submit their own work on labs, exams
and assignments. Cheating during an exam results dismissal from the exam room;
as well as a strong penalty from the academic committee.

Lab : 20%
Attendance &Assignments : 10%
Mid Term : 30%
End Exam : 40%

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